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Name :________________________ /20

Exam Identities and exchanges : How do Americans feel about guns

I. Translate these words in English: /8

Un fusil automatique : Automatic rifle Un chasseur : A hunter
Vérification des antécédents : Background check Un silencieux : A silencer/ A suppressor
Être blessé : To be wounded En deuil :Mourning/to mourn
Hors-la-loi : Outlaw Région sauvage: Wilderness

II. What does the NRA stand for? /4

National Rifle Association

What do you know about the NRA?
The NRA used to a training club for marksmanship, but it has become a powerful lobbying group.
The organization counts more than five million members, it raises a lot of money and spends it on political
campaigns to get the candidates it likes elected.
For the past 40 years, its goal has become to oppose gun legislation: they want guns to be as freely
available as possible.
III. Can you list the periods in American history when guns have proved to be necessary: /5
1.Colonization of America

2.War of Independence

3.Civil War

4.World War II

5.War against terrorism

IV. Translate in French this sentence from the lesson:

To drive their point home “March for our lives” have a cute little girl talk knowledgeably about how to survive
a massacre.

Pour faire passer leur message , « March for our lives », utilisent/se servent/font venir d’une petite
fille mignonne qui parle en connaissance de cause/savamment/de façon informée des façons/de
comment survivre à un massacre.

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