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An Effective Numerical Approach

for Multiple Void-Crack

This paper presents a numerical approach to modeling a general system containing
Xiangqiao Yan multiple interacting cracks and voids in an infinite elastic plate under remote uniform
Research Laboratory on Composite Materials, stresses. By extending Bueckner’s principle suited for a crack to a general system con-
Harbin Institute of Technology, taining multiple interacting cracks and voids, the original problem is divided into a
Harbin 150001, China homogeneous problem (the one without cracks and voids) subjected to remote loads and
e-mail: a multiple void-crack problem in an unloaded body with applied tractions on the surfaces
of cracks and voids. Thus the results in terms of the stress intensity factors (SIFs) can be
obtained by considering the latter problem, which is analyzed easily by means of the
displacement discontinuity method with crack-tip elements (a boundary element method)
proposed recently by the author. Test examples are included to illustrate that the numeri-
cal approach is very simple and effective for analyzing multiple crack/void problems in
an infinite elastic plate. Specifically, the numerical approach is used to study the
microdefect-finite main crack linear elastic interaction. In addition, complex crack prob-
lems in infinite/finite plate are examined to test further the accuracy and robustness of the
boundary element method. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2127955兴

1 Introduction to study the microdefect-finite main crack linear elastic interac-

tion. Two models are used. One is “A Finite Main Crack Interac-
Many brittle materials, such as rocks, ceramics and intermetal-
tion with a Collinear Elliptical Microdefect 共Hole兲.” The other is
lics, have a preexisting subscale flaw structure in the form of
“A Finite Main Crack Interaction with a Pair of Symmetric Col-
voids, cracks, and other inclusions. Accurate prediction of the linear Elliptical Microdefects 共Holes兲.” In the numerical compu-
explicit fracture responds of these materials would require an ac- tations, the ratio of the elliptical horizontal axis length to the main
curate accounting of the growth of the voids and cracks and their crack length varies from 0.05 to 0.4 and the elliptical aspect ratio
interaction. is taken as 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0. Thus the present numerical results
In recent years, multiple void-crack-related micromechanical reveal the effect that the relative size of the elliptical microdefect
analysis has become an area of research 关1–17兴. Analysis of crack- 共hole兲 to the main crack has on the microdefect-finite main crack
crack interaction was carried out using the superposition and the interaction. In addition, complex crack problems in infinite/finite
pseudotraction concept 关4–9兴. Analysis of hole-hole interactions plate are examined to indicate further the accuracy and robustness
using the pseudo-traction concept was also included in the work of the boundary element method.
by Horii and Nemat-Nasser 关7兴. In the work by Hu et al. 关16兴, the By the way, it is pointed out here that this paper concentrates on
holes were modeled as unknown pseudotractions on the hole sur- presenting an efficient numerical approach to modeling a general
faces and the cracks were modeled as an unknown distribution of system containing multiple interacting cracks and voids in an in-
dislocations. finite elastic plate under remote uniform stresses. The numerical
This paper presents a numerical approach to modeling a general approach involves a generation of Bueckner’s principle and a dis-
system containing multiple interacting cracks and voids in an in- placement discontinuity method with crack-tip elements proposed
finite elastic plate under remote uniform stresses. By extending recently by the author 关19兴. In addition, complex crack problems
Bueckner’s principle 关18兴 suited for a crack to a general system in infinite/finite plate are examined to indicate further the accu-
containing multiple interacting cracks and voids, the original racy and robustness of the boundary element method. In Ref. 关19兴,
problem is divided into a homogeneous problem 共the one without the displacement discontinuity method with crack-tip elements is
cracks and voids兲 subjected to remote loads and a multiple void- described in detail and branch crack problems are analyzed to
crack problem in an unloaded body with applied tractions on the indicate that the boundary element method is an accurate and
surfaces of cracks and voids. Thus the results in terms of the stress efficient approach for calculating the SIFs of the branch crack
intensity factors 共SIFs兲 can be obtained by considering the latter problems.
problem, which is analyzed easily by means of the displacement
discontinuity method with crack-tip elements 共a boundary element
method兲 proposed recently by the author 关19兴. Test examples are 2 A Description of the Present Numerical Approach
included to illustrate that the numerical approach is very simple
and effective for analyzing multiple crack/void problems in an The numerical approach for analyzing a void-crack interaction
infinite elastic plate. Specifically, the numerical approach is used problem presented in this paper involves a generation of Bueck-
ner’s principle and a displacement discontinuity method with
crack-tip elements 共an indirect boundary element method兲 pro-
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME for publication in the posed recently by the author.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received July 20, 2005; final manuscript
received September 20, 2005. Review conducted by Z. Suo. Discussion on the paper 2.1 A Generalization of Bueckner’s Principle. Now con-
should be addressed to the Editor, Prof. Robert M. McMeeking, Journal of Applied sider a two-dimensional system containing a finite number of non-
Mechanics, Department of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, University intersecting cracks and elliptical voids. Specifically, consider an
of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5070, and will be accepted
until four months after final publication in the paper itself in the ASME JOURNAL OF infinite elastic plate containing M arbitrarily oriented cracks and N
APPLIED MECHANICS. elliptical voids under remote uniform stresses ␴⬁yy , ␴⬁xx , ␴⬁xy. Let

Journal of Applied Mechanics Copyright © 2006 by ASME JULY 2006, Vol. 73 / 525

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␴sso = 共␴⬁xx sin ␾共i兲 sin ␾共i兲 − 2␴xy

sin ␾共i兲 cos ␾共i兲
+ ␴⬁yy cos ␾共i兲 cos ␾共i兲兲,
␴tso = 共␴⬁yy − ␴⬁xx兲sin ␾共i兲 cos ␾共i兲 + ␴xy

共cos ␾共i兲 cos ␾共i兲
− sin ␾共i兲 sin ␾共i兲兲, 共2a兲
which are called initial stresses here. Denoting the orientation
angle of a tangent at any point 关r共j兲 , ␪共j兲兴 on surface of the jth
hole with respect to the x axis by ␤共j兲, the initial stresses at this
point are
共 j兲
␴rro = 共␴⬁xx sin ␤共 j兲 sin ␤共 j兲 − 2␴xy

sin ␤共 j兲 cos ␤共 j兲
+ ␴⬁yy cos ␤共 j兲 cos ␤共 j兲兲,

␴r共 ␪j兲o = 共␴⬁yy − ␴⬁xx兲sin ␤共 j兲 cos ␤共 j兲 + ␴xy

共cos ␤共 j兲 cos ␤共 j兲
− sin ␤共 j兲 sin ␤共 j兲兲. 共2b兲
Of course, the initial stresses defined in 共2b兲 varies with different
point 关r共j兲 , ␪共j兲兴 on surface of the jth hole. Thus, the results in
terms of the SIFs can be obtained by considering the latter prob-
lem 共see Fig. 1共c兲兲, which is analyzed easily by means of the
displacement discontinuity method with crack-tip elements pro-
posed recently by the author 关19兴.

