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Codes and Conventions

-are systems of signs which create meaning to communicate ideas and impressions for an
audience, producers and other stakeholders.

-are the generally accepted ways if doing something.

A setting(can be used for a number of purposes such as:

1. Realism (Time and place setting as made known.
2. Atmosphere(Reinforce desired, mood) Ex, Horror movies, a post-apocalyptic scene
3. Symbolism (Can ve conveyed through setting) E.g candles can symbolize a romantic

- The subject, or a specific theme in a scene or the entire film


A narrative might use:

Sympathetic characters- With whom the audience strongly identifies with.

Unsympathetic characters
-Audience dislike them

Stereotypes- Can reinforce existing ways of thinking about certain groups, appeal to the
prejudice of the audience
-sets and location can influence our interpretation of character as contribution to the

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