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Situation 2 (3.2):
1. Answer tut 2 thus resulting in greater demand for
To determine a fair price for your experience, you franchises, should your friend share in
should consider the potential profits that your future revenue from franchise sales?
friend could make by using your recipe and SOP - tiền nhượ ng quyền trả hà ng nă m: trả 1 cụ c
manual, as well as the value of the Porkies brand. và sau đó trả hà ng nă m : franchising fee
One way to do this is to estimate the future - In addition to the one-time transfer cost, the
earnings that your friend's five new stores could franchisee pays the cost of the time spent
generate using your recipe and SOP manual. If each using the brand. It is a percentage of
store has similar sales and profit margins as your revenue/profit calculated on a
current units, then your friend's five new stores monthly/quarterly/yearly basis depending
could generate a total net profit of $300,000 per on the contract between the two parties.
year ($600,000 in sales per store x 10% net profit -
margin x 5 stores). - Nếu mình là chủ franchiser -> sole
You could then offer to sell your recipe, SOP ownership vì mua lạ i chỉ là franchisee -> trả
manual, and the use of the Porkies name for a franchisee fee
percentage of this net profit, such as 10%. This -
would result in an annual royalty payment of - Nhưng nếu contract form là partnership ->
$30,000 to you ($300,000 x 10%). đồ ng sở hữ u -> share revenue
2. If your friend is successful, causing the 3. What are the ethical issues at play here?
name of Porkies to be even better known,

Situation 3 (3.3):
1. Will the organizational structure selected by Individual assets (xem cá nhâ n có đủ khả nă ng trả
the partners have an impact on your decision nợ khô ng), cô ng ty hợ p danh có 2 chủ chia đều lợ i
to extend the loan? ích -> có thể mở independent resmanagement team
Liên quan đến việc trả nợ - cá nhâ n hay doanh may be more likely to generate
nghiệp trả  A2
liên quan đến tà i sả n thu nhậ p cá nhâ n - đượ c cho The operating structure will have an impact on the
vay decision to extend the loan. The operating structure
The structure of the organization can affect the of a business will affect its financial stability,
ability of the partners to manage the business and liability and tax obligations. These factors can
the risk associated with the loan. For example, a influence the risk associated with lending money to
well-structured partnership or corporation may the business and may be taken into consideration
provide more accountability and reduce the risk when evaluating a loan application
associated with the loan compared to a sole 3. What other factors would influence your
 Answer2 decision?
Yes. The organizational structure will impact my Partners' credit history, financial statements,
decision because it affects the liability, tax liability, business plan, market demand, competition, and
tax rate, and ownership transfer right, which are location. Partners' ability to repay the loan, the
important metrics of business risks collateral offered, and the business's cash flow and
2. Will the operating structure selected by the profitability projections
partners have an impact on your decision to The partner’s experience on the business
extend the loan? · Personal credit history
The operating structure can affect the ability of the · Business revenue
partners to generate revenue and profit, as well as · Business plan
the risk associated with the loan. For example, a · Location
business with an experienced and successful 4. Would it make a difference to you if the
revenue and profits, reducing the risk associated partners were requesting the loan to complete
with the loan a franchise agreement with an established and
successful franchisor?
Yes. Because the structure of organization and plan if the loan were for an existing restaurant as
to use the loan affects how bank will accept the opposed to a new start-up?
commercial loan or not If the partners were seeking the loan to operate as
· It is more risky to approve a loan from a new an independent restaurant, I would like to request a
franchisor. It is unpredictable whether they are more detail business plan and restaurant marketing
able to offset the loan or not with their business research report
plan · Yes, it would. If the loan were for an existing
restaurant as opposed to a new start-up, there
5. What additional information might you request would be concrete revenue, percentage of profit
if the partners were seeking the loan to operate and loss
as an independent restaurant? Would it matter


Situation 1 (4.1)
1. Which party's position seems valid to you? 2. How would you suggest the issue be
Why? resolved between these two contracting
The Vincent's Tree Service seems to have a parties?
more valid position in the argument as the The solution is that both parties discuss and agree
charges for the services offered should have on the payment to be included for removing
included removing the branches and leaves, branches and leaves. The reason is for the business
which in this case was not discussed. Removing to maintain good relationship with the contractors
branches and leaves accounts for another form while reducing on conflicts.
of service that should be paid for

Situation 2 (4.2)
1. Do you believe the hotel is justified in reservation, not the hotel, would be liable for
charging Mr. Moss for the no-shows? the transaction
Yes, it is justified that hotel can charge Mr. Moss 2. How could this hotel prevent such
for the no-shows: misunderstandings in the future?
· The reservation data collected on the hotel's When the hotel receives a new reservation on web
website lists Mr. Moss's actual address, home sites, it is advised that the hotel should contact the
telephone number, and credit card number, guest via the phone number listed in the
which suggests that he did indeed make the reservation data and confirm the reservation status
reservation. Additionally, the hotel policy of in writing. They could also require customers to
holding the rooms until 4:00 A.M. and charging enter a unique code or password to confirm their
for no-shows is a common practice in the reservation, or they could send a confirmation
hospitality industry. email or text message to the customer's registered
email or phone number
If the reservation was made by someone else
without his consent, Mr. Moss should cancel his  A2
card and notify the credit card company of the
transaction. In order to prevent such misunderstandings in the
future, the hotel should make a phone call or send a
• A2 confirmation email to their guests to verify and
confirm that their guests actually make their
If the reservation was made by someone else
without his consent, Mr. Moss should cancel his
card and notify the credit card company of the Rev/confirm code/number - writing.
transaction. However, the person who made the
Situation 3 (4.3)