2.2 Description of the Displacement Discontinuity Method

With Crack-Tip Elements. Here, the displacement discontinuity
method with crack-tip elements proposed recently by the author
关19兴 is described. It consists of the 共nonsingular兲 constant dis-
placement discontinuity element presented by Crouch and Star-
field 关20兴 and the crack-tip displacement discontinuity elements
Fig. 1 A generalization of Bueckner’s principle due to the author.
Constant Displacement Discontinuity Element and Its Nu-
merical Formulations. The displacement discontinuity Di in 兩x兩
共x , y兲 be the global Cartesian coordinates. Let a共i兲 and f共i兲 be the ⬍ a, y = 0 in an infinite plate is defined as the difference in dis-
half-length of the ith crack and its orientation angle with respect placement between the two sides of the segment 关20兴:
共i兲 共i兲
to the x axis, and 共xc , y c 兲 be the coordinates of the ith crack Dx = ux共x,0−兲 − ux共x,0+兲,
center. Let Rx共j兲 and Ry共j兲 be the horizontal and longitudinal radii
共j兲 共j兲
of the jth elliptical void, and 共xv , y v 兲 be the coordinates of its Dy = uy共x,0−兲 − uy共x,0+兲. 共3兲
center. Denote the local polar coordinate system associated with The solution to the subject problem is given by Crouch and Star-
the jth void by r共j兲 and ␪共j兲, and the local coordinates normal and field 关20兴. The displacements and stresses can be written as
tangential to the ith crack by s共i兲 and t共i兲. The boundary conditions
for the surfaces of the cracks and holes are traction free, giving ux = Dx关2共1 − ␯兲F3共x,y兲 − yF5共x,y兲兴 + Dy关− 共1 − 2␯兲F2共x,y兲
␴ss = 0, ␴ts共i兲 = 0, i = 1,2, . . . ,M , − yF4共x,y兲兴,

共 j兲
␴rr = 0, ␴r共 ␪j兲 = 0, j = 1,2, . . . ,N. 共1兲 uy = Dx关共1 − 2␯兲F2共x,y兲 − yF4共x,y兲兴 + Dy关2共1 − ␯兲F3共x,y兲
We shall refer to the above-described boundary value problem − yF5共x,y兲兴, 共4兲
as the original problem. and
Bueckner 关18兴 derived an important result, which is related to
the principle of superposition. He demonstrated the equivalence of ␴xx = 2GDx关2F4共x,y兲 + yF6共x,y兲兴 + 2GDy关− F5共x,y兲 + yF7共x,y兲兴,
the SIFs resulting from external loading on a body and those
resulting from internal tractions on the crack face. The SIFs for a ␴yy = 2GDx关− yF6共x,y兲兴 + 2GDy关− F5共x,y兲 − yF7共x,y兲兴,
crack in a loaded body may be determined by considering the
crack to be in an unloaded body with applied tractions on the ␴xy = 2GDx关− F5共x,y兲 + yF7共x,y兲兴 + 2GDy关− yF6共x,y兲兴. 共5兲
crack surface only. These surface tractions are equal in magnitude G and v in these equations are shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio,
but opposite in sign to those evaluated along the line of the crack respectively. Functions F2 through F7 are described in Ref. 关20兴.
site in the uncracked configuration. Equations 共4兲 and 共5兲 are used by Crouch and Starfield 关20兴 to
Here, we try to extend Bueckner’s principle 关18兴 suited for a set up a constant displacement discontinuity boundary element
crack to a general system containing multiple interacting cracks method. The numerical formulations of the boundary element
and voids. The original problem 共see Fig. 1共a兲兲 is divided into a method are outlined below.
homogeneous problem 共see Fig. 1共b兲兲 共the one without cracks and The displacements and stresses denoted by Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲 can
holes兲 subjected to remote loads and a multiple void-crack prob- be rewritten as
lem 共see Fig. 1共c兲兲 in an unloaded body with applied tractions on
the surfaces of cracks and holes. The applied tractions on the ith ux = Cxx共x,y兲Dx + Cxy共x,y兲Dy ,
crack surface are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to those
evaluated along the line of the ith crack site in the uncracked uy = Cyx共x,y兲Dx + Cyy共x,y兲Dy , 共6兲
configuration, which are and

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m m

u in = 兺
LijnnD jn + 兺L
ij j
nsD s ,

m m

u is = 兺
LijsnD jn + 兺L
ij j
ssD s , 共12兲

m m

nnD n
+ 兺O
ij j
nsD s,

Fig. 2 Schematic of two different segments over which two m m

different sets of displacement discontinuities are imposed
snD n
+ 兺O
ij j
ssD s . 共13兲

