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September 26, 2011

Stop Complainin
Obama Returns To Beating Up His Base

Obama Is Trying To Re-Energize An Increasingly Disenchanted Base. President Barack Obama is trying out his newly combative message on the liberal West Coast, aiming to re-energize faithful Democratic voters who have grown increasingly disenchanted with him. (Erica Weiner, Obama Heads West To Raise Money, Energize
Liberals, The Associated Press, 9/25/11)

Obama To The Congressional Black Caucus: Shake It Off. Stop Complainin'. Stop Grumblin'. Stop Cryin'. We Are Going To Press On. We Have Work To Do." (Mark S. Smith, Obama Tells Blacks to 'Stop Complainin' and Fight,
The Associated Press, 9/24/11)

Obama: I Expect All Of You To March With Me And Press On. Take Off Your Bedroom Slippers, Put On Your Marching Shoes. (Mark S. Smith, Obama Tells Blacks to 'Stop Complainin' and Fight, The Associated Press, 9/24/11) Click To Watch

Obama: But First -- But If You Love Me -- If You Love Me, You Got To Help Me Pass This Bill.
Barack Obama, Remarks By The President On The American Jobs Act In Raleigh, North Carolina, 9/14/11)


African Americans Are Fed Up With Obama As Unemployment Runs Rampant

Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Obamas Approval Rating Among African Americans Has Fallen 25 Points In Five Months. Approval for President Obama has begun to fall among African Americans, who have been his strongest supporters. Five months ago, 83 percent of African Americans held strongly favorable views of Obama. In a new Washington Post-ABC news poll that number has dropped to 58 percent. (Krissah Thompson, Obamas Ratings Among
Blacks Fall, The Washington Post, 9/21/11)

The Unemployment Rate For African Americans Hit 16 Percent This Summer, The Highest Rate Since 1984, And The Members Of The Congressional Black Caucus Launched A Jobs Tour Focused On The Problem. (Krissah Thompson, Obamas Ratings Among Blacks Fall, The Washington Post, 9/21/11) The Congressional Black Caucus Wants Obama To Do More. Nearing 17 percent, joblessness among blacks is at a three-decade high and almost twice the size of the overall unemployment rate. The black caucus wants the president to do more. (David Goldstein, Black Caucus Head Treads Line Between Criticizing, Supporting Obama, McClatchy
Newspapers, 9/18/11)

Hispanics Are Struggling With Obamas Failure To Improve The Economy

Only 48 Percent Of Hispanics Approve Of The Job Obama Has Done As President. Just 48 percent of Hispanics approve of the job Obama has done, while 37 percent disapprove. This is down from a 60 percent approval rating as recently as January, an erosion that came later than his slipping numbers with Anglo voters. This trend should worry Obama: Hispanics are the largest and fastest-growing minority group in the country, and there are high numbers of Hispanic voters in swing states including New Mexico, Florida, Colorado, Nevada and even Virginia. (Cameron Joseph, Obamas Hispanic Support Collapses, The Hill, 9/8/11)

Obamas Approval Rating Among Hispanics Is Now Just Seven Points Higher Than It Is Among The General Public In Gallup Data, A Major Decline From Earlier In His Term. (Chris Cillizza, With
Hispanic Support For Obama Waning, Could Latino Vote Be Up For Grabs In 2012?, The Washington Posts The Fix, 9/18/11)

The Struggling Economy Has Hit The Latino Community Particularly Hard, With A Hispanic Unemployment Rate Exceeding 11 Percent Two Points Higher Than The National Average. (Chris
Cillizza, With Hispanic Support For Obama Waning, Could Latino Vote Be Up For Grabs In 2012?, The Washington Posts The Fix, 9/18/11)

Obamas Dip Among Hispanics Correlates With His Broader Struggles With An Electorate That Has Grown Increasingly Disheartened About The Economy And The White Houses Ability To Make Things Better. (Chris Cillizza, With Hispanic Support For Obama Waning, Could Latino Vote Be Up For Grabs In
2012?, The Washington Posts The Fix, 9/18/11)

Women Have Been Hit Harder During The Sluggish Economic Recovery
The Presidents Support Has Fallen To Its Lowest Levels Across Parts Of The Diverse Coalition Of Voters Who Elected Him, From Women To Suburbanites To College Graduates. (Jeff Zeleny and Megan TheeBrenann, Support For Obama Slips; Unease On 2012 Candidates, The New York Times, 9/16/11)

Women Have Been Worse-Off Than Men Through The Past Two Years Of Sluggish Economic Recovery, According To This Report By The Pew Research Center. (Conor Dougherty, Recovery Is Bypassing Women,
The Wall Street Journal, 7/6/11)

The Recovery From The Great Recession Is The First Since 1970 In Which Women Have Lost Jobs Even As Men Have Gained Them, Pew Writes In The Report. (Conor Dougherty, Recovery Is Bypassing Women, The Wall
Street Journal, 7/6/11)

