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Evaluation Sheet of Special ACTIVITY POINTS Earned during the Lockdown period of Even Sem 2021

Name Of Student: University Roll Number

Tanmoy Ghosh 1 3 0 0 1 6 1 8 0 2 7

Mobile Number: 9748675969 Dept: EE Sem: 8th Sec: A

I, hereby, declare that I have carried out/ or taken part in the

following special activities during the lockdown period
For Official Use Only
Points Max. No. of times an Max Admissible Options Proof/s of Activity found
Points Alloted to
Sl. Name of the Activity (per Points activity was (T-I-C, Please strike off an and verified as
done Valid Activities
time) Allowed option BEFORE allotting Marks) accepatable (Y)

Theme Photography (photographs to be taken inside

1 home, by selecting a particular theme) & publishing 3 6 N: Proof Not
2 1 Found
Video Film Making inside house using mobile phone &
2 5 10 2 1
publishing online I: Proof
Found but
3 Writing of poetry, story, blog & publishing online 4 8 2 1 NOT
Reviewing of story books, novels, films, documentaries, Acceptable
4 4 8 2 1
YouTube videos
5 Cooking recipes and/or cooking (with video documentati 3 6 2 1
Recording of Song/ Music (withphotos/video Y:
6 5 10 2 1 Acceptable
documentation) & publishing online
Proof Found
7 Gardening within the house (with video documentation) 3 6 2 1

Helping parents and family members in household

8 work/,cleaning, reorganization of furniture, 1 3 3 2 1
washing, decoration etc

Creation of Social Networking Groups to spread social

9 2 4 2 1
awareness and give messages
Writing of technical (scientific & management oriented)
10 5 10 2 1
review article & publishing online

11 Mobile App development/ Coding Solution & publishing 7 14 2 1

12 Learning of Foreign Languages with certification 6 12 1 2 1

TOTAL Special Activitiy Points Earned during Lockdown period:

Points allotted by:

These points have to be transferred to (Signature with Date) Maximum
and written down in the students' Permissible
"Accumulated ACTIVITY POINTS over points
the Semesters" sheet maintained in a
file at the Department. allowed
under this
Full Signature of Student (with Date) Signature of HOD: head is 25.
Acceptable Proofs
of Special Activities of Mandatory Additional Requirements (MAR) during Lockdown period at MAKAUTWB
MAR Max points
Sl No Activities Acceptable Proofs of Activities
points admissible
Theme Photography (photographs to be taken inside home, by Proof of online publishing - Screenshot/ s showing the platform used, the
24 a 3 6
selecting a particular theme) & publishing online published photographs, as well as the name of the student
Video Film Making inside house using mobile phone & publishing Proof of online publishing - Screenshot/ s showing the platform used, the
24 b 5 10
online published film, as well as the name of the student
Proof of online publishing - Screenshot/ s showing the platform used, the
24 c Writing of poetry, story, blog & publishing online 4 8
published material, as well as the name of the student
Reviewing of story books, novels, films, documentaries, YouTube Screenshot/ s and/ or photocopy/ ies of the review article showing the
24 d 4 8
videos name of the student
24 e Cooking recipes and/or cooking (with video documentation) 3 6 Video documentation
Recording of Song/ Music (withphotos/video documentation) & Proof of online publishing - Screenshot/ s showing the platform used, the
24 f 5 10
publishing online published song/ music, as well as the name of the student
24 g Gardening within the house (with video documentation) 3 6 Video documentation
Helping parents and family members in household
Letter from the parent/ guardian clearly mentioning the work/ s that the
24 h work/,cleaning, reorganization of furniture, washing, 1 3
student has carried out
decoration etc
Creation of Social Networking Groups to spread social awareness Screenshot/ s of the group/ s created clearly showing the social
24 i 2 4
and give messages awareness creation angle
Writing of technical (scientific & management oriented) review Proof of online publishing - Screenshot/ s showing the platform used, the
24 j 5 10
article & publishing online published article, as well as the name of the student
Proof of publishing - Screenshot/ s showing the published App/ Coding
24 k Mobile App development/ Coding Solution & publishing 7 14
Solution, as well as the name of the student
24 l Learning of Foreign Languages with certification 6 12 Certificate from the organization which conduted the Language course
Please Note
These activities need to be done during and within the current (and/ or any subsequent) lockdown period/ s only and acceptable proofs of activities have to be
submitted, along with the Evaluation Sheet of Special Activities, latest within seven days after the lockdown is lifted.

Online publishing shall include publishing the material in any social media site as well.
Maximum marks that will be credited in your name from special lock-down period activities is 25 only.
Some of the activities, like learning any foreign languages, will come with its own certification.
For some other activities that require publishing, proof of publishing has to be submitted.
For the activities, like cooking & gardening, it is clearly mentioned that video documentation is required.
For the activity 'Helping parents and family members in household work/matters', since they are essentially being carried out from home during the lock down period,
logically. a letter from the parent/ guardian will be enough for the student to claim MAR points.

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