Yost Water Resources 2 Notes

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Characteristics of urban watersheds

Urban watersheds have

– high percentage of impervious
– man-made drainage

Urban Hydrology - Storm Sewer Design Effect of urbanization:

– Faster response time
– Larger runoff volumes
– Larger peak flows

Design of storm sewers Estimation of sewer capacity

Storm sewers must be designed to avoid surcharge. The capacity of a sewer pipe to convey water is a function of
– Diameter
Design decisions – Slope
- dimension of pipes – Surface roughness
- spacing of inlets
- slope of pipes Manning's formula
Design procedure: Q 1.49 2 3
V= = R S
- Assume design return period A n
- Derive
D i critical
i i ldduration
i of f rainfall
i f ll f
for each
h iinlet
- Determine intensity of rain from IDF (Intensity Duration Q: discharge [cfs] S: slope [ft/ft]
Frequency) curves A: flow area [ft2] R: hydraulic radius [ft]
- Estimate peak discharge at each inlet V: average velocity [ft/s] n: roughness coefficient
- Route flow through sewer accumulating the contribution
from each inlet.

Hydraulic radius for sewer pipe Manning's roughness

Design condition: sewer is flowing full under gravity,

not pressurized flow.
Material Manning's
Water does not rise coefficient
ff n
Hydraulic radius for full
in standpipe
pipe: Brick 0.015
Cast-iron, new 0.012
Flow area
R= Concrete
Wetted perimeter
Steel forms 0.011
πD2 / 4 D Wooden forms 0.015
= =
πD 4 Sewer 0 01
D Flow area = πD2/4 Corrugated metal 0.024
Wetted perimeter = πD

Calculation of discharge in sewer pipe Pipe sizing with Manning's formula

Example 1 Example 2
What is the discharge in a 2-ft concrete sewer pipe A concrete sewer must be constructed on a 1.75% grade
flowing full (unpressurized)
(unpressurized), with a 1% slope.
slope to convey a design discharge of 25 cfs
cfs. Determine the
diameter of the sewer pipe.
n = 0.013 Solution:
S = 0.01 ⎛ 2.16 Q n ⎞
3/ 8
1.49 D=⎜ ⎟
R = D 4 = 0.5 Q= AR2 3 S
n ⎝ S ⎠
A = π D2 4 = 3.14 1.49 ⎛ πD2 ⎞⎛ D ⎞

= ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ S ⎛ 2.16 × 25 × 0.013 ⎞
3/ 8
n ⎝ 4 ⎠⎝ 4 ⎠ D=⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0.0175 ⎠
Q 1.49 2 3 1.49 0.464 8 3
V= = R S ⇒ Q= AR 2 3 S = 14.3 cfs = D S = 1.87 ≈ 2 ft
A n n n

Flow velocity in rectangular channel The Rational Method
Example 3 Qp
State of equilibrium:
Determine the average velocity in a full-flowing
rectangular channel that is 5 feet wide
wide, 3 feet deep
deep, and f input
Rate of p = rate of
f output
that has a slope of 0.5%. The Manning roughness is 0.019.

Solution: Peak flow is reached when the watershed is in equilibrium.

1.49 2 3
V= R S
y=3 ft n
Qp = Iexcess A = CIA
B=5 ft 1.49 ⎛ by ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟ S
n ⎜⎝ b + 2y ⎠⎟ Note that if I is in [in/hr] and A is in ac, then Qp is in cfs.
Hydraulic radius:
Wetted perimeter = B+2y 1.49 ⎛ 5 × 3 ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟ 0.005
Area = By 0.019 ⎝ 5 + 2 × 3 ⎠ ( 43,560 ft2/ac)(1 / 12 ft/in)
R = By / (B+2y) 1 ac−in/hr × = 1.008 cfs
= 8.9 ft s (3600 sec/ hr)

Runoff Coefficients for 2 Yr to 10 Yr Frequency design

The Rational Method Description of the Area Runoff Coefficients

1.008 (CONVERSION FACTOR) Downtown areas 0.70-0.95
Neighborhood areas 0.50-0.70

Q =K*
=K C*
C I (F
(F, D)*
D) A Single family areas 0.30-0.50
Watershed Area Multi-units, detached 0.40-0.60
(acres) Multi-units, attached
I Residential (suburban) 0.25-0.40
F Apartment dwelling areas 0.50-0.70
Light areas 0.50-0.80
.5 .8
R ff C
f 0.60-0.90
Heavy areas
Parks, cemeteries 0.10-0.25
Playgrounds 0.20-0.35
Storm Duration Railroad yard areas 0.20-0.40
Good for watershed < 200 acres Unimproved areas 0.10-0.30

