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11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law View Online

271 items

Suggested for student purchase: (3 items)

These are the CORE TEXTS for this module. Please ensure you have the most up-to-date

Textbook on immigration and asylum law - Gina Clayton, 2016

Book | Suggested for student purchase

The Law of Refugee Status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | Suggested for student purchase

The law of refugee status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | Suggested for student purchase

Background reading (Could read) (10 items)

Other books of interest (no need to purchase unless you want to purchase some for your
own interest):

The refugee in international law - Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, Jane McAdam, 2006

Book | Background (Could Read)

The Oxford handbook of refugee and forced migration studies - Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh,
Gil Loescher, Katy Long, Nando Sigona, 2014
Book | Background (Could Read)

The Ashgate research companion to migration law, theory and policy - Satvinder S. Juss,
Book | Background (Could Read)

UK asylum law and policy: historical and contemporary perspectives - Dallal Stevens, 2004

Contemporary issues in refugee law - 2013

Book | Background (Could Read)

Escape from violence: conflict and the refugee crisis in the developing world - Aristide R.
Zolberg, Astri Suhrke, Sergio Aguayo, 1992
Book | Background (Could Read)

Refugees, race and the legal concept of asylum in Britain - Prakash Shah, 2000
Book | Background (Could Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Seeking asylum in the UK: problems and prospects - Colin Harvey, 2000

Foundations of international migration law - Brian R. Opeskin, Richard Perruchoud,

Jillyanne Redpath-Cross, 2012
Book | Background (Could Read)

International refugee law: a reader - B. S. Chimni, 2000

Book | Background (Could Read)

Week 1: Films to watch at home (1 items)

1. Required: The Death of Aleppo (45 mins)

[if interested in background watch these 2 also:]

2. Required: Syria – The World's Largest Refugee Crisis (26 mins)

3. Required: The Syrian Refugees and their lives in Britain (23 mins)

[if interested in more on this watch this also:]

Seminar 1 Histories (8 items)

Required Reading: (2 items)

The Right to Asylum: Britain's 1905 Aliens Act and the Evolution of Refugee Law - Alison
Bashford, Jane McAdam, 2014-05
Article | Core (Must Read)

More Refugees, Less Asylum: A Regime in Transformation - Roberts, A., 1998

Article | Core (Must Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Advanced Reading (5 items)

Geneva Convention of 1951 Relating to the Status of Refugees, as amended by Protocol to

the Convention 1967 ['Refugee Convention']:

The Evolution of the International Refugee System - Dennis Gallagher, 1989

Article | Core (Must Read)

Britain and the 1933 Refugee Convention: National or State Sovereignty? - RobertJ. Beck,
Article | Background (Could Read)

The state of the right of asylum in international law - Boed Roman, 1994
Article | Background (Could Read)

UK asylum law and policy: historical and contemporary perspectives - Dallal Stevens, 2004
Book | Background (Could Read) | (generally very good on the history, despite being

Further Assessment Reading (1 items)

Articles/Papers/Book Chapters

Articles/Papers/Book Chapters

• Carens, "Who Should Get In? The Ethics of Immigration and Admissions" (2003) 17(1)
Ethics and International Affairs 95

· Goodwin-Gill, The International Law of Refugee Protection, in Oxford Handbook of

Refugee and Forced Migration Law Studies, 2014) (online):

• Stevens, 'UK Asylum Law and Policy – Historical and Contemporary Perspectives',
(Thompson – Sweet & Maxwell, 2004), Chapters 1-4

• Hathaway, A reconsideration of the Underlying Premise of Refugee Law, (1990) 31(1)

Harvard International Law Journal 129

• Skran, Refugees in Inter-War Europe: The Emergence of a Regime, chapter 1, OUP,


• Dummett and Nicol, 'Subjects, Citizens Aliens and Other (London: Weidenfeld &
Nicolson, 1990)

• Krushner & Knox 'Refugees in an Age of Genocide (London: Frank Cass, 1999)

• Murrus 'The Unwanted – European Refugees in the Twentieth Century (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1985)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

• Boed Roman 'The state of the right of asylum in international law' (1994) 5 Duke
Journal of Comparative International Law 1

• Holborn 'The Legal Status of Political Refugees, 1920-1938 32:2 AJIL

• Morgenstern F 'The Right of Asylum' (1949) 26 BYBIL 327

• Skran 'Refugees in Inter-War Europe – The Emergence of a Regime' (New York

Clarendon Press, 1998)

• Weis 'Legal Aspects of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees' (1953) 30

Weis 'The United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum (1949) 26 BYIL 336

Seminar 2 Concepts & The Refugee Definition (16 items)

Required Reading: (3 items)

More Labels, Fewer Refugees: Remaking the Refugee Label in an Era of Globalization - R.
Zetter, 2007-06-01
Article | Core (Must Read)

International Refugee Law and Refugee Policy: The Case of Deterrence Policies - T.
Gammeltoft-Hansen, 2014-12-01
Article | Core (Must Read)

Skim through the Refugee Convention (1951) – esp Art 1A browse through

Additional Reading (12 items)

Articles/Papers/Book Chapters

Refugee protection and the role of law: conflicting identities - 2014

Book | R. Zetter ‘Creating identities, diminishing protection and the securitisation of
asylum in Europe’

Escape from violence: conflict and the refugee crisis in the developing world - Aristide R.
Zolberg, Astri Suhrke, Sergio Aguayo, 1992

Refugees and Exile: From "Refugee Studies" to the National Order of Things - Liisa H.
Malkki, 1995-10
Article | Core (Must Read)

The ethics and the politics of asylum: liberal democracy and the response to refugees -
Matthew J. Gibney, 2004

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

| Background (Could Read) | Chapter 1: Partiality: community, Citizenship and the

defence of closure.

Who Is a Refugee? - Shacknove, 1985

Article | Core (Must Read)

Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Migration Research - Dr. Biko Agozino, 2017
Book | • Demuth, (2000) Some Conceptual Thoughts on Migration,

The refugee in international law - Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, Jane McAdam, 2006

Book | Chapter 3

The Law of Refugee Status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | Chapter 4

Global Governance and the Evolution of the International Refugee Regime - L. Barnett,

The UNHCR and world politics: a perilous path - Gil Loescher, Oxford University Press, 2001
Book | Ch 10

Who Is a Refugee? - Andrew E. Shacknove, 1985


Macdonald's immigration law and practice - Ian A. Macdonald, LexisNexis Butterworths

(UK), 2008-
Book | Ch 12

Further Assessment Reading (1 items)

Articles/Papers/Book Chapters

· Beneduce, R. Undocumented bodies, burned identities: refugees, sans papiers,

harraga when things fall apart, (2008) 47 Social Sciences and Information, 505.

· Behrman, Legal subjectivity and the Refugee, (2014) 26(1) International Journal of
Refugee Law, 1.

· Firth & Mauthe, Refugee Law, Gender and the Concept of Personhood, (2013) 25(3)
International Journal of Refugee Law 470.

· Gibney, The Ethics and Politics of Asylum: Liberal Democracy and the Response to
Refugees, (Cambridge, 2004); Chapter 1: Partiality: community, Citizenship and the
defence of closure.

· Haddad, (2004) Who is (not) a Refugee?, EUI, Florence, Working Paper SPS

· Hathaway & Neve, Making International Refugee Law Relevant again: A proposal for
Collectivised Solution- oriented protection, (1997) 10 Harvard Human Rights Journal

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent


· Mulvey, When Policy Creates Politics: the Problematizing of Immigration and the
Consequences for Refugee Integration in the UK (2010) 23(4) Journal of Refugee Studies

· Patricia Tuitt, False Images: The Law's construction of the refugee, Pluto, 1996

· Bader, The Ethics of Immigration, Constellations, vol.12, no.3, 2005, 332-361

· Dimitris Papadopoulos & Vassilis S. Tsianos, After citizenship: autonomy of

migration, organisational ontology and mobile commons, Citizenship Studies, Volume 17,
Issue 2, 2013.

