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A review of the microstructure and rheology of

carbon nanotube suspensions
A W K Ma1, K M Yearsley1, F Chinesta2, and M R Mackley1*
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
EADS Corporate Foundation, CNRS – Centrale Nantes, Nantes, France

The manuscript was received on 14 May 2009 and was accepted after revision for publication on 19 June 2009.

DOI: 10.1243/17403499JNN153

Abstract: The present review is concerned with the way that the incorporation of carbon
nanotubes (CNTs) into a fluid matrix can modify the microstructure and rheology of the
resulting suspensions. Some background to CNT manufacture and in particular methods of
dispersing them into a suspension is presented for a range of different systems, where effective
dispersion of CNTs remains a delicate and open issue. Steady shear, linear viscoelasticity, non-
linear viscoelasticity and extensional responses are classified for a range of different CNT/
matrix combinations together with their associated microstructure. The rheological modelling
of certain CNT/matrix systems is reviewed, with particular attention given to the authors’ work
on modelling CNT suspension behaviour using Fokker–Planck advection-diffusion modelling.

Keywords: carbon nanotubes, suspensions, rheology, microstructure

1 INTRODUCTION lot of research interest in relation to the properties

and applications of CNTs [9–12]. For many of the
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are nano-scale fibres applications proposed, CNTs are dispersed in a
constituting an important part of the emerging medium, whether a solvent, a reagent, or a polymer.
nanotechnology field. The tubes may be single- To this end, the nanotubes may be chemically treated
walled (SWNT) or multi-walled (MWNT). There are to facilitate dispersion and prevent aggregation
three main methods for producing CNTs: the arc- within the medium [13, 14]. In some cases, further
discharge method [1], the chemical vapour deposi- processing techniques such as fibre spinning, film
tion method [2–4], and the laser ablation method [5]. casting, extrusion and inkjet printing may be applied
Both the arc-discharge and laser ablation methods to the composite material [15–19]. The properties of
are energy-intensive involving evaporation of a gra- the resulting product may be very sensitive to the
phite source, whereas chemical vapour deposition is processing history [20, 21] and it is therefore impor-
based on the pyrolysis of gas-phase hydrocarbons in tant to understand the rheology as well as the
the presence of catalysts at elevated temperatures. microstructure of CNT suspensions.
Chemical vapour deposition is by far the most com- Over the last decade, the optical microstructure
mon method because of its advantages in offering and rheology of CNT suspensions have been studied
controlled synthesis, continuous operation and scal- by a number of researchers for different types of
ability [6, 7]. Thanks to advances in synthesis tech- CNTs and suspending media with a wide range of
nology, CNTs are now available in gram, and base viscosities (see Tables 1 and 2). The present
increasingly kilogram, quantities [6, 7].
paper first gives an overview of the common methods
Although the description of CNT or CNT-like
used for dispersing CNTs into a fluid matrix. This is
structures can be traced back to a much earlier date,
then followed by a review of key findings on the
the paper by Iijima published in 1991 [8] stimulated a
optical microstructure and rheology of CNT suspen-
*Corresponding author: Department of Chemical Engineering sions. In addition to experimental findings, the
and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, New Museums
development of quantitative models that can
Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA, UK.
describe the rheology of CNT suspensions is also

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72 A W K Ma, K M Yearsley, F Chinesta, and M R Mackley

Table 1 Summary of optical microstructure studies on and the first investigations into their extensional
CNT suspensions rheology [45]. The first steady shear experiment on a
CNT/polymer nanocomposite was reported by Safadi
Nanotube Suspending medium External field Reference
et al. [16] where MWNTs were dispersed in toluene
SWNT Oleum and 96% sulfuric — [22] and the resulting suspensions were mixed with
acid toluene solutions of 30 wt% polystyrene. The viscos-
MWNT Epoxy Electric field [23] ities of the mixtures with various MWNT contents
Synthetic lipid/water Magnetic field [24]
Epoxy Shear flow [25] were measured at room temperature over a range of
Phenoxy-ethyleneoxy/ [26] shear rates. Around the same time, Kinloch et al. [42]
water reported the experimental rheology results for con-
PB [27]
PIB [28], [29] centrated aqueous CNT dispersions, covering the
Water — [30] steady shear, linear viscoelasticity (LVE), and recov-
ery after pre-shear behaviour of these dispersions.
CNT, carbon nanotube; SWNT, single-walled carbon nanotube;
MWNT, multi-walled carbon nanotube; PB, polybutadiene; PIB,
Table 2 Summary of rheological studies on CNT suspen-
sions 3.1 Background

Suspending Steady shear The formulation of homogeneous CNT suspensions

Nanotube medium (model fitting) LVE Reference has proved to be a very difficult task which has not
yet been completely resolved. CNTs tend to agglom-
SWNT PMMA ü [31]
PS ü [32] erate and bundle due to van der Waals forces, and
Sodium dodecyl ü [33] mechanically mixing CNT into a liquid does not
benzenesulfonate/ necessarily produce a homogeneous suspension [46].
Oleum and 96% ü [22] The issue has been studied in some detail by, for
sulfuric acid example, Huang et al. [38], Fan and Advani [47], and
MWNT Epoxy ü [34] Hong and Kim [48]. The formation of a homogeneous
Epoxy ü (Cross) ü [25] suspension of CNT involves separating individual
polyaspartic acid ü [35] CNTs from the bundles as well as stabilizing the
(Krieger–Dougherty) ‘debundled’ CNTs to prevent re-aggregation. Some of
PA6 ü [36] the common dispersion methods for CNTs are
PC ü [37]
PDMA ü [38] reviewed and discussed in the following sections.
PE ü [39] However, the results of mixing generally depend on a
PIB ü ü [40] number of variables such as the initial entanglement
PP ü (Carreau) [41]
state of the CNT and the mixing unit design, and it is
PS ü [16] therefore difficult to identify a unique set of optimal
Water (Bingham and ü [42] mixing conditions for all CNT systems [49].