Situation 4 (4.4)
1. According to the UCC, a seller has a I think both vendor and the restaurant, delivery
responsibility not to sell defective products. are responsible. Because, the vendor is
Who, in this example, is the seller? responsible for ensuring the quality of the
According to UCC (Article 2 sale contract) with product before it is delivered to restaurant, but
term F.O.B, (a) when the term is F.O.B. the place it was contaminated before and the restaurant
of shipment, the seller must at that place ship did not check the quality of the product before
the goods in the manner provided in this Article it was delivered to the customer.
(Section 2-504) and bear the expense and risk - Supplies
of putting them into the possession of the - Delivery
carrier; or (b) when the term is F.O.B. the place 3. What specific steps could Ms. Brennan take
of destination, the seller must at his own to help prevent incidents such as the one
expense and risk transport the goods to that described here from reoccurring in her
place and there tender delivery of them in the restaurant?
manner provided in this Article (Section 2-503) Review the vendors’ sanitation practices and only
--> Both of vendor and Smoking Bones BBQ are do business with the vendors on an approved list.
seller, and they have responsibility not to sell Check product quality before buying each batch of
defective products products Ensure food processing according to food
2. Assume that you were the guest sickened by safety standards. Restaurants need to have a careful
the bacteria. Who do you believe should be food preservation process during storage and
held responsible for the damages you before putting food into processing

Situation 5 (4.5)
1. How many room reservation contracts are you Number of reserved rooms = Total number of
willing to accept? rooms - Number of non-reserved rooms = 300 - 100
We have 300 rooms in total, and 100 rooms are = 200
non-reserved. So we have 200 rooms available. Therefore, the hotel can accept 9.67% of the total
The average no-show rate is (8+9+12)/3=9.67% number of rooms, which is:
off the reserved rooms that will not show up. Maximum number of room reservation contracts
Therefore, we can accept 200*(1-9.67%)=181.26, = 300 x 9.67% = 29.01
which means we can accept 182 reservations. => The hotel can accept up to 29 additional room
 A2 reservation contracts.
= We have 300 rooms in total, and 100 of them are 2. Should you require that all reservations be
non confirmed?
100 available Yes, we should require all reservations to be
No-show: 8-12-9; confirmed.
100 + 8%*100 = 108 3. What factors will you consider as you make
=> Confirmed reservation is a contract to provide a your decision? What strategies will you employ
reservation in which the provider guarantees the to reduce no-shows?
guest’s reservation will be honored until a mutually The factors that we will consider as we make our
agreeable time. decision:
No, we just make sure that 100 rooms are available. - No of rooms available
Therefore, we can confirm reservations in a total of - No show rate
100 rooms, not exceeding. - Understated/Overstated rate
 A3 Strategies we will employ to reduce no-shows:
- Charge at least 50% total payment when booking
Write a short essay (half-page) answering You can even offer a discount to patients who
questions 4 and 5, drawing from your personal prepay for their next visit.
· Keep Your Wait Room Time to a Minimum: With
a. The factor that affects my decision is the no-
as busy as people are these days, asking customers
show rate of the hotel. It shows that among 200
to wait 20 to 40 minutes or more for an
rooms, there are 11 rooms that are unoccupied,
appointment will you have a confirmed
which is a high rate and a great loss.
reservation denies you a room because it has none
b. Using Guaranteed reservation- A contract to
available. What do you think the hotel should do
provide a confirmed reservation in which the
for you?
provider guarantees the guest’s reservation will be
4. You and your family are traveling out of
honored regardless of the time of arrival but states
state to attend one of your school team’s
that the guest will be charged if he or she no-shows
away football games. Upon arrival, the hotel
the reservation. Prepayment or payment
where you have a confirmed reservation
authorization is required.
denies you a room because it has none
+ Use Automated Reminders: Providing a quick
available. What do you think the hotel
and courteous reminder to patients about their
should do for you?
upcoming appointment not only serves to jog their
I think the hotel first should notice the
memory but is also a thoughtful step that improves
cancellation of our room before our arrival. This
patient loyalty. Many patients rely on reminders
could help save the time and amount of money
from their providers because of the convenience
we have to pay to get to the destination. Also, if
they provide, and automated reminders can save
the situation already happened, we can not
both time and money over the manual system you
change that but the hotel can find alternative
may be using.
ways to solve it. First, it should refund the
+ Allow Pre-Paid Appointments: Provide an
prepaid payment we made. This could help us
incentive for patients to show by allowing them to
find new hotels with less cost. Second, the hotel
prepay for their appointment. When patients know
may help us find close by accommodation, thus
they’ve already committed the money to an
has a suitable price, so we can settle down
appointment, their incentive to show is enhanced.

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