· Hathaway and Neve 'Making International Refugee Law Relevant Again: A Proposal
for Collectivized and Solution-Orientated Protection' (1997) 10 Harvard Human Rights J

· Nikos Papastergiadis, The Turbulence of Migration: Globalization, Deterritorialization

and Hybridity, 2004, 2007, Polity Press, Cambridge, Chapter 1 and 2.

· J.H.Cohen and I. Sirkeci, Cultures of Migration: The Global Nature of Contemporary

Mobility, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2011.

· Crisp, J. (1999) Who has counted the refugees? UNHCR and the politics of numbers.
New Issues in Refugee Research, No. 12. UNHCR, Geneva.

· Myers, N. (2002). Environmental refugees: a growing phenomenon of the 21st

century. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 357(1420), 609–613.

· Papadopoulos, D., Stephenson, N., & Tsianos, V. (2008) Escape Routes. Control and

· Subversion in the 21st Century, London – Ann Arbor, MI, Pluto Press.

· Casas-Cortes, M. & Cobarrubias, S. (2007) Drawing escape tunnels through borders:

cartographic research experiments by European Social Movements, in An Atlas of Radical
Cartography, eds. L. Mogel and A. Bhagat, Los Angeles, Journal of Aesthetics and Protest
Press, pp. 51–66.

· Habans, R., Sossi, F., Garelli, G., & Tazzioli, M. (2013) Spaces in migration:
counter-map, in Spaces in Migration, eds. F. Sossi, G. Garelli, & M. Tazzioli, London,
Pavement Books, pp. 170–171.

· Walters, W. (2011) Foucault and frontiers: notes on the birth of the humanitarian
border, in Governmentality: Current Issues and Future Challenges, eds. Ulrich Bröckling,
Susanne Krasmann & Thomas Lemke, New York, Routledge, pp. 138–164.

· Nyers, P. (2006) Rethinking Refugees: Beyond States of Emergency, New York and
London, Routledge.

· Balibar, É. (2002) Politics and the Other Scene, London, Verso.

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

· Squire V. (ed). (2011) The Contested Politics of Mobility. Borderzones and

Irregularity, London, Routledge.

· Isin, E. (2002) Being Political: Genealogies of Citizenship, Minneapolis, University of

Minnesota Press.

· Mezzadra, S. & Neilson, B. (2013) Border as Method, Durham, NC, Duke University

· Bennett, T., Grossberg, L. & Morris, M. (eds.) (2005) New Keywords: A Revised
Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Oxford, Blackwell.

· Brown, Wendy. 2010. Walled States, Waning Sovereignty. New York: Zone Books.

· Mountz, Alison. 2010. Seeking Asylum. Human Smuggling and Bureaucracy at the
Border. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

· Van Houtum, Henk and Ton Van Naerssen. 2002. Bordering, Ordering and Othering.
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 93(2), 125-136.

· De Genova, N. (2009), 'Conflicts of Mobility, and the Mobility of Conflict:

Rightlessness, Presence, Subjectivity, Freedom', in Subjectivity, 29: 445-466.

· M. Agier (2011) Managing the Undesirables: Refugee Camps and Humanitarian

Government, Polity Press, Cambridge

· Anderson, N. Sharma, C.Wright (2011) Editorial: Why No Borders?, in Refugee

Studies, 26(2)

· E. Balibar (2004) We the People of Europe: Reflections on Transnational Citizenship,

Princeton University Press, Princeton

· R. Beneduce (2008) Undocumented bodies, burned identities: refugees, sans

papiers, harraga when things fall apart, in Social Sciences and Information, 47, pp.

· Bohmer, A. Shuman (2008), Rejecting Refugees. Political Asylum in the 21st

Century, Routledge, London

· F. Fanon (2007) The Wretched of the Earth, Grove Press, New York

· Fassin (2013) The Precarious Truth of Asylum, in Public Culture, 25(1), pp. 39-63

· MJ. Gibney (2004) The Ethics and Politics of Asylum: Liberal Democracy and the
Response to Refugees,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

· J. Hyndman (2000) Managing Displacement: Refugees and the Politics of

Humanitarianism, Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis

· P. Nyers, Forms of Irregular Citizenship (2011) in V. Squire, eds, The Contested

Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity, Routledge, London

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

· C. Rumford (2006) Theorizing Borders, European Journal of Social Theory May 2006
vol. 9 no. 2 155-169

· V. Squire (2009) The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum, Palgrave, Basingstoke

· V. Squire, eds (2011) The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and

Irregularity, Routledge, Abingdon.

· Crisp, J. 2003. A new asylum paradigm? Globalization, migration and the uncertain
future of the international refugee regime. UNHCR Working Paper No. 100. UNHCR
Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit.

· Foucault, M. 2003. 'Governmentality'. In: P. Rabinow and N. Rose (eds.) The

Essential Foucault: selections from Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984. London: The
New Press.50

· Huysmans, J. 2006. The Politics of Insecurity: fear, migration and asylum in the EU.
London: Routledge.

· Marfleet, P. 2006. Refugees In a Global Era. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

· G. Agamben, Homo sacer: sovereign power and bare life, trans. D. Heller-Roazen,
Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1998.

· S. Sassen, Territory, authority, rights: from medieval to global assemblages,

Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2006

· John Torpey, The Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and the State
(Cambridge Studies in Law and Society), CUP, 1999

UN Statute & Reports

· 1950 UNHCR Statute

· Have a look at the UNHCR website:

· Crisp, J. Who has counted the refugees? UNHCR and the politics of numbers. New
Issues in Refugee Research, (1999) No. 12. UNHCR, Geneva.

· Crisp, J, A new asylum paradigm? Globalization, migration and the uncertain future
of the international refugee regime. UNHCR Working Paper No. 100, 2003, UNHCR
Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit.

· UNHCR Global Trends (2015), Forced Displacement in 2015,

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Seminar 3 - Well-founded fear [and credibility] (9 items)

Required Basic Reading: (4 items)

UNHCRÂ - The 1951 Refugee Convention

Webpage | Core (Must Read) | • Re-read the Refugee Convention, Article 1A.

Immigration Rules, 339K - see

Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status under the 1951
Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees
Webpage | Core (Must Read) | • UNHCR, 'Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for
Determining Refugee Status under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol Relating to
the Status of Refugees', [‘The Handbook on Procedures and Criteria’] HCR/IP/4/Rev.3
(2011) paras. 37-50

R v SSHD, ex p Sivakumaran [1988] AC 958 [real and substantial danger]

Karanakaran v SSHD (CA) [2000] Imm AR 271 (volunteer student to present this case)
[likelihood of risk and seriousness of consequences].

Advanced Reading (4 items)

The law of refugee status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | Background (Could Read) | chapter 2, esp pp 91-121

Is There A Subjective Element in the Refugee Conve...: Full Text Finder Results

The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol: a
commentary - Andreas Zimmermann, Jonas
rschner, Felix Machts, 2011
Book | Background (Could Read) | (pp 335-345)

Karanakaran v SSHD (CA) [2000] Imm AR 271 (student to present this case) [likelihood of
rsk and seriousness of consequences]

Further Assessment Reading (1 items)

Articles/papers/book chapters

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Articles/papers/book chapter s

Adjin-Tetty, Reconsidering the Criteria for Assessing Well-Founded Fear in Refugee Law,
(1997-98 )25 Manitoba Law Journal 127.

• Hathaway & Forster, The Law of Refugee Status, chapter 2, esp pp 91-121.

• 'The Michigan Guidelines on Well-Founded Fear', March 2004.