CNT, carbon nanotube; SWNT, single-walled carbon nanotube; 3.2 Common methods of dispersion
MWNT, multi-walled carbon nanotube; LVE, linear viscoelasticity;
PMMA, poly(methyl methacrylate); PS, polystyrene; PA6, poly- High-shear mechanical mixing and sonication are
amide 6; PC, polycarbonate; PDMA, polydimethylsiloxane; PE, two of the most common methods for dispersing
polyethylene; PIB, polyisobutylene; PP, polypropylene.
CNTs into a suspending medium having a relatively
low viscosity [46]. In high-shear mixing, high shear is
created within a small gap between an impeller and a
2 HISTORY stator. High-shear mixers are commercially available
and have been used for preparing emulsions. Dis-
Owing to difficulties in manufacturing large quan- persion by sonication, on the other hand, relies on
tities of CNTs in the early days of their development, cavitation (the implosion of small bubbles generated
rheological studies were performed using carbon in the suspending medium) occurring within the
nanofibres as a precursor to CNTs [43, 44]. Experi- sample [46]. As the bubbles implode, large amounts
mental studies on the rheology of CNT suspensions of energy are released locally to break up the aggre-
were reported as early as 2002. Many of the early gates and to disrupt highly entangled CNTs. Sonica-
rheological experiments on CNT/thermoplastic sys- tion probes or horns that generate high power
tems have been reported by Dr Petra Po € tschke from intensity, sometimes known as ‘cell disrupters’ [50],
the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, have been widely used [46]. For blending CNTs into
including the first linear viscoelastic experiments [37] matrices with high viscosity such as thermoplastics,

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Microstructure and rheology of carbon nanotube suspensions 73

twin-screw mixers are commonly employed [37, 4.1 Quiescent optical microstructure
41, 51].
4.1.1 Microstructure after mixing
Although there has been some success in using
high-shear mixing and sonication to achieve a fairly Figure 1 shows optical microstructures observed for
uniform dispersion, these high-intensity mixing four different concentrations of untreated CNTs sus-
methods were found to shorten the length of CNTs pended within an optically transparent epoxy [59].
and therefore adversely affect product performance The suspensions were prepared using a high-shear
for applications that benefit from the high aspect mechanical mixing method as reported in reference
ratio of CNTs. The effect of prolonged sonication on [60]. For low concentration samples, a clear network
the length of CNTs has been studied experimentally of CNT can be resolved (Figs 1(a) to (c)) whereas the
[52, 53]. The key observation is that, for fixed soni- 0.5 wt% concentration sample (Fig. 1(d)) showed
cation conditions, there exists a limiting length domains of highly aggregated CNTs.
beyond which the CNTs will not be further shor- Confocal microscopy has also been used to char-
tened. Huang and Terentjev [46] constructed a acterize the microstructure of CNT suspensions after
simple model to calculate the ‘limiting length’; the- mixing by sonication (Fig. 2). MWNTs, 0.03 wt%, were
oretically, there should be an optimal sonication dispersed in epoxy using a Sonicbio NR-3000 ultra-
condition (in terms of sonication power, frequency, sonic bath. The sonicator was run with a cycle
and time) that would allow the dispersion of CNTs consisting of 30 s of ultrasound followed by 30 s of
without shortening their length significantly. rest. Samples were taken for imaging after 5 min
(Fig. 2(a)) and 60 min (Fig. 2(b)) of treatment. They
were imaged using a Leica TCS SP5 microscope. Light
3.3 Stabilizing CNT dispersions of 633 nm wavelength was shone at the sample, and
transmitted light and light reflected at the same
Once the CNTs are dispersed, it is of equal impor-
wavelength were detected. Quantitative analysis has
tance to stabilize them to prevent re-aggregation.
not yet been performed on the average size of struc-
To this end, chemical treatment, also known as
ture in each sample, but it is possible to qualitatively
functionalization, can be used [13, 14]. Functional conclude that the structures after 60 min of sonica-
groups are attached, covalently or non-covalently, tion (Fig. 2(b)) are smaller than those after 5 min
onto the walls or caps of the CNTs, with the aim of (Fig. 2(a)).
disrupting or weakening the natural attraction
between them (see reviews by Banerjee et al. [54],
Balasubramanian and Burghard [55], and Prato et al. 4.1.2 Nematic phase formation at high
[14]). Among all covalent functionalization techni- concentration
ques, refluxing CNTs in strong acid mixtures is one of
the most common methods as it can simultaneously A number of research groups have studied the effect
remove impurities and introduce carboxylic acid of CNT concentration on the microstructure of CNT
groups onto the walls of CNTs, thereby rendering suspensions and have observed the formation of a
the CNTs soluble in water [42]. In the case of non- nematic phase at high concentration levels, where
covalent functionalization, surfactants such as the CNTs have long-range orientational order and
sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100, and dye mole- only short-range positional order [61]. For instance,
cules such as porphyrin and phthalocyanines are Professor Alan Windle and his group at the University
commonly used [56–58]. of Cambridge dispersed some acid-treated MWNTs
in water and observed a phase transition from an
isotropic phase to a nematic phase at a concentration
of 4.3 vol% [30]. At Rice University, Professor Matteo
4 MICROSTRUCTURE OF CNT SUSPENSIONS Pasquali and co-workers [22] discovered that CNTs
can be protonated and remain dispersed in super-
The quality of dispersion can be evaluated by char- acids such as fuming sulfuric acid and chlorosulfonic
acterizing the microstructure of CNT suspensions acid. Although similar phase transition behaviour has
after dispersion. In the literature, the microstructure been reported for the tobacco mosaic virus [62],
of CNT suspensions has been studied by a number of these experimental observations could have far-
authors for different types of nanotubes and sus- reaching implications in terms of processing CNT
pending media, sometimes in the presence of exter- suspensions into products with a high degree of CNT
nal fields. A summary of optical microstructure alignment. It has been demonstrated by the Rice
studies on CNT suspensions is given in Table 1; some group that CNT fibres, as shown in Figs 3(b) and (c),
of the key findings are highlighted and discussed in can be spun from a liquid crystalline solution of
the present paper. CNTs in superacids (Fig. 3(a)).

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a b

200 µm
m 100 µm 100 µm 200 µm

c d

100 µm 100 µm

200 µm 200 µm

Fig. 1 Optical micrographs of different concentrations of untreated MWNT suspended in epoxy:

(a) 0.025 wt%, (b) 0.05 wt%, (c) 0.1 wt%, and (d) 0.5 wt%. Optical depth ¼ 130 mm; temperature ¼
25  C [59]

a b

0 µm 50 0 µm 50

Fig. 2 Confocal images of 0.03 wt% MWNT suspended in epoxy after (a) 5 min and (b) 60 min of mixing
by sonication

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Microstructure and rheology of carbon nanotube suspensions 75

(a) (b)


Fig. 3 (a) A liquid crystalline solution containing 4 wt% of CNTs dispersed in 102 wt% sulfuric acid. The
image was captured using cross-polarized light on an optical microscope. (b) A 30 m spool of
water-coagulated fibre. (c) Scanning electron micrograph of a neat CNT fibre spun from a CNT/
superacid mixture. Reproduced from references [17] and [22]. Reprinted with permission from

