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MUC2 and MUC6 apomucins expression in human gastric neoplasm: An

immunohistochemical analysis

Article in Medical Oncology · September 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s12032-010-9699-5 · Source: PubMed


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Wesam A Nasef Mahmoud Lotfy

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Med Oncol (2011) 28:S207–S213
DOI 10.1007/s12032-010-9699-5


MUC2 and MUC6 apomucins expression in human gastric

neoplasm: an immunohistochemical analysis
Abdul-Zaher M. Khattab • Wesam A. Nasif •

Mahmoud Lotfy

Received: 6 June 2010 / Accepted: 17 September 2010 / Published online: 29 September 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract Apomucins play important biological roles in expression of MUC6 in gastric cancer. Therefore, it is
cell–cell and cell–extracellular matrix interactions, in cell concluded that the expression pattern of secreted mucins
signaling, and in biological properties of cancer cells. Their including MUC2 and MUC6 is altered apparently in gastric
specific pattern of expression during the different steps of carcinoma.
tumor progression toward adenocarcinoma suggests that
they play significant roles in tumorigenesis. The family of Keywords Gastric cancer  Immunohistochemistry 
secreted mucins, gel-forming components of viscoelastic MUC2  MUC6
mucus gels protecting the epithelia, includes mucins
MUC2 and MUC6. Their principle function is to contribute
in mucus formation by forming a tridimensional network Introduction
via oligomerization domains to protect underlying epithelia
against diverse injuries. The current study was investigated Mucins are high molecular weight glycoproteins consisting
the expression of MUC2 and MUC6 in patients with gastric of a mucin core protein (apomucin) and O-linked oligo-
carcinoma. MUC2 and MUC6 expressions were detected saccharides synthesized by a broad range of epithelial tis-
immunohistochemically in gastric cancer biopsies using sues and are coded by MUC genes [1]. Epithelial mucins
specific monoclonal antibodies. The results showed that in in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) were classified into
our gastric carcinoma cases, MUC2 expression was two distinct families: secretory gel-forming (MUC2,
detected in 78.6% of cases. MUC2 expression is increased MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6) and membrane bound
from well differentiated to moderately differentiated to mucins. Members of each family possess common struc-
poorly differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma. On the other tural characteristics and at least some common functions
hand, MUC6 was detected in 32% of cases. The expression [2]. In general, mucins have the unique function of pro-
of MUC2 is increasing, which is accompanied by an altered tecting and lubricating epithelial surfaces, but nowadays,
they have also been implicated in additional diverse roles,
such as growth, fetal development, inflammation, epithelial
A.-Z. M. Khattab
renewal and differentiation, epithelial integrity, carcino-
Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine,
Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt genesis, and metastasis [3–5]. Altered expression of mucin
epitopes have been described in colon and stomach cancers
W. A. Nasif  M. Lotfy (&) and correlated with decreased survival [6, 7].
Molecular and Cellular Biology Department, Genetic
The normal gastric mucosa shows cell-type-specific
Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute, Minufiya
University, P.O. 22857-79, Sadat City, Minufiya, Egypt expression of MUC1, MUC5AC, and MUC6 with the first
e-mail: two mucins found in the superficial epithelium, while
MUC6 was observed in the deep glands in normal gastric
Present Address:
mucosa restricted to pyloric glands of the antrum and
M. Lotfy
Department of Applied Medical Sciences, mucopeptic cells of the neck zone of the body region
Jouf University, P.O. 1300, Qurayat, Saudi Arabia [8–10]. The normal gastric mucosa does not express MUC2