• Cameron, The Role of Risk Perception, Assessment, and Management in Refugee

Status Determinations (2008) 20(4) International Journal of Refugee Law, 567.

• Zimmerman & Mahler, Article 1 A para 2, in Zimmermannn (ed), The 1951

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, (pp 335-345).


• Adan v SSHD [1999] 1 AC 293.

• Batayav v SSHD [2003] EWCA 1489.

• GM, YT & MY(Eritrea) v SSHD [2008] EWCA Civ 833 [failure to demonstrate they left
Eritrea illegally – versions of events lacked credibility].

• INS v. Cardoza - Fonseca 480 US 421 (1987). [US Supreme Court decision -
reasonable possibility].

• Januzi (FC), Hamid (FC), Gaafar (FC) & Mohammed (FC) v SSHD [2006] UKHL 5
[internal relocation – where travel there is not unduly harsh].

• Kaja (Zaire) v SSHD [1994] Imm AR 1 [same standard of proof – reasonable degree of
likelihood - should be applied assessment of past and future events.].

• R v SSHD, ex p Singh [1987] Imm AR 489.

• Sepet v SSHD [2003] UKHL 15, [2003] 3 All ER 304, [2003] 1 WLR 856, [2003] Imm
AR 428 [conscientious objectors – unwilling to take part in actions against own people].
YB (Eritrea) v SSHD [2008] EWCA 360 ["bad faith" claims].


Seminar 4 – [NB:Week 6]: Persecution (16 items)

Required Basic Reading (3 items)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Textbook on immigration and asylum law - Gina Clayton, 2016

Book | Core (Must Read) | p 450-467

What Constitutes Persecution? Towards a Working Definition - H. Storey, 2014-06-01

Article | Core (Must Read)

R (Sivakumar) v SSHD [2003] 2 All ER 1097 [Tamil suspected of being a terrorist,

tortured]. Shah and Islam [1999] INLR 144 [Persecution = serious harm and the failure of
state protection]. [Volunteer student to present a summary of the case in class].

Advanced Reading (2 items)

The Law of Refugee Status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014
Book | (Text book Ch 3)

PS (Sri Lanka) v SSHD [2008] EWCA Civ 1213 [woman raped by 3 soldiers]

Horvarth v SSHD [2000] 3 All ER 577 [Roma in Slovakia fearing persecution by skinheads]

R v IAT ex parte Jonah [1985] Imm AR 7: ordinary dictionary definition: 'pursue hunt or
drive…' 'to pursue with malignancy or injurious action; especially to oppress for holding a
heretical opinion or belief'

Gashi and Nikshiqi v SSHD [1997] ILR 96 – approved by Ullah & Do v SSHD [2004] UKHL

Further Assessment Reading (8 items)

Journal articles/Book chapters

The law of refugee status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | Background (Could Read) | pp 182-208; AND 292-319

The Conceptualisation of 'Persecution' by the House of Lords: Horvath v. Secretary of State

for the Home Department - H. Lambert, 2001-01-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

Michigan Journal of International Law

Journal | • Kagan & Johnson, Prosecution in the Fog of War: the House of Lords’ decision in
Adan, Michigan Journal of International Law, vol.23, 246-264.

· European Legal Network on Asylum, Research Paper on Non-State Agents of

Persecution, 2000, ECRE

Non-State Actors and the Definition of a Refugee in the United Kingdom: Protection,
Accountability or Culpability? - D. Wilsher, 2003-01-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Persecution Complex: Justifying Asylum Law's Preference for Persecuted People - M E Price
Document | Background (Could Read)

Switzerland and the International Protection of Refugees: a colloquium of the Graduate

Institute of International Studies, Geneva, in collaboration with the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees = La Suisse et la protection internationale des
s : colloque de l'Institut universitaire de hautes
tudes internationales,
neve, en collaboration avec le haut Commissariat des nations Unies pour les
s - Vincent Chetail, Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Graduate Institute of International Studies,
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2002
Book | Background (Could Read) | pp.95–109.

Persecution Complex: Justifying Asylum Law's Prefe...: Full Text Finder Results

Additional Reading (1 items)


R v SSHD ex parte Adan R v SSHD ex parte Aitseguer (1999) HL [persecution feared can
be that perpetrated by non state actors]

Demirkaya v SSHD [1999] INLR 441 [type of ill-treatment amounting to persecution – and
evidence of past ill-treatment supports well-foundedness of fear of future persecution]

Ravichandran (Senathirajah) v SSHD [1996] Imm AC 97 [examine facts in the round: and
risk of persecution in asylum cases to be determined at date of decision]

Additional Reading (1 items)

Legal texts

Qualification Directive, (2011 – recast) Article 4(4) and Article 9 (note: first adopted in

Immigration Rules para 339K.

Additional Reading (1 items)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent


'The Michigan Guidelines on Nexus to a Convention Ground', March 2001, in (2001-2) 23

Michigan Journal of International Law, 207.

UNHCR 'Handbook on Procedures and Criteria, HCR/IP/4/Rev.3 (2011), paras. 51-60 and 65

UNHCR, 'Guidelines on International Protection No. 1: Gender-Related Persecution Within

the Context of Article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol Relating to
the Status of Refugees', 7 May 2002, HCR/GIP/02/01.

UNHCR, 'Guidelines on International Protection No. 9: Claims to Refugee Status based on

Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity within the context of Article 1A(2) of the 1951
Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees', 23 October 2012,

UNHCR, 'Guidance Note on Refugee Claims relating to Female Genital Mutilation', May

Seminar 5: [Introductory Role Play on] Grounds (1 items)

Advanced Reading (1 items)

The Law of Refugee Status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | • Hathaway and Foster (Textbook): Ch.5

Seminar 6: Political Opinion (11 items)

Required Basic Reading: (2 items)

The Law of Refugee Status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | Core (Must Read) | pp 405-432

Noune v SSHD [2000] All ER (D) 2163 CA [refusal to carry out acts required by militants]

SSHD v MSM (Somalia) CA decision 17th July 2016 [Radio DJ and views imputed to him]

Advanced Reading (2 items)

The Law of Refugee Status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | • Hathaway and Foster (Textbook): Ch. 5.8.

Sepet and Bulbul [2003] UKHL 15 [compulsory military service objections because would

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

have to take part in actions against own people]

Further Assessment Reading (4 items)

Articles/book chapters

Assessing Jus Ad Bellum and Jus in Bello within the Refugee Status Determination Process:
Contemplations on Conscientious Objectors Seeking Asylum - Bailliet, Cecilia M.,
Article | Background (Could Read)

The refugee in international law - Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, Jane McAdam, 2006

Book | Background (Could Read) | pp 86-90 and 104-16

Deserters in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - K. Schnoring, 2001-01-01

Article | Background (Could Read)

Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status under the 1951
Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees
Webpage | Background (Could Read) | Article 1.A, para 2 pages 398-404

Additional Reading (1 items)


The Michigan Guidelines on Risk for Reasons of Political Opinion (2015)

UNHCR, Handbook and Guidelines (2011), paras 80-86

UNHCR, Guidelines on International Protection no 10: Claims to Refugee Status related to

Military Service, 2015) 27(1) International Journal of Refugee Law, 172

Additional Reading (1 items)


RT and RT (Zimbabwe) and others v SSHD [2012] UKSC 38 [RT was unable to demonstrate
loyalty to regime – feared persecution as a result; KM was supporter of opposition]

Additional Reading (1 items)

Legal texts

Qualification Directive (recast) 2011 Art 9(2(e)

Seminar Seven - Membership of a Particular Social Group (14 items)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Required Reading: (2 items)

Textbook on immigration and asylum law - Gina Clayton, 2016
Book | Core (Must Read) | pp 479-489

UNHCR Guidelines on International Protection No 1: Gender-related Persecution within the

context of Art.1A(2).

