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Honorable members of the Sagguniang Panlungsod ng Dipolog,

esteemed colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to commence our discussion today with a Bible verse that
underscores the significance of uniformity and clarity in
communication. In 1 Corinthians 14:33 (NIV), it is written, "For God is
not a God of disorder but of peace." This verse reminds us of the value
of order, harmony, and clarity in our words and actions.

Today, I stand before you to address a matter of importance: the need

for uniformity in the usage of font sizes and styles in our legislative
communication within the Dipolog LGU. It has been suggested that
general communications must adhere to the Dipolog LGU memo, which
mandates the use of the Georgia font type with a font size of 12.
However, I propose a more consistent and conscientious approach for
ordinances—one that aligns with the law, specifically A.M. No. 11-9-4-
SC, also known as the "Efficient Use of Paper Rule."

In contemplating this issue, we must consider not only the impact of

our decisions on the legislative process but also the broader
consequences for our environment and sustainability. The "Efficient Use
of Paper Rule," introduced by the Supreme Court, emphasizes the need
to reduce our consumption of paper and, in doing so, mitigate the
detrimental effects of paper production on our environment.

Consider for a moment the striking statistic that to produce 500 reams
of paper, twenty trees are cut down, and a staggering 100,000 liters of
water are used. This water, contaminated with chemicals during the
paper production process, cannot be reused and is released into the
environment, potentially poisoning our rivers and seas. Our reliance on
paper comes at a significant cost to our environment, leading to
deforestation, landslides, and contributing to the alarming effects of
climate change.

As responsible public servants, it is our duty to consider the

environmental consequences of our actions. The judicial system plays a
pivotal role in conserving our precious natural resources, saving our
forests, and helping to alleviate the ongoing environmental crisis.

Moreover, by adhering to the "Efficient Use of Paper Rule," we also

make legislative communications more accessible to those with poor
eyesight and the elderly. The use of a larger, 14-point font size and
easily readable fonts facilitates better comprehension for individuals
who may struggle with smaller text. In this way, we promote inclusivity,
ensuring that everyone can engage with and understand the content of
our ordinances, thereby making our legislative process more efficient
and just.

Therefore, I propose that we, as the Sagguniang Panlungsod ng Dipolog,

extend the principle of uniformity to our legislative communications. By
following the "Efficient Use of Paper Rule" within our own sphere of
influence, we can lead by example and demonstrate our commitment
to protecting the environment, conserving resources, and promoting
This rule prescribes specific formatting and style guidelines, such as
single spacing with one-and-a-half space between paragraphs, the use
of an easily readable font style of the party's choice, 14-point font size,
and a particular paper size. The margins are also defined to minimize
paper wastage, and every page must be consecutively numbered.
Furthermore, it encourages the submission of soft copies of court-
bound papers in preparation for the eventual establishment of an e-
filing paperless system in the judiciary.
By adhering to the "Efficient Use of Paper Rule," we not only contribute
to saving resources and reducing our environmental impact but also
ensure that our legislative documents remain consistent with
established legal standards. This step aligns with our responsibility as
elected officials to uphold the law, promote sustainable practices, and
make our legislative communications more accessible to all, in
accordance with the enduring principles of truth and clarity.

In light of this, I propose that we consider adopting the "Efficient Use of

Paper Rule" for our legislative communications concerning ordinances
and resolutions. By doing so, we would set a positive precedent in our
region, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable practices,
responsible governance, and inclusivity for those with visual
impairments and the elderly.

Thank you, honorable members, for your time and consideration. Let us
strive to make a difference in our community and protect our
environment while ensuring the inclusivity and efficiency of our
legislative process.

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