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Case 1

Time deposit placement of USD 10,000 @ 180 days.

Upon maturity rollover for 360 days .
Preterminated for 120days and deducted 9,000
The remaining balance to roll over for 30 days

USD 10,000x4.00%/12x180/360x92.50%
USD 15.41 Interest upon maturity
USD 10,015.41 Proceeds upon maturity
USD 10,015.41x4.00%/12x120/360x92.50%
USD 10.29 Proceeds upon maturity
USD 10,025.7-9,000
USD 1,025.7 Interest upon pretermination
USD 1,025.7x3.00%/12x30/360x92.50%
USD 0.19 Interest upon roll over
USD 1,025.89 Proceeds upon roll over

Case 2
Time deposit placement of USD 80,000 @ 90 DAYS
Upon maturity rollover for 60 days
Preterminated for45 days and deducted 50,000
The remaining balance to roll over for 179 days

USD 80,000x3.25%/12x90/360x92.50%
USD 50.10 Interest upon maturity
USD 80,050.10 Proceeds upon maturity
USD 80,050.10x3.00%/12x45/360x92.50%
USD 23.13 Proceeds upon maturity
USD 80,073.23-50,000
USD 30,073.23 Interest upon pretermination
USD 30,073.23x4.00%/12x179/360x92.50%
USD 46.10 Interest upon roll over
USD 30, 119.33 Proceeds upon roll over
st upon maturity
eds upon maturity
eds upon maturity

on pretermination
st upon roll over
eds upon roll over

st upon maturity
eds upon maturity
eds upon maturity

st upon pretermination
st upon roll over
eds upon roll over

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