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International Journal for Computational Methods in

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Numerical Analysis of the Inclusion-Crack Interaction

by the Extended Finite Element Method
a b c b
S. Natarajan , P. Kerfriden , D. Roy Mahapatra & S. P. A. Bordas
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering , The University of New South Wales ,
Sydney , Australia
Institute of Mechanics and Advanced Materials, Cardiff School of Engineering , Cardiff
University , Wales , UK
Department of Aerospace Engineering , Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , India
Published online: 18 Nov 2013.

To cite this article: S. Natarajan , P. Kerfriden , D. Roy Mahapatra & S. P. A. Bordas (2014) Numerical Analysis of the Inclusion-
Crack Interaction by the Extended Finite Element Method, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering
Science and Mechanics, 15:1, 26-32, DOI: 10.1080/15502287.2013.833999

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International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 15:26–32, 2014
Copyright c Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1550-2287 print / 1550-2295 online
DOI: 10.1080/15502287.2013.833999

Numerical Analysis of the Inclusion-Crack Interaction

by the Extended Finite Element Method

S. Natarajan,1 P. Kerfriden,2 D. Roy Mahapatra,3 and S. P. A. Bordas2

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Institute of Mechanics and Advanced Materials, Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University,
Wales, UK
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Downloaded by [Ondokuz Mayis Universitesine] at 13:52 06 November 2014

damage. The crack tip field in such engineered materials is

One of the partition of unity methods, the extended finite ele- strongly affected by the stiffness and the geometry of the near-
ment method (XFEM), is applied to study the inclusion-crack in- tip second-phase inclusion. The geometry of the inclusion, the
teractions in an elastic medium. Both the inclusions and the crack density of inclusions, and the stiffness ratio between the inclu-
are modelled within the XFEM framework. A structured quadri-
sion and the matrix enhances or reduces the crack tip field. The
lateral mesh is used and the influence of crack length, the number
of inclusions, and the geometry of the inclusions on the crack tip fracture in these engineered materials could be due to matrix
stress field are numerically studied. The interaction integral for fracture, reinforcement fracture, or inter-facial fracture. Due to
non-homogeneous materials is used to compute the stress intensity this importance, the inclusion-crack interaction has attracted
factors ahead of the crack tip. The accuracy and flexibility of the many researchers [1–12]. Analytical approaches [3, 13, 14]
XFEM is demonstrated by various numerical examples.
clearly identified the effects of second-phase inclusion on the
crack tip; viz., “shielding” and “amplification” effects which are
Keywords Inclusion crack interaction, XFEM, Partition of apparent when a crack approaches a relatively stiff or a com-
unity methods, Interaction integral, Non-homogeneous
materials pliant inclusion. Various numerical methods have been used to
study the problem of the inclusion-crack interactions, such as
the finite element method (FEM) [5, 15, 16], the boundary ele-
1. INTRODUCTION ment method [8, 17, 18], the singular integral equation method
The interaction between a crack and an inclusion in par- [19, 20], and the weight function method [6]. Although these
ticulate reinforced composite is of utmost importance for un- numerical methods give insight into understanding interactions
derstanding the mechanisms of strengthening, toughening, and between a crack and an inclusion, these analyses are limited to
the fixed calculation parameters. For example, the FEM requires
that the mesh conforms to the geometry. It is not always easy to
S. Natarajan would like to acknowledge the financial support of generate a finite element mesh when the geometry of the inclu-
the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of sion is irregular or computationally expensive when modelling
New South Wales, for his research fellowship for the period September the crack propagation trajectory. With the introduction of the
2012 onwards. S. Bordas and P. Kerfriden would like to acknowledge extended finite element method (XFEM) [21, 22], the require-
the partial funding provided by:
ment of mesh conforming to the geometry is alleviated and it is
• the EPSRC under grant EP/G042705/1 Increased Reliability now possible to model and/or track irregular geometries as they
for Industrially Relevant Automatic Crack Growth Simula- evolve. In this paper, we study the inclusion-crack interactions
tion with the eXtended Finite Element Method.
by using the XFEM. The paper is organized as follows. A brief
• the European Research Council Starting Independent Re-
introduction to the extended finite element method is given in
search Grant (ERC Stg grant agreement No. 279578) enti-
tled “Towards Real Time Multiscale Simulation of Cutting Section 2. The accuracy of the present numerical simulation
in Nonlinear Materials with Applications to Surgical Simu- is first demonstrated by comparing with the results available
lation and Computer Guided Surgery.” in the literature. The method is then applied to a problem of
Address correspondence to S. Natarajan, School of Civil and Envi- crack interacting with a single inclusion and a group of inclu-
ronmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, sions in Section 3, followed by concluding remarks in the last
NSW 2052, Australia. E-mail: section.


