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Fact Sheet
Caring for the Older
a relatively common condition seen in horses

es and is typically caused by obstruction of the
gus (food pipe) with food; occasionally a foreign
be involved e.g. wood or plastic. Fortunately
ses of choke resolve quickly and spontaneously
The life span of our horses
cases in which the obstruction lasts for longer
minutes are likely to require veterinary assistance.
is increasing:
ortant to note that this is not the same as the
• approximately 29% of the UK horse
atening condition in humans, where the term
population are older than 15 years of age;
refers to blockage of the windpipe rather than the
• many older
agus. This difference means horses continue
that unlike to have a
useful working
with choke can still breathe. life and still participate in
regular athletic activity;
• a recent study showed that older horses
received less preventive health care
measures, such as vaccination, farriery
and routine veterinary care, when in fact
they often need an increased level of
care in these areas.

problems of
the older horse
● Causes of weight loss
in older horses include
dental problems, reduced
REGULAR of nutrients,
DENTAL equine
and chronic pain.
● Older horses have different
nutritional requirements to
younger horses.
• Don’t● panic! Choke is rarely life-threatening and
many cases willisresolve
common in
spontaneously. IT CaN bE dIFFICulT TO dISTINguISH bETwEEN NOrmal agEINg
older horses; signs are aNd SIgNS OF dISEaSE, SO rEgular vETErINarY vISITS arE
• Seek veterinary stiffchoke lasts more than ImPOrTaNT TO HElP dETECT HEalTH PrOblEmS EarlY.
advice if the
chronic lameness,
30 minutes
andwhile waiting
sometimes for the vet remove all
food to prevent your horse
enlargements around eating
the and worsening
● Heart murmurs are found
the obstruction
joints. more often in older horses KEY POINTS:
• Following
● Older horses can
an episode develop
of choke it is worth monitoring
and their significance can be
Older horses require:
your horse’s of the skinrate
respiratory and/or
(normal <16 breaths/
assessed by your vet.
min) andinternal
rectal organs.
temperatureThesefor several●days. ● annual vaccinations
Several eye conditions
do not necessarily pose regular dental examinations (usually at
• Arrangeanregular dental check-ups for your are
immediate threat to a
more common with

least every six months)
to reduce the risk of choke as a result of aadvancing
painful age; your vet can
horse’s life, but need to be assess the significance of worm control
mouth. ●
addressed and managed for these changes for you. ● regular farriery
continuing quality of life.
● regular health checks.
1 Pars Pituitary Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID)

XLEquine - Better Together

XLVets Equine - Better Together
XLEquine Caring for the
Fact Sheet
Older Horse general Care

Choke is a relatively common condition seen in horses
and ponies and is typically caused by obstruction of the
oesophagus (food pipe) with food; occasionally a foreign
body can be involved e.g. wood or plastic. Fortunately
many cases of choke resolve quickly and spontaneously
and only cases in which the obstruction lasts for longer
than 30 minutes are likely to require veterinary assistance.
It is important to note that this is not the same as the
life-threatening condition in humans, where the term
“choke” refers to blockage of the windpipe rather than the
oesophagus. This difference means that unlike humans,
horses with choke can still breathe.


● A significant proportion of weight
Treatment loss cases seen in older horses
involve dental problems.
● Regular check-ups are an ideal way to ensure that any problems ● A lot of horses are very stoical
are identified and treated promptly.
ical signs:
about dental pain, so regular
● Older horses should be vaccinated even if they don’t travel. Other examinations are essential.
horses can pass on diseases such as flu and older horses are still ● Diastema (gaps) develop between
culty/repeated susceptible
attempts at to tetanus.
lowing teeth in older age allowing food to
● Although arthritis is very common in older horses there are several become trapped causing painful
ching/arching treatment
of the neck options available at all stages of the disease; to improve gum disease.
ghing performance, maintain soundness or to reduce discomfort. ● Teeth may fall out or become loose
Discuss the options suitable for your horse with your vet. in later life.
& saliva discharging from the nose
● Dental problems are common in older horses, signs may include ● The grinding surface of the
oling weight loss, quidding (dropping food), and food packing in the tooth roots can become smooth,
cheeks or favouring one side of the mouth when chewing. preventing effective chewing.
nterest in food
● Laboratory tests on a blood sample can give REGULAR
an earlyDENTAL
OF loss of teeth can result in the
asionally a lump may beorgan
abnormal seen or felt
function. overgrowth of the opposing teeth
he left side of the neck.
● Equine Cushing’s disease (PPID1) is common in older horses and sharp jagged edges.
uspect your horse and is suffering
can now befrom easily tested for and KEY POINTS
managed with a daily tablet ● Regular dental examinations allow
is important totreatment.
prevent your horse problems to be identified and
s this will make
● the blockage
Older horses can worse
be more prone to • parasites such as
Don’t panic! worms
Choke and life-threatening
is rarely andearlier.
e difficult to clear.
also external parasites such as lice, somany including
will in your de-
resolve spontaneously.● Where dental function can’t be
clear programme
quickly of itsis vital.
struction doesn’t • Seek veterinary advice if the choke lastsimproved more than your vet can offer advice
ord then veterinary assistance must
1 Pars Pituitary Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID) 30 minutes and while waiting for the vet remove allon feeding.
ht. There are a number of steps food to prevent your horse eating and worsening
can take to help to confirm and treat the obstruction
• Following an episodeFor further information contact your local XLEquine practice:
of choke it is worth monitoring
and ponies with dental problems your horse’s respiratory rate (normal <16 breaths/
vent them grinding their food min) and rectal temperature for several days.
), individuals that bolt their food too
and those fed XLEquine
dry pelleted or cubed • Arrange regular dental check-ups for your horse
is a novel and exciting initiative conceived from within
e all at increased risk. profession made up of independently owned,
the veterinary
to reduce the risk of choke as a result of a painful
progressive veterinary practices located throughout themouth.
Kingdom, members of XLEquine are committed to working
together for the benefit of all their clients.
© XLVet UK Ltd.
No part of this publication may be reproduced without
prior permission of the publisher.
- Better Together
- Better
- Better

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