Thus any structural problem can be described by congruence

␴xx = Exxx共x,y兲Dx + Exxy共x,y兲Dy , and equilibrium equations like 共12兲 and 共13兲 which constitute a
system of linear algebraic equations since the index i can vary
␴yy = Eyyx共x,y兲Dx + Eyyy共x,y兲Dy , over the rang 关1 , m兴. The terms on the left-hand side of 共12兲 and
共13兲 represent the resulting effect, displacement or stress, due to
␴xy = Exyx共x,y兲Dx + Exyy共x,y兲Dy . 共7兲 all displacement discontinuities applied, thus representing the
Now let us consider two sets of displacement discontinuities boundary conditions given over each segment.
applied to two different segments, as depicted in Fig. 2. According If only kinematic boundary conditions are given, then the elas-
to Eqs. 共6兲 and 共7兲, it is possible to express the displacements and tic problem is represented by equations like 共12兲; while static
stresses in the center of the ith segment due to the displacement conditions lead to a solving system like 共13兲. If the elastic prob-
lem provides mixed boundary conditions, the solving system can
discontinuities applied to the jth segment 共denoted by D jx̄ and Dȳj兲
be obtained by choosing segment by segment the appropriate
with regard to the local reference system x̄ , ȳ of the same element; equations of type 共12兲 or 共13兲. The solution of a general problem
let these displacements and stresses be uix̄ , uiȳ and ␴ixx , ␴iyy , ␴ixy. will be provided by a system of linear algebraic equations like
The rotation transformation of the x̄ , ȳ system by an angle ␥ = ␤i
− ␤ j turns the same system into the x⬘, y ⬘ one, so that by means of m m
the rotation transformation formulas for stresses and displace-
ments 关see 共2.8.1兲 and 共2.8.5兲 in Ref. 关20兴兴, it is possible to ex-
q in = 兺
KijnnD jn + 兺K
ij j
nsD s ,

press the displacements and stresses in the center of the ith seg- m m 共i = 1,2, . . . ,m兲 共14兲
ment with reference to the local x⬘ , y ⬘ system. Here, by setting
and D jȳ = Dnj, at the same time, noting that uix and uiy are equiva-
qsi = 兺K ij j
snD n + 兺K ij j
ssD s ,
⬘ ⬘ j=1 j=1
lent to uis and uin, and that ␴iy y and ␴ix y are equivalent to ␴in
⬘ ⬘ ⬘ ⬘ where Kijnn, etc. and q⬘n etc. are, respectively, the influence coef-
and ␴is, we can obtain
ficients Lijnn, etc. and u⬘n, etc. in Eq. 共12兲 for kinematic boundary
uis = psn共x̄i,ȳ i兲D jn + pss共x̄i,ȳ i兲D js , conditions and the influence coefficients Oijnn, etc. and ␴⬘n, etc. in
Eq. 共13兲 for static conditions.
uin = pnn共x̄i,ȳ i兲D jn + pns共x̄i,ȳ i兲D js , 共8兲 Once the displacement discontinuities 关D jn , D js 共j
= 1 , 2 , . . . , m兲兴 are found by solving the system 共14兲, stresses and
␴in = sy⬘y⬘n共x̄i,ȳ i兲D jn + sy⬘y⬘s共x̄i,ȳ i兲D js , displacements at any point of the continuum medium can be
evaluated through 共12兲 and 共13兲 after recalculating the influence
␴is = sx⬘y⬘n共x̄i,ȳ i兲D jn + sx⬘y⬘s共x̄i,ȳ i兲D js , 共9兲 coefficients.
where x̄i , ȳ i are the coordinates of the center of the ith segment Crack-Tip Displacement Discontinuity Elements and Its Nu-
with regard to the local reference system x̄ , ȳ. merical Formulations. By using Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲, recently, the
Evidently, psn共x̄i , ȳ i兲, etc. and sy⬘y⬘共x̄i , ȳ i兲, etc. in Eqs. 共8兲 and author 关19兴 presented crack-tip displacement discontinuity ele-
共9兲 are the boundary influence coefficients for the displacements ments, which can be classified as the left and the right crack-tip
and for the stresses, respectively. Then Eqs. 共8兲 and 共9兲 can be displacement discontinuity elements to deal with crack problems
rewritten in the form in general plane elasticity. The following gives basic formulas of
the left crack-tip displacement discontinuity element.
uin = LijnnD jn + LijnsD js , For the left crack-tip displacement discontinuity element, its
displacement discontinuity functions are
uis = LijsnD jn + LijssD js , 共10兲

␴in = OijnnD jn + OijnsD js , Dx = Hs 冉 冊

, D y = Hn 冉 冊 a+␰
, 共15兲

i ij j
snD n +O ij j
ssD s . 共11兲
where Hs and Hn are the tangential and normal displacement dis-
ij ij
L nn,
etc. and O nn, etc. being the influence coefficients. continuity quantities at the center of the element, respectively.
In the case where there are m segments over which displace- Here, it is noted that the element has the same unknowns as the
ment discontinuities are imposed, either linked or separated from two-dimensional constant displacement discontinuity element. But
each other, the global effect on the ith segment can be obtained as it can be seen that the displacement discontinuity functions de-
superimposition of the effects of any single segments, including fined in 共15兲 can model the displacement fields around the crack
the ith one, tip. The stress field determined by the displacement discontinuity

Journal of Applied Mechanics JULY 2006, Vol. 73 / 527

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functions 共15兲 possesses r−1/2 singularity around the crack tip.
Based on Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲, the displacements and stresses at a
point 共x , y兲 due to the left crack-tip displacement discontinuity
element can be obtained,

ux = Hs关2共1 − ␯兲B3共x,y兲 − yB5共x,y兲兴 + Hn关− 共1 − 2␯兲B2共x,y兲

− yB4共x,y兲兴,

uy = Hs关共1 − 2␯兲B2共x,y兲 − yB4共x,y兲兴 + Hn关2共1 − ␯兲B3共x,y兲

− yB5共x,y兲兴, 共16兲

␴xx = 2GHs关2B4共x,y兲 + yB6共x,y兲兴 + 2GHn关− B5共x,y兲 + yB7共x,y兲兴,

Fig. 3 One circular hole and one crack subjected to remote
␴yy = 2GHs关− yB6共x,y兲兴 + 2GHn关− B5共x,y兲 − yB7共x,y兲兴,