2.1. Introduction
In this section, we give a very brief overview of the XFEM.
By exploiting the idea of partition of unity noted by Babuška
et al. [23], Belytschko’s group [21] introduced the XFEM to
solve linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) problems. The
conventional expansion of the displacement field using a poly-
nomial basis fails to capture the local behavior of the problem
(e.g., stress singularities, strong and weak discontinuities). To do
so, new functions are added to the conventional basis functions
that contain information regarding the local behavior. Interested
readers are referred to the literature [21, 24–30]. The necessary
steps involved in the implementation of the XFEM are:
Downloaded by [Ondokuz Mayis Universitesine] at 13:52 06 November 2014

1. Representation of the cutout: In this study, a level set ap-

proach is followed to model the cutouts. The geometric inter-
face (for example, the boundary of the cutout) is represented
FIG. 1. Level set information for a circular cutout. (Color figure available
by the zero level curve φ ≡ φ(x, t) = 0. The interface is online.)
located from the value of the level set information stored at
the nodes. The standard FE shape functions can be used to functions to represent the cracks and {α }1≤α≤4 , cL is the
interpolate φ at any point x in the domain as: nodal degrees of freedom that correspond to the enrichment
 function (x) used to represent the jump in the displacement
φ(x) = NI (x)φI (1) to represent the cutouts. In this study, a Heaviside function is
I used to capture the physics of the problem (viz., jump across
where the summation is over all the nodes in the connectivity the discontinuity surface) and a set of asymptotic functions
of the elements that contact x and φI are the nodal values that represent the near tip fields are used, given by:
of the level set function. For circular cutout, the level set 
1 x>0
function is given by: H (x) = (4)
0 x<0
φI = xI − xc  − rc (2) 
√ θ θ θ θ
{α }1≤α≤4 (r, θ ) = r sin , cos , sin θ sin , sin θ cos
where xc and rc are the center and the radius of the cutout. 2 2 2 2
Figure 1 shows the level set function for a centrally located (5)
circular cutout.
Partition of unity enrichment can also be used to introduce
2. Choice of enrichment function: In this study, the enriched
weak discontinuities (such as material interfaces) within fi-
approximation takes the following form:
nite elements. In this paper, we will use the ramp enrichment

uh (x) = NI (x)qI initially proposed in [31] and later re-discussed in [32]. This
enrichment function is suitable for any problem involving
I ∈N fem
   discontinuities in the first derivative of the solution such as
uh std (x) diffusion problems arising in solidification [33] or biofilm
4 growth [34]. Both the crack and the inclusion are repre-
+ NJ (x)H (x)aJ + NK (x) {α }bαK sented independent of the background mesh using level sets
J ∈N c K∈N f α=1 and appropriate enrichment functions are used to capture the
for cracks underlying physics.

+ NL (x)(x)cL (3) 3. Integration: The standard Gauß quadrature cannot be ap-
L∈N cut
plied in elements enriched by discontinuous terms, because
   Gauß quadrature implicitly assumes a polynomial approxi-
for cutouts
mation. In the present study, a triangular quadrature with sub-
where N fem is the set of all nodes in the finite element mesh, division aligned to the discontinuity surface is employed. For
N c , N f and N cut are the set of nodes enriched with a Heav- the elements that are not enriched, a standard 2 × 2 Gaus-
iside function, the near-tip asymptotic fields and the absolute sian quadrature rule is used. The other techniques that can be
value function. aJ and bαK are the nodal degrees of freedom employed are Schwarz Christoffel Mapping [35, 36], gener-
corresponding to the Heaviside function H and the near-tip alized quadrature [37], and Smoothed eXtended FEM [38].

This modification of the displacement approximation does and materials with discontinuities is
not introduce a new form of the discretized finite element equi-   (2) (1)

(1) ∂ui (2) ∂ui ∂q
librium equation, but leads to an enlarged problem to solve: I (1,2)
= σij + σij −W (1,2)
δ1j d
⎡ ⎤⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫  ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂xi
Kuu Kua Kub ⎪ 
⎨q⎪ ⎬ ⎪ ⎨ fq ⎪⎬  tip  (2)
⎢ ⎥ + σij(1) Sij kl − Sij kl (X) σkl,1 qd (9)
⎣ Kau Kaa Kab ⎦ a = fa (6)