R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex p Shah; Islam v SSHD [1999] 2 AC 629, (violent

husbands in a culture that condones such violence)

HJ (Iran) & HT (Cameroon) v SSHD [2010] UKSC 31 (gay men fearing persecution in
cultures that do not tolerate homosexuality)

Advanced Reading (2 items)

· Christel Querton, The Interpretation of the Convention Ground of `Membership of a

Particular Social Group
in the Context of Gender-related Claims for Asylum - A critical analysis of the Tribunal's
approach in the UK, (2012) Refugee Law Initiative, Working Paper, no 3

The Law of Refugee Status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | • Hathaway and Foster (Textbook): Ch.5.9.

Further Assessment Reading (7 items)

Journal articles/Book chapters

Journal articles/Book chapters

· Aleinikoff, 'Protected Characteristics and Social Perceptions: An Analysis of the

Meaning of 'Membership of a Particular Social Group'' Determination' in E. Feller, V. Türk,
and F. Nicholson (eds), Refugee Protection in International Law: UNHCR's Global
Consultations on International Protection (Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp.
263–311, see

· Chaudry, 'Particular social group post Fornah', (2007) 21(2) Journal of Immigration,
Asylum & Nationality Law, 137-146

· Goodwin-Gill & McAdam, The Refugee in International Law (Oxford University Press,
2007), pp. 104–116.

· Goodwin-Gill, commentary on Shah and Islam (1999) 11 International Refugee Law

Journal, 537

· Hathaway & Foster, The Law of Refugee Status, (OUP 2nd Edition, 2014) pp 423-

· Lobo, Women as a Particular Social Group: A comparative assessment of Gender

Asylum cases in the US and UK, (2012) 26(2) Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, 361

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

· Haines, 'Gender-related Persecution', in Feller, Türk, and Nicholson (eds), Refugee

Protection in International Law: UNHCR's Global Consultations on International Protection
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. 319–350.

· Chaudry M (2007) 'Particular social group post Fornah', Journal of Immigration,

Asylum & Nationality Law vol 21 no. 2, 137-146

· Kelly N (2001) 'The Convention Refugee Definition and Gender-Based Persecution: A

Decade's Progress' International Journal of Refugee Law, vol 13, no 4, p559-568

· Powell, Richard A., et al, 'Female genital mutilation, asylum seekers and refugees:
the need for an integrated UK policy agenda',

· FORWARD, 2006 'Definitions and Terms for Female Genital Mutilation',

· FORWARD 2005, "Female Genital Mutilation: Human Rights and Cultural Relativity",

Refugee protection in international law: UNHCR's global consultations on international

protection - Erika Feller, Volker Türk, Frances Nicholson, Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees, 2003
Book | Background (Could Read) | Protected Characteristics and Social Perceptions: An
Analysis of the Meaning of ‘Membership of a Particular Social Group’’ Determination’ pp.

Particular social group post Fornah’ - Chaudry, 2007

Article | Background (Could Read)

commentary on Shah and Islam - Goodwin-Gill, 1999

Article | Background (Could Read)

The Law of Refugee Status - James C. Hathaway, Michelle Foster, 2014

Book | Background (Could Read) | pp 423- 449

Women as a Particular Social Group: A comparative assessment of Gender Asylum cases in

the US and UK - Lobo, 2012
Article | Background (Could Read)

Refugee Protection in International Law: UNHCR's Global Consultations on International

Protection - Erika Feller, Volker T�urk, Frances Nicholson, 2003
Book | Background (Could Read) | pp. 319–350.

Additional Reading (1 items)


A-G of Canada v Ward [1993] 2 SCR 689 [test/criteria for PSG – INLA was not a PSG]

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Jain v SSHD [2000] INLR 71 [gay men form a PSG]

LQ (age is an immutable characteristic) Afghanistan) (2008) UKAIT [being a child - PSG]

NS (Afghanistan) v SSHD [2004][(women

forced into marriage – PSG]

SB (Moldova) v SSHD [2008] UKAIT 00002 -

[victims of trafficking can be a PSG]

SSHD v. K; & Fornah v. SSHD, [2006] UKHL 46 [women fearing FGM]

SW (lesbians - HJ and HT applied) Jamaica v. SSHD

Additional Reading (1 items)

Legal texts

· Art 10(1)(d) Qualification Directive –recast - (2011/95/EU)

Additional Reading (1 items)


· UNHCR Handbook on Procedures and Guidelines, HCR/IP/4/Rev.3, 2011, paras.

77–79 AND Guidelines No 2 (pages 91-97)

· UNHCR, 'Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Sexual Orientation and

Gender Identity', November 2008

· UNHCR, 21 March 2010 'Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Victims of


· Gangs'

· UNHCR, 'Guidelines on International Protection: Gender-related Persecution within

the Context of Art. 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or Its 1967 Protocol Relating to the
Status of Refugees', May 2002.

· UNHCR, 'Handbook for the Protection of Women and Girls', January 2008, pp.

· UNHCR, '"Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and

Internally Displaced Persons" - Guidelines for Prevention and Response', 2003.

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Seminar Eight – Non-Refoulement and Human Rights (14 items)

Required Reading: (2 items)

Asylum Seekers in Europe: M.S.S. v Belgium and Greece - G. Clayton, 2011-12-01
Article | Core (Must Read)

Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy or the Strasbourg Court versus Extraterritorial Migration
Control? - Violeta Moreno-Lax, 2012
Article | Core (Must Read)

Advanced Reading (2 items)

Landmarks: Soering's Legacy - Hemme Battjes, 2008

Article | Core (Must Read)

To transfer or not to transfer: Identifying and protecting relevant human rights interests in
non-refoulement - Padmanabhan, V.M.
Article | Core (Must Read)

Further Reading (8 items)


The jus cogens Nature of non-refoulement - J. Allain, 2001-10-01

Article | Background (Could Read)

DEPORTED: The Right to Asylum at EUâs External Border of Italy and Libya - Rutvica
Andrijasevic, 2010-02
Article | Background (Could Read)

Expulsion to Face Torture? Non-refoulement in International Law - A. Duffy, 2008-06-25

Article | Background (Could Read)

The refugee in international law - Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, Jane McAdam, 2006

Book | Background (Could Read) | pp. 201–267.

The Right to Seek Asylum: Interception at Sea and the Principle of Non-Refoulement - G. S.
Goodwin-Gill, 2011-10-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

Leveraging Asylum. - Hathaway, James C.1, 2010

Article | Background (Could Read)

Refugee Protection in International Law: UNHCR's Global Consultations on International

Protection - Erika Feller, Volker T�urk, Frances Nicholson, 2003
Book | Background (Could Read) | 'The Scope and Content of the Principle of non

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Research handbook on international law and migration - 2014

Book | Background (Could Read) | The Principle of Non-Refoulement in International
Refugee Law

Additional Reading (1 items)


Abdullahi C-394/12 (CJEU) December 2013 [asylum seekers can only plead systemic
deficiencies in procedures and conditions]

Hirsi Jamaa and others v Italy, ECtHR February 2012

MSS v Belgium and Greece (ECtHR) January 2011 [Breach of Art 3 ECHR]

NS v SSHD C-411/10 (CJEU) December 2011 [asylum seeker could not be returned to
Greece pursuant to Dublin III because of systemic deficiencies]

Tarakhel v Switzerland (ECtHR) November 2014 [States to obtain assurances before

sending pursuant to Dublin III]

Additional Reading (1 items)

UN/EU documents

UNHCR EXCOM, 'Non-refoulement', Conclusion No. 6 (XXVIII), 1977.

UNHCR, 'Note on International Protection', UN doc. A/AC.96/830, 7 Sept. 1994, paras.