␴xy = 2GHs关− B5共x,y兲 + yB7共x,y兲兴 + 2GHn关− yB6共x,y兲兴, 共17兲 Computational Formulas of Stress Intensity Factors and
where functions B2 through B7 are described in Ref. 关19兴. Some Examples. The objective of many analyses of linear elastic
It can be seen by comparing Eqs. 共16兲 and 共17兲 with Eqs. 共4兲 crack problems is to obtain the SIFs KI and KII at the crack tips.
and 共5兲 that the displacements and stresses due to the crack-tip Based on the displacement field around the crack tip, the follow-
displacement discontinuity possess the same forms as those due to ing formulas exist
a constant displacement discontinuity, with Fi共x , y兲 冑2␲GHn 冑2␲GHs
⫻共i = 2 , 3 , . . . , 7兲 in Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲 being replaced by Bi共x , y兲 KI = − , KII = − . 共21兲
⫻共i = 2 , 3 , . . . , 7兲, Dx and Dy by Hs and Hn, respectively. 4共1 − ␯兲冑a 4共1 − ␯兲冑a
For the right crack tip, formulas similar to 共15兲–共17兲 can be To indicate further the accuracy and robustness of the numerical
obtained and are not given here. approach, some examples are given below.
According to the similarity of Eqs. 共16兲 and 共17兲 to Eqs. 共4兲 and
Crack problems in infinite plate. This subsection is concerned
共5兲, it is easy to perform numerical formulations like 共12兲 and 共13兲
with two multiple crack/void problems: One is the interaction
for the crack-tip displacement discontinuity elements,
problem of a circular hole with a crack in an infinite plane elas-
uin = QijnnH jn + QijnsH js , ticity medium subjected to remote uniform stress ␴ 共see Fig. 3兲.
The other is the interaction problem of one crack in horizontal
position and another in inclined position subjected to remote uni-
uis = QijsnH jn + QijssH js , 共18兲 form stress ␴ 共see Fig. 4兲. The two examples illustrate that the
numerical approach is very effective for analyzing the multiple
␴in = RijnnH jn + RijnsH js , crack/void problems in infinite plate.
For the void-crack interaction problem shown in Fig. 3, the
following cases are considered
␴is = RijsnH jn + RijssH js . 共19兲
ij ij
R/a = 2
Q nn, etc. and R nn, etc. being the influence coefficients.
b/a = 3.2,3.5,4,5,8
Numerical Formulations of the Boundary Element Method.
As mentioned above, the displacement discontinuity method with The numbers of boundary elements discretized on the crack and
crack-tip elements proposed recently by the author consists of the the circular hole are 200 and 800, respectively. The present
共nonsingular兲 constant displacement discontinuity element pre- numerical results of the SIFs normalized by ␴冑␲a are given in
sented by Crouch and Starfield and the crack-tip displacement Table 1. Table 1 also shows results obtained by Erdogan et al. 关21兴
discontinuity elements due to the author. The numerical formula- by using the singular integral equation method. In addition, we
tions of the boundary element method are obtained easily as also check the effect of element discretizations on numerical re-
follows: sults for the case b / a = 3.5, R / a = 2. Let the number of boundary
m m elements discretized on the crack and the circular hole be denoted
qn= 兺W
nnD ⬘n
+ 兺W
nsD ⬘s ,

m m 共i = 1,2, . . . ,m兲 共20兲

qs= 兺W
snD ⬘n
+ 兺W
ssD ⬘s .

The influence coefficients Wijnn, etc. in Eqs. 共20兲 are, respectively,

Lijnn, etc., in Eq. 共12兲 and Oijnn, etc., in Eqs. 共13兲 for kinematic
and static boundary conditions of constant displacement disconti-
nuity element, Qijnn, etc. in Eqs. 共18兲 and Rijnn, etc. in Eqs. 共19兲
for kinematic and static boundary conditions of crack tip displace-
ment discontinuity element. The displacement discontinuities D j⬘n
and D j⬘s in Eqs. 共20兲 are, respectively, D jn and D js for constant
displacement discontinuity element, and H jn and H j for crack tip Fig. 4 One crack in horizontal position and another in inclined
displacement discontinuity element. position subjected to remote uniform stress ␴

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Table 1 Normalized SIFs for the interaction between one circular hole and one crack

b/a 3.2 3.5 4 5 8

Present 2.2650 1.4149 1.7173 1.2887 1.3918 1.1871 1.1732 1.1007 1.0438 1.0326
Ref. 关23兴 2.274 1.417 1.722 1.290 1.394 1.188 1.174 1.102 1.045 1.033
Relative Error 共%兲 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0

by Ncrack and Ncircular, respectively. Table 2 gives the variation of Crack problems in finite plate. Pan 关25兴 pointed out that “the
the SIFs normalized by ␴冑␲a as the number of discretized ele- displacement discontinuity method 关20兴 is quite suitable for cracks
ments varies. From Tables 1 and 2, it can be seen that the numeri- in infinite domain where there is no no-crack boundary. However,
cal approach is very effective for analyzing the void-crack inter- it alone may not be efficient for finite domain problems, since the
action problem. kernel functions in DDM involve singularities with order higher
For the multiple-crack interaction problem shown in Fig. 4, the than those in the traditional displacement BEM.” The displace-
following cases are considered: ment discontinuity method with crack-tip elements is used in this
subsection to calculate the SIFs of complex plane cracks in a finite
2a/d = 0.1,0.9 plate. These numerical results show that the numerical approach is
also simple, yet very accurate for complex plane cracks in a finite
␣ = 0°,30°,60°,90° plate.
The total number of boundary elements discretized on crack AB Figure 5 shows the schematic of an inclined center crack in a
and crack CD is 60. The present numerical results of the SIFs rectangular plate under tension. For this crack problem, the fol-
normalized lowing geometrical parameters are considered
by ␴冑␲a at crack tips A, B, C, and D are given in Tables 3 and 4. ␪ = 15°,30°,45°,60°,75°
In Table 3, the results obtained by Chen 关24兴 by using the singular
integral equation method for the multiple crack problem of plane a/W = 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8
elasticity are also given. The exact results of a single crack in-
clined to tensile axis in an infinite plane elasticity reported in Ref. Regarding discretization, here, the number of elements discretized
关23兴 are also given in Table 4. These numerical results indicate on a crack is 20 and the other boundaries are discretized according
further that the numerical approach is also very effective for ana- to the limitation that all boundary elements have approximately
lyzing the multiple-crack interaction problem. equal length. The present numerical results of the SIFs normalized

Table 2 Variation of normalized SIFs for the interaction between one circular hole and one
crack with the number of discretized elements

Ncrack 25 50 75 150
Ncircular 100 200 300 600

FA 1.6954 1.7082 1.7111 1.7181 1.722 Ref. 关23兴

Relative Error 共%兲 1.5 0.8 0.6 0.2
FB 1.2826 1.2862 1.2864 1.2890 1.290 Ref. 关23兴
Relative Error 共%兲 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.1

Table 3 Normalized SIFs for interaction between one crack in horizontal position and another
in inclined position

共2a / d = 0.9兲
␣ FIA FIA 关24兴 FIIA FIIA 关24兴 FIB FIB 关24兴 FIIB FIIB 关24兴

0° 1.1075 1.1174 0.0000 0. 1.4182 1.4539 0.0000 0.