⎩ ⎪ ⎭ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪ ⎭ 
Kbu Kba Kbb b fb
To employ the interaction integral in the XFEM, Eq. (9) is
where the element stiffness matrix is given by: discretized as
⎡ e ⎤ N  M
∂u(2) ∂u(1) ∂q
Kuu Keua Keub I = σij(1) i + σij(2) i − σj(2) ε δ
⎢ e ⎥ ∂x1 ∂x1 k j k 1j
⎣ Kau Keaa Keab ⎦ n=1 m=1

Kebu Keba Kebb  tip  (2)
⎡ ⎤ σij(1) Sij kl − Sij kl (X) σkl,1 q det|J |wp (10)
 Bstd std Bstd enr Bstd enr
⎢ ⎥
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= ⎢ (B1 )T DBstd (B1 )T DB1 (B1enr )T DB2enr ⎥

⎣ enr enr enr ⎦ de where N is the number of elements in the integral domain ,
(B2enr )T DBstd (B2enr )T DB1enr (B2enr )T DB2enr M is the number of integration points in one element, det|J | is
the determinant of Jacobian matrix, and wp corresponds to the
weight at the integration point.
where Bstd is the standard strain-displacement matrix, B1enr and
B2enr are the enriched parts of the strain-displacement matrix and 3. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES
D is the material matrix. In this section, the crack-inclusion interaction is numerically
studied by solving different benchmark problems.
Remark 1. The degrees of freedom of the unused nodes in the
FE mesh are taken care of during the solution process.
3.1. Inclusion—Crack Interaction
Figure 2 shows a square plate of side W with a horizontal
2.2. Stress Intensity Factor by Interaction Integral crack of length 2a in the neighbourhood of a circular inclusion
The stress intensity factors (SIF) are computed using the
domain forms of the interaction integrals [21, 39, 40]. The in- σo = 1
teraction integral in domain form is
⎡ ⎤
 (2) (1) E1 , ν1
( ∂u ( ∂u ∂q
I (1,2) = ⎣σij 1) i
+ σij
2) i
− W (1,2) δ1j ⎦ d y
 ∂x 1 ∂x 1 ∂xj
where (1, 2) represents the two states. State 1 (σij(1) , u1 )
corre- 2a x
sponds to the actual state and state 2 (σij(2) , u2 ) is an auxiliary
state which will be chosen as the asymptotic fields for mode A B
E2 , ν2 c
I and mode II. The interaction integral given by Eq. (8) in its
original form has been proved to be a conservation integral for
homogeneous materials. However, it cannot be directly applied
to non-homogeneous materials or material interfaces. A mod- R
ified J ∗ integral and a path-independent Je integral has been b
proposed by Eischen [41] and Honein and Hermann [42], re- L/2
spectively, for non-homogeneous materials. In this paper, we
use the recently proposed interaction integral by Yu et al. [43]. L
The main advantage of the new interaction integral is that it does
not require any derivative of the material property parameters
and is valid even when the integral domain contains material
interfaces. As the interaction integral is not the main focus, only
σo = 1
the final form of the interaction integral is given here. For de-
tailed derivation and proof, interested readers are referred to FIG. 2. A plate with a horizontal crack in the neighborhood of a circular
[43]. The interaction integral for non-homogeneous materials inclusion: geometry and boundary conditions.

Normalized SIFs at left tip (A) for a plate with a crack and a circular inclusion under far field tension σo

b/a Ref [8] Ref [43] Present Ref [8] Ref [43] Present
3 0.5810 0.5908 0.5916 0.0636 0.0652 0.0592
4 0.8199 0.8174 0.8185 −0.0661 −0.0671 −0.0646
6 0.9506 0.9505 0.9517 −0.0368 −0.0373 −0.0359
8 0.9787 0.9785 0.9798 −0.0173 −0.0179 −0.0172
10 0.9878 0.9877 0.9889 −0.0091 −0.0101 −0.0117

of radius R. The following parameters are chosen for the cur- 1.25
rent study: W = 100; a/W = 0.01; b/a = (3, 4, 6, 8, 10);√R = 1.20 R
= 0.5
2a; E1 = 1, E2 = 104 ; ν1 = ν2 = 0.35; σo = 1; Ko = σo π a. ro
Downloaded by [Ondokuz Mayis Universitesine] at 13:52 06 November 2014

= 0.7 2R
Tables 1 and 2 show the variation of the crack tip SIF (nor- 1.15
malized SIF)1 as a function of the distance to the center of the

Ktip /Ko
circular inclusion. It can be seen that as the distance between
the crack and the inclusion increases, the effect of the inclusion 1.05 Crack
on the crack tip SIF decreases. In other words, the crack tip 1.00

SIF increases with increasing distance from the inclusion. The

results show good agreement with the results available in the 0.95
literature [8, 43]. 0.90
Figure 3 shows the normalized crack tip SIF as a function 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Ep /Em
of mismatch of Young’s modulus between the inclusion and
the matrix for different distance between the crack tip and the FIG. 3. Normalized crack tip SIF (Ktip /Ko ) as a function of ratio of Young’s
center of the inclusion. For a particular distance from the crack modulus (Ep /Em ).
tip to the inclusion, with increase in the mismatch of the Young’s
modulus, the SIF decreases. The decrease in the crack tip SIF
is due to the presence of the inclusion and this decrease in SIF σo = 1
indicates toughening due to the shielding of the inclusion.

