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The goal of the course is to introduce the 5’S and what it can contribute to an organization.
This also as the foundation for quality assurance in our quest to provide quality education.
At the end of this course each participant will be able to:
a. Discuss the rational of applying each 5’S practice
b. Enumerate the benefits of 5’S.
c. Discuss how to implement 5’s.
Time Frame: 3 Hours

5S as a methodology has come out of the techniques within Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) and from the Toyota Production System (TPS). 5S is originally developed By HIROYUKI HIRANO
for manufacturing companies in Japan, the principles of 5S translate well to any work environment like
corporate or government office. 5S is a system, a culture much within a framework of Japanese
philosophy of change for the better. However, many of the individual components such as creating
ergonomic and efficient work places can be seen to owe their roots to people such as Taylor for his
work on “scientific management” and Frank Gilbreth’s “time and motion studies.”
Frank Gilbreth showed that by improving the ergonomics of a bricklayers working methods he
could reduce the number of individual movements required and increase the hourly output from 120
to 350 bricks laid each hour.

What is 5S
The 5S process, or simply “5S”, is a structured program to systematically achieve total
organization, cleanliness, and standardization in the workplace. A well-organized workplace results in
a safer, more efficient, and more productive operation. It boosts the morale of the workers, promoting
a sense of pride in their work and ownership of their responsibilities.
What is 5S 5S is a systematized approach to organized work areas, keep rules and standards and
maintain the discipline needed to do a good job.
One of the most powerful Lean Manufacturing Tools and a cornerstone of any successful
implementation is that of 5S, but what is 5S and its 5 Steps of Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke?
5S is a simple tool for organizing your workplace in a clean, efficient and safe manner to
enhance your productivity, visual management and to ensure the introduction of standardized
In addition to standardized working which provides you with a stable foundation to build all of
your other improvements through implementing Lean Tools, you also provide a highly visual
workplace. One of the most important factors of 5S is that it makes problems immediately obvious. 5S
is a team run process and should be conducted by the people who work within the area in which the
principles of 5S are being applied, it is not a tool that can be applied by an outsider onto an area without
the knowledge and cooperation of the people within it.

What is the importance of 5S Through 5’S it will have a good

QUALITY because it has less errors or prevent errors. The
productivity increases because the waste is identified and
eliminated. Safety will be sustained because it eliminates
hazards and prevent accident. The equipment will be reliable and
eliminate maintenance breakdowns
Meaning of 5’S
The 5S is
English Japanese
1s - Sort Out - Seiri
2s - Systematized / Set in Order - Seiton
3s - Sweep / Shine - Seiso
4s - Sanitize/ Standardize - Seiketsu
5s - Self-Discipline / Sustain - Shitsuke

1. Sort - All unneeded tools, parts and supplies are removed from the area
2. Set in Order - A place for everything and everything is in its place
3. Shine - The area is cleaned as the work is performed
4. Standardize - Cleaning and identification methods are consistently applied
5. Sustain - 5S is a habit and is continually improved
Also - Work areas are safe and free of hazardous or dangerous conditions

Definition of 1S SEIRI (SORT)

• Is an ACTION to identify and eliminate all unnecessary items from
the workplace.
• Is the first step in 5S, it refers to the sorting of the clutter from the
other items within the work area that are actually needed. This stage
requires the team to remove all items that clearly do not belong in
the working area and only leave those that are required for the
processes in question.
Sorting policies
• Eliminating obstacles to make work easy
• Eliminate the need to take care of unnecessary items
• Provide no chance of being disturbed with unnecessary items
• Prevent accumulation of unnecessary items

Apply stratification Management/Sorting and Evaluation Criteria SORTING CRITERIA

a. Things not used in the past years
b. Things used only once in the past
6- 12 months
c. Store at a distance
d. Dispose properly
a. Things used only once in the past
2-6 month
b. Things used more than once a
c. Store in a central place
a. Things used once a week
b. Things used every day
c. Things used every hour
d. Store near work site or carried by person
Sorting practices
• Apply stratification Management / Sorting and
evaluation criteria
• Use disposal tags or Red tags
• Designate storage area
• Define disposal procedure
• Prepare a Material List


• Is an ACTION to put every necessary item in good
• is the process of taking the required items that are
remaining after the removal of clutter and arranging
them in an efficient manner through the use of
ergonomic principles and ensuring that every item
“has a place and that everything is in its place.”
o SET IN ORDER Begin the next phase of 5S
only when the Sort phase is complete. The
set-in order phase will be useless if there is
unnecessary clutter in the workplace.
o Set in order is the process of putting
everything in an assigned place so that it can be accessed or retrieved and returned
on the same place quickly. Everything should have a home and it should be clearly
marked so that anyone could easily find its place.

Systematize practices
1. Store files for first-in-first-out retrieval.
2. Label files and their location systematically.
3. Separate tools from common ones.
4. Put frequently used files nearer.
5. “Only feet on the floor”
a. Avoid storing anything directly on the floor, which creates an impediment to cleaning
and one more thing to trip over.

