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Talking On The Phone?

Learning objectives:
● Students are able to talk on the phone confidently with his/her friends
Language Focus:
● Present Tense; Present Continuous
Discussion Method


On this occasion, we will discuss talking on the telephone, and it will
also discuss answering or expressions used in the conversation.

Telephoning is having a phone call. Telephoning

holds an important role in the job world especially as the
media to communicate, particularly a communication of
long distance. In addition, telephoning makes the task
easier. However, a professional must be able to deal with it
professionally so that in this unit the students will learn how
to make a phone call well.

How to making contact:

Hello / Good morning / Good afternoon

This is Mbak Daeng speaking

Could I speak to Tenri please

I'd like to speak to ..... .....

I'm trying to contact ..........

How to Introducing yourself answering a phone call in a work

 Good morning, Rm Bonetamparang how can

I help you?
 Hello, the Gammara Hotel. Mrs Nyompa
speaking what can I do for you?
 Hello, this is Dg. Kulle from Muhammadiyah
 Hello, my name‟s Nyikko . I‟m calling from
Warung Kampoeng .

Asking for the caller‟s name

 Who‟s calling, please?
 Can I have your name, please?

Saying who you want
 Can I have the accounts Try to call your friend by phone
and pretend to be a seller
 I‟d like to speak to … .
 Could I speak to Mitha, please? and their costumer.
 Is Sutte there, please?
 I‟m calling about the Baroncong
you have for sale .

 I‟ll put you through. Hold the line, please.
 I‟m sorry he/ she is not available.
 I‟m afraid he/ she‟s busy at the moment.
 I‟m afraid he/ she‟s away/ not in at the
moment/ in a meeting.

Reason for calling

 I‟m ringing to … . I‟d like to …

 I need some information about

Leaving and taking a message

 Can I leave a message? Can I

take a message?
 Would you like to leave a
 Please tell him/ her … .
 Could you ask him/ her to call
me? Could you tell him/ her I

Asking for repetition

PRACTICE  I‟m sorry, but I didn‟t catch

your name/ your number.
Make a group with 4 students, Sorry, I didn‟t hear that.
 Could you repeat it, please?
after that  Could you say it again? I‟m
afraid I didn‟t understand.
make a video about talking on the Could you spell that, please?
phone  Could you speak up?

Hayati : Hello, good morning, I‟m Hayati from
Tempo magazine, may I speak to Mr, Lulung
Secretary : Good morning Mrs. Hayati, Lulung
Corporation. Could you hold the line please,
I‟ll check if Mr. Lulung is in his office.
Hayati : ok, thanks
Secretary : Thanks for holding the line Mrs. Hayati, I‟ll
connect you to Mr.Lulung now


1. Fill in the blank!

Secretary : Fajar Corporation, good

Morning, (1)______________?

Caller : (2)____________ to Mr. Tompo, please?

Secretary : There is no Mr. Tompo here. (3)____________

Caller : The head office of Fajar Corporation ?

Secretary : No, it is not. It is its Branch office. You can call the head


Caller : (4)_________ , please?

Secretary : Sure, it is 7895686.

Caller : Thank you.

Secretary : You‟re welcome.

a. Can you put me through
b. Can I have the number
c. What can I do for you.
d. You must have the wrong
e. No, It is not

2. Answer these questions

1. You are asked by your boss to make an appointment to see
Mr. Sudirman Manurukki.
2. You answer a wrong number phone call.
3. You receive a phone call and take a message.

Dialing Code
Switchboard Operator
Bad Line
Wrong Number
Busy/ Engaged
Telephone Charge
Telephone Box/ Booth
Telephone Network
Telephone Bill
Phone / Home / Office / Work / Mobile /
Answer phone/ Answering Machine
Fax Number
Missed Call
Voice Mail
Telephone Book/ Directory
Voice Message
To Ring

To complete the exercise answer the 15 questions about telephone conversations
and talking to other people. Write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

“How do I say it” exercise?

1. How do you ask someone what his or her name

is on the telephone?

2. You need to tell someone on the telephone to

wait. What do you say?

3. You can't understand what someone is saying at work or on the phone. How do
you ask someone to repeat himselves or herself in a polite way?

4. You don't understand how to do something. How do you ask someone to

explain it to you? How do you ask someone to explain it to you again?

5. You have to leave a message. How do you tell someone you want to leave a
message? What information do you have to leave?

6. You have to take a message. What do you write down? What information do
you ask for?
7. You have to tell someone to wait before he or she can talk to someone. What do
you say?
8. What do you think you'll have to ask someone to do for you? How do you ask
someone to do it for you?
9. You need to talk to someone in private. Maybe it is your supervisor or manager.
How do you ask? What do you say?
10. You have a doctor's / dentist's appointment or other personal business to take
care of. How do you ask for some time off?

Telephone Vocabulary Quiz

This quiz tests your understanding of words listed on the Telephone
Vocabulary page.

1. If someone leaves you a message on voicemail, you have to _______ it.

a. read
b. listen to
c. text
2. I'm sorry, but I really have to take this_______
a. ring
b. tone
c. call
3. We don't speak on the phone much because _______ each other is cheaper.
a. calling
b. texting
c. dialing
4. I was fined for using my _______ while I was driving.
a. landline phone
b. mobile phone
c. pay phone

5. If I really like a song, I make it my phone's
a. ringtone
b. dial tone
c. pick-up tone

6. I'm busy right now. Can you _______ later?

a. hang up
b. call back
c. call through

7. To use the phone in your hotel room, you have to _______ "0" for the operator
a. answer
b. pick up
c. dial

8. Maria's not here just now. Would you like her to _______ your call?
a. return
b. answer
c. take

9. You'll need coins or a phone card if you want to use a_______

a. cell phone
b. pay phone
c. Smartphone

10. A telephone call in which three or more people can hear and speak with one
another is a_______
a. conference call
b. rob call
c. busy signal


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