Subclases Calumnia0.1

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Bladedancer- Fighter Subclass your weapon’s range as you spin and dance

around, this attack does not count as part of the

Bladedancers are graceful and fluid attack action nor does it benefit from the
fighters. Using two weapons to fight in circles and Two-Weapons Fighting off-hand attack benefits.
pirouettes, a Bladedancer can oppose multiple
enemies and dance away from danger with Extra Bladedance
elegance and might. At 10th level you gain an additional use of your
Nymiria fought with anger as her fellow Bladedance per long rest and whenever you take a
companions fell into the hands of the Lich. Her short rest and you have no uses of your
blades spun as if in a rageful blender, slashing Bladedance feature left, you gain one use.
and chopping her foes while dancing in sorrow.
As Forgol’s swords swang in the air, a
whistling, a happy song, joyful and vivid, At 15th level your experience and skills are
celebrating the birth of his son in a show with clearly shown in your dances. You can give
lights and music. yourself advantage on damage rolls for one Attack
Action. You can do this a number of times equal
Bladedance to your Charisma modifier. You regain use of this
skill once you take a long rest. When you start
Beginning at 3rd level you gain the Two-Weapon your Bladedance you gain temporary hit points
Fighting Fighting Style if you didn't have it equal to your Charisma Modifier multiplied by 2.
before. Once every long rest you can start your
Bladedance, doing so gives you a +2 bonus to Blade’s Chant
your AC and Dexterity saving throws.
Additionally while your Bladedance is active, if At 18th level your enrapturing movements shape
your bonus action attack hits, the creature can't the battle as your blades dictate. While on your
take reactions until the end of its turn. Your Bladedance you are immune to being charmed and
Bladedance ends if you don’t attack a creature in the frightened condition, any ally within 10ft of
your turn. To start your Bladedance you cannot be you shares this benefit and at the beginning of
wearing Medium or Heavy armor or a shield and your turn you can give advantage on damage rolls
you must be wielding a melee weapon. It ends the to a creature within 60ft of you by spending one
moment you don any of the above. use of your Bladethirst feature. When you start
your Bladedance you gain temporary hit points
Own’s Tempo equal to your Charisma Modifier multiplied by 3
instead of 2.
At 7th level a novice Bladedancer starts to reap
the rewards of hard work and passion. When your
Bladedance is active your speed increases by 15ft
and you can use your reaction to dodge and block
an attack by adding your Dexterity or Strength
modifier to your AC for that attack. You can
dance away a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain them when you
take a long rest.

Bladedancers of 10th level have mastered their
weapon’s natural rhythm. You can activate your
Bladedance if you are wearing Medium Armor or
wearing a shield. While on a Bladedance any time
you score a Critical Hit you can immediately
make an attack roll against another creature within
Swordsinger- Bard Subclass Whistle Melody
Swordsingers, a branch of the old school Your Swordsong has evolved, its melody now
of Bladesinging, which separated to focus on the changes as you wish it. When you start your
art. Emotion and magic through swords and song. Swordsong you gain temporary hit points equal to
A Swordsinger is a bard that fights with an arcane your Charisma modifier and you can select a
dance, its Swordsong. Melody:

A tear of anger fell from the Half-elven’s ● Joy.

face as his foe felled a friend. His rage clouded
o You lose your resistance to Psychic
his judgment and arcane flames sprouted from his
hands and he began to dance with ire towards his
enemies. o Your healing spells have a bonus
equal to your Charisma modifier.
When Thelius found himself near the
shores of the River Styx, his foggy memories o You can cast a cantrip right after
parted for a moment, he remembered the pain and making a weapon attack.
sorrow that had doomed him. He mourned. He
cried and his emotions manifested into a cold ● Anger.
o You gain the Extra Attack feature.
Swordsong o You get a bonus to AC equal to
half your Charisma modifier
When you choose this subclass at 3rd level you
(rounded up) and allies within 5ft
gain the Dueling Fighting Style if you didn't have
of you get a +2 to their ACs.
it before. Provided that you aren’t wearing
medium or heavy armor or using a shield you can o Allies within 30ft of you gain
spend a use of your Bardic Inspiration to start the temporary hit points equal to your
Swordsong. It lasts for a number of rounds equal Charisma modifier.
to your Charisma modifier multiplied by 2
(minimum of 2) it ends early if you are ● Sorrow.
incapacitated, if you don medium or heavy armor o You gain a bonus to Constitution
or a shield.
saving throws to maintain
While the Swordsong is active you get the concentration on spells equal to
following benefits: your Charisma Modifier.