Definition of 3S SEISO (SWEEP/SHINE)

• Is an ACTION to clean your work-place thoroughly.
• Is the thorough cleaning of the area, tools, machines and other equipment to ensure that
everything is returned to a “nearly new” status. This will ensure that any non-conformity
stands out; such as an oil leak from a machine onto a bright, newly painted clean floor.
Sweep policies
• Do not wait until things get dirty.
• Clean your workplace, including machines and
equipment, tools and furniture regularly so that they
do not have a chance to get dirty.
• Everyone should see the workplace through the eyes
of a visitor- always thinking if it is clean enough to
make a good impression.

Shine practices
• Consists of cleaning up the workplace and giving it a shine, must be done by everyone in the
office, everyone is a janitor where the janitor’s responsibility is to tackle the daily large scale
jobs, the detailed cleaning will be done by the employees. It must be a culture that is followed
by the CEO down to the apprentice from the operators to managers.
• The goal of shine is to keep everything in great working condition to ensure that it doesn’t
breakdown and it lasts for as long as possible.
• Check periodically computers and other office equipment, they need to be DEFRAGMENTED
AND DUSTED to keep them in prime running order.
• Assign 15 minutes before starting to work every day as shine time, cleaning and organizing
according to checklist and 15 minutes before going out of the office.


• Is a CONDITION where high standard of good housekeeping is maintained so that there is no
dust and rust anywhere.
• Is the process of ensuring that what we have done within the first three stages of 5S become
standardized; that is, we ensure that we have common standards and ways of working.
Standard work is one of the most important principles of Lean manufacturing.

Sanitize practices
• Encompasses both personal and environmental cleanliness personnel must practice seiketsu
starting with their personal tidiness.
• Develop a routine for sorting, setting in order and shining on a daily basis.
• We all have our own way of doing things. This kind of individuality is great in our personal lives
because it makes life much more interesting and fun but non-conformity can be unproductive
in the workplace.
• When we started to doing things in our own way, things will start to get missed and conditions
will slowly start to deteriorate.
• The standardize pillar of 5s process seeks to create a set of schedules and checklists that can
be easily followed so that each step is performed exactly the same way everyday. Each
employee knows what he needs to do, when he
needs to do it and exactly how to do it. There is no
room for uncertainty.

Sanitize practices
• Color coding
• Fool-proofing (poka-yoke)
• Responsibility labels
• Wire management
• Inspection marks
• Prevention of dusts, dirt, noise and vibration
• “I-can-do-it-blindfolded”
• One-point-lessons
• Visual controls signs.


• Is a CONDITION where all members practice the 4S’s spontaneously and willingly as a way of
life, -a culture.
• Ensuring that the company continue to continually improve using the previous stages of 5S,
maintain housekeeping, and conduct audits and so forth. 5S should become part of the culture
of the business and the responsibility of everyone in the organization.

• Denotes commitment to maintain orderliness and to practice 5S daily making it a way of life.
• The final pillar of the 5s system and its chief objective is to give the employee the commitment
and motivation to follow each step day in and day out.
• The emphasis of shitsuke is elimination of bad habits and constant practice of good ones.

Self-discipline practices
• “CLAYGO” Clean as you go
• Eat and smoke at designated
• Keep workplace always clean
and tidy
• Wear clean uniform and shoes
• Follow safety rules
• Put things back in their proper
place after use
• Work according to standards
• 30-second Rule
• “Only feet on the floor”
5s Summary Table
1. SORT (SEIRI) Take 1 A lot of 3 Unnecessary 5 Unnecessary things
out necessary unnecessary things items are not found at any
items & dispose. are at the disposed, but not time.
workplace right away.
2. SYSTEMATIZE/SET 1 Employee often 3 Necessary things 5 Necessary things are
IN ORDER (SEITON) spend time looking are arranged but always arranged in
Arrange necessary for necessary not in systematic order for quick use.
items in good order things order (not easy to
for use retrieve and use).
3. SHINE/ SWEEP 1 Workplace as well 3 Workplace and 5 Workplace and
(SEISO) Clean your as the machines machines are machines are
workplace are dirty and partially cleaned completely cleaned.
completely. untidy. Many (Center and Area is free of dust.
things are surface only)
scattered around
4. SANITIZE/STANDA 1 No attention is 3 Workplace is tidy 5 Dust and dirt are
RDIZE (SEIKETSU) given to keep but not completely shut out.
Maintain high workplace neat completely clean
standard of and tidy.
5. SELF-DISCIPLINE 1 No work discipline. 3 People follow 5 Prepares for work.
/SUSTAIN People do what rules. But just to Comes early to check
(SHITSUKE) Do they like. start work on machine condition.
things time, without Cleans work area
simultaneously enough before and after
without being told preparation for work.
or ordered the work

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