4.2 Microstructure formation in the presence induced aggregation of fibres, Switzer and Klingen-
of an external field berg [66] performed particle-level simulations and
proposed that fibres can flocculate via frictional
4.2.1 Shear flow
contacts between fibres even in the absence of
The evolution of CNT microstructure in the presence attractive forces.
of shear flow has been reported by a number of For systems where the CNTs were suspended in a
authors [25–28, 63]. The general observation is that low-viscosity matrix, an unusual form of CNT aggre-
low shear induces aggregation of CNTs whereas high gate structures, named ‘helical bands’, was observed
shear breaks up CNT aggregates and subsequently for certain flow conditions. Figure 4 shows the for-
aligns CNTs in the shear direction. Hobbie and Fry mation of such structures reported by Ma and co-
[29] characterized microstructures formed within workers [63] as simple shear was applied to a CNT
CNT/polyisobutylene (PIB) suspensions for a range suspension confined within a small gap. The images
of CNT concentrations, gap sizes, and shear rates, were captured using a Cambridge Shear System,
and further classified the CNT microstructure as where rotary shear was applied to a CNT suspension
‘cavitated networks’, vorticity bands, isolated aggre- confined between two quartz plates and optical
gates, and ‘flowing nematics’. It is worth noting that observations were made at a distance from the centre
the shear-induced aggregation phenomenon is not of rotation, as shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the
unique to CNT suspensions and has also been helical bands are highly anisotropic structures which
reported for cellulose fibre suspensions, being refer- align in the flow vorticity direction.
red to as ‘flocculation’. Mason [64, 65] suggested that Figures 4(a) to (c) are optical images showing the
flocculation of non-Brownian fibres is a result of evolution of microstructure as a function of time t.
mechanical entanglement as fibres rotate and collide Initially, at t ¼ 0, diffuse CNT aggregates were
in shear flow. In terms of modelling the shear- present. As simple shear was applied, there was a

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(a) t = 0 s Flow (b) t = 180 s Flow (c) t = 600 s Flow

Helical Bands

Fig. 4 Time evolution of optical microstructure as low shear (0.5 s1) was applied to 0.03 wt% untreated
MWNTs suspended in a low-viscosity epoxy (UV 60–7155) confined within a gap of 130 mm. Helical
band structures were identified as shown in (c). Temperature ¼ 25  C [59, 63]

as electronic supplementary material of Ma et al.

[63]. The experimental observation of helical band
and other types of aggregate structures has particular
relevance to the processing of CNTs. Schmidt et al.
[67] spin-coated suspensions of untreated CNTs
suspended in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)
and presented optical evidence of CNT aggregation.
They suggested that there was a velocity gradient
within the CNT/polymer film during the spin-coating
process resulting in the interlocking and aggregation
of the CNTs via a ‘carpet sweeping’ mechanism,
consistent with the in situ observation reported by
Ma et al. [63].

4.2.2 Electric field

Fig. 5 The Cambridge Shear System (CSS450, Linkam
Scientific Instruments) consists of a shear cell and In addition to shear flow, the presence of an electric
an optical microscope. The sample was confined field was able to align CNTs in various liquid media
between two quartz plates and the bottom plate was such as water, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol [68–73].
connected to a motor. The gap size was varied Martin et al. [23] applied both alternating-current
between 55 and 230 mm. Steady rotational shear was (AC) and direct-current (DC) electric fields during the
applied to the sample via the bottom plate and curing of CNT/epoxy composites and studied the
microstructure formation in the sample was viewed
formation of the CNT network structure using in situ
using the optical microscope [63]
optical microscopy. In their study, an AC electric field
was found to be more effective in aligning CNTs and
velocity gradient and these diffuse aggregates trans- forming a more uniform network structure, while in a
lated at different speeds, interlocked, and formed DC electric field, the CNT network formed was den-
denser aggregates. These denser aggregates rotated in ser near the anode.
the simple shear flow and as they rotated, they cap-
tured the aggregates nearby and grew in both mass
and length. The mechanism by which these highly 4.2.3 Magnetic field
anisotropic aggregate structures grow has similarity Several researchers have demonstrated that a mag-
to the hand-spinning of cotton into fibres and the netic field is capable of aligning CNTs [74, 75],
resulting structures were found to be stable at low although the contribution from ferro/paramagnetic
shear conditions only. The formation of helical band catalyst impurities still remains debatable [76, 77]. To
structures was believed to be a result of mechanical enhance the magnetic susceptibility of CNTs, some
aggregation and wall confinement where the small researchers strategically incorporated paramagnetic
gap size prevented the CNT aggregates from growing or ferromagnetic materials using various chemical
as a spherical entity. Furthermore, direct observations and physical methods as reviewed by Samouhos and
also suggested that the rotation component inherent McKinley [78]. Toledo and co-workers [24], for
to a simple shear flow played an important role in the example, studied pattern formation during the drying
formation of these ‘helical band’ structures. of an aqueous CNT/lipid suspension and showed
The way in which weak simple shear flow induces that aggregate structures were altered in the presence
aggregation is best viewed in video mode, accessible of a magnetic field.

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4.3 Characterization of CNT orientation of CNTs into a suspending medium was found to
increase the base viscosity of the whole system but
In addition to aggregate structures, characterizing
this viscosity enhancement effect decreased as a
CNT orientation is desirable as the orientation dis-
function of increasing shear rates, as shown in Fig. 6.
tribution of CNTs is closely related to properties such
The decreasing trend of viscosity as a function of
as the electrical conductivity of the system [21]. CNTs
increasing shear rates is also known as ‘shear
were found to absorb light strongly [79] and Lin-
Gibson et al. [28] suggested that individual CNTs, thinning’ and such behaviour has been reported for
having a diameter as small as 50 nm, are still dis- other types of suspension systems [93]. Although
cernible in bright-field optical microscopy provided such shear-thinning behaviour is not unique to CNT
that the length of the CNT is larger than the diffrac- suspensions, it is worth noting that some CNT sus-
tion limit of the optics. In some cases, characteriza- pensions tended to show a much stronger shear-
tion of CNT orientation has proved to be more thinning effect compared with traditional glass or
challenging [80] and requires the use of techniques fibre suspensions at similar concentration levels [37].
such as small-angle neutron scattering. Other char- This observation could have an important implica-
acterization techniques reported in the literature tion on the processability of CNT suspensions as the
include polarized Raman microscopy [81–83], X-ray addition of a small amount of CNTs could result in an
diffraction [84, 85], near-infrared fluorescence increase of several orders of magnitude in shear
microscopy [86], and tagging CNTs with fluorescent viscosity, possibly making processing more difficult
markers [87–90]. Besides in situ characterization, the [25]. Some authors attributed the more pronounced
orientation distribution of CNTs can also be char- effect to the comparatively high aspect ratio of the
acterized indirectly by performing electron micro- CNTs [47], whereas Rahatekar et al. [25] correlated
scopy on extruded or cured samples (see, for their rheological findings with optical observation
example, references [24], [47], [91], and [92]). and conjectured that the significant viscosity
enhancement effect observed at low shear rates was
due to the interconnection of CNT aggregates within
their untreated CNT suspensions.
5 EXPERIMENTAL RHEOLOGY OF CNT To describe the experimental data of shear thin-
SUSPENSIONS ning, a number of empirical models, such as the
Cross model, the Carreau model, and the Krieger–
5.1 Steady shear rheology
Dougherty model, have been used [25, 35, 41]. More
The steady shear rheology of CNT suspensions has recently, Ma and co-workers [60, 94] successfully
been studied and reported by a number of research- modelled both aggregating and non-aggregating CNT
ers as summarized in Table 2. In general, the addition suspensions using a stress–microstructure approach




ηa (c)
[Pa.s] (d)