30° 1.0844 1.0939 −0.0464 −0.0472 1.2729 1.2933 −0.0679 −0.0663
60° 1.0227 1.0310 −0.0296 −0.0300 1.0654 1.0757 −0.0393 −0.0394
90° 0.9961 1.0040 0.0000 0. 0.9990 1.0071 0.0000 0

␣ FIC FIC 关24兴 FIIC FIIC 关24兴 FID FID 关24兴 FIID FIID 关24兴
0° 1.4182 1.4539 0.0000 0. 1.1075 1.1174 0.0000 0.
30° 1.0179 1.0252 0.5451 0.5580 0.8501 0.8566 0.4444 0.4478
60° 0.3112 0.3101 0.5101 0.5149 0.3067 0.3086 0.4489 0.4525
90° 0.0314 0.0305 0.0136 0.0133 0.0314 0.0305 −0.0136 −0.0133

Table 4 Normalized SIFs for interaction between one crack in horizontal position and another in inclined position

共2a / d = 0.1兲

0 0.9933 0.0000 0.9934 0.0000 0.9934 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.9933 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
30 0.9930 −0.0005 0.9931 −0.0006 0.7463 0.7500 0.4301 0.4330 0.7462 0.7500 0.4302 0.4330
60 0.9924 −0.0005 0.9925 −0.0006 0.2496 0.2500 0.4302 0.4330 0.2495 0.2500 0.4301 0.4330
90 0.9921 0.0000 0.9921 0.0000 0.0012 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0012 0.0000 −0.0001 0.0000

Journal of Applied Mechanics JULY 2006, Vol. 73 / 529

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Fig. 6 Schematic of a fair of cracks emanating from a square
Fig. 5 An inclined center crack in rectangular plate under hole in rectangular plate under biaxial loads

in excellent agreement with that reported in Ref. 关23兴.

by ␴冑␲a are given in Table 5. For the comparison purpose, Table Then the following cases are considered. Load parameter ␭ is
5 also lists those reported in Ref. 关23兴. From Table 5, it is found chosen as
that the present numerical results are in very good agreement with
those reported in Ref. 关23兴. ␭ = 0, 1,− 1
Figure 6 shows the schematic of a fair of cracks emanating and two types of geometric parameters are chosen as
from a square hole in a rectangular plate under biaxial loads. For
H/W = 1
this problem, the symmetric conditions about x-axis and y-axis
can be used. For the purpose of illustrating the accuracy of the
b/W = 0.25
numerical results, the following case is considered first
␭=0 a/W = 0.26,0.27,0.28,0.29,0.30,0.35,0.40,0.50,0.60,0.70,
b/W = 0.1, a/b = 1.1
which can be regarded approximately as a fair of cracks emanat-
ing from a square hole in an infinite plate under tension Regarding H/W = 1
discretization, here, the number of elements discretized on a quar-
ter of square hole is 100 and the other boundaries are discretized b/W = 0.50
according to the limitation that all boundary elements have ap-
proximately equal length. The present numerical result of the SIFs a/W = 0.51,0.52,0.525,0.53,0.54,0.55,0.60,0.70,0.78,0.85,0.90
normalized by ␴冑␲a is given in Table 6. For the comparison Regarding discretization, the number of elements discretized on a
purpose, Table 6 also lists the numerical result reported in Ref quarter of square hole for the former and latter is, respectively,
关23兴. From Table 6, it is found that the present numerical result is 100 and 200, and the other boundaries are discretized according to

Table 5 SIFs normalized by ␴冑␲a for an inclined center crack in a rectangular plate under tension

␪ 共deg兲

15 30 45 60 75
a/W present 关23兴 present 关23兴 present 关23兴 present 关23兴 present 关23兴

FI 0.1 0.9360 0.9391 0.7532 0.7557 0.5023 0.5046 0.2519 0.2527 0.0678 0.0678
0.2 0.9599 0.9577 0.7749 0.7730 0.5191 0.5181 0.2618 0.2605 0.0712 0.0701
0.3 0.9962 0.9904 0.8074 0.8025 0.5437 0.5406 0.2758 0.2730 0.0758 0.0736
0.4 1.0488 1.0402 0.8529 0.8456 0.5767 0.5719 0.2937 0.2896 0.0814 0.0783
0.5 1.1240 1.1128 0.9145 0.9046 0.6188 0.6119 0.3155 0.3099 0.0880 0.0837
0.6 1.2324 1.2183 0.9970 0.984 0.6708 0.6611 0.3407 0.3332 0.0954 0.0896
0.7 1.3952 1.378 1.1090 1.091 0.7345 0.721 0.3693 0.359 0.1036 0.0957
0.8 1.6607 1.653 1.2663 1.245 0.8122 0.795 0.4007 0.388 0.1119 0.102

FII 0.1 0.2496 0.2502 0.4325 0.4339 0.4995 0.5018 0.4336 0.4352 0.2505 0.2516
0.2 0.2514 0.2510 0.4373 0.4367 0.5072 0.5072 0.4422 0.4417 0.2563 0.2560
0.3 0.2540 0.2527 0.4438 0.4417 0.5178 0.5162 0.4540 0.4521 0.2641 0.2631
0.4 0.2578 0.2560 0.4529 0.4497 0.5318 0.5290 0.4688 0.4660 0.2736 0.2721
0.5 0.2640 0.2619 0.4657 0.4517 0.5496 0.5458 0.4864 0.4827 0.2845 0.2825
0.6 0.2747 0.2725 0.4843 0.480 0.5719 0.5674 0.5066 0.5022 0.2962 0.2939
0.7 0.2933 0.290 0.5116 0.508 0.5998 0.595 0.5293 0.524 0.3085 0.3060
0.8 0.3272 0.307 0.5527 0.550 0.6342 0.630 0.5544 0.549 0.3210 0.319