● Your speed increases by 15ft. o Allies within 30ft of you gain

resistance to Psychic damage and if
● You gain resistance to Psychic damage. they have two failed death saves
● You cannot be grapped or restrained. If a the next roll is made with
creature attempts to grapple you, you can advantage, this feature only works
spend a reaction to deal twice your once per creature.
weapons damage to it. o If an ally rolls your Bardic
Battleborn Inspiration die on a saving throw it
can roll the save with advantage as
Additionally at 3rd level you gain proficiency on well.
3 martial weapons and learn 2 cantrips from the
To change a Melody you must spend a use of your
wizard’s spell list; these cantrips are bard spells
Bardic Inspiration and a bonus action.
for you and don't count towards the number of
spells you know. Your weapon works as your
spellcasting focus.
Sword’s Chorus Royal Oath- Paladin Subclass
At 14th level your bardic prowess has reached its Paladins of the Royal Oath hold the crown
mortal peak. Your Swordsong is as powerful as and its institutions with high regard. Banners and
your will itself. Your Melodies have grown. They symbols the Royal Oathkeeprs command the
maintain their previous effects but now gain the battlefield with their oppressing charisma and
following: authority.
● Joy Felicia tended to shy away from
o When you cast a spell that restores confrontation…well that was before she met the
hit points to an ally you regain a Queen. Now Felicia of Tolur leads the Guards of
number of hit points equal to your the Citadel with might and feminine charm.
charisma modifier. Silaenerel commands the battlefield with
o Your melee attacks deal an an oppressive force. A scary man with a long
history of fighting dirty makes him a feared
additional 1d8 Radiant damage and
warrior in the Underdark.
are considered magical.
● Anger. Channel Divinity
o Your melee attacks deal an When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
additional 1d8 Fire damage and are following two Channel Divinity options.
considered magical.
Sound the Bells: As an action any hostile creature
o If you were to drop to 0 hit points within 30ft of you must make a Wisdom saving
you can choose to drop to 1 throw against your spellsave DC or be stunned
instead. You can use this benefit until the end of their next turn. Any non-hostile
only once per long rest and once creature that you choose within 60ft of you heals
your Swordsong is finished you 2d6 hit points and removes the blinded, deafened,
take a level in exhaustion. paralyzed, stunned, charmed and frightened
● Sorrow.
Protectorate of the Faithful: As a bonus action
o You can concentrate in two spells you can mark a creature for a minute. This
at the same time, but to do so you creature has advantage on death saves if it's within
cannot take actions or bonus 15ft of you.
actions and can only move up to
half your speed per turn. If you fail Oath Spells
the concentration check both spells
are dropped. As a paladin of the royal oath you obtain the
following spells as listed.
o Your melee attacks deal an
additional 1d8 Cold damage and Royal Oath Spells
are considered magical. Paladin Level Spells
rd Compel Duel-Guiding bolt
5th Aid-Ray of Enfeeblement
9th Slow-Spirit Guardians
13th Black Tentacles-Fire
17th Hallow-Hold Monster
Shielding Authority
Starting at 7th level, you can mark a creature as a
bonus action. A marked creature gains a +2 to
their AC bonus when they are within 10ft of you.
Additionally, as a reaction whenever the marked
creature takes damage, you can take half that
damage, negating the damage to the creature, you
can do this a number of times equal to twice your
proficiency bonus until you finish a long rest.

Commanding Authority
At 15th level you can issue a verbal command to a
creature that can understand you. You can make a
Charisma (Intimidation) roll as a bonus action and
the target must make a Wisdom saving throw with
your intimidation DC or be compelled to do as
you command. The creature can only attack or
move to make an attack. The creature can cast
spells, but only spells that deal damage. The
creature will have a -5 bonus to attacks made
against other creatures than yourself.
As a bonus action on each of your turns you can
intimidate the creature again, and the creature has
to repeat the save. If the creature makes the save
you cannot use this ability again until you take a
long rest. If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points
by you, you can immediately command another

Royal Authority
As the peak of mortal capacity, at 20th level, you
can command death herself to stay away. If you
were to fall to 0 hit points you instead fall to 1 hit
point. This feature lasts for 5 rounds or less. You
cannot heal yourself while in this state and if a
creature were to heal you the feature would stop.
When you are at 1 hit point to shed bright light on
a 30ft radius and dim light 30ft beyond that. When
5 rounds have passed or you have regained
hitpoints you take levels in exhaustion equal to the
number of rounds this feature was active
(minimum of 1).
You cannot use this feature again until you take a
long rest.

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