0.1 1 10 100
Shear Rate [s ]

Fig. 6 Apparent shear viscosity ha as a function of shear rate for suspensions containing (a) 0.25 wt%,
(b) 0.1 wt%, (c) 0.05 wt%, and (d) 0.025 wt% CNT, and (e) epoxy only. The ha data presented are
experimental data and the values were obtained after a shearing time of 100 s [60]

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that relates the CNT orientation and aggregation 5.3 Non-linear viscoelasticity
state with the overall viscosity of the system. Further
5.3.1 Stress relaxation after step strain
discussions on detailed modelling of CNT suspen-
sions can be found in section 7. A series of step strain experiments was carried out by
Ma [59] to characterize the relaxation behaviour of
CNT suspensions. In a step strain experiment, a finite
5.2 Linear viscoelasticity
step strain gs is applied to the CNT suspension and
In addition to steady shear rheology, LVE studies are the stress is then recorded as a function of time. The
useful as they provide insight into how a material relaxation modulus is defined as
behaves at different processing time scales. In linear
GðtÞ ¼ tðtÞ=gs ð4Þ
viscoelastic measurements, small-amplitude oscilla-
tions are applied to the sample, where the strain is Depending on the stress relaxation pattern, step
written as strain experiments provide essential information
concerning the percolation threshold for a CNT sus-
g ¼ g0 sin vt ð1Þ pension. The theoretical background of percolation is
first reviewed before the experimental results for CNT
where g 0 is the maximum strain amplitude and v is suspensions are presented.
the angular frequency.
Stress t is then measured and is represented as
5.3.2 Percolation threshold and stress relaxation
0 00
tðtÞ ¼ g0 G sin vt þ g 0 G cos vt ð2Þ behaviour
Classic work on percolation can be traced back to
where G0 is the storage modulus and G00 is the loss the early 1940s in understanding the gelation process
modulus. The first term represents the elastic stress for polymeric systems [96–98] and subsequent per-
component that is in phase with the strain, whereas colation theory can be found in the work of Stauffer
the second term corresponds to the viscous compo- [99] and de Gennes [100]. Physical percolation, or
nent that is in phase with the strain rate. Complex physical gelation, can be defined as the growth of
viscosity is defined as physically connected aggregates and a physical
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ‘percolation threshold’ is reached when the correla-
h ¼ ðG 0 þ G 00 Þ=v
2 2
ð3Þ tion length of molecular (or supramolecular) motion
diverges to infinity [101]. Winter and co-workers
Compared to steady shear experiments, there have [101–104] showed that at the percolation threshold,
been more studies focusing on the LVE of CNT sus- the relaxation modulus G(t) can be written as
pensions, as summarized in Table 2. The general
GðtÞ ¼ st n ð5Þ
observation is that addition of CNTs increased both
the values of storage modulus G0 and loss modulus
G00 but the effect on G0 was generally larger [37, 39].
A G0 plateau at low frequencies was usually observed
at high CNT loadings, indicating the presence of a
physical network of CNTs (aggregates) [36, 41, 95].
In an attempt to understand the LVE of a surfac-
tant-stabilized CNT suspension, Hough et al. [33]
performed scaling analysis and suggested that the
(b) Entangled gel
elasticity observed experimentally was probably due log G(t)
to interaction between the surfactant-stabilized
CNTs and not because of bending or stretching of (a)
CNTs. More recently, Hobbie and Fry [40] reported (c) Percolation
Viscoelastic threshold
similar scaling analysis for MWNTs suspended within fluid
a Newtonian PIB fluid. The MWNTs were stabilized
with a polymer dispersant but could aggregate at low
shear conditions. From their scaling analysis, the log t
authors suggested that the MWNTs had formed an
Fig. 7 Schematic diagram showing three typical types
elastic network which contributed to both steady of relaxation response in step strain experiments:
shear and LVE response. Despite earlier efforts in (a) viscoelastic fluid response, (b) entangled gel
scaling analysis, detailed LVE modelling was found to response, (c) percolation threshold. The plot is a
be more challenging and further comments are given log–log plot of the relaxation modulus G(t) versus
in section 7. time t [101, 106]

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where s is a parameter of the gel stiffness and n is the actual experimental setting it generally took about
relaxation exponent. Graphically, the equation 0.1 s (according to logged strain data) for the motor to
represents a straight line on a log–log plot as shown respond and finally attain the strain magnitude spe-
in Fig. 7 [101, 105]. cified. Motor response time has been taken into
The stress relaxation for untreated CNT suspen- account in data analysis and marked by a dotted line
sions was characterized by Ma [95] and the results in all of the experimental results presented. As shown
are shown in Fig. 8. Epoxy was the suspending med- in Fig. 8(a), the stress within the test epoxy sample
ium and Fig. 8(a) shows the stress relaxation results dissipated in about 0.1 s, matching the motor
for epoxy subjected to different magnitudes of step response time, and this observation further con-
strain. Both steady shear and LVE measurements firmed that epoxy behaved as a viscous fluid.
indicated that the epoxy matrix behaved essentially Figures 8(b) to (f) show the stress relaxation beha-
as a Newtonian fluid with negligible elasticity. Theo- viour for five different concentrations (w/w) of
retically, one would expect an instantaneous dis- untreated CNT suspensions. In terms of precautions
sipation of stress for a Newtonian fluid, but in the for sample testing, a fresh sample was used in each

10000 10000
a b
1000 1000
100 100

G(t) 10 G(t) 10
[Pa] 1 [Pa] 1

0.1 0.1
0.01 0.01
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Time [s] Time [s]

10000 10000
c 1000
Increasing strain Increasing strain
100 100

G(t) 10 G(t) 10
[Pa] 1 [Pa] 1

0.1 0.1

0.01 0.01
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Time [s] Time [s]

10000 10000
e 1000
100 100

G(t) 10 10
[Pa] 1 [Pa] 1
0.1 Increasing strain 0.1 Increasing strain
0.01 0.01
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 8 Stress relaxation of (a) epoxy, (b) 0.025 wt%, (c) 0.05 wt%, (d) 0.1 wt%, (e) 0.25 wt%, and (f) 0.5 wt%
untreated MWNTs in epoxy after application of different magnitudes of step strain: 0.5 per cent
(¤), 1 per cent (&) , 2 per cent (~), 5 per cent (*), 10 per cent (), 20 per cent (&), 100 per cent (~), 200
per cent (þ), 500 per cent (0), and 1000 per cent (–). Arrows indicate increasing strain direction