1. Determine the return period (based on the type of
Determine the 10-yr peak flow at a stormwater inlet in
hydraulic structure to be built)
Tallahassee, Florida. The watershed is a 40-ha area in
g terrain.. An inlet time
rolling m (t
( c) of
f 20 m
min m
y be
2 C
2. Calculate
l l the
h time
i of
f concentration
i off the
h watershed.
h d assumed. Land use is as follows:

3. Set the design storm duration equal to the time of Land use Area C
concentration and determine the storm intensity from Single family 30 ha 0.40
IDF curves relevant to the site.
Commercial 3 ha 0.60

4.. Determine
D m the watershed
w area in acres.. Parks 7 ha 0.15

5. Determine a weighted runoff coefficient.

Q = CIA = 0.37*5.6in/hr*40acres = 82.9cfs
6. Determine the design peak discharge.

Runoff coefficient for nonhomogeneous areas

An urban watershed has the following characteristics: 5.6

Land use Area
Single family areas 30 ac
Commercial 3 ac
Park 7 ac

Determine the runoff coefficient for the area.

From table 6.6.
Land use C
30 × 0.40 + 3 × 0.60 + 7 × 0.15
Single family areas 0.40 C=
Commercial 0.60
30 + 3 + 7
Park 0.15
= 0.37

Time of concentration
Time of Concentration (TOC)
Factors affecting tc:
Time of Concentration is often defined as the – Surface roughness
– Slope
time required for wave (water) to travel from
– Travel length
hydrologically most remote point in the basin
(watershed) to the basin (watershed) outlet. Many empirical formula available for calculating tc.

Time required for all parts of a basin to Time of concentration can be calculated as
contribute to discharge at outlet tc = L / V
where L is travel distance and V is flow velocity (wave?).

Time of concentration represents the Calculate several possible flow paths, and use
hydrologic response time of watershed. the one that gives the longest travel time

Time of Concentration (TOC) Time of concentration by the Kirpich Equation


– Kirpich Equation tc = 0.0078 L0.77 S −0.385
C Lag
L Method
M h d
•Disagreggated Approach – SPLIT INTO TWO/THREE
tc : time of concentration [min]
– Overland Flow L : length of channel/ditch from headwater to outlet [ft]
• Kinematic Wave Equation S: average watershed slope [ft/ft]
• SCS Nomograph Method
– Gutter Flow For overland flow on concrete channels
channels, multiply tc by 0
For concrete channels multiply by 0.2
• SCS Nomograph Method
– Channel/Pipe Flow
• Manning’s Equation

Time of concentration by the SCS Lag method
Time of concentration by the Kirpich Equation
Find the time of concentration of a watershed with slope 0.006.
The maximum length of travel of water for this watershed is L0.8 (S + 1)
Lag time = tp =
950 m. 1900 y

Slope = 0.006. where

Length of the channel = 950 m tp : lag time [hr]
= 950 (3.281 ft/m) = 3116.8 ft L : length to divide [ft]
y : average watershed slope [%]

tc = 0.0078 L0.77 S −0.385 S = 1000 / CN –10 [in]

CN : curve number

= 0.0078 (3116.8)0.77 (0.006)-0.385

Time of concentration: tc = 1.67 tp [hr]

= 27.4 min.

Example: Time of concentration by SCS Lag Method Solution:

CN for Soil Group C, ¼ ac lots = 83
A storm sewer inlet collects flow from a with the CN for Soil Group C, paved road = 98
following characteristics:
Weighted CN = 0.85×83 + 0.15×98 = 85
– Area = 2 ac.
– Land use: residential, average lot size of ¼ ac. 1000 1000
S= − 10 = − 10 = 1.76 in
– Soil type: clay loam (SCS soil group C). CN 85
– 15% of the watershed is a paved road.
– Average slope of the watershed is 1%. L0.8 (S + 1) 400 0.8 (1.76 + 1)
tp = = = 0.175 hr
– The length of the watershed is 400 ft. 1900 y 1900 1

