19th. Organization Study Guide

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Organizations are structured groups of people who work together to achieve common goals.
Understanding the various types of organizations, their structures, and how they function is
essential for anyone who wants to work effectively within an organization, or who wants to start
their own business. This guide will provide a framework for understanding organizations and
how to study them.

Types of Organizations
There are various types of organizations, including for-profit organizations, non-profit
organizations, and government organizations. For-profit organizations are businesses that
operate with the primary goal of making a profit for their owners or shareholders. Non-profit
organizations are organizations that exist for a cause other than making a profit, such as
charitable organizations or trade unions. Government organizations are organizations operated
by the government and exist to carry out governmental functions.

Organizational Structures
Organizations can be structured in various ways. Two common organizational structures are
functional and divisional. In a functional structure, the organization is divided into departments
that specialize in different aspects of the business. For example, a company might have
departments for marketing, sales, and finance. In a divisional structure, the organization is
divided into smaller units called divisions, which may be similar to departments but with greater
autonomy and responsibility.

Organizational Cultures
Organizational cultures refer to the norms, values, and behaviors that are shared among
members of an organization. Culture can be both positive and negative, with positive cultures
promoting collaboration, creativity, and innovation, and negative cultures promoting
complacency, conformity, and dysfunction. Understanding an organization's culture is important
for anyone who wants to work effectively within the organization.

Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is the process of identifying an organization's goals and developing a plan to
achieve them. The strategic planning process typically involves six steps: setting goals,
conducting a needs assessment, developing strategies, creating an action plan, monitoring
progress, and revising goals as needed.

The study of organizations is a dynamic and complex subject that can be approached in many
ways. This guide provides an introduction to the different types of organizations, their structures,
and their cultures, as well as the importance of strategic planning. By understanding these
concepts, individuals can work more effectively within an organization or start their own

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