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Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

Technical Paper

Failure surface for shallow foundations in sand using a classical

bearing capacity
Hiroyoshi Hirai
Applied Geotechnical Institute, Inc., Oizumi, Hokuto, Yamanashi 409-1502, Japan

Received 21 April 2021; received in revised form 2 February 2022; accepted 10 February 2022
Available online 14 March 2022


Much effort has been made to elucidate the ultimate capacity of shallow foundations under the general cases of vertical (V), lateral
(H), and moment (M) loads in soils. The nature of the dependency of the ultimate capacity of shallow foundations on the combination of
V, H, and M loads, the ratio of embedment to diameter, and soil properties has has not yet been analytically revealed. In this paper, an
analytical investigation into failure effect of V, H, and M loads applied to shallow foundations in nonhomogeneous sand is made using a
classical bearing capacity theory. Of the bearing capacity equations proposed thus far, the most appropriate bearing capacity equation
which can predict experimental results of shallow foundations in sand is presented. A no-tension interface between a foundation base and
a soil and an effective diameter of the foundation are used to analyze the base failure produced by the vertical stress of the soil below the
foundation base when vertical and moment loads are applied. For shallow foundations with various embedment ratios in sand under the
two different loading ways, the displacement-load curves and failure envelopes in the H-M, H-V, and MV planes and in the H-MV
space are presented. For failure envelopes in the H-M plane under a constant vertical load for shallow foundations in sand, the results
obtained from experiments are well predicted by the present method.
Ó 2021 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (

Keywords: Bearing capacity; Combined loading; Failure surface; Sand; Shallow foundations

1. Introduction e.g., Yun and Bransby (2007), Achmus et al. (2013),

Hung and Kim (2014), Zhu et a. (2014), Shen et al.
According to International Geotechnical Classification (2016), and Hirai (2020).
(IGC) System, foundations are classified into shallow and In the currently practiced design of shallow foundations,
deep foundations. Both shallow and deep foundations are the interaction effect produced by vertical and lateral loads
used to enable many structures to transfer vertical and lat- is ignored. The deformation of shallow foundations under
eral loads to the ground safely. For shallow foundations combined loading is calculated separately, with the vertical
subjected to vertical, lateral, and moment loads simultane- displacement obtained from the vertical load and the lat-
ously, there is little literature available describing the influ- eral displacement and rotation caused by horizontal and
ence of the vertical load on the lateral behavior. The moment loads. For piles, the characteristics of behavior
interaction among vertical, lateral, and moment responses under inclined compressive loads consisting of vertical
of shallow foundations in soils has been elucidated through and lateral loads have been investigated by several
analytical and numerical methods as well as experiments; researchers. However, the literature available for this
research is limited due to the complexity involved in the
analysis of piles subjected to inclined compressive loads,
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
e.g., Meyerhof and Sastry (1985), Sastry and Meyerhof
E-mail address:
0038-0806/Ó 2021 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