14-15, 30-41.

EU Qualification Directive (Recast, 2011) –Art 21,

Extra Readings on the Lecture Topic on Subsidiary Protection

(Optional) – note that we have no seminar on this material. (12 items)

Basic Reading: (3 items)

Refugee Status, Subsidiary Protection, and the Right to Be Granted Asylum Under Ec Law -
Gil-Bazo, Maria-Teresa
Article | Core (Must Read)

The Next Frontier: Expanding Protection in Europe for Victims of Armed Conflict and
Indiscriminate Violence - H. Lambert, 2013-06-01
Article | Core (Must Read)

· HM and Others (Article 15(c)) Iraq CG [2010] UKUT 331 (IAC); HM and others (Article

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

15(c)) Iraq CG [2012] UKUT 00409(IAC) (Assigned Student Presentation)

Advanced Reading: (6 items)

Book chapters/Articles

Humanitarian Protection: Rule, 339C. Qualification Directive (QD) 2011/95/EU – Art 2 (f)
and Chapters 6&7 Subsidiary Protection: Article 15, QD. Elgafaji v Staatssecretaris van
Justitie, [CJEU] C-465/07 2009, February 2009 AK (Art 15(c) (Afghanistan) v SSHD CG
[2012] UKUT 00163(IAC) (just read headnote, facts and conclusions) QD (Iraq) [2009]
EWCA Civ 620.

Research handbook on international law and migration - 2014

Book | Background (Could Read) | Subsidiary protection and other alternative forms of

The Definition of Internal Armed Conflict in Asylum Law: The 2014 Diakite Judgment of the
EU Court of Justice - C. Bauloz, 2014-09-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

The CJEU and Subsidiary Protection: Reflections on Elgafaji - and After - R. Errera,
Article | Background (Could Read)

The European Union Qualification Directive: The Creation of a Subsidiary Protection

Regime - J. McAdam, 2005-01-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

Disconnecting Humanitarian Law from EU Subsidiary Protection: A Hypothesis of

Defragmentation of International Law - SALVATORE FABIO NICOLOSI, 2016-06
Article | Background (Could Read)

Additional Reading: (1 items)

Policy Documents:

UK Asylum Policy Instruction: Humanitarian Protection, May 2013

Additional Reading: (2 items)


AA (Article 15(c)) Iraq CG [2015] UKUT 00544 (IAC)

AK (Art 15(c) (Afghanistan) v SSHD CG [2012] UKUT 00163(IAC)

Elgafaji v Staatssecretaris van Justitie, [CJEU] C-465/07 2009, February 2009

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Diakite v Commissaire general aux refugies et aux aptrides, C-285/12, Jan 2014

HH (Somalia) v SSHD 2010

Sufi & Elmi v UK [ECtHR], June 2010

QD & AH (Iraq) v SSHD 2009

General readings on EU aspects more widely: (1 items)

For current information on the European Migration Agenda, consult the EU Commission's
webpages on asylum and migration: ; and
follow on twitter hashtags: #refugeecrisis; #migrationeu L. Lavrysen, 'European asylum
law and the ECHR: An uneasy coexistence' (2012) Goettingen Jnl of Int Law, 4:1, 197-242.
H. Lambert, 'The ECHR and the protection of refugees: limits and opportunities' (2005)
Refugee Survey Quarterly 24:2, 39-55. C. Costello, 'Courting Access to Asylum in Europe:
Recent Supranational Jurisprudence Explored' (2012) Human Rights Law Review 287-339.

Seminar 10 – Week 11: Assessment Session (Essay Planning, Writing,

and Advice on Reading and Research) (1 items)
In this seminar we shall discuss your plans, reading, writing and research for the
forthcoming written assessment.

Aas KF, & Bosworth M, (Eds), The Borders of Punishment: Migration, Citizenship, and Social
Exclusion, (OUP, 2013).

Agier, M (2011) Managing the Undesirables: Refugee Camps and Humanitarian

Government, (Polity Press, 2011).

Chetail, V and Bauloz, C, Research Handbook on International Law and Migration, (Edward
Elgar, 2014).

Dauvergne, C, Making People Illegal: What Globalization means for Migration and Law
(CUP, 2008).

Dummett, A & Nicol, A, 'Subjects, Citizens Aliens and Other (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1990).

Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E, Loescher, G, Long, K &, Sigona, N, (Eds) The Oxford Handbook of

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Refugee and Forced Migration Studies: Oxford Handbooks in Politics & International
Relations, (OUP, 2014).

Gibney, M, The Ethics and Politics of Asylum: Liberal Democracy and the Response to
Refugees, (Cambridge University Press, 2004).

Guild, E et al, The Reconceptualization of European Union Citizenship (Immigration and

Asylum Law and Policy in Europe), (Martinus Nijhoff, 2013).

Islam, R, and Bhuiy, J, An Introduction to International Refugee Law, (Brill, 2013).

Juss, S & Harvey,C, (Eds) Contemporary Issues in Refugee Law, (Edward Elgar 2013)

Marfleet, P, Refugees in a Global Era, (Macmillan, 2006).

Marrus, M, 'The Unwanted – European Refugees in the Twentieth Century (OUP, 1985)

Papadopoulos, D., Stephenson, N., & Tsianos, V, Escape Routes. Control and Subversion in
the 21st Century, (Pluto Press, 2008).

Patricia Tuitt, False Images: The Law's construction of the refugee, (Pluto, 1996).

Squire,V (ed) The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity, (Routledge,

Squire, V, The Exclusionary Politics of Asylum, (Palgrave, 2009).

Stevens, D, UK Asylum Law and Policy, (Thompson & Maxwell, 2004).

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Chimni, B. S. Geopolitics of Refugee Studies: A View from the South, - 1998

Uday Mehta, "Liberal Strategies of Exclusion". Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a

Bourgeois World, ed. Frederick Cooper and Ann Laura Stoler, 59-86 (University of California
Press, 1997).

Hannah Arendt, "The Decline of the Nation-state and the Rights of Man". The Origins of
Totalitarianism, 267-302 (Meridian Books, [1951] 1966).

Hannah Arendt, "We Refugees". Altogether Elsewhere: Writers on Exile, ed. Marc Robinson,
110-119 (Boston: Faber and Faber, 1996).

Giorgio Agamben, "We Refugees." Symposium 49 (2): 114-119.

Nicholas De Genova, "Spectacles of Migrant 'Illegality': The scene of exclusion, the

obscene inclusion". Ethnic and Racial Studies 30(7): 1180-1198 (2013).

Emma Haddad, The Refugee in International Society: Between Sovereigns (Cambridge

University Press, 2008).

Sari Hanafi, "Forced Migration in the Middle East and North Africa". The Oxford Handbook
of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, edited by Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Loescher, Long and
Sigona (Oxford University Press, 2014).

Liisa Malkki. "National Geographic: The rooting of peoples and the territorializationof
national identity among scholars and refugees." Cultural Anthropology, vol 7, no 1: 24-44,

Julie Peteet, "Cartographic violence, displacement and refugee camps: Palestine and Iraq."
Palestinian Refugees: Identity, Space and Place in the Levant, edited by Sari Hanafi and
Are Knudsen (Routledge, 2011).

Ilana Feldman, "Difficult Distinctions: Refugee Law, Humanitarian Practice, and Political
Identification in Gaza." Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 22,1 (2007): 129-170.––Sophia

Hoffmann, "The Humanitarian Regime of Sovereignty: INGOs and Iraqi Migration to Syria".
Refuge 28 (1): 59-70 (2011).

Dawn Chatty, "Anthropology and Forced Migration". The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and
Forced Migration Studies, edited by Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Loescher, Long and Sigona (Oxford
University Press, 2014).

