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Level : Primary 3
Subject : Science
Title : Term 2 Evaluation
Day/date : Thursday, 30th November 2017

Name: _______________ Score: ______/100 = _________

Section A
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. (20 marks)

1. Things around us are either ____________________________ or


2. Omnivores eat both __________________________and __________________________.

3. We can find plants in different ___________________________________.

4. We should know how to keep ________________________________ during

thunderstorms, floods, typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes.

5. Living things need ____________________________, _________________________and

______________________________to stay alive

6. There are many kinds of ____________________________________ around us.

7. Some plants grow in water. They are called ______________________________.

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8. The pattern of weather that occurs over a long period of time tells us

the ____________________________________.

9. Animals use different parts of their bodies to __________________________ in

different ways.

10. Some plants grow on land. They are called ___________________________.

Section B
Fill in the blanks with ‘ True ‘ or ‘ False ‘. (10 marks)

1. Living things need only food and air to stay alive. _________________

2. We should care for animals. _________________

3. All green plants are poisonous plants. _________________

4. Fungi come in different shapes and sizes. _________________

5. The weather around us affects our daily activities. _________________

6. A car cannot move on its own. _________________

7. Herbivores eat only plant. _________________

8. Rafflesia is a flower with unpleasant smell. _________________

9. Weather can be hot or cold. _________________

10. Bacteria is a fungi. _________________

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Section C
Define the following: (10 marks)
1. Grow:



2. Carnivores:



3. Poisonous:



4. Tornadoes:



5. Omnivores:


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Section D
Look at the animals below and classify the animals
according to what they eat. (10 marks)

Giraffe Snake Dog

Lion Boy Rabbit

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Section E
All answers must be in complete sentences. (50 marks)
1. What is weather?



2. What are the functions of plants?

 ____________________________________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________________________________

3. What is the fastest land animal?

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4. What do living things need to stay alive?



5. What are the four seasons?



6. Where can we find plants?



7. What is the largest animal in the world?



8. What will happen if animals and plants do not get enough air,
water and food?

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9. Give examples of weather.



10. What are some groups of living things?




***** Good luck*****

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