And Young People May Be The Biggest Losers Of The Economic Recession
Obama Is Losing The Support Of Young Democrats: 27 Percent Of Democrats Under Age 45 Say He Is Not A Strong Leader. Younger voters and liberals are showing doubts about him, too. Obama won
2 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

younger voters in 2008 by a bigger margin than Democrat Bill Clinton in his victories in 1992 and 1996. But younger Democrats are no more apt to say the president deserves re-election than are older Democrats. Twenty-seven percent of Democrats under age 45 say Obama is not a strong leader, compared with 11 percent in June. (Ken Thomas and Jennifer Agiesta, AP-GfK Poll Obama Faces Trouble With Key Voters, The Associated Press, 8/27/11) Young People May Be The Biggest Losers Of The Economic Recession. Young people may be the biggest losers of the economic recession. According to the new 2010 census data released Thursday, the countrys young adult population, made up of mostly 20-somethings and 30-somethings, is one of the worst hit by unemployment and poverty, with the state of the economy having a noticeable impact on their decision to delay marrying and moving out of their parents homes.(MJ Lee, Census: Young Hit Hard By Recession, Politico,

An Analysis Of The New Data Revealed That Young Adults Face The Highest Unemployment Since World War II And Nearly One In Five Higher Than In Any Other Demographic Group Risk Living In Poverty. (MJ Lee, Census: Young Hit Hard By Recession, Politico, 9/22/11)

Youth Employment Is At The Lowest Level Since World War II. Employment among young adults 16 to 29 was 55.3 percent, down from 67.3 percent in 2000 and the lowest level since the end of World War II. For teenagers, employment stood at less than 30 percent. (MJ Lee, Census: Young Hit Hard By Recession, Politico, 9/22/11) 5.9 Million Americans, Ages 25-34 Live With Their Parents. Long-distance moves across state lines fell 4.4 percent to around 3.2 million among adults 18-34, also the lowest level since World War II, with 5.9 million Americans 25 -34 choosing to stay put in their parents homes. (MJ Lee, Census: Young Hit Hard By Recession,
Politico, 9/22/11)


Obama To Supporters In 2010:"Don't Make Me Look Bad, Now." (President Barack Obama, "Remarks By The President
Obama At Rally For Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley," 10/7/10)

President Obama In A Interview With Rolling Stone Magazine Calls The Democrats' Lethargy "Inexcusable." "'It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election,' Obama said." (Ben Feller, "Obama: Democratic Voter Apathy 'Inexcusable'," The Associated Press, 9/28/10)

Obama: "'People Need To Shake Off This Lethargy. People Need To Buck Up . . . If People Now Want To Take Their Ball And Go Home, That Tells Me Folks Weren't Serious In The First Place.'" (Ben Feller, "Obama: Democratic Voter Apathy 'Inexcusable'," The Associated Press, 9/28/10) "What Emerges In The Magazine Story Is A Stern, Lecturing Tone From Obama ...'The idea that we've got a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic base, that people are sitting on their hands complaining, is just irresponsible,' he said in the interview." (Ben Feller, "Obama: Democratic Voter Apathy 'Inexcusable',"
The Associated Press, 9/28/10)

"Buck Up. Stop Whining. And Get To Work." "Buck up. Stop whining. And get to work. Clearly frustrated by Republicans' energy -- and his own party's lack of enthusiasm -- President Obama scolded fellow Democrats even as he rallied them yesterday in an effort to save the party from big GOP gains in the crucial midterm elections. In the final month of campaigning, he is trying to reenergize young voters, despondent liberals, and other Democrats whose excitement over his election has dissipated." ("Obama Prods Democrats To Get Busy
For November," The Associated Press, 9/2 9/10)

Vice President Joe Biden Urged Democrats To Tell Base Voters To "Stop Whining." "At a fundraiser in Manchester, NH, today, Vice President Biden urged Democrats to 'remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives.'" (Jake Tapper, "Vice President Biden To Democratic Base: 'Stop Whining'," ABC
News, 9/27/10)

3 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Which Foreshadowed Disastrous Midterm Election Results For Obama And His Party
Voters Rejected Obama's "Transformational Change." "Somewhere along the way, the apostle of change became its target, engulfed by the same wave of discontent that vaulted him to the White House two years ago. Now, President Obama must find a way to recalibrate with nothing less than his presidency on the line. The rebuke delivered by voters in House races on Tuesday effectively put an end to his transformational ambitions and left him searching for a way forward with a more circumscribed horizon of possibilities. Facing a hostile House with subpoena power, he will have to figure out the right blend of conciliation and confrontation to reassert authority and avoid defeat in 2012." (Peter Baker, "In Rubio And Paul Victories, A Rebuke For Obama,"
The New York Times, 11/2/10)

Bloomberg's Al Hunt: "'I think [the election results] are clearly a repudiation of Barack Obama and the administration's policies. It's about what the voters didn't like, clearly.'" (Ben White, "Politico's Morning Money" Politico,

"Republicans Reclaimed The House Majority Tonight With An Across-The-Board Sweep In Every Corner Of The Country, A Victory Rooted Heavily In A Deep Dissatisfaction With The Direction Of The Country And More Particularly The Economy." (Chris Cillizza, "Republicans Win House Majority; Senate Republicans Gain Four Seats,"
The Washington Post, 11/2/10)

4 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

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