Ilana Feldman, "The Challenge of Categories: UNRWA and the Definition of a Palestinian
Refugee," Journal of Refugee Studies Vol. 25 (3): 387-406 (2012).

Jennifer Hyndman, "Scripting Humanitarianism" and "Camps, compounds and other

spaces." in Managing Displacement: Refugees and the Politics of Humanitarianism
(University of Minnesota Press, 2000).

Julie Peteet, esp. ch. 3 "Aid and the Construction of the Refugee". Landscape of Hope and

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Despair: Palestinian Refugee Camps (University of Pennsylvania press, 2005).

Randa Farah, "Refugee Camps in Palestinian and Sahrawi National Liberation Movements:
A Comparative Perspective". Journal of Palestine Studies 2009, 38(2): 76-93.

Nell Gabiam, "When "humanitarianism" becomes "development": the politics of

international aid in Syria's Palestinian camps". American Anthropologist 114 (1): 95-107.

Didier Fassin, "Humanitarianism and the politics of life". Public Culture 19 (3): 499-520.

Gil Loescher, "UNHCR and Forced Migration". The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced
Migration Studies, edited by Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Loescher, Long and Sigona (Oxford
University Press, 2014).

Michel Agier and Francoise Bouchet-Saulnier, "Humanitarian Spaces: Spaces of Exception".

in: In the Shadow of "Just Wars": Violence, Politics and Humanitarian Action, edited by
Fabrice Weissmann (Cornell University Press, 2004).

Ilana Feldman, "Looking for Humanitarian Purpose: Endurance and the Value of Lives in a
Palestinian Refugee Camp". Public Culture 27:3 (2015).

Ilana Feldman, "What is a camp? Legitimate refugee lives in spaces of long-term

displacement". Geoforum (2014).

Barbara Harrell-Bond. "Can Humanitarian Work with Refugees be Humane?" Human Rights
Quarterly, 2002.

Peter Nyers, Rethinking Refugees: Beyond States of Emergency (Routledge, 2006).

Adam Ramadan, "Destroying Nahr el-Bared: Sovereignty and Urbacide in the Space of
Exception". Political Geography 28(3): 153-163.

D. Forsythe, "UNHCR's Mandate: the Politics of Being Non-political". UNHCR New Issues in
Refugee Research 33 (2001). See

L. Malkki, "Speechless Emissaries: Refugees, Humanitarianism, and Dehistoricization".

Siting Culture: The Shifting Anthropological Object, ed. K. F. Olwig and K. Hastrup
(Routledge, 1997).

Diana Allan, "The Politics of Witness: Remembering and Forgetting 1948 in Shatila Camp".
Nakba: Palestine, 1948 and the Claims of Memory, edited by Lila Abu-Lughod and Ahmad
Sa'di (Columbia University Press, 2007).

P. Rajaram, "Humanitarianism and Representations of the Refugee". Journal of Refugee

Studies 15(3) 2002.

V. Pupavac, "Refugee Advocacy, Traumatic Representations and Political

Disenchantment". Government and Opposition 43(2) 2008.

B. Kampmark, "'Spying for Hitler' and 'Working for Bin Laden': Comparative Australian
Discourses on Refugees". Journal of Refugee Studies 19(1) 2006.

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

E. Valentine and John Chr. Knudsen, "Introduction". Mistrusting Refugees, ed. Daniel et al
(University of California Press, 1995).

Catriona Mackenzie et al, "Beyond 'Do No Harm': The Challenge of Constructing Ethical
Relationships in Refugee Research". Journal of Refugee Studies 20, no.2 (2007).

Nando Sigona, "The Politics of Refugee Voices: Representations, Narratives, and

Memories." The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, edited by
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Loescher, Long and Sigona (Oxford University Press, 2014).

Terrence Wright, "The Media and Representations of Refugees and Other Forced Migrants".
The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, edited by
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Loescher, Long and Sigona (Oxford University Press, 2014).

T. Hayter, Open Borders: The Case Against Immigration Controls, Second Edition (Pluto
Press, 2004) pp. ix-xxvi and 1-7.

Bridget Anderson, Nandita Sharma and Cythia Wright, "'We are all Foreigners': NoBorders
as a practical political project." Citizenship, Migrant Activism and thePolitics of Movement,
edited by Peter Nyers and Kim Rygiel (Routledge, 2012).

McNevin, "Acts of Contestation: The Sans-Papiers of France." Contesting Citizenship


William Walters, "Acts of Demonstration: Mapping the Territory of (Non)Citizenship." Acts

of Citizenship, edited by E. Isin, and G. M. Nielsen (2008).

Ruba Salih, "From Bare Life to Political Agents." Refugee Survey Quarterly 32 (2): 66-91

Peter Nyers, "Evasive Maneuvers: Refugee Warriors Recast the Political"; Conclusion,
"Rethinking Refugees: Dangers and Prospects." Rethinking Refugees (Taylor and Francis,

Engin Isin, "Citizenship in Flux: The figure of the Activist Citizen." Subjectivity 29(1):
367–388 (2009).

ESSENTIAL ACADEMIC JOURNALS (browse through them online or in the library and
become familiar with them):

It is important to browse through these when you research for your assessments and to
especially check the latest issues for updated work:

IJRL = International Journal of Refugee Law (the leading international journal)

IANL = Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law (UK emphasis)

EPL = European Public Law (European emphasis)

EJML – European Journal of Migration and Law (European emphasis)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

JRS = Journal of Refugee Studies (Interdisciplinary approaches)

HILJ = Harvard International Law Journal (Occasional interest)

GILJ = Georgetown Immigration Law Journal (Occasional international aspects)

EHRLR = European Human Rights Law Review (Excellent for Human Rights perspectives)

LA = Legal Action (Every March, July and November you can find here updates on
Immigration Law with occasional asylum and refugee law interest)

PL = Public Law (occasional interest)

RSQ = Refugee Survey Quarterly (a very good journal dedicated to refugee law)


There are a number of useful web pages and links. Of especial interest are:

Refugee Law Reader (a very helpful on-line resource which provides a syllabus as well as
suggested reading.)

UNHCR (you should visit the web site regularly and familiarise yourself with its layout and
documentation. There is a lot of highly useful information).

UNHCR RefWorld (legal materials from around the world).

Guide to International Refugee Law Resources on the Web (a reference guide to online

Forced Migration Awareness (very useful for assessments' research)

Berkeley Guide to refugee law research (a good general guide)

COMPAS (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford) - very useful
resource for working papers and more, a leading centre in the UK).

Electronic Immigration Network (for case law)

ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles - a leading NGO providing information on
EU policy)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog (very helpful site for updates)

Forced Migration Online (University of Oxford's Refugee Studies Centre portal – one of the
excellent specialist centres in the UK)

Home Office Immigration and Visas (includes asylum; hard to navigate at times but
essential for UK focus)

Amnesty International: (check their reports)

Electronic Information system for International Law (useful resources):


Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog: - very helpful

updating site

Free Movement: - a great blog on UK asylum,

immigration and nationality law (some of it is freely available, some requires membership)

Global Commission on International Migration (very useful resource for working papers up
to 2005):

Guardian Special Report on Refugees:,,1397447,00.html

Border and Immigration Agency (UK):

Joint Council for the Welcome of Immigrants:

Liberty: (another leading NGO)

Michigan Refugee Case Law Site: - James Hathaway's

creation and very useful, especially when comparing jurisdictions (will be of particular
interest to North American students)

Migration Dialogue:

Migration Oxford:

Migration Watch UK:

New Zealand Refugee Status Appeals Authority:


Refugee Council:

Research Development Statistics: Home Office:


11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

University of Minnesota Human Rights Library: - great for

tracking down HR instruments

On twitter it is highly recommended that you follow:

WEEK 13 Introduction | State Sovereignty and the Control of

Movement (2 items)
Textbook on immigration and asylum law - Gina Clayton, 2016
Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapters 1.1-1.2 (p3-26) & Chapter 2 (p40-69) (Start Reading
these Chapters in the first week to alleviate the amount of reading you have to do in
subsequent weeks.

