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This chapter talks about the teacher as a person in the society. It shows
the answers of the questions we have in our mind about the teachers. It
emphasizes how you can influence others and how the society influenced us as
a person. We also tackled the different philosophies of education such as
idealism, realism, existentialism, essentialism, progressivism, constructivism,
perennialism, pragmatism, etc., and how it can be applied to us or if a certain
person possesses one of the the philosophies. Since we are talking about you
as a person, or as a teacher, it includes our moral values. Morality is the human
act which we call them right or wrong. A foundational moral principle is, therefore,
the universal norm upon which all other principles on the rightness or wrongness
of an action are based. Values formation determine what should be value and
understand the value that we want to acquire. It is not enough for us to
understand what should be value but, we must also need to feel and embrace it,
we must also need acceptance of the value so that we can reflect to it.

As a future educator I can reflect to myself that being a teacher is not

easy, there are many obstacle I'm going to face everyday, a heavy papers works
matched with those noisy students in the classroom. This chapter generates my
mind and realize the importance of basic concepts in the teaching profession. I
realize the great impact of my personal qualities as perceived by the learners.
Those personal qualities can make or break a child. This reminds me to initiate
the values formation and good moral character among my learners. In employing
those values and moral principles, one must also absorbed those things
intrinsically. Meaning, it must be natural in a way that learners can perceived it
easily and willingly. It is very important that we conduct a continuous self-
development in able to achieve a great improvement of our self as a teacher.
The key to educational progress lies on the hands of the teacher. I must be
geared and molded enough before entering the field of teaching. I must be
dedicated enough with my chosen profession, because teaching is a vocation
which they say that it is a call, teaching is also a mission or an assigned task and
lastly teaching is a profession wherein it is our way of rendering service to
Before we impart knowledge to our students we must understand first,
how and what are the foundations of education. We must start it by ourselves,
by understanding education and by reflecting. As a future teacher, this will stand
as a guide for me on how to become a good teacher. Knowing the foundation of
education helped me to broaden my knowledge about the field that I choose.
Determining my own philosophy of education widen my understanding about
how and what to teach this will also improve my teaching skill.

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