3.2. Crack Tip Shielding

In this example, crack tip shielding in the presence of an in- L/2
clusion is studied. When the inclusion is perfectly bonded to the y
matrix, crack deflection is a prominent toughening mechanism. D = L/10
The crack deflection depends on the inclusion size, inclusion
eccentricity, number of inclusions surrounding the crack, orien- a
tation of crack, to name a few. A rigid inclusion in a relatively
compliant matrix shields the crack tip as it is approached. Also,
shielding depends on aforementioned factors. The geometry and
boundary conditions are shown in Figure 4. The radius of the
inclusion, r = L/20 is considered, where L is the length of the
The variation of energy release rate (ERR), G with respect to L
crack length, and elastic moduli are studied. The ratio of elastic
moduli Ep /Em is varied from 2 to 8 as in the literature [7, 12],
where Ep is the Young’s modulus of the inclusion and Em is the
Young’s modulus of the matrix. The ERR G is calculated using
σo = 1

FIG. 4. A plate with a horizontal edge crack in the neighborhood of a circular

1Normalized SIF = Knumerical /Ko inclusion: geometry and boundary conditions.

Normalized SIFs at right tip (B) for a plate with a crack and a circular inclusion under far field tension σo

b/a Ref [8] Ref [43] Present Ref [8] Ref [43] Present
3 0.7995 0.8011 0.7916 −0.0733 −0.0711 −0.0684
4 0.9068 0.9065 0.89568 −0.0560 −0.0568 −0.0555
6 0.9684 0.9687 0.9572 −0.0252 −0.0255 −0.0245
8 0.9842 0.9844 0.9727 −0.0125 −0.0129 −0.0124
10 0.9901 0.9903 0.9924 −0.0069 −0.0076 −0.0069

the SIFs by the following equation the ERR is determined by

κ + 1 2 dU
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G= KI + KI2I (11) (12)

8μ da
where da is the crack tip increment and dU is the change in the
where the Kolosov coefficient, κ, is (3 − 4ν) for the plane strain potential energy of the structure.
and (3−ν)/(1+ν) for the plane stress. The Poisson’s ratio for the The effect of a pair of circular inclusions in the crack path on
inclusion and the matrix are assumed to be ν = 0.33 and 0.17, the ERR is studied next. A symmetrically located pair of inclu-
respectively. The variation of non-dimensional ERR G/Go for sions with respect to the crack, as shown in Figure 6, leads to
different crack lengths and elastic moduli is shown in Figure 5, crack growth under mode I conditions. The length of the crack is
where Go is the ERR for the matrix without the inclusion. With a and the inclusions are located at p/W = 0.25 from the crack
increasing ratio of elastic moduli, the non-dimensional ERR tip. The separation distance ‘s’ between the inclusions is varied
decreases. From Figure 5, it can been that the crack senses the between W/8 to W. Figure 7 shows the variation of the ERR
rigid inclusion in front of it, at least from a distance of ≈5 times as a function of the crack length for various position of the in-
the radius of the inclusion as observed in the literature [7, 12]. clusions. It can be seen that, by increasing the crack length, the
The observed variation of the ERR are the same as the ones ERR decreases, indicating the crack shielding and maximum
reported in the literature. It should be noted that the interaction shielding occur when the crack tip is approximately at a dis-
integral is used to compute the ERR in this study, whereas the tance of W/2 in front of the center of the inclusion. With further
Displacement Correlation Technique is used in [12] and in [7],
σo = 1


1.05 p = L/2 D = L/10


0.95 a = L/4

0.9 E /E = 1
p m

E /E = 2
0.85 p m

Ep/Em = 4
0.8 L/2
Ep/Em = 6 D = L/10
Ep/Em = 8
0.7 y
−9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2
σo = 1
FIG. 5. Variation of non-dimensionalized ERR for various ratio of elastic x
moduli, Ep /Em , where Ep is the Young’s modulus of the inclusion and Em
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