DocumentsCorePack Template Designer - IconList 1

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DocumentsCorePack Template Designer

The DocumentsCorePack is a Microsoft Office Word Add-in. The main purpose of this add-in is the creation of templates. The creation of templates covers
basically the insertion of placeholders into a word document. These placeholders are represent data that will be populated when merging a template.

16x16, 32x32

Design guidelines by Microsoft

DocumentsCorePack Settings
Application specific settings, icons are placed has a part oft the header on the top left corner

General Form Sample


General application specific settings

Advanced application specific settings

(Send as) PDF Settings

Version and License Information

Template specific settings

Template specific settings

General Form Sample

Designer to create dynamic file names for a

General settings
Create a custom title or description for a note

Search for specific record

Alternative view to the Microsoft Word

Document Properties filter to application
specific settings only
Label templates


Edit Dynamic Field

Configure certain related records to be set

Set passwords to open/edit created


Define subfolder names

(deprecated) Automation options for the add-


Hidden fields that are not visible but have to

be part of the document

SharePoint Metadata

Dynamic Document Properties

Dynamic string creation

Dynamic calculations

Dynamic date time calculations

Remove Watermark

Condition designer: group and, group or,


Save; Save settings and recreate fetch

Additional user input during the generation of

the document

User Prompt field properties

Export Sections of a document

E-signing settings (AdobeSign, AssureSign and


Open Template
Template Management Forms
General Form Sample

Show/Hide Template Preview
Delete Template
Delete Group
Add/New Group
Rename Group
Open Record in Dynamcis

TemplateDesigner TaskPane & Template Explorer


Analyze Template
Advanced Template Settings
Template Explorer Settings
Toggle Design Mode
Clear Template (Remove all fields and tables)
Rename Relationship, Delete Relationship, Edit
Insert Fields Treeview Settings

Template Explorer Settings

Apply renamed text

Insert Fields
General Form Sample

Insert as Picture Field

Insert as Picture Link-Field

Insert as “Document”

Insert as HTML

Insert as Field Service Insepection

Insert as QR-Code

Insert as Advanced String

Insert as calculated field

Insert as hyperlink

Insert as condition field

Condition designer: group and, group or, delete

Insert as calculated date time field

DocuSign Properties

AssureSign Properties

AdobeSign Properties

Chart field properties

Chart category

Chart series

Chart group by

Select Data Source No Icon

Insert Relationships/Tables
Mark Groupingfield, Mark as Sum-field, Mark as Count-field

No icon for insert table

No icon for relationship manager


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