(1990), Karthigeyan et al. (2006, 2007), Achmus and in nonhomogeneous sand is made using a classical bearing
Thieken (2010), and Hazzar et al. (2017). capacity theory. Among the bearing capacity equations
For the solution of bearing capacity of a strip footing on proposed to date, the most appropriate bearing capacity
clay to general cases of vertical, lateral, and moment load- equation capable of predicting experimental results of shal-
ing, it is known that no exact solution can be found, and low foundations in sand is investigated. The vertical load is
indeed no unique solution has been unproven. Further- specified in the following two different ways: (1) The verti-
more, an assumption that the contact between a founda- cal load is applied first and then lateral and moment loads
tion and a clay is unable to sustain tension complicates are applied. (2) The vertical, lateral, and moment loads are
the solution of problems for foundations under general applied simultaneously. A no-tension interface between a
loading. For the normality of the associated flow-rule foundation base and a soil and an effective diameter of
where the plastic potential is the same function as the yield the foundation are used to analyze the base failure pro-
surface, Houlsby and Puzrin (1999) reported that a no- duced by the vertical stress of the soil below the foundation
tension interface cannot be properly described by a plastic- base. For failure envelopes in the H-M plane under a con-
ity model with the normality, and neither the upper nor stant vertical load for shallow foundations in sand, the
lower-bound theorems are valid when a plasticity model results predicted by the present method are compared with
violates the normality. Thus, since a clay is often modeled those obtained from experiments. For shallow foundations
as a linear elastic-perfectly plastic material obeying the with various embedment ratios in sand under general load-
Tresca failure criterion with both the associated flow-rule ing, the displacement-load curves and failure envelopes in
and unlimited tensile strength, most of the numerical anal- the H-M, H-V, and MV planes and in the H-MV space
yses conducted by means of FEM (finite element method) are presented.
for shallow foundations in the clay do not adopt a no- The author referred to a shallow foundation investi-
tension interface between the base and the soil, e.g., gated now as a suction caisson presented before in Hirai
Taiebat and Carter (2000), Gourvenec (2008), and (2017b). Because a soil plug within a suction caisson is
Gourvenec and Barnett (2011). assumed to be a trapped soil, the ultimate vertical capacity
Conventional analytical closed-form solutions for the of the suction caisson under vertical compressive loads can
problem of the failure of a strip foundation on undrained be determined by summing up two components of the end-
clay subjected to combined vertical, lateral and moment bearing capacity on the base and the vertical yield resis-
loading were provided by Meyerhof (1953) and Hansen tance outside the skirt as well as the shallow foundation.
(1961), considering a no-tension interface between the foot- The determination of the ultimate lateral and moment
ing and the soil. Using a semi-analytical approach in FEM capacities under vertical compressive loads for the suction
and a no-tension element for a circular footing on cohesive caisson is the same as that for the shallow foundation.
soils, Taiebat and Carter (2010) reported that the failure Houlsby and Byrne (2005) addressed caisson foundations
surface obtained using a no-tension interface is consider- which have typical diameters and skirt depths adopted
ably different from that given by using unlimited tensile for various projects. Although a caisson foundation is used
strength. either as a shallow foundation or as a suction anchor, sep-
In contrast to clay, an analytical closed-form solution arate calculations are necessary to assess the capacity of the
for the problem of failure of a strip foundation on sand caisson once installed either as a shallow foundation or as a
subjected to combined vertical, lateral and moment loading suction anchor. The shallow foundation used in this paper
has not yet been proposed. This may be because the char- specifies a foundation whose depth is relatively small com-
acteristics of the behavior of sand are dependent on the pared to the diameter. The depth factor in a classical bear-
surrounding stress, e.g., the effective vertical overburden ing capacity presented by Meyerhof (1963) is suggested for
pressure and the in-situ earth pressure at rest. Using hard- depths less than the diameter of the foundation. Conse-
ening plasticity models where associated and non- quently, it is postulated in this study that analyses of a shal-
associated flow rules were adopted, Gottardi et al. (1999), low foundation known widely are the same as those of a
Houlsby and Cassidy (2002), Villalobos et al. (2009), suction caisson under vertical compressive loads. The use
Ibsen et al. (2014a, b), and Fiumana et al. (2019) investi- for the terminology for shallow foundations is found in
gated the yield surface and the plastic potential related to Ibsen et al. (2014a) and Govoni (2018).
the plastic displacements including rotation for shallow Since analytical procedures for shallow foundations sub-
foundations on sand. jected to vertical, lateral, and moment loads in soils have
The nature of the dependency of the ultimate capacity been investigated and published (Hirai, 2017b, 2020), only
and the deformation up to failure of shallow foundations new and modified equations are shown below. As with the
on the combination of the vertical, lateral, and moment hypothesis of a no-tension interface adopted by Houlsby
loads, the ratio of embedment to diameter, and soil prop- and Puzrin (1999), one of the important hypotheses in this
erties has yet to be analytically revealed. In this study, an study is that the contact between the base and the soil is
analytical investigation into interaction between vertical, assumed to be perfectly bonded in shear, but with no ten-
lateral, and moment loads applied to shallow foundations sile strength.

