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CG001 – General Knowledge RUH

Can a P1 or P2 provisional driver legally instruct a learner driver?

- No.

- Yes, provided the provisional driver has held a P2 licence for more than 6 months.

- Yes, provided L and P1 or P2 plates are displayed.

CG002 – General Knowledge RUH

To progress to a P2 provisional licence, a P1 provisional driver must hold a P1 licence
for a minimum period of -

- 12 months.

- 18 months.

- 24 months.

CG006 - General Knowledge RUH

If one or two of your wheels run off the edge of the roadway, you should -

- Slow down gradually and ease back onto the road.

- Slow down quickly by braking hard.

- Increase your speed and drive back on the road.

CG007 - General Knowledge RUH

If there are no lanes marked on the road, you should drive -

- Near to the left-hand side of the road.

- Anywhere on your side of the road.

- Along the middle of the road.

CG010 - General Knowledge RUH

If you intend to turn left, are you required to give a signal?

- Yes, if turn signals are fitted to your vehicle.

- No, if turning left from a lane marked left turn only.

- No, if arrows are marked on the roadway.

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