530 / Vol. 73, JULY 2006 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 6 Comparison of normalized SIFs for a fair of cracks
emanating from a square hole

W / b = H / b = 10 共finite兲 Infinite 关23兴

a / b = 1.1 1.0864 1.07 Fig. 7 An oblique edge crack in a half-infinite plane under uni-
form tension

is chosen to model the half-infinite plane. Let the ratio of the

the limitation that all boundary elements have approximately
length of BC to the one of crack be gr, called a boundary geom-
equal length. The present numerical results of the SIFs normalized
by ␴冑␲a for the former and latter are listed, respectively, in etry factor. Table 9 gives the SIFs normalized by ␴冑␲a as the
Tables 7 and 8, from which the effect of load parameter ␭ on SIFs boundary geometry factor varies for an edge crack normal to sur-
is found: face in a half-infinite plane under uniform tension. In this analysis,
the number of boundary elements discretized on the crack is 15
共1兲 For small cracks, the effect of load parameter ␭ on SIFs is and elements on other boundaries are discretized according to the
very obvious. For example, for the cases 共b / W = 0.25, limitation condition that all elements have approximately the same
a / W = 0.26兲 and 共b / W = 0.5, a / W = 0.51兲, normalized SIF length. From the Table 9, it is found that the stress intensity factor
when ␭ = −1 is, respectively, 26.5% and 45.1% more than is convergent with the boundary geometry factor and relative error
the one when ␭ = 0. is 2.58% when gr = 15. Table 10 gives the present numerical re-
共2兲 With increase of a / W, this effect decreases. For example, sults of the SIFs normalized by ␴冑␲a for an oblique edge crack in
for the cases 共b / W = 0.25, a / W = 0.9兲 and 共b / W = 0.5, a / W a half-infinite plane under uniform tension. For the comparison
= 0.9兲, normalized SIF when ␭ = −1 is, respectively, 1.8% purpose, Table 10 lists also the results reported in Ref. 关23兴. From
and 13.4% more than the one when ␭ = 0. Table 10, it is found that the present numerical results are in very
good agreement with those reported in Ref. 关23兴.
Crack problems in half-infinite plane. Shown in Fig. 7 is an
oblique edge crack in a half-infinite plane under uniform tension. 3 Results and Discussions
In using the boundary element method in analyzing this kind of
half-infinite plane problem, what region is chosen to analyze is In this section, specifically, two models are adopted to study the
first to be determined. For this, according to the geometry charac- microdefect-finite main crack interaction. One is “A Finite Main
ter of the problem, a rectangular region, BB⬘C⬘C, in which the Crack Interaction with a Collinear Elliptical Microdefect 共hole兲.”
length of CC⬘ equals two times the one of BC, as shown in Fig. 8, The other is “A Finite Main Crack Interaction with a Pair of
Symmetric Collinear Elliptical Microdefects 共holes兲.”
3.1 A Finite Main Crack Interaction With a Collinear El-
Table 7 Normalized SIFs for a fair of cracks emanating from a liptical Microdefect (Hole). Shown in Fig. 9 is a finite main
square hole in a square plate under biaxial loads crack and a collinear elliptical microdefect 共hole兲 under uniform
共b / W = 0.25兲 far-field tension ␴ normal to the crack faces, where the length of

a/W 0 1 −1

0.26 1.1974 0.8806 1.5142

0.27 1.2320 0.9228 1.5412
0.28 1.2503 0.9521 1.5485
0.29 1.2634 0.9765 1.5503
0.30 1.2743 0.9983 1.5503
0.35 1.3222 1.0911 1.5533
0.40 1.3743 1.1741 1.5745
0.50 1.5021 1.3401 1.6641
0.60 1.6622 1.5247 1.7997
0.70 1.8657 1.7509 1.9805
0.80 2.1681 2.0807 2.2555
0.85 2.4148 2.3443 2.4853 Fig. 8 Schematic of modeling a half-infinite plane
0.90 2.8337 2.7841 2.8833
Table 9 Variation of normalized SIFs with a boundary geom-
etry factor when ␪ = 90°
Table 8 Normalized SIFs for a fair of cracks emanating from a
square hole in a square plate under biaxial loads
gr 7 10 15 20
共b / W = 0.5兲 1.2535 1.1878 1.1499 1.1363

F 关23兴 1.121
a/W 0 1 −1
Table 10 Normalized SIFs for an oblique edge crack in a half-
0.51 1.8217 0.9996 2.6438
0.52 1.9020 1.0600 2.7440 infinite plane under uniform tension
0.525 1.9303 1.0841 2.7765
0.53 1.9551 1.1064 2.8038 ␪ 共deg兲 FI FI 关23兴 FII FII 关23兴
0.54 1.9988 1.1481 2.8495
0.55 2.0382 1.1878 2.8886 15 0.2222 0.232 0.2349 0.226
0.60 2.2137 1.3780 3.0494 30 0.4615 0.463 0.3426 0.336
0.70 2.5575 1.7803 3.3347 45 0.7438 0.705 0.3479 0.364
0.78 2.8537 2.1564 3.5510 60 0.9424 0.920 0.3072 0.306
0.85 3.1676 2.5809 3.7543 75 1.0948 1.069 0.1756 0.174
0.90 3.5110 3.0414 3.9806 90 1.1499 1.121 0.0010 0.0