H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

2. Lateral and vertical displacements dation subjected to both lateral and vertical force (traction)
increments, DPH and DPV, along the skirt may be written,
A typical cylindrical shallow foundation is shown in respectively as follows:
Fig. 1(a). The foundation has diameter B, embedment D,
thickness of lid tL, and thickness of skirt tS. An external Du ¼ þ ð1Þ
load applied on the top of the foundation is a combination
of vertical, lateral, and moment loads denoted as V, H, and I VH DP H DP V
Dw ¼ þ ð2Þ
M, respectively. The soil profile consists of the n layers of I HH K H KV
nonhomogeneous soil that has the elastic moduli of
Young’s modulus ESm and Poisson’s ratio mSm in the mth where the lateral and vertical stiffness coefficients, KH
layer with length HSm. Particularly, mb denotes the mb-th and KV, along the skirt are expressed, respectively, as
layer below the foundation base. The rectangular Cartesian follows:
coordinate system (x, y, z) is such that the z-axis is normal K H ¼ ES =I HH ð3Þ
to the soil surface. The c is the depth coordinate of the
point where the vertical or lateral pressure, pV or pH, is K V ¼ pES =I VV ð4Þ
applied and the h is the depth coordinate of the point at where ES is Young’s modulus of the soil and the dis-
which the vertical or lateral displacement is calculated. placement factors IHV, IVV, IVH, and IHH are expressed as
Fig. 1(b) shows discretization in nonhomogeneous soil follows:
under vertical, lateral, and moment loads. Vm, Mm, and Z D Z p=2
Sm are vertical, moment, and shear forces, respectively, at I HV ¼ 2 I Rz sinwdw  dc ð5Þ
the top of the mth discretized element. The vertical and lat- 0 0
eral forces (tractions) along the mth discretized element are Z D Z p=2
denoted as PVm and PHm, respectively. I VV ¼ 2 I zz dw  dc ð6Þ
Hirai (2017a) presented three-dimensional displacement 0 0

solutions employing Mindlin’s solutions (1936) for a cylin- Z D Z p=4

drical pile subjected to vertical and lateral loads in nonho- I VH ¼ 2 I zx cosð2wÞdw  dc ð7Þ
0 0
mogeneous soil. According to Hirai’s solution, the lateral
and vertical displacement increments, Du and Dw, at a D p=4

depth of the soil which is adjacent to the cylindrical foun- I HH ¼ 2 I xx cosð2wÞdw  dc ð8Þ
0 0

where IRz, Izz, Izx, and Ixx are Mindlin’s solutions (1936)
defined as follows:
ð1 þ mÞR Z 1 ð3  4mÞZ 1 4ð1  mÞð1  2mÞ
I Rz ¼ f þ 
8pð1  mÞ D1 3 D2 3 D2 ðD2 þ z2 Þ
6chZ 2
þ g ð9Þ
D2 5
ð1 þ mÞ Z 1 2 ð3  4mÞ ð5  12m þ 8m2 Þ
I zz ¼ f þ þ
8pð1  mÞ D1 3 D1 D2
ð3  4mÞZ 2 2  2cZ 2 þ 2c2 6chZ 2 2
þ þ g ð10Þ
D2 3 D2 5
ð1 þ mÞX Z 1 ð3  4mÞZ 1 6chZ 2
I zx ¼ f 3þ 
8pð1  mÞ D1 D2 3 D2 5
4ð1  mÞð1  2mÞ
þ g ð11Þ
D2 ðD2 þ z2 Þ
ð1 þ mÞ ð3  4mÞ 1 X 2 ð3  4mÞX 2
I xx ¼ ½ þ þ 3þ
8pð1  mÞ D1 D2 D1 D2 3
2ch 3X 2 4ð1  mÞð1  2mÞ
þ ð1  Þþ f1
D2 3
D2 2
D2 þ z2
 g ð12Þ
D2 ðD2 þ z2 Þ
Fig. 1. (a) A shallow foundation and (b) discretization in nonhomoge- where
meous soil under vertical, lateral and moment loads.
H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