S208 Med Oncol (2011) 28:S207–S213

[11, 12]. MUC2 plays an important role in the differenti- as age, sex, tumor location, tumor size, histological pro-
ation of normal, inflamed, and neoplastic gastric tissues [4]. liferation, clinical stage, depth of invasion, and metasta-
The two secretory mucins MUC2 and MUC6 have been sis. The current study was pursued on those patients prior
reported to be aberrantly expressed during the development to treatment including neo-adjuvant, radiotherapy and/or
of gastric carcinoma [11]. MUC2 expression has been chemotherapy. The cohort comprised 24 men and 10
related more specifically to the mucinous carcinomas of women with a ratio of 2.4:1. The mean age was
WHO classification and to group II of Goseki’s classifi- 54.7 years old, (range from 37 to 79 years). Formalin-
cation (high tubular differentiation and high mucin content) fixed, paraffin wax-embedded 4-lm sections of gastric
[13, 14]. MUC6 expression was found to decrease in gas- carcinoma samples (N = 28) and chronic gastritis with
tric carcinoma [15]. Mucin expression is also altered in the intestinal metaplasia (N = 6) were assessed. Staging was
precancerous condition of gastric carcinoma [16, 17]. performed based on the international standard TNM
MUC1, MUC5AC, MUC6, and MUC2 mucins are coex- classification [22]. Classification of gastritis was done
pressed in incomplete intestinal metaplasia, but MUC1, according to the revised Sydney classification [23]. The
MUC5AC, and MUC6 mucins are not expressed in com- sections were stained using hematoxylin/eosin and then
plete metaplasia [16, 18, 19]. However, co-expression of examined to confirm the final diagnosis.
multiple mucins is frequently observed in gastric carcino-
mas [8].
However, a question that remains to be answered is Immunohistochemistry
whether membrane-associated mucins or secretory mucins
have an actual role in carcinogenesis. The expression of MUC2 and MUC6 expressions were detected by specific
mucin epitopes is frequently modified in carcinomas monoclonal antibodies. From each tumor block, 4-lm-
mostly because of alterations in glycosylation. Therefore, thick sections were cut on neoprene-coated slides. The
immunohistochemical studies using several glycoforms of immunostaining was performed using the avidin–biotin
mucins have reached conflicting and inconclusive results complex (ABC) method and an automatic autostainer
concerning the clinical relevance and prognostic signifi- (CODE-ON Immuno/DNA slide stainer; Biotek solution,
cance of mucin expression in gastric carcinoma [20]. Santa Barbara, CA). Slides were deparaffinized and
MUC2 mucin expression in gastric carcinoma has been blocked for endogenous peroxidase with 1.75% hydrogen
thought to be a favorable prognostic factor, but the results peroxide in methanol for 20 min. Antigen retrieval was
of the relation between MUC2 expression and the patients performed for 15 min using Biogenex Antigen Retrieval
overall survival also have remained unclear [21]. The Citra solution in 90°C water bath for 30 min. The slides
purpose of the present study was to investigate the were allowed to cool for 20 min before continuing. Slides
expression pattern of representative secretory mucins were then blocked by normal goat serum for 5 min at
(MUC2 and MUC6) in human chronic gastritis and gas- 37°C. The monoclonal antibody was applied overnight in
tric adenocarcinoma and, moreover, to explore the rele- humid medium at room temperature followed by the
vance of this pattern to the key clinicopathological biotinylated secondary antibody for 15 min at 37°C and
features. the ABC complex for 15 min at 37°C (Vectastain Elite
ABC Kit; Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). Diam-
inobenzidine (DAB) was applied for 20 min at room
Patients and methods temperature as chromogen, slides were counterstained
with Mayer’s hematoxylin, dehydrated, and covered by
Patients cover slips. In negative control slides, the same system
was applied with replacement of the monoclonal antibody
Sampling was performed after informed consent was by diluted normal bovine serum. All negative control
obtained from each patient included in the study to use slides were strictly negative. MUC2 immunostaining was
the samples and clinical data for research purposes after performed by applying mouse monoclonal antibody
being informed about the nature of the study. The study (clone NCL-MUC2, Novocastra Laboratories, Newcastle,
protocol conforms to the most recent ethical guidelines of UK) at a dilution of 1:100 and for MUC6 using mono-
the Declaration of Helsinki as reflected in a priori clonal antibody (clone NCL-MUC6, Novocastra) at a
approval by local ethical committee. It was carried out dilution of 1:150. Staining results were interpreted as
during surgical resections for patients with gastric carci- positive or negative. The analysis was recorded as (?)
noma underwent a potentially curative total or partial (positive cells \25%), (??) (positive cells [25–50%),
gastrectomy. Chronic gastritis samples were collected (???) (positive cells [50–75%), and (????) (stained
during endoscopy. All the information was reviewed such most cells [75%).