1. Watch this Documentary on Race and Immigration in the UK (3 parts):




WEEK 14 – Seminar 1 Introduction | State Sovereignty and the Control

of Movement (16 items)

Seminar Reading: (2 items)

Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders - Joseph H. Carens, 1987-3
Article | Core (Must Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Spheres of justice: a defence of pluralism and equality - M. Walzer, 1985

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 2 on “Membership”

Advanced Readings (3 items)

Who Should Get in? The Ethics of Immigration Admissions - Joseph H Carens, 2003-3
Article | Core (Must Read)

The Rights of Others: Aliens, Residents, and Citizens - Seyla Benhabib, 2004
Book | Background (Could Read) | Chapters 1 (On Kant) and 2 “The right to have
rights”: Hannah Arendt on the contradictions of the nation-state

The ethics and the politics of asylum: liberal democracy and the response to refugees -
Matthew J. Gibney, 2004
Book | Background (Could Read) | See in particular Ch1: Partiality: community,
citizenship and defence of closure, & Ch2: Impartiality: Freedom, Equality and Open

Further Assessment Readings (11 items)

The citizen and the alien: dilemmas of contemporary membership - Linda Bosniak, 2008
Book | Background (Could Read)

Border Control and the Limits of the Sovereign State - M. Bosworth, 2008-06-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

The Emerging Migration State1 - James F. Hollifield, 2006-02-23

Article | Background (Could Read)

The ethics of immigration - Joseph H. Carens, 2015

Book | Background (Could Read)

The Rule of Law and the Right to Stay - Antje Ellermann, 2014-09
Article | Background (Could Read)

the public and politics of immigration controls

Article | Background (Could Read)

Rights across borders: immigration and the decline of citizenship - David Jacobson, 1996
Book | Background (Could Read)

Open Trade, Closed Borders Immigration in the Era of Globalization - Margaret E. Peters,
Article | Background (Could Read)

Territory, authority, rights: from medieval to global assemblages - Saskia Sassen, c2006
Book | Background (Could Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

On the right of exclusion: law, ethics and immigration policy - Bas Schotel, 2012 [ie. 2011
Book | Background (Could Read)

The Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and the State - John Torpey, 1999
Book | Background (Could Read)

WEEK 15 – Seminar 2 Sources of Immigration Law I: The Framework of

Immigration Control (14 items)

Seminar Reading: (2 items)

Patriality, Work Permits and the European Economic Community: The Introduction of the
1971 Immigration Act - Callum Williams, 2015-10-02
Article | Core (Must Read)

1. Abdulaziz, Cabales, and Balkandali v UK ECtHR (Application nos. 9214/80;


2. Immigration Act 1971, sections 1-7 [you can read these here:]

Advanced Reading (4 items)

The myth of sovereignty: British immigration control in policy and practice in the
nineteen-seventies - Evan Smith, Marinella Marmo, 2014-05
Article | Background (Could Read) | Ch1 Migration and Nationality in Post war Britain

Extending immigration policing and exclusion in the UK - Frances Webber, 2014-01

Article | Background (Could Read)

Immigration Law Beyond Borders: Externalizing and Internalizing Border Controls in an Era
of Securitization - Cecilia Menjívar, 2014-11-03
Article | Core (Must Read)

Watchful Citizens - James P Walsh, 2014-06

Article | Core (Must Read)

Further Assessment Reading (8 items)

Struggles against subjection. Implications of criminalization of migration for migrants’
everyday lives in Europe - Agnieszka Kubal, 2014-9
Article | Background (Could Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Battiston, Diego, Dickens, Richard, Manning, Alan and Wadsworth,

Jonathan (2014)Immigration and the access to social housing in the UK. CEP Discussion
Papers, CEPDP1264. Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and
Political Science, London, UK.

The Migration Observatory, Immigration Offences: Trends in Legislation and Criminal and
Civil Enforcement

From immigration controls to welfare controls - Steve Cohen, Beth Humphries, Ed Mynott,
Book | Background (Could Read)

The Routledge Handbook on Crime and International Migration - Sharon Pickering, Julie
Ham, 2014
Book | Background (Could Read)

Another Brick in the Wall: Carrier Sanctions and the Privatization of Immigration Control -
Rodenhäuser, Tilman, 2014
Article | Background (Could Read)

Controlling immigration: a global perspective - 2014

Book | Background (Could Read)

On the effects and implications of UK Border Agency involvement in higher education.

Webpage | Background (Could Read)

WEEK 16 – Seminar 3 Sources of Immigration Law II: Immigration (4


Seminar Reading: [follow the link on Moodle to the Immigration Rules]

(2 items)

Textbook on immigration and asylum law - Gina Clayton, 2016

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 1 (Read Section 1.3) and Chapter 6.

1. Skim through the (vast) Immigration Rules [See link on Moodle]. You will see that
they start with a brief introduction and there are important definitions of key terms in
para.6. From then on the Rules are divided in 14 parts (plus the Appendices), each part
dealing with a specific topic. After you skim through the whole contents fairly quickly of
the Immigration Rules, read Part 3 and Part 6A slowly and carefully.

2. Immigration Act 1971, sections 1(4) and 3(2) [see link under Seminar 2]

3. R (Munir and another) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] UKSC

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

33, read the judgment of Lord Dyson [read it here or on westlaw:]

4. R (Alvi) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] UKSC 33 [read it here]

Additional Readings (2 items)

Immigration law and practice in the United Kingdom - Ian A. Macdonald, Ronan Toal, 2010
Book | Background (Could Read) | Ch 1 section 1.1-1.42

Odelola v SSHD [2009] UKHL 25 – Case on the immigration rules and retrospectivity

Further Immigration Rules Cases

Odelola v SSHD [2009] UKHL 25 – Case on the immigration rules and retrospectivity

DP (United States of America) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA
Civ 365

Secretary of State for the Home Department v Pankina [2010] EWCA Civ 719

Singh v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2015] EWCA Civ 74

Hosenball [1977] All ER 452

Singh v IAT [1986] 2 All ER 721

WEEK 17 Reading Week

Important Note: There is no lecture or seminar this week.

WEEK 18 - Seminar 4 (14 items)

EEA Rights of Residence

Required Seminar Reading (2 items)

Textbook on immigration and asylum law - Gina Clayton, 2016
Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 4, pp 105-143

2. EU Directive 2004/38 "Citizen's Directive" (scan briefly)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

3. Ruiz Zambrano C-34/09, CJEU 2011

Advanced Reading (5 items)

In Search of a Rationale for the EU Citizenship Jurisprudence - A. Hoogenboom, 2015-06-01
Article | Core (Must Read)

Civis capitalist sum: Class as the new guiding principle of EU free movement rights -
O’brien, Charlotte
Article | Core (Must Read)

When legal worlds collide: An exploration of what ...: Full Text Finder Results
Webpage | Core (Must Read)

Department for Exiting the European Union, (2017) The United Kingdom's exit from the
European Union: safeguarding the position of EU citizens living in the UK and UK nationals
living in the EU

Available at

‘Flexible’ workers for ‘flexible’ jobs? The labour market function of A8 migrant labour in the
UK - David McCollum, Allan Findlay, 2015-06
Article | Background (Could Read)

Further Assessment Readings (6 items)

Migrants at work: immigration and vulnerability in labour law - 2014
Book | Background (Could Read)

Free Movement and the Fragmentation of Family Reunification Rights.