Z 1 ¼ h  c; Z 2 ¼ h þ c; R ¼ Bsinw; X ¼ Rsinw; D1 2 4. Base response for failure

¼ R þ Z 1 ; D2 ¼ R þ Z 2
2 2 2 2 2
All loads acting on a shallow foundation are transferred
where w is an angle shown in Fig. 1(b). to the base. The vertical (V), lateral (H), and moment (M)
When no allowance is made for interaction effect on dis- loads specified on the top of the shallow foundation are
placements due to vertical and lateral forces in Eqs. (1) and transferred to the vertical (Vmb), lateral (Smb), and moment
(2), the lateral and vertical displacement increments, DuH (Mmb) forces on the base, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1.
and DwV, which are produced by the lateral and vertical It is assumed that the failure mechanisms for the soil below
force increments, DPH and DPV, respectively, are repre- the base are categorized into the two types of compression
sented as follows: and shear failures produced by vertical stress and shear
force, respectively. The compression failure of the soil
DP H below the base is the state where the compressive vertical
DuH ¼ ð14Þ
KH stress rzc of the soil below the base reaches the ultimate
DP V base resistance of the vertical stress rzu. The shear failure
DwV ¼ ð15Þ of the soil below the base is the state in which the shear
force Smb of the soil below the base reaches the ultimate
For the vertical and lateral displacements responding to base resistance of the shear force Su.
the vertical and lateral forces along skirt produced by the For sand, the ultimate base resistance of vertical stress
vertical, lateral, and moment loads, the interaction rela- (bearing capacity) and that of shear force for a circular
tionship of the stiffness coefficients was shown in Eqs. (1) foundation were conventionally written as follows (e.g.
and (2). Since the horizontal displacement and the rotation Hansen, 1961):
of a shallow foundation can be represented by horizontal 0 0
rzu ¼ 0:5c Be N c sc d c ic þ rbz N q sq d q iq ð19Þ
and moment loads applied at the reference point on the
top of the foundation, this coupling stiffness was presented S u ¼ tanu  V mb ð20Þ
by Hirai (2020).
where cʹ is the soil buoyant unit weight; Be is an effective
diameter to be determined; Nc is a bearing capacity factor
3. Yield resistance along skirt and Nq = Kp exp(ptanu) is that presented by Reissner
(1924); sc and sq are shape factors; dc and dq are depth fac-
Considering the pile-soil shear strength presented by tors; ic and iq are inclination factors; rʹbz is the effective ver-
Poulos and Davis (1980), the vertical yield resistance PVy(z) tical stress in the soil at the level of the foundation base;
for a cylindrical foundation in sand under a vertical force is and Vʹmb is a vertical force below the foundation base com-
expressed as prising the weight of the foundation, that of the internal
P Vy ðzÞ ¼ pK S tandrz B
ð16Þ soil plug, and the live vertical force Vmb.
A circular base of a shallow foundation subjected to ver-
where KS is the coefficient of lateral pressure; d is the tical and moment loads, V and M, is shown in Fig. 2. A
interface friction angle between the soil and the skirt; and load system equivalent to the vertical and moment loads
rʹz is an effective vertical overburden pressure. applied is given by the vertical load with the eccentricity
Taking into account the equation proposed by Broms e = M/V. When the base of the foundation is subjected
(1964), the lateral yield resistance PHy(z) for a cylindrical to the vertical force V’mb and moment force Mmb, assuming
foundation in sand subjected to a lateral force may be rep- a no-tension interface between the base and the soil, the
resented as compressive uniform vertical stress rzc of a soil below the
base of the foundation is written as follows:
P Hy ðzÞ ¼ xK p rz B ð17Þ 0
V mb
where x is a factor; and Kp is the coefficient of the Rank- rzc ¼ ð21Þ
ine passive pressure defined as (1 + sinu)/(1  sinu) and u
is the angle of internal friction of sand. where Ae is an effective base area and xn defined as the
Regarding the reduced values Ky for vertical and lateral distance between the neutral axis and the edge of the base
stiffness coefficients in post-yield, it was found from exper- can be obtained from the following equation:
imental results of shallow foundations mentioned below sin2a sin3a
that it is reasonable to assume the modification factor 4 paþ e þ Bð  sinaÞ ¼ 0 ð22Þ
2 3
defined as Ky/K to be 0.001, where K is each stiffness in
pre-yield. Thus, the lateral and vertical stiffness coefficients, where a is defined as follows:
KHy and KVy, for the soil along the skirt in post-yield are cosa ¼ 2xn =B  1 ð23Þ
assumed in the following forms, respectively:
Therefore, the effective diameter shown in Eq. (19) can
K Hy ¼ 0:001K H ; K Vy ¼ 0:001K V ð18Þ be obtained from the effective base area as follows:
H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

1 þ ð1:5sinu þ 3tan3 uÞ BL
Baars (2014)

1 þ ð1:3tan2 u  0:5ÞðBLÞ eL=B for u > 30
Michalowski (1997), Zhu et al. (2005)

eð0:66þ5:11tanuÞ tanu
Fig. 2. Vertical and moment loads applied on a circular base, an

1 þ 1:9tan2 u BL
equivalent loading system, an effective base area, and an effective diameter.