Med Oncol (2011) 28:S207–S213 S209

Statistical analysis is a histopathological heterogeneity in the majority of

individual tumors. Immunostaining for MUC2 in gastric
The relationships of intestinal metaplasia samples and the carcinoma was more diffuse pattern in goblet cells. MUC2
clinicopathological features of gastric cancer with the positivity was observed in the cytoplasm, in intracellular
expression pattern of MUC2 and MUC6 were analyzed for mucus vacuoles of tumoral cells, and also in extracellular
significance by chi-square or Fischer exact test as appropri- mucus (Fig. 1). The overall positivity for MUC2 in gastric
ate using SPSS 18 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). adenocarcinoma was 22 out of 28 samples (78.6%).
Statistical significance was considered at P values B 0.05. On the other hand, the MUC6 was expressed in both
goblet and columnar cells of intestinal metaplasia. The
staining pattern for MUC6 was restricted to the perinuclear
Results regions of the cells (Fig. 2). The overall reactivity of
MUC6 in intestinal metaplasia was only two cases (33.3%).
Among 34 cases, six were suffering from chronic gastritis As regards MUC6 reactivity in gastric carcinoma, there
with intestinal metaplasia and the other 28 cases were was diffuse cytoplasmic pattern in the clusters of the
suffering from gastric carcinomas. The gastric adenocar- tumoral cells (Fig. 2), and out of 28, nine cases (32%) were
cinoma lesions were subdivided into 14 well differentiated, positive for MUC6 (P = 0.059). Thus, it seems clear that
10 moderately differentiated and 4 poorly differentiated. there was a decrease in the MUC6 expression was followed
MUC2 expression was not detected in the normal by an increase in the expression of MUC2 (Fig. 3). No
mucosa; meanwhile, abundant amount of MUC6 was significant difference in the expression of mucins MUC2 or
detected in the mucous cells in normal gastric mucosa of MUC6 was seen in gastric carcinoma among the different
the neck zone and antral glands. There was no evidence of groups of patients studied, with respect to patient sex,
immunoreactivity for MUC2 or MUC6 in the stromal cells tumor location, invasion, staging, or metastasis. There was
of the tumors. The staining pattern for each mucin in no significant difference in the expression of MUC2 and
gastric mucosa undergoing intestinal metaplasia was dis- MUC6 among the three Lauren types: namely, intestinal,
tinct. MUC2 staining was very weak and was found only in diffuse, and mixed type (Tables 1, 2).
the cytoplasm of goblet cells (Fig. 1). Out of six cases of High intensity of MUC2 immunostaining (in more than
intestinal metaplasia, four cases (66.7%) were positive for 30% of the tumoral cells) was detected in the mucinous
MUC2. Among this series of 28 gastric carcinomas, there subtype. MUC2 was expressed in 10 out of 14 (71.4%)

Fig. 1 a MUC2 staining in intestinal metaplasia (Meyer’s hematox- gastric carcinoma. d MUC2 staining of poorly differentiated gastric
ylin counterstain 9200). b MUC2 staining of well-differentiated carcinoma (Meyer’s hematoxylin counterstain 9100)
gastric carcinoma. c MUC2 staining of moderately differentiated

S210 Med Oncol (2011) 28:S207–S213

Fig. 2 a MUC6 staining in intestinal metaplasia (Meyer’s hematox- gastric carcinoma. d MUC6 staining of poorly differentiated gastric
ylin counterstain 9200). b MUC6 staining of well-differentiated carcinoma (Meyer’s hematoxylin counterstain 9100)
gastric carcinoma. c MUC6 staining of moderately differentiated

differentiation grade of gastric adenocarcinoma, despite the

difference is not significant (P [ 0.05). On the other hand,
MUC6 positivity was detected in four (28.6%) cases of
well-differentiated, in three (30%) cases of moderately
differentiated, and in two cases (50%) of poorly differen-
tiated gastric adenocarcinoma (P [ 0.05). Finally, there
was not a significant difference in both MUC2 and MUC6
expression between the intestinal metaplasia and gastric
cancer samples (P [ 0.05).


Mucins are high molecular weight glycoproteins that are

involved in regulating diverse cellular activities. Impor-
tantly, in various cancers, burgeoning evidence indicates
that the deregulated expression and structural modifications
of mucins can impact the cancer progression [24]. The
alterations in the composition of mucin-type glycoproteins
were reported in inflammatory and malignant diseases of
the stomach; in the latter, altered carbohydrate and peptide
Fig. 3 The positive and negative samples (presented as percent) for
MUC2 and MUC6 expression in patients with gastric cancer moieties of mucins may constitute as a significant molec-
ular event [25].
Intestinal metaplasia is one of the lesions identified in
the cascade of events that precedes the development of
cases of well differentiated, eight out of ten (80%) cases of gastric carcinoma [26, 27]. Altered mucin expression pat-
moderately differentiated, and four (100%) cases of poorly terns have been reported previously in intestinal metapla-
differentiated tumors (Fig. 1). Thus, it seems clear that sia, including the lower expression level of MUC1,
MUC2 reactivity was increasing with increasing the MUC5AC, and MUC6 [28] and de novo expression of