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80 A W K Ma, K M Yearsley, F Chinesta, and M R Mackley

experimental run to avoid complication from shear inkjet printing [19, 112], and curtain coating [113]. In
history and the sample was confined within the par- the case of carbon nanofibres (CNFs), which are ana-
allel-plate geometry by bringing down the upper logous to CNTs, Xu et al. [114] measured the exten-
plate slowly and limiting the maximum allowable sional viscosity of some untreated CNFs suspended in a
force during sample loading. Adding CNTs to epoxy glycerol/water solution. They found that the exten-
was found to prolong the stress relaxation time of the sional viscosity decreased as the extensional rate
system. At a concentration of 0.025 wt%, the suspen- increased and this was probably due to the breakup of
sion behaved as a viscoelastic fluid with a relaxation CNF network structures. Handge and Po € tschke [45]
time in the order of seconds (Fig. 8(b)). At higher performed elongation tests on polycarbonate melts
concentrations of 0.05 and 0.1 wt%, the suspensions containing CNTs and reported that the addition of
behaved either as a viscoelastic fluid or an entangled untreated CNTs had little influence on the extensional
gel depending on the strain magnitude applied viscosity. According to transmission electron micro-
(Figs 8(c) and (d)). At small strains, these suspensions scopy (TEM) results, CNT clusters were present and
responded as an entangled gel and at large strains, CNT alignment in the stretching direction was
decay characteristic of a viscoelastic fluid was observed only for isolated CNTs but not for the clusters.
observed. Intuitively, the strain dependence can be The extensional rheology for both treated and
explained by the yielding of a physical network [107, untreated CNT suspensions has been studied by
108]. If a large strain is applied, the network breaks Ma et al. [115] using a filament stretching method.
down and finally dissipates like a fluid. Since the
A liquid sample was first loaded between two cylind-
stress dissipation mode at small and large strains is
rical endplates forming a liquid bridge. Both endplates
different, the relaxation modulus cannot be factor-
were then moved apart (at t ¼ 0) by a known distance
ized into the product of two independent functions of
and at a constant rate. After the initial stretching,
strain and time and the damping factor is thus not
the filament thinning process was captured using a
readily available [109–111]. For the suspensions
high-speed camera. Figure 10 is a sequence of images
containing 0.25 and 0.5 wt% of untreated MWNTs, an
showing the extensional deformation for the filaments
entangled gel response was observed for a strain of
up to 1000 per cent. The suspensions also demon- of (a) epoxy, (b) 0.02 wt% untreated CNTs and
strated a strain-softening behaviour where the stress (c) 0.3 wt% treated CNTs suspended in the epoxy.
stored within sample decreased as the magnitude of The treated and untreated suspensions were pre-
strain increased. pared at different CNT concentrations to match their
Different concentrations of untreated MWNT sus-
pension were tested using different magnitudes of 1000.0%
step strain and experimental results similar to those Viscous Fluid
shown in Fig. 8 were summarized to construct a Viscoelastic Fluid
phase diagram (Fig. 9). As shown in the diagram, the Entangled Gel
epoxy matrix showed a viscous fluid dissipation for
all strain conditions tested, whereas the untreated
MWNT suspensions behaved as a viscoelastic fluid or Strain
an entangled gel, depending on the strain magnitude ( 0)

and concentration level. The transition from viscoe- Percolation threshold
lastic fluid behaviour to behaviour indicative of an
entangled gel signified the percolation threshold as 1.0%
shown in Fig. 9. It is clear from the phase diagram
that the percolation threshold depended on the CNT
concentration as well as the magnitude of strain 0.1%
applied during testing. These experimental findings 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6%
confirmed the conceptual model proposed by Mours Untreated MWNT concentration
and Winter [105] for physical gels and, more impor-
tantly, showed that stress relaxation after step strain Fig. 9 Phase diagram for untreated MWNT suspensions:
different concentrations of the suspensions were
could be a useful tool for identifying the physical
subjected to different magnitudes of strain and
percolation threshold of CNT suspensions. results similar to Fig. 8 were then summarized to
construct the phase diagram. Depending on the
5.4 Extensional rheology strain magnitude and concentration level, untreated
MWNT suspensions finally dissipated as a visco-
Being able to understand the extensional rheology is elastic fluid or an entangled gel, whereas the epoxy
important in terms of understanding the processing matrix demonstrated a viscous fluid dissipation for
behaviour of CNT suspensions in fibre spinning [22], all strain levels applied [59]

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Microstructure and rheology of carbon nanotube suspensions 81

Fig. 10 Sequence of images showing the extensional deformation for the filaments of (a) epoxy,
(b) 0.02 wt% untreated CNT suspension, and (c) 0.3 wt% treated CNT suspension. Stretching
rate ¼ 100 mm/s; endplate displacements ¼ 3 mm from starting positions. The initial location of
liquid sample at t ¼ 0 ms highlighted using dotted lines [115]

Fig. 11 Apparent steady shear viscosities, ha, of epoxy, untreated and treated CNT suspensions.
The low-shear-rate viscosities of the CNT suspensions were matched by adjusting the con-
centrations [115]

low-shear viscosity. Although both samples showed alignment was subsequently estimated and it was
similar response in steady shear, the addition of calculated that about 99 per cent of the 0.3 wt%
chemically treated CNT (Fig. 11) was found to treated CNTs were oriented in the filament stretching
increase the filament breakup time significantly in direction after stretching with a strain input of 5. In
extensional flow (Fig. 12). This was believed to be a contrast to the smooth filaments formed by chemi-
result of CNT orientation along the filament stretch- cally treated CNT suspensions, filaments formed with
ing direction as a similar effect was reported in the untreated CNT suspensions were found to behave in
case of glass fibre suspensions [116]. The degree of a non-uniform way with local fluctuation in filament

JNN153 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part N: J. Nanoengineering and Nanosystems

82 A W K Ma, K M Yearsley, F Chinesta, and M R Mackley

diameter (as shown in Fig. 13(b)), making the exten- 6 KEY PARAMETERS THAT AFFECT THE
sional viscosity calculations unreliable [115]. The RHEOLOGY OF CNT SUSPENSIONS
irregularity of the untreated CNT filaments was con-
sistent with optical images, where CNT aggregates 6.1 Dispersion state
were observed (Fig. 13(e)). A number of rheological studies have shown that the
rheology of CNT suspensions is closely linked to their
1000 dispersion state [31, 34, 38, 47]. Huang and co-
workers [38] further proposed that rheology can be
used as a means to assess the state of dispersion. The
authors prepared CNT samples with different mixing
700 times and characterized the LVE response. They
Breakup 600 observed that there existed a certain critical disper-
Time (tb) 500 sion time beyond which a stable rheology was
[ms] established. A mixing time of at least several hours
was required to achieve a rheologically stable dis-
persion for their highly entangled CNTs and shear
200 mixer.
100 Du et al. [31] prepared CNT/PMMA samples with
0 different dispersion states and observed that the
(a) Epoxy (b) 0.02% (c) 0.3% Treated better dispersed samples showed a higher storage
Untreated CNT CNT modulus G 0 and a G 0 plateau at low frequency.
Similar findings were reported by Fan and Advani
Fig. 12 Filament breakup time, tb, for (a) epoxy,
[47] for CNTs dispersed in epoxy. However, some
(b) 0.02 wt% untreated CNT suspension, and
(c) 0.3 wt% treated CNT suspension. Stretching authors such as Song and Youn [34] and Huang et al.
rate ¼ 100 mm/s; endplate displacements ¼ 3 mm [38] found the opposite to be true. Fan and Advani
from starting positions [115] [47] attempted to reconcile the discrepancy by sug-
gesting that different microstructures were present in

