Articles A - An - The

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1 Presentation 1 - Countable and uncountable

I had two eggs, a sausage and some bread for breakfast.

1) Countable nouns
‘Eggs’ and ‘sausage’ are countable nouns. Countable nouns can be singular (an egg) or plural (eggs).
Before singular countable nouns, we can use a/an, the, my, this, one etc. We cannot use singular
countable nouns alone:
There is a book on my desk. I can’t find my mobile phone.

Before plural countable nouns, we can also use some, any, many, few, etc. Plural countable nouns can
be used alone. We cannot use a/an.
He smokes 20 cigarettes a day. I bought some apples at the supermarket.
I don’t have any posters in my bedroom, but I have a few plants.

2) Uncountable nouns
‘Bread’ is an uncountable noun. We cannot count uncountable nouns. For example, we cannot say
‘two breads’. We can use uncountable nouns alone or with the, some, any, much, a lot of, etc:

Do you like music? Anna hasn’t got much free time today. She has a lot of work to do.
We cannot use a/an with uncountable nouns, but we can say a ... of:
a piece of advice a glass of water a game of football

3) Some uncountable nouns can also be countable. The meaning also becomes countable:

Do you have any paper to write on? The Times is a serious paper. (= a newspaper)
There was a lot of space on the bus. I found a space to park my car. (= a parking place)

A: I have a lot of work to do. Yesterday I worked 14 hours.
B: You really need to find a new job. Here... I bought a paper for you.

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2 Practice 1

Complete the following sentences using ‘a/an’ or ‘some’ where necessary.

1. Michael is a student at Manchester University.

2. Although I am very busy, I will find some time to visit my uncle.
3. Julia is wearing very nice dress today.
4. I have problem with my computer. Can you help me?
5. I want to buy new car, and I need advice.
6. "Would you like more cake?" "No thanks. I had very large slice and
I’m full."
7. Have you got minute? I want to talk to you about something.
8. I’d like loaf of bread and apples please
9. I need pen and paper to write on.
10. It was great party. I met very interesting people.
11. Yesterday, I did shopping. I bought new pair of jeans.

3 Practice 2

One of each of the pairs of sentences requires ‘a/an’. Leave the gap empty (-) if no word is necessary:

1. I booked room at the hotel.

There wasn’t room on the bus to sit.
2. Do you drink coffee?
Mike ordered large coffee with milk.
3. The printer has run out of paper.
I went to the newsagent’s to buy paper.
4. We had great time at the party last night.
Do you have time for lunch?
5. Do you know that girl with short hair?
Waiter! There’s hair in my soup!
6. "What do you do for a living?" "At the moment, I’m looking for work."
Have you found job yet?
7. Mozzarella is special cheese from Italy.
Do you like cheese?
8. This job requires experience with computer programming.
My trip to Africa was important experience in my life.
9. Chairs, tables and cupboards are furniture.
That’s beautiful piece of furniture. Where did you find it?
10. I eat cereal almost every morning.
I had bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning.

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4 Presentation 2 - a/an and the

Before nouns we often use a/an or the:

1. John has a cat and a dog. The cat is shy, but the dog is very friendly.
When we mention something for the first time, we use the indefinite article a/an. When we know
which thing someone is talking about, the definite article the is used.
In the second sentence, we know which particular cat and which particular dog the speaker is
talking about - John’s cat and John’s dog.
I had a sandwich and an orange juice for lunch. The sandwich was very tasty and the juice was
I met an interesting man yesterday. I think the man was from Greece.
2. We went to a nice restaurant last night. The food was good but the service wasn’t.
In the above example, the person says the food and the service because we know which particular
‘food’ and ‘service’ he/she is talking about - the food and the service in the restaurant.
Can you close the door, please? (the door in this room)
I’m going to the bank now. (my usual bank)
I went to see the doctor yesterday. (my usual doctor)
3. What is the capital of England?
We often use the when there is only one of something:
The fastest animal in the world.
The end of this year.
I use the Internet everyday.
the sun / the earth / the sky / the universe etc.
BUT: The sun is in space. (not ‘the space’)
4. I’m going to the cinema tonight.
We use the before certain nouns like ‘cinema’ when we are thinking about the use of a thing
or place. In the above example, we are thinking about going to watch a film, not going to one
particular cinema. Other examples:
I went to the theatre yesterday.
I often listen to the radio.
I sometimes play games on the computer.
He doesn’t like talking on the telephone.
BUT: I often watch television. (not ‘the television’).
‘The television’ means a particular television set: Can you turn off the television?

- We are going to the cinema tonight to see an interesting film.
- Oh really? What is the name of the film?

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5 Practice 3

Complete the following sentences with ‘a/an’ or ‘the’:

1. Yesterday, I ordered sandwich and coffee for lunch.

sandwich wasn’t very tasty, but coffee was good.
2. Near my town, there is old castle. Behind castle, there is
lovely lake.
3. "I met interesting girl at the party last night. She was from Vietnam." "Really? I’ve
never met girl from Vietnam before."
4. "I sent you sms and email. Did you receive them?" "I got
sms, but not email.
5. Jack has new job. He works as tour manager for music
band. I’d like to have job like that!

6 Practice 4

Complete the sentences below with ‘a/an’ or ‘the’. Two of the gaps don’t require any words - leave
them blank (-).

1. What’s name of man you met yesterday?

2. I had great time at club last night. How about you?
3. I’ll send you sms to let you know time of meeting.
4. Can you turn off television, please? remote control is on
table next to you.
5. "Excuse me, is there bank near here?" "Yes. Go to end of this street
and turn left. It’s right next to town hall.
6. Travelling in space was one of most important achievements of
20th century.
7. I can’t meet you for lunch tomorrow. I made appointment to see
8. We stayed at lovely hotel. Our room had beautiful view of
airport is only 30 minutes from here, so you can take taxi. It won’t
be very expensive.
10. "What’s on TV tonight?" "I don’t know. I don’t have television."
11. I came across fascinating website while I was surfing Internet.
film we saw last night was best film I’ve seen all year.

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7 Practice 5

Complete the following text by crossing out the incorrect words:

We had a / the wonderful holiday last month in Egypt. We stayed at a / the really nice hotel and spent
a lot of / a time sunbathing on a / the beach. A / The weather was perfect. A / The best part was when
we went diving in a / the sea. We saw a / - fish of all kinds and a / the variety of other marine wildlife.
There are some / the great places for diving near a / the coast. On a / the last day, we visited - / the
pyramids, and had dinner at one of a / the best restaurants in Cairo. A / The food was fantastic. We
ate - / the grilled meat, - / the rice and - / the salad.

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