Summary of a bearing capacity factor and shape, depth, and inclination factors for sand in the bearing capacity given by Eq. (19).
Be ¼ 2 Ae =p ð24Þ

k ¼ tan1 ðD=BÞ for D=B > 1
Table 1 shows the summary of a bearing capacity
factor and shape, depth, and inclination factors for

k ¼ D=B for D=B  1

sand in the bearing capacity given by Eq. (19) and the

1 þ 2tanuð1  sinuÞ2 k
following symbols are used: B = width of foundation,
D = depth of foundation, and L = length of founda-
2ðN q þ 1Þtanu

Vesic (1973)
tion. Comparing the characteristics of the bearing

H 1þB=L
ð1  HV Þ1þB=L
capacity equations proposed to date, it was found that 1 þ BL tanu

1  0:4 BL

the most appropriate bearing capacity equation capable

of predicting the experimental results of shallow foun-

dations in sand is composed of the following factors:

Nc is the bearing capacity factor given by

ð1  90h Þ h ¼ tan1 ðHV Þ

Michalowski (1997); sq and sc are the shape factors pre- B

1 þ 0:1 K p DB for
sented by Baars (2014) and by Meyerhof (1963), respec-
ðN q  1Þtanð1:4uÞ

1 þ 0:1 K P DB for
Meyerhof (1963)

tively; dq and dc are the depth factors proposed by


Meyerhof (1963); and iq and ic are the inclination fac-

1 þ 0:1K P BL

1 þ 0:1K P BL

tors proposed by Hansen (1961, 1970). Thus, the

ð1  uh Þ

numerical results shown below are obtained from the

combination of the factors mentioned above.
The vertical, lateral, and rocking stiffness coefficients
k ¼ tan1 ðD=BÞ for D=B > 1

KVB, KHB, and KRB of nonhomogeneous soil below a

foundation base were presented by Hirai (2017b).
k ¼ D=B for D=B  1

Regarding the reduced values Kf for each of vertical,

1 þ 2tanuð1  sinuÞ2 k
Hansen (1961, 1970)

lateral, and rocking stiffness coefficients in post-

1:5ðN q  1Þtanu

failure, it was found from experimental results of shal-

low foundations mentioned below that it is reasonable
1 þ BL sinu

to assume the modification factor defined as Kf/K to

1  0:4 BL

ð1  HV Þ
ð1  HV Þ

be 0.001, where K is each stiffness in pre-failure. There-

fore, the lateral, rocking, and vertical stiffness coeffi-

cients, KHBf, KRBf, and KVBf, for the soil below the
Bearing capacity Nc

base in post-failure are assumed, respectively, as

Inclination iq
Inclination ic
Depth dq

Depth dc

K HBf ¼ 0:001K HB ; K RBf ¼ 0:001K RB ; K VBf

Shape sq

Shape sc
Table 1


¼ 0:001K VB ð25Þ
H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

In this paper, the tensile capacity is not taken into ered under tensile loading. When a foundation with skirt in
account because the formulation of tensile capacity is dif- sand is subjected to vertical compressive loads after instal-
ferent from that of compressive capacity in that a sand lation, a sand within the skirt is assumed to be a trapped
within the skirt as well as a sand outside the skirt is consid- soil. In this case, the ultimate vertical capacity of the foun-

Fig. 3. Vertical displacement produced by vertical load for shallow foundations in sand.

Fig. 4. Lateral displacement produced by lateral and moment loads under a constant vertical load for a shallow foundation of D/B = 1.0 in sand.

H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

Fig. 5. Failure envelope in H-M plane for a shallow foundation of D/B = 1.0 under a constant vertical load in sand.