Fig. 13 The filament profile before breakage for (a) epoxy, (b) 0.02 wt% untreated CNT, and (c) 0.3 wt%
treated CNT suspensions; (d)–(f) are corresponding optical micrographs captured using the
Cambridge Shear System (CSS450, Linkam Scientific Instruments) with an optical depth of
130 mm. ts is the time at which the endplates stopped [115]

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Microstructure and rheology of carbon nanotube suspensions 83

these studies. In essence, all the experimental find- suspensions with optically resolvable aggregate
ings suggested that the rheological response of CNT structures tended to exhibit a more significant shear-
suspensions was affected by the dispersion state, but thinning effect compared with the treated CNT sus-
judging the state of dispersion merely on the pre- pension showing little optical microstructure (Fig. 14).
sence (or absence) of a G0 plateau could be mislead- In terms of LVE, both treated and untreated CNTs
ing. Rheologically, a low-frequency plateau of G0 increased the elasticity of the system, but the treated
suggested the presence of a physical network but it CNT suspension with little optical microstructure
did not necessarily imply that the dispersion state is showed more delicate elasticity (Fig. 15). Similar
good because a poorly dispersed sample containing experiments were performed by Fan and Advani [47]
interconnected CNT aggregates could also result in a who compared untreated MWNTs with acid-treated
low-frequency G0 plateau. MWNTs suspended in epoxy. TEM images of the
More recently, more than one research group [117, two suspensions showed that the aspect ratio of
118] reported that high-temperature treatment, also the treated CNTs was much smaller than that of the
known as ‘annealing’, could increase the conductivity untreated CNTs and this was used to explain the
of extruded CNT composites. It was believed that more pronounced increase in G 0 and G 00 seen with
annealing had promoted aggregation and thus the the untreated CNTs (see section 6.4).
formation of a percolating network within the com-
posite. In other words, a certain degree of aggregation
6.4 Aspect ratio
can be advantageous for producing conductive CNT-
based composite materials, provided that optical Fan and Advani [47] reported that suspensions con-
transparency is not a major concern. taining CNTs having high aspect ratio (500) showed
larger G0 and G00 values than those with low aspect
6.2 Suspending medium ratio (25–50). The authors explained that it was
easier for CNTs with a higher aspect ratio to form an
In many cases, a suspending medium is chosen
interconnected network within the suspension. In a
based on the final application but this choice could
more recent study by Rahatekar et al. [125] where the
influence the rheology of the CNT composite in a
CNTs were shortened using sonication, the authors
number of ways. Depending on the chemical com-
reported that short CNTs tended to behave as long
position and base viscosity, different suspending
CNTs at high concentrations, but short CNTs could
media have different abilities to wet and disperse
be processed more easily as the network formed
CNTs [57, 119]. Martin and co-workers [120] repor-
tended to have a lower yield stress. The studies by
ted that CNTs can be dispersed favourably in epoxy
Fan and Advani [47] and Hobbie [126] were of the
resin, but the addition of epoxy hardener to CNT/
few studies covering the effect of aspect ratio sys-
epoxy resin mixtures resulted in the re-aggregation of
tematically, but it should be noted that in the study
CNTs. They suggested that as-produced CNTs were
of Fan and Advani [47], the CNTs were shortened
negatively charged as in the case of carbon black and
using chemical means which had probably also
that the addition of hardener decreased the ionic
modified the surface chemistry and thus the inter-
strength of the suspending medium, creating an
action potential of the CNTs.
environment that favours aggregation. The choice of
suspending medium could influence the state of
dispersion, which in turn can modify the rheology. 6.5 Concentration
For non-Newtonian suspending media, Hobbie
The effect of concentration on rheological response
et al. [27] observed that at high shear rates, CNTs
was investigated in many of the rheological studies
suspended within a weakly elastic fluid tended to align
listed in Table 2. The influence of CNTs on the steady
in the vorticity direction whereas those suspended
shear and LVE rheology generally became more
within a highly elastic fluid preferentially oriented in
pronounced for increasing CNT concentration.
the flow direction. Their experimental observations are
Intuitively, as the CNT concentration increases, the
consistent with previous experimental and theoretical
inter-CNT spacing decreases and there exists a cri-
studies for fibre suspensions [121–124].
tical concentration above which a network is formed
and a dramatic increase in viscosity is observed. Of
6.3 Chemical treatment
particular interest is the lower concentration limit for
Ma [59] studied the effect of chemical treatment on the network formation, also known as the rigidity
the rheological behaviour of CNTs suspended within or rheological percolation threshold [101, 106].
a Newtonian epoxy medium (without hardener) Given the high aspect ratio of CNTs, percolation
(Figs 14–16). It was found that the extent of the shear- for CNT systems was usually achieved at relatively
thinning effect, as described in section 5.1, depended low concentration, typically smaller than 1 wt%, as
strongly on the type of CNT. Untreated CNT summarized in Table 3.

JNN153 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part N: J. Nanoengineering and Nanosystems

84 A W K Ma, K M Yearsley, F Chinesta, and M R Mackley


(c) 0.3% untreated CNT

(b) 0.3% treated CNT
(a) Epoxy

0.1 1 10 100
Shear rate (s )

Optical Micrographs

100 µ 100 µm 100 µm

(a) Epoxy (b) 0.3% treated CNT (c) 0.3% untreated CNT
(Shear rate = 0 s−1) (Shear rate = 0 s−1) (Shear rate = 0 s−1)
Fig. 14 Apparent steady shear viscosity, ha, of (a) epoxy, (b) 0.3 wt% treated CNT, and (c) 0.3 wt%
untreated CNT with matching quiescent optical micrographs (optical depth ¼ 130 mm)

10000 10000
(a) Untreated Epoxy (b) Treated
1000 1000 0.05%
100 100 0.2%
G' 10 G'
[Pa] Epoxy [Pa]
1 0.05% 1
0.1 0.2% 0.1
0.01 0.01
0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100
Freq. [rad/s] Freq. [rad/s]

Fig. 15 Storage modulus, G0 , data for different concentrations (wt%) of (a) untreated SWNT and
(b) treated SWNT suspensions. Strain ¼ 1 per cent; temperature ¼ 25  C [59]

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Microstructure and rheology of carbon nanotube suspensions 85