Determine the time of concentration for the watershed. tc = 1.67 tp = 1.67 × 0.175 hr = 0.292 hr ≈ 17 min

Disaggregated Approach
Overland Flow & Gutter Flow Disaggregated Approach - Channel Flow
SCS Nomograph Method Manning’s Equation


tc = L / V tc = L / V

Sewer design with Rational Method Solution:

Use the Rational Method to size each Pipe 1: Runoff from subbasin A
A pipe in the network for the 25-yr peak Storm duration: D=tc=20 min
g . (Size
discharge. ( z each ppipe
p assuming
um g
full flow) Storm intensity: I20 = 5.26 in/hr
Pipe 1

B C Assume concrete pipes with n=0.013 Peak flow: Qp = CIA = 0.6(5.25)(6.0) = 19 cfs
Pipe 2 3/ 8 3/ 8

I-D-values for 25-yr storm

Manning’s formula: D = ⎛⎜ 2.16 Q n ⎞⎟ ⎛ 2.16 (19) (0.013) ⎞
=⎜ ⎟
⎝ S ⎠ ⎝ 0.01 ⎠
Pipe 3 Duration Intensity
[min] [in/hr] = 1.87 ft ≈ 2 ft
Basin characteristics Pipe characteristics 5 8.40
Basin Area C tc Pipe Length Slope 10 7.02 Q Q 19 cfs
[ac] [min] [ft] [%] 15 5.96 Average velocity in pipe 1: V = = = = 6.1 ft s
A π D2 4 3.14 ft 2
A 6.0 0.6 20 1 500 1.0 20 5.26
B 4.0 0.8 10 2 400 1.2 30 4.42 Travel time in pipe 1: t = L/V = 500/6.1 = 82 sec = 1.4 min
C 4.5 0.8 15 3 500 0.9 60 2.97

Pipe 2: Runoff from subbasin C Pipe 3: Runoff from all three subbasins
Storm duration: D=tc=15 min
Storm intensity: I15 = 5.96 in/hr
Area: 14.5 ac
Peak flow: Qp = CIA = 0.8(5.96)(4.5) = 21.5 cfs 6(0.6) + 4(0.8) + 4.5(0.8)
Runoff coefficient: C = = 0.72
3/ 8 3/ 8 14.5
Manning’s formula: D = ⎛⎜ 2.16 Q n ⎞⎟ ⎛ 2.16 (21.5) (0.013) ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ Time of concentration:
⎝ S ⎠ ⎝ 0.012 ⎠
= 1.89 ft ≈ 2 ft ⎧tc for subbasin B

tc = max ⎨tc for subbasin A + travel time in pipe 1
⎪t for
Average velocity in pipe 2: V =
21.5 cfs
= 6.8 ft s ⎩ c f subbasin
bb i C + travel
t l time
ti i pipe
in i 2
A π D2 4 3.14 ft 2
⎧10 min

Travel time in pipe 2: t = L/V = = 400/6.8 = 59 sec ≈ 1 min = max ⎨20 + 1.4 = 21.4 min
⎪15 + 1 = 16 min

= 21.4 min

Storm duration: D=tc=21.4 min

Storm intensity: I21.4 = 5.14 in/hr (interpolation)

Peak flow: Qp = CIA = 0.72(5.14)(14.5) = 53.7 cfs

3/ 8 3/8
2.16 Q n ⎞ ⎛ 2.16 (53.7 ) (0.013) ⎞
Manning’s formula: D = ⎛⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟
⎝ S ⎠ ⎝ 0.009 ⎠
= 2.82 ft ≈ 3 ft

aquiclude Artesian well

Darcy’s Law Hydraulic Conductivity
In the mid-1800s the French engineer Henry Darcy
successfully quantified several factors controlling ground
water movement. These factors are expressed in an equation The coefficient of proportionality between the flow rate
that is commonly known as Darcy
Darcy'ss Law.
Law i an aquifer
in if and d th
the energy gradient
di t causing
i ththatt flow:

q = Ki

where q = discharge per unit area

i = hydraulic gradient dh/l
K = hydraulic conductivity

Hydraulic conductivity has units of ft/day, m/day, gpd/ft2


A measure of the capability of an aquifer to transmit

water through its entire thickness.

T = Kb

where T = Transmissivity (L2T-1)

K = average conductivity (LT-11)
b = aquifer thickness (L)

A term applied to confined

Aquifers !!


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