dation with skirt in sand can be determined by summing up tive vertical stress, the elastic property of the sand is
two components of the end-bearing capacity on the base assumed to be nonhomogeneous. The soil parameters for
and the vertical yield resistance outside the skirt as well a dense sand are specified as follows: the buoyant unit
as piles. For installation and pullout of a foundation with weight cʹ = 11.0 kN/m3; Poisson’s ratio ms = 0.25; the inter-
skirt in sand, since sands both inside and outside the skirt nal friction angle u = 42.5°; Young’s modulus of sand is
are considered, the ultimate vertical capacity of the founda- expressed by Es = jrat(rm /rat)k, where the oedometric
tion can be determined by summing up three components stiffness parameter j = 600, the oedometric stiffness param-
of the end-bearing capacity and the vertical yield resis- eter k = 0.55, rat = 100 kN/m2 is the atmospheric pressure
tances of each side of the skirt. as the reference stress, rm = (1 + 2 K0)rʹz/3 is the mean
principal stress and K0 = 1  sinu is the in-situ coefficient
5. Numerical results of earth pressure at rest; and the parameter KS tand shown
in Eq. (16) is assumed to be 1.0 (Poulos and Davis, 1980).
To certify the usefulness of the present method for shal- The form of Young’s modulus with the oedometric stiffness
low foundations, an example is investigated in the follow- parameters j and k shown above was presented by Achmus
ing. Ibsen et al. (2014a, b) presented the ultimate et al. (2013). The factor x in Eq. (17) for sand may be
capacities of cylindrical shallow foundations in a dense assumed to be equal to Kp and Kp2 which are presented
sand using experimental results and the hardening plastic- by Fleming et al. (1985) and Reese et al. (1974), respec-
ity model. The dimensions and parameters of the cylindri- tively. Therefore, it is assumed in this study that the factor
cal shallow foundation in the present prediction are x is taken to be an intermediate value of 1.43Kp between Kp
specified by referring to those employed in Ibsen et al. by Fleming et al. and Kp2 by Reese et al. The cylindrical
(2014a, b) as follows: the diameter and thicknesses of the shallow foundation is divided into 21 elements.
lid and skirt are B = 0.2 m and tL = tS = 0.003 m, respec- Taking into account the criteria of bearing capacities
tively; the Young’s moduli of the lid and skirt are indicated by Villalobos et al. (2009) and Hung and Kim
EL = E = 210 GPa; and the steel buoyant unit weight is (2014), it is assumed for a shallow foundation that (1)
cʹ = 68.0 kN/m3. Since the shear modulus of the sand pre- The vertical load causing the compression failure of the soil
sented by Ibsen et al. (2014a, b) is dependent on the effec- below the base is taken to be the ultimate vertical capacity,

H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

Fig. 6. Failure envelopes in H-M plane for shallow foundations of D/B = 0.0 and 0.25 under constant vertical loads in sand.

Fig. 7. Failure envelopes in H-M plane for shallow foundations of D/B = 0.5 and 0.75 under constant vertical loads in sand.
H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

Fig. 8. Failure envelopes in H-V plane for shallow foundations in sand.

and (2) The lateral and moment loads corresponding to the in the H-M plane. As mentioned above, the lateral and
point of the maximum curvature on a curve which repre- moment loads corresponding to the point of the maximum
sents the relationship between lateral displacement and curvature on a curve which represents the relationship
lateral-moment load are adopted as the ultimate lateral between lateral displacement and lateral-moment load are
and moment capacities, respectively. adopted as the ultimate lateral and moment capacities,
Fig. 3 shows the vertical displacement produced by ver- respectively. It is found that it is reasonable to determine
tical load for shallow foundations in sand. The vertical dis- the ultimate point by using the load–displacement curve.
placement w is calculated at the reference point with the Fig. 5 shows failure envelopes in the H-M plane for a
coordinates x = y = z = 0. In this study, a sand has been shallow foundation D/B = 1.0 in sand under a constant
assumed to be an elastic–plastic material. As mentioned vertical load V = 11.85 kN. The ultimate lateral and
above, the vertical load causing the compression failure moment capacities presented are obtained from the results
of the soil below the base is taken to be the ultimate vertical shown in Fig. 4. The maximum ultimate capacity combined
capacity. The ultimate vertical capacity increases under with ultimate lateral and moment capacities occurs in the
increased embedment ratio D/B. The ultimate vertical second and fourth quadrants in the H-M plane. Quantita-
capacity Vult is obtained as follows: Vult = 9.98, 17.7, tive agreement between the experimental results given by
26.3, 35.6, and 45.8 kN, according to D/B = 0.0, 0.25, Ibsen et al. (2014a, b) and the predicted results for the fail-
0.5, 0.75, and 1.0, respectively. ure envelope is observed in all quadrants on the H-M
Fig. 4 shows the lateral displacement produced by lateral plane. The failure surface in the H-M plane may be approx-
and moment loads under a constant vertical load V = 11.85 imately assumed to be an ellipse.
kN for a shallow foundation D/B = 1.0 in sand. The load Fig. 6 shows failure envelopes in the H-M plane for the
paths are represented using a gradient parameter M/(HB) two shallow foundations of D/B = 0.0 and 0.25 in sand

H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

Fig. 9. Failure envelopes in MV plane for shallow foundations in sand.