7 MODELLING macroscopic yield strain and CNT volume fraction

which agreed with their experimental data.
As discussed in section 5.1, numerous attempts have The authors of the present paper modelled both
been made to fit constitutive equations to the rheo- aggregating and non-aggregating CNT suspensions in
logical data obtained from CNT composites. These greater detail using a stress–microstructure approach
include the Cross equation [25], the Carreau equa- (see references [60] and [94] for detailed model for-
tion [41], the Krieger–Dougherty equation [35], the mulation). In both studies, the CNTs were suspended
Bingham model, and the Herschel–Buckley model within a Newtonian epoxy matrix. A Fokker–Planck
[42]. Nevertheless, some authors have also tried to (FP)-based orientation model was found to describe
formulate models based on a physical understanding reasonably well the shear-thinning behaviour
of the interactions between CNTs and matrix and the observed for CNTs which had been chemically trea-
behaviour of CNTs under shear. ted such that they would not aggregate [94]. Two
A simple model was devised by Hough et al. [33] to adjustable parameters, Np and Dr, were used in the
explain the strain-induced fluidization of aqueous model fitting of non-aggregating CNT suspensions
SWNT suspensions. Their LVE data gave a plateau in (as shown in Fig. 17(a)). Np is a concentration-
G0 at low frequencies, and from this it was postulated dependent parameter which scaled linearly with CNT
that there existed a CNT network composed of freely concentration, whereas Dr is the rotary diffusion
jointed associating rods within the matrix. At the coefficient, describing the rate of misalignment from
onset of fluidization (G 00 > G 0 ), this network is the flow direction due to randomizing events. As
destroyed because the CNTs have rotated through discussed in reference [94], the best Dr value deter-
angles with arc length greater than the bond inter- mined from fitting the model to experimental data of
action range. By considering the relationship semi-dilute CNT suspensions was found to be higher
between the maximum rotation angle, the mesh size than the theoretical value predicted by the Doi–
of the network, and the nanotube length, Hough et al. Edwards [128] theory for dilute suspensions. The
[33] were able to derive a relationship between the higher value of Dr could be explained by additional
interparticle interaction in the case of semi-dilute
suspensions [129]. The success of the model sug-
Table 3 Some reported values for the rheological perco- gested that the non-aggregating CNTs behave essen-
lation threshold of CNT suspensions tially as short rigid fibres and the corresponding
shear-thinning behaviour was due to the progressive
Suspending percolation alignment of CNT in the shear direction. In reference
Nanotube medium threshold (wt%) Reference [94], the degree of alignment was quantified using a
SWNT PMMA 0.12 [31]
scalar order parameter S commonly used in liquid
MWNT Epoxy 0.1 [25] crystal (polymer) studies [60, 130]. S varies between
PC 0.25–0.5 [127] 0 and 1 and the larger the magnitude of S, the higher
Water 0.5–0.7 (vol%) [84] the degree of alignment. As shown in Fig. 17(c),
CNT, carbon nanotube; SWNT, single-walled carbon nanotube; the FP-based orientation model predicted a high
MWNT, multi-walled carbon nanotube; PMMA, poly(methyl level of alignment where S ¼ 0.92. Despite the
methacrylate); PC, polycarbonate. success in modelling the steady shear behaviour of

10000 10000
(a) Untreated (b) Treated

1000 1000

100 100
G" G"
[Pa] Epoxy [Pa]
10 0.025%
10 Epoxy
0.05% 0.05%
0.1% 1 0.1%
0.2% 0.2%
0.3% 0.5%
0.1 0.1
0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100
Freq. [rad/s] Freq [rad/s]

Fig. 16 Loss modulus, G00 , data for different concentrations (wt%) of (a) untreated SWNT and (b) treated
SWNT suspensions. Strain ¼ 1 per cent; temperature ¼ 25  C [59]

JNN153 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part N: J. Nanoengineering and Nanosystems

86 A W K Ma, K M Yearsley, F Chinesta, and M R Mackley

(a) 15
D r = 0.005 s
N p = 12 5
Np = 7
ηa Np = 4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
[Pa.s] Conc. [%]

N p = 0.5 Epoxy
0.05% treated SWNT
Np = 0
0.2% treated SWNT
0.33% treated SWNT
0.5% treated SWNT
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Shear rate [s ]


D r = 0.01 s
ηa −1
D r = 0.005 s

10 D r = 0.0025 s

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Shear rate [s ]

0.8 0.92
Scalar Order 0.6
Parameter 0.5
(S) 0.4
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Shear rate [s ]
Fig. 17 (a) Orientation model fittings for 0.05 wt%, 0.2 wt%, 0.33 wt%, and 0.5 wt% treated SWNTs
suspended in epoxy resin. Np and Dr are the fitting parameters. (b) Sensitivity of the model to
Dr given the experimental data of 0.3 wt% treated CNT suspension and Np ¼ 7. (c) Scalar order
parameter, S, as a function of shear rate, where 0 6 S 6 1

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Microstructure and rheology of carbon nanotube suspensions 87

non-aggregating CNT suspensions using an FP-based experimental data [60]. Inspired by earlier work on
orientation model, modelling the LVE data was found associative polymer modelling [133–135], a more
to be more challenging. Experimental LVE data of the sophisticated model named the ‘aggregation/
treated CNT suspensions were fitted using the FP orientation’ model was formulated and verified
orientation model with an ‘effective diffusion against experimental results (as shown in Fig. 18)
coefficient’ term and a purely empirical relationship [60]. The new model considered that a hierarchy of
was subsequently identified, where the ‘effective dif- CNT aggregate structures was present in the sus-
fusion term’ was found to scale with the square root pension and the tendency for CNTs to align in the
of the frequency. The phenomenological relationship shear direction depended on the flow conditions as
could possibly originate from the interaction well as the entanglement state of CNTs. Similar to the
between weakly interconnected CNTs where each FP-based orientation modelling, Np and Dr were
CNT is subjected to an extra force (that scales with model fitting parameters and only one additional
the square root of frequency). In the literature, a fitting parameter, a, was introduced in the simplest
number of authors [131, 132] have proposed that form of the aggregation/orientation model. a repre-
particle–particle interactions could result in elasti- sents the relative rate of disaggregation to aggrega-
city. In the modelling of polymers filled with inter- tion and was found to decrease for increasing CNT
acting particles, Leonov [131] considered the release concentration, implying that it would be more diffi-
of ‘elastic energy’ during the rupturing of flocs of cult to disentangle CNT at high loadings (see refer-
particles; whereas Dinsmore et al. [132] suggested ence [60] for details). The aggregation/orientation
that the interactions between colloidal particles modelling results were found to be consistent with
could be represented by conceptual springs. experimental observations that CNT tended to
Compared with non-aggregating CNT suspensions, aggregate at low shear rates but became disentangled
CNT suspensions containing optically resolvable at high shear rates (section 4.2). Figure 19 shows the
CNT aggregates tended to demonstrate a stronger CNT (aggregate) population distributions simulated
shear-thinning effect, where the orientation effect for four different concentrations of CNT suspensions
alone was found to be insufficient in describing the sheared at two different rates. The x-axis, n, describes

(a) 0.25% CNT (b) 0.1% CNT

1000 1000
N pmax = 1339 N pmax = 556
Drmax = 5 ×10−5 s −1 Drmax = 3.58 × 10−5 s −1
α = 182 α = 222
ηa 100 ηa 100
[Pa.s] [Pa.s]