Journal of Applied Mechanics JULY 2006, Vol. 73 / 531

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Table 11 Variation of number of elements discretized on the
finite main crack with the ratio a / c

a/c 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4

N 750 375 188 94

can be used to reveal approximately the interaction of a semi-

infinite main crack with a collinear microdefect whose analysis
solution has been obtained by Gong and Meguid 关22兴:
1 1
KIMA/KI = 1 + 共1 + ␧2兲共a/h兲2 + 共− 49␧4 + 12␧3 + 46␧2 + 23兲
Fig. 9 A collinear elliptical microdefect „hole… in the vicinity of 4 128
a finite main crack
⫻共a/h兲4 + ¯ , 共22兲
where ␧ = b / a, KIMAand KI are, respectively, the SIFs when there
the main crack A⬘A is denoted by 2c, the microdefect is charac- is the microdefect and there is not the microdefect. The analytical
terized by an elliptical hole whose horizontal and vertical axis results obtained by using the first three terms in formula 共22兲 are
radius are denoted by a and b and h is utilized to specify the listed in Table 13. By comparing the present numerical results
location of the center of the microdefect. In this analysis, let the corresponding to a / c = 0.05 in Table 12 with the analytical results
length of the finite main crack 2c be constant. Thus, ratios a / c and shown in Table 13, it is found that to the extent that the ratio a / h
a / h can be used to indicate, respectively, the relative magnitude of reaches 0.7 the agreement is very good with relative error less
the microdefect size and the relative distance away from the crack than 1.5%, which indicates, on one hand, that the present numeri-
tip A to the center of the microdefect. The following cases are cal results are very accurate, and on the other hand, that the for-
considered mula 共22兲 is very effective when a / h is less than 0.7. But when
the microdefect is close enough to the main crack tip A, for ex-
a/c = 0.05,0.1,0.2,0.4
ample, a / h = 0.9, the analytical results obtained by using the first
a/h = 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9 three terms in formula 共22兲 have relative errors 11.9%, 19.2% and
15.0%, respectively, for the elliptical aspect ratios b / a = 0.0, 0.5
b/a = 0.5,1.0 and 1.0 compared to the present study results.
The present numerical results shown in Table 12 can be used to
Regarding discretization, the number of elements discretized on develop rules for a collinear microdefect interaction with a finite
the microdefect is kept constant 300, while the number 共N兲 of main crack. The following laws exist:
elements discretized on the finite main crack A⬘A varies with the 共1兲 When the microdefect is far enough away from the finite
ratio a / c and is given in Table 11. The SIFs at the main crack tip main crack tip, for example, a / h ⬍ 0.1, the microdefect has no
A normalized by ␴冑␲c are listed in Table 12. To compare with a effect on the SIFs at the main crack tip A.
finite main crack interaction with a collinear microcrack, Table 12 共2兲 The closer the microdefect is to the finite main crack tip, the
also gives the numerical results for a finite main crack interaction more obvious is the effect of the elliptical hole aspect ratio on the
with a collinear microcrack, i.e., those corresponding to b / a SIFs at the main crack tip A. For example, for the case 共a / c
= 0.0. The present numerical results corresponding to a / c = 0.05 = 0.05, a / h = 0.7兲,

F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.7,a/c = 0.05兲 − F共b/a = 0.0,a/h = 0.7,a/c = 0.05兲

= 5.1%,
F共b/a = 0.0,a/h = 0.7,a/c = 0.05兲

Table 12 Normalized SIFs for finite main crack interaction with a collinear microdefect


a/c b/a 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

0.0 1.0015 1.0098 1.0238 1.0451 1.0761 1.1214 1.1908 1.3087 1.5679
0.05 0.5 0.9995 1.0089 1.0257 1.0522 1.0927 1.1535 1.252 1.428 1.8266
1.0 1.0001 1.0126 1.0360 1.0730 1.1285 1.2095 1.3273 1.5121 1.8618
0.0 1.0018 1.0105 1.0252 1.0472 1.0789 1.1250 1.1954 1.3147 1.5760
0.1 0.5 1.0014 1.0112 1.0282 1.0550 1.0954 1.1573 1.2574 1.4366 1.8403
1.0 1.0018 1.0140 1.0369 1.0742 1.1322 1.2121 1.3345 1.5270 1.8858
0.0 1.0015 1.0112 1.0270 1.0502 1.0834 1.1311 1.2034 1.3253 1.5908
0.2 0.5 1.0022 1.0127 1.0305 1.0580 1.0994 1.1627 1.2657 1.4483 1.8561
1.0 1.0024 1.0146 1.0374 1.0747 1.1318 1.2167 1.3451 1.5447 1.9143
0.0 1.0005 1.0115 1.0291 1.0544 1.0901 1.1408 1.2168 1.3435 1.6167
0.4 0.5 1.0023 1.0138 1.0332 1.0625 1.1061 1.1723 1.2788 1.4697 1.8988
1.0 1.0025 1.0165 1.0435 1.0881 1.1556 1.2524 1.3916 1.6811 1.9826

532 / Vol. 73, JULY 2006 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 13 Normalized SIFs determined by using the first three terms in formula „22…


b/a 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

0.0 1.0025 1.0104 1.0247 1.0470 1.0796 1.1254 1.1882 1.2720 1.3819
0.5 1.0032 1.0130 1.0309 1.0587 1.0994 1.1566 1.2348 1.3394 1.4764
1.0 1.0050 1.0204 1.0471 1.0866 1.1411 1.2134 1.3069 1.4256 1.5742

F共b/a = 1.0,a/h = 0.7,a/c = 0.05兲 − F共b/a = 0.0,a/h = 0.7,a/c = 0.05兲

= 11.5%, 共23兲
F共b/a = 0.0,a/h = 0.7,a/c = 0.05兲
while for the case 共a / c = 0.05, a / h = 0.9兲,
F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲 − F共b/a = 0.0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
= 16.5%,
F共b/a = 0.0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲

F共b/a = 1.0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲 − F共b/a = 0.0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲

= 18.7%, 共24兲
F共b/a = 0.0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
where F is the normalized SIFs listed in Table 12.
共3兲 The effect of the finite main crack size on SIFs at the main crack tip A can be characterized by means of a dimensionless quantity
a / c. From Table 12, it is found that when the microdefect is close enough to the main crack tip A, the dimensionless quantity a / c has
a certain influence on the SIFs at the main crack tip A. When a / h = 0.9, for example, for b / a = 0.0,
F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 − F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
= 3.1%, 共25兲
F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
for b / a = 0.5,
F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 − F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
= 4.0%, 共26兲
F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
and for b / a = 1.0,
F共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 − F共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
= 6.5%. 共27兲
F共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
共4兲 By comparing the present study results with those for a semi-infinite crack interaction with a microcrack 关9–11兴 which can be
regarded as ones corresponding to a / c = 0.05, b / a = 0.0 listed in Table 12, it is found that when the microdefect is close enough to the
main crack tip, the elliptical hole aspect ratio b / a and the dimensionless quantity a / c have obvious influence on SIFs at the main crack
tip A. When a / h = 0.9, for example, for a / c = 0.2,
F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲 − F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
= 18.4%,
F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲

F共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲 − F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲

= 22.1%, 共28兲
F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
and for a / c = 0.4
F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 − F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
= 21.1%,
F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲

F共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 − F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲

= 26.5%. 共29兲
F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲

3.2 A Finite Main Crack Interaction With a Pair of Sym- normalized by ␴冑␲c are listed in Table 15. To allow comparison
metric Collinear Elliptical Microdefects (Holes). Shown in Fig. of a finite main crack interaction with a pair of symmetric collin-
10 are a finite main crack and a pair of symmetric collinear ellip- ear microcracks, Table 15 also gives the numerical results for
tical microdefects 共holes兲 under uniform far-field tension ␴ nor- b / a = 0.0.
mal to the crack faces. The symmetric condition for this problem It can be seen from Tables 12 and 15 that for very small micro-
is available. Regarding the discretization of boundary elements, defect, for example, a / c = 0.05, the SIFs at the main crack tip
the number of elements discretized on one microdefect is kept obtained by the model shown in Fig. 10 is almost equal to that by
constant of 300, while the number 共N兲 of elements discretized on the model shown in Fig. 9 with relative error less than 1.4%,
the half-finite main crack varies with the ratio a / c and is given in which illustrates that the present numerical results corresponding
Table 14. The numerical results of the SIFs at the main crack tip to a / c = 0.05 given in Table 15 are very accurate because the

Journal of Applied Mechanics JULY 2006, Vol. 73 / 533

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Table 14 Variation of the number of elements discretized on
the half-finite crack with the ratio a / c

a/c 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4

N 375 188 94 49

elliptical hole aspect ratio b / a and dimensionless quantity a / c

have obvious influence on the SIFs at the main crack tip. For
Fig. 10 A pair of symmetric collinear elliptical microdefects example, when a / h = 0.9, a / c = 0.2,
„holes… in the vicinity of a finite main crack F*共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲−F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
= 23.2%,
present numerical results corresponding to a / c = 0.05 listed in
Table 12, as described above, can be used to reveal very accu- F*共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲 − F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
rately the interaction of a semi-infinite main crack with a collinear F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
By comparing the numerical results listed in Table 15 with = 28.2%, 共32兲
those in Table 12, it is found that when a pair of collinear micro- and when a / h = 0.9, a / c = 0.4,
defects are close enough to the respective main crack tips neigh-
boring there is some difference between the models shown in F*共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲−F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
Figs. 9 and 10. For example, when a / c = 0.2, a / h = 0.9, F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
F*共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲−F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲 = 30.0%,
F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲
F*共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 − F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
= 4.1%,
F共b/a = 0,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.05兲
F*共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲 − F共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲 = 37.2%. 共33兲
F共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.2兲
= 5.0%, 共30兲 4 Concluding Remarks
where F* is the normalized SIFs listed in Table 15; when a / c This paper presents a numerical approach to modeling a general
= 0.4, a / h = 0.9, system containing multiple interacting cracks and voids in an in-
finite elastic plate under remote uniform stresses. Test examples
F*共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲−F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 illustrate that the numerical approach is very simple and effective
F共b/a = 0.5,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 for analyzing multiple crack/void interaction problems in an infi-
nite elastic plate. Especially, it is found that the numerical ap-
= 7.3%, proach is very accurate for studying the microdefect-finite main
crack linear elastic interaction. In addition, it is illustrated that the
F*共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 − F共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 displacement discontinuity method with crack-tip elements pre-
F共b/a = 1,a/h = 0.9,a/c = 0.4兲 sented by the author is very accurate for analyzing complex crack
problems in infinite/finite elastic plate.
= 8.9%. 共31兲 By the way, it is pointed out that the displacement discontinuity
By comparing the present numerical results with those for a method with crack-tip elements differs from hybrid boundary el-
semi-infinite crack interaction with a microcrack 关9–11兴 which can ement codes 关26兴 which, when used to analyze the SIFs of a
be regarded as ones corresponding to a / c = 0.05, b / a = 0.0 listed in branched crack, require the plate to be modeled as a finite plate of
Table 12, it is found that when a pair of collinear microdefects are huge dimensions by fictitious stress elements 关20兴, while the crack
close enough to the respective main crack tips neighboring the could be modeled by displacement discontinuity elements. This

Table 15 Normalized SIFs for finite main crack interaction with a pair symmetric collinear microdefects


a/c b/a 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

0.0 1.0023 1.0111 1.0259 1.0480 1.0798 1.1262 1.1969 1.3170 1.5806
0.05 0.5 1.0009 1.0111 1.0287 1.0562 1.0974 1.1602 1.2612 1.4430 1.8472
1.0 1.0016 1.0152 1.0398 1.0801 1.1347 1.2190 1.3394 1.5313 1.8885
0.0 1.0029 1.0130 1.0291 1.0526 1.0860 1.1343 1.2075 1.3311 1.6011
0.1 0.5 1.0031 1.0143 1.0330 1.0616 1.1043 1.1698 1.2733 1.4595 1.8797
1.0 1.0036 1.0176 1.0428 1.0826 1.1420 1.2284 1.3568 1.5564 1.9368
0.0 1.0034 1.0157 1.0343 1.0606 1.0972 1.1491 1.2270 1.3573 1.6399
0.2 0.5 1.0044 1.0176 1.0386 1.0697 1.1155 1.1846 1.2948 1.4915 1.9314
1.0 1.0047 1.0206 1.0472 1.0893 1.1527 1.2464 1.3854 1.6034 2.0103
0.0 1.0033 1.0191 1.0422 1.0736 1.1162 1.1753 1.2622 1.4054 1.7120
0.4 0.5 1.0051 1.0218 1.0471 1.0834 1.1355 1.2124 1.3341 1.5534 2.0375
1.0 1.0054 1.0239 1.0549 1.1029 1.1749 1.2795 1.4359 1.6817 2.1509

534 / Vol. 73, JULY 2006 Transactions of the ASME

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