Med Oncol (2011) 28:S207–S213 S211

Table 1 The relationship between MUC2 expression and the clini- Table 2 The relationship between MUC6 expression and the clini-
copathological features of gastric cancer copathological features of gastric cancer
Variables Total MUC2 (?) MUC2 (-) P value Variables Total MUC6 (?) MUC6 (-) P value
No % No % No % No %

Age (years) Age (years)

B55 13 9 69.2 4 30.8 NS B55 13 3 23.1 10 76.9 NS
C5 15 13 86.7 2 13.3 C55 15 6 40 9 60
Sex Sex
Male 21 15 71.4 6 28.6 NS Male 21 7 33.3 14 66.7 NS
Female 7 7 100 0 0 Female 7 2 28.6 5 71.4
Size (cm) Size (cm)
\5 18 14 77.8 4 22.2 NS \5 18 6 33.3 12 66.7 NS
[5 10 8 80 2 20 [5 10 3 30 7 70
Stage Stage
Stage I & II 13 10 76.9 3 23.1 NS Stage I & II 13 5 38.5 8 61.5 NS
Stage III & IV 15 12 80 3 20 Stage III & IV 15 4 26.7 11 73.3
Tumor site Tumor site
Fundus 4 3 75 1 25 NS Fundus 4 2 50 2 50 NS
Body 6 5 83.3 1 16.7 Body 6 2 33.3 4 66.7
Antrum 18 14 77.8 4 22.2 Antrum 18 5 27.8 13 72.2
Metastasis Metastasis
Present 13 10 76.9 3 23.1 NS Present 13 5 38.5 8 61.5 NS
Absent 15 12 80 3 20 Absent 15 4 26.7 11 73.3
Lymphatic invasion Lymphatic invasion
Present 8 6 75 2 25 NS Present 8 3 37.5 5 62.5 NS
Absent 20 16 80 4 20 Absent 20 6 30 14 70
Tumor types Tumor types
Intestinal 7 5 71.4 2 28.6 NS Intestinal 7 3 42.9 4 57.1 NS
Diffuse 16 12 75 4 25 Diffuse 16 4 25 12 75
Mixed 5 5 100 0 0 Mixed 5 2 40 3 60

NS Non-significant for comparison between positive and negative NS Non-significant for comparison between positive and negative

MUC2 [29, 30]. In the present study, a distinct staining In the current study, MUC2 and MUC6 expressions in
pattern was observed for the investigated mucins in intes- gastric carcinoma were documented in 78.6 and 32% of
tinal metaplasia. MUC2 expression was detected in 66.7% cases, respectively. The expression of MUC2 and MUC6
of cases with intestinal metaplasia. On the other hand, was detected in 81 and 39%, respectively, in cases with
MUC6 expression was documented in 33.3% of cases, and gastric carcinomas [35]. Conflicting reports are existed
these results are consistent with previous reports [5, 6, and regarding the frequency of MUC2 and MUC6 expressions
11]. MUC2 staining was depicted only in goblet cells, in gastric carcinoma [2, 4, 8, 32, 35], and this discrepancy
whereas the MUC6 was expressed in both goblet and may largely due to the antibody specificity [36, 37]. Nev-
columnar cells. Furthermore, MUC6 expression was ertheless, the trend was a decrease in the MUC6 and an
restricted to the perinuclear regions of the cells, whereas increase of MUC2 expression. In the present study, no
MUC2 expression was illustrated in the cytoplasm [31, 32]. significant difference was observed between the expression
Thus, an evident shift in mucin expression was showed in of MUC2 and MUC6 in gastric carcinomas samples with
intestinal metasplasia that was evidenced by the detection the patients and tumor characteristics such as sex, tumor
of MUC2 increasing and MUC6 decreasing [6]. In agree- location, lymphatic invasion, clinical staging, metastasis,
ment with previous studies [28, 33, 34], it was observed and the three Lauren types, namely intestinal, diffuse, and
that the expression of MUC6 in mucous cells of the neck mixed type. These findings are comparable with data
zone and antral gland. Moreover, MUC2 expression was obtained by others [2, 8] and in contrast with results
not detected in normal gastric mucosa. obtained by other investigators [38–40].

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