10 10
0.1 1 10 0.1 1 10
−1 −1
Shear rate [s ] Shear rate [s ]

(c) 0.05% CNT (d) 0.025% CNT

100 100

ηa 10 ηa 10
[Pa.s] [Pa.s]
N pmax = 208 N pmax = 23
max −4 −1
D r = 1× 10 s Drmax = 0.0541s −1
α = 350 α = 907
1 1
0.1 1 10 0.1 1 10
−1 −1
Shear rate [s ] Shear rate [s ]

Fig. 18 Aggregation/orientation model fitting to experimental ha data at different CNT concentration

levels: (a) 0.25 wt%, (b) 0.1 wt%, (c) 0.05 wt%, and (d) 0.025 wt%. Experimental data are repre-
sented by unfilled circles (*) and the best fit values of Npmax , Dmax
r , and a were identified using the
least-squares method (see reference [59])

JNN153 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part N: J. Nanoengineering and Nanosystems

88 A W K Ma, K M Yearsley, F Chinesta, and M R Mackley

the state of CNT entanglement, with n ¼ 0 referring to Similar FP-based approaches have been used by
nanotubes free from entanglement and n ¼ 1 repre- Song and Youn [136] and Qiu et al. [137], but these
senting CNT entangled in the highest possible state. authors modelled CNTs as finitely extensible non-
As shown in Fig. 19, the population distribution linear elastic (FENE) dumbbells, instead of inexten-
skewed towards n ¼ 1 (CNTs tended to aggregate) at sible rigid rods. A FENE dumbbell can be visualized
low shear (0.1 s1) but skewed towards n ¼ 0 (CNTs as consisting of two beads joined with a mass-less
became less entangled) at high shear. It is also clear non-linear spring. The beads symbolize the interac-
from the figure that the population distribution ten- tion point between the CNT and the solvent
ded to skew (more) towards n ¼ 1 for increasing CNT whereas the spring corresponds to the stretching of
concentration, meaning that high concentration CNT CNTs. Aggregated CNTs are modelled using a FENE
samples had a higher tendency to aggregate. dumbbell with lower mobility (lower translational

Fig. 19 Aggregation/orientation model: the effect of CNT concentration (wt%) and magnitude of shear
rate on the CNT population distributions, C(n). This figure shows that CNT tended to aggregate
(population distribution skews towards n ¼ 1) at high concentration and low shear conditions

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Microstructure and rheology of carbon nanotube suspensions 89

diffusivity) and free CNTs are modelled using a FENE 8 CHALLENGES AND CONCLUSIONS
dumbbell with higher mobility (higher translational
diffusivity). Unlike the work of Ma et al. [115], Based on experimental findings and modelling efforts
the models used by Song and Youn [136] and Qiu over the last decade, a scientific picture is emerging
et al. [137] considered only two populations, as in the but there are key challenges yet to be overcome. In
original work of Vaccaro and Marrucci [133] for terms of fundamental understanding, the origin for
associative polymers. The model showed good elasticity observed in CNT systems still remains
quantitative agreement with experimental data unclear. As pointed out in reference [60], the classical
for steady shear flows but failed to describe the non-Brownian fibre suspension model predicted no
experimental data quantitatively for oscillatory elasticity [139] whereas elastic dumbbell models
shear flows. used by Qiu et al. [137] and Song and Youn [136]
It is worth noting that although the models repor- predicted single-mode Maxwell-type elasticity.
ted in references [60] and [94] were originally devel- Experimentally, the treated CNT suspensions showed
oped for describing simple rheometric flows, these mild elasticity that could not be described by the
models can be combined with other modelling classical non-Brownian fibre model or the elastic
methods to allow for the simulation of more complex dumbbell model. Different authors have put forward
processing flows. Cueto et al. [138], for example, different hypotheses for explaining the elasticity [33,
modelled the spin-coating process involving non- 114] and there is no consensus over the physical
aggregating CNTs by coupling the FP-based orienta- origin for the elasticity observed in the treated CNT
tion model with the natural element method, which suspensions.
described the thinning process of the CNT suspen- Although some progress has been made; the
sion on a rotating substrate. The combined model microstructure and rheology of CNT suspensions still
provided theoretical predictions for the velocity field raise many unresolved issues. Effective methods of
as well as the CNT orientation field as the CNT sus- dispersion in ordinary fluids without significantly
pension was spun into a film. reducing nanotube length have not yet been fully
Despite recent advances in the modelling of CNT, developed and the intrinsic affinity that nanotubes
there are a number of open questions yet to be have to each other means that the prevention of CNT
answered. First, although the steady shear-thinning aggregation remains challenging. While it is possible
behaviour of both treated and untreated CNT sus- to develop microstructural models for CNT suspen-
pensions was modelled, there has been little suc- sion rheology, all models will depend on states of
cess in modelling the evolution of storage modulus aggregation and CNT ordering. This presents diffi-
G0 as a function of frequency. Experimental LVE culties as both aspects are difficult to access at length
data of treated CNT suspensions could be modelled scales below optical resolution. In principle, TEM,
using an FP-based orientation model, but the scanning electron microscopy, atomic force micro-
model also involved the use of a purely empirical scopy, Raman, X-ray and other techniques can pro-
diffusion coefficient, of which the physical origin vide valuable information; however, with only a few
has not been completely understood. Second, in exceptions, it has so far proved consistently difficult
addition to particle–particle interaction, CNT to obtain reliable and conclusive nanometre and sub-
bending would store up elastic energy and is micrometre information for CNT suspensions. Until
therefore a possible origin for the elasticity of this information is obtained the absolute validity of
treated nanofibre/nanotube systems [31]. For much of the rheological modelling that has been
future work, it is of interest to model the bending carried out remains uncertain.
of CNT using a kinetic theory approach, and eval- It is clear that the science of CNT suspensions is
uate its potential contribution towards elasticity both challenging and interesting. The materials fall
observed experimentally. Third, in the case of between polymer chain and fibre suspension beha-
aggregating CNT suspensions, CNTs in different viour, with the added complexity associated with
entanglement states were observed to have differ- aggregate formation and the richness of different
ent tendencies to align in flows as reported by CNT variants. The future development of the science
Hobbie et al. [26, 27]. To reflect this experimental of CNTs will, however, very much depend on future
observation, it would be useful to model CNTs applications and this in turn will depend on cost-
according to their entanglement states. To sum- effective manufacture of CNTs and their dispersion,
marize, actual CNT systems may involve physical together with environmental acceptance. If CNTs are
mechanisms that are more complex than what found to be dangerous to human health, then their
existing models assume and the construction of a scope for large-scale application similar to polymers
universal and self-consistent model for different and fibre composites will be greatly reduced. At
types of CNTs and flow conditions still remains a present electrical conductivity enhancement of ther-
challenging task. moplastic and thermoset systems looks the most

JNN153 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part N: J. Nanoengineering and Nanosystems

90 A W K Ma, K M Yearsley, F Chinesta, and M R Mackley

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS characterization of thin films. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2002,
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