under constant vertical loads V = 3.12 and 5.25 kN, respec- simultaneously, e.g. from the point 0 to the point b. The
tively. The failure surface for D/B = 0.0 is almost symmet- failure surfaces obtained from the two different ways take
rical and is approximately assumed to be a rhombus. The the same form. For the vertical load V = 0, the ultimate lat-
failure surface for D/B = 0.25 is approximately assumed eral capacity Hult is obtained as follows: |Hult| = 0, 0.029,
to be an ellipse. Qualitative and quantitative agreement 0.112, 0.167, and 0.256 kN, according to D/B = 0.0, 0.25,
between the experimental results and the predicted results 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0, respectively. The failure envelopes are
is observed overall. symmetrical about the H = 0 plane and are comprised of
Fig. 7 shows failure envelopes for D/B = 0.5 and 0.75 two parabola-shaped curves when H is both positive and
under constant vertical loads V = 7.55 and 9.75 kN, respec- negative. When the embedment ratio D/B increases, the
tively. The characteristics of the ultimate capacity for the ultimate vertical and lateral capacities expand with the fail-
two embedment ratios are analogous to the results for D/ ure surface.
B = 1.0 shown in Fig. 5. Overall, a good agreement is Fig. 9 shows failure envelopes in the MV plane for
found between the experimental results and the predicted shallow foundations in sand. The vertical load is specified
results. in the following two different ways: (1) The vertical load
Fig. 8 shows failure envelopes in the H-V plane for shal- is applied first and then the moment load is applied, e.g.,
low foundations in sand. The vertical load is specified in first from the point 0 to the point a and then from the point
the following two different ways: (1) The vertical load is a to the point b; (2) The vertical and moment loads are
applied first and then the lateral load is applied, e.g., first applied simultaneously, e.g., from the point 0 to the point
from the point 0 to the point a and then from the point a b. The failure surfaces obtained from the two different ways
to the point b; (2) The vertical and lateral loads are applied take the same form. For the vertical load V = 0, the ulti-

H. Hirai Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101125

using a bearing capacity in the present method. The failure

surface obtained is represented as a 3-D curved surface
consisting of curves approximated by an ellipse in the H-
M plane and parabolas in H-V and MV planes.
The load–displacement response of a foundation has
been theoretically described mainly by two different meth-
ods, i.e., the strain hardening plasticity theory and the clas-
sical approach. The former needs yield surface, plastic
potential, and a failure surface which are to be assumed
first. However, the latter does not need these functions
and the failure surface can be determined last. A coupling
effect on ultimate capacities among vertical (V), lateral (H),
and moment (M) loads was represented by the failure sur-
face in the H-MV space shown in Fig. 10.

6. Conclusions

The present study analytically revealed the failure

response produced by vertical, lateral, and moment loads
of shallow foundations in sand as follows:

1) Of the bearing capacity equations proposed to date, it

was found that the most appropriate bearing capacity
equation which can predict experimental results of
shallow foundations in sand comprises the following
factors: Nc is the bearing capacity factor given by
Michalowski (1997); sq and sc are the shape factors
presented by Baars (2014) and by Meyerhof (1963),
respectively; dq and dc are the depth factors proposed
by Meyerhof (1963); and iq and ic are inclination fac-
tors proposed by Hansen (1961, 1970).
2) A no-tension interface between a foundation base
and a soil and an effective diameter of the foundation
Fig. 10. Failure envelope schematically illustrated in H-MV space for a were used to analyze the base failure produced by the
shallow foundation of D/B = 0.5 in sand. vertical stress of the soil below the foundation base
when vertical and moment loads are applied.
mate moment capacity Mult is obtained as follows: |Mult|/ 3) For failure envelopes in the H-M plane under a con-
B = 0, 0.021, 0.04, 0.078, and 0.144 kN, according to D/ stant vertical load for shallow foundations in sand,
B = 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0, respectively. The failure the results obtained from experiments were well pre-
envelopes are symmetrical about the M = 0 plane and com- dicted by the present method.
prises two parabola-shaped curves when M is both positive 4) For shallow foundations with various embedment
and negative. When the embedment ratio D/B increases, ratios in sand under general loading, the
the ultimate vertical and moment capacities expand with displacement-load curves and failure envelopes in
the failure surface. the H-M, H-V, and MV planes and in the H-
Fig. 10 shows a failure envelope schematically illustrated MV space were presented.
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