Webpage | Background (Could Read)

The reconceptualization of European Union citizenship - 2014

Book | Background (Could Read)

"Hand-to-mouth” citizenship: decision time for the UK Supreme Court on the substance of
Zambrano rights, EU citizenship and equal treatment.
Webpage | Background (Could Read) | (See also recent Supreme Court case R (on the
application of HC) (Appellant) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and others
(Respondents) [2017] UKSC 73 on access to benefits for Zambrano carers).

Enter at your own risk: free movement of EU citizens in practice - Anita Heindlmaier,
Michael Blauberger, 2017-11-02
Article | Background (Could Read)

Gender and free movement: EU migrant women’s access to residence and social rights in
the U.K. - Isabel Shutes, Sarah Walker, 2018-01-02
Article | Background (Could Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Some other Important CJEU cases (1 items)

Case C-127/08 Blaise Baheten Metock and Others v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law
Reform [2008] ECR I–6241

Case C-413/99 [2002] Baumbast and R v Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2002] ECR I–7091, in particular paras 81–86 (Case concerning children in education)

Case C-370/90 R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal and Surinder Singh, ex Secretary of State
for Home Department [1992] ECR I–4265, paras 15–23

Case C‑456/12 O and B v The Netherlands (Case considering the Surinder Singh principle)

Case C-60/00 Mary Carpenter v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2002] ECR
I–6279 (Case considering provision of services in a member state)

Case C-67/14 Jobcenter Berlin Neukolnn v Nazifa, Sonita, Valentina and Valentino
Alimanovic [2015] ECLI-597 (Case concerning worker benefits)

Case C-256/11 (2011) McCarthy v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Case
concerning dual citizenship)

Case, C-40/11 (2011) Murat Dereci and Others v Bundesministerium für Inneres (Case
considering Zambrano principle)

Case C-165/14 (2014) Rendón Marín v Administración del Estado (Case considering
Zambrano principle in a criminal deport case)

WEEK 19 – Seminar 4 Labour Migration (22 items)

Required Seminar Readings: (2 items)

Textbook on immigration and asylum law - Gina Clayton, 2016

Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 9, pp. 305-46 (In particular 9.4)

Us and them?: the dangerous politics of immigration control - Bridget L. Anderson, 2015
Book | Core (Must Read) | 'British Jobs for British Workers!'

Advanced Readings (6 items)

‘Heads I Win. Tails you Lose.’ Migration and the Worker Citizen - Bridget Anderson, 2015
Article | Core (Must Read)

Migrants at work: immigration and vulnerability in labour law - 2014

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

| Core (Must Read) | Enforcement of Employment Rights by Migrant Workers in the

UK: The Case of EU-8 Nationals

The ideology of temporary labour migration in the post-global era - Catherine Dauvergne,
Sarah Marsden, 2014-02-17
Article | Background (Could Read)

Making claims for migrant workers: human rights and citizenship - Judy Fudge, 2014-01-02
Article | Background (Could Read)

Who needs migrant workers?: labour shortages, immigration, and public policy - Martin
Ruhs, Bridget Anderson, 2010
Book | Core (Must Read) | Migrant Workers: Who Needs Them

Hounga (Appellant) v Allen and another (Respondents) [2014] UKSC 47

Further Assessment Readings (14 items)

Us and them?: the dangerous politics of immigration control - Bridget L. Anderson, 2013
Book | Background (Could Read) | Chapter 4 ‘British Jobs for British Workers!’ Migration
and the UK Labour Market

Migrants at work: immigration and vulnerability in labour law - 2014

Book | Background (Could Read) | Guild, E 'The EU's Internal market and the
Fragmentary Nature of EU Labour Migration',

The price of rights: regulating international labor migration - Martin Ruhs, 2013
Book | Background (Could Read)

Migrants at work: immigration and vulnerability in labour law - 2014

Book | Background (Could Read) | Judy Fudge and Kendra Strauss, ‘Migrants, Unfree
Labour, and The Legal Construction of Domestic Servitude: Migrant Domestic Workers in
the UK’

Labour migration in hard times: reforming labour market regulation? - Institute of

Employment Rights, Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn trust, 2013
Book | Background (Could Read)

Scott Blinder, Non-EU Labour Migration to the UK, Briefing, The Migration Observatory, The
University of Oxford, 09/01/2015

Martin Ruhs and Carlos Vargas-Silva, The Labour Market Effects of Immigration, Briefing,
The Migration Observatory, The University of Oxford 22/05/2015,

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Migrants at work: immigration and vulnerability in labour law - 2014

Book | Guild, E 'The EU's Internal market and the Fragmentary Nature of EU Labour

Exodus: how migration is changing our world - Paul Collier, 2013

Book | Background (Could Read)

Migration, immigration controls and the fashioning of precarious workers - Bridget

Anderson, 2010-06
Article | Background (Could Read)

Precarious Migrant Status and Precarious Employment: The Paradox of International Rights
for Migrant Workers - Fudge, J., 2012
Article | Background (Could Read)

Who needs migrant workers?: labour shortages, immigration, and public policy - 2012
Book | Background (Could Read) | Philip Martin 'A need for Migrant Labour? UK-US

Migration and Human Rights: The United Nations Convention on Migrant Workers' Rights -
Ryszard Cholewinski, Paul de Guchteneire, Antoine Pecoud, 2009
Book | Background (Could Read)

Migrants at work: immigration and vulnerability in labour law - 2014

Book | Background (Could Read) | Ryan, B ‘Employer Checks of Immigration Status and
Employment Law’

The International Labour Organization, Labour Migration,

WEEK 20 – Seminar 5 Family Migration (11 items)

Required Seminar Reading: (1 items)

1. Appendix FM of the Immigration rules (look ONLY online at
mbers, noting especially paragraph EX1

2. EB (Kosovo) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2008] UKHL 41

3. MM & Ors, R v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2017] UKSC 10S

Advanced Readings (4 items)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

When humans become migrants: study of the European Court of Human Rights with an
Inter-American counterpoint -
dicte Dembour, 2015
Book | Background (Could Read) | Clayton, Chapter 8 (You are advised to read this as
well for background information but please do note that it is now outdated in terms of the
current state of the law).
Dembour, M Chapter 4 “Dislocating Families: The Strasbourg Reversal (Abdulaziz, Cabales
and Balkandali)

Home Office Statement of Intent: Family migration, June 13 2012

Document | Background (Could Read)

Moulding the migrant family - Helena Wray, 2009-12

Article | Background (Could Read)

Immigration Control and the Place of Article 8 in the UK Courts - S York, 2015
Article | Background (Could Read)

Further Assessment Readings (4 items)

Regulating Membership: Explaining Restriction and Stratification of Family Migration in
Europe - L. Block, 2015-09-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

Regulating marriage migration into the UK: a stranger in the home - Helena Wray, c2011
Book | Background (Could Read)

‘Family reunification requirements: barrier or facilitator to integration - Barnden, 2013

Article | Background (Could Read)

Race, gender and the body in British immigration control: subject to examination - Evan
Smith, Marinella Marmo, 2014
Book | Background (Could Read)

Important Article 8 cases pre-Appendix FM: (1 items)

· Razgar [2004] UKHL 27 – First major UK Article 8 case established test to be applied.

· Huang & Kashmiri [2007] UKHL 11 on proportionality, [paras 18,19,20 'human

beings are social animals; proportionality must be given separate treatment]

· Beoku Betts [2008] UKHL 39 ('there is only one family life', deals with when family
life between adults might engage the Convention [paras 39,40]

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

· EB (Kosovo) [2008] UKHL 41 – concerning Article 8 private life, consequences of

SSHD delay

· Chikwamba [2008] UKHL 4 – on whether an individual should be required to return

home to seek entry clearance

· EM (Lebanon) [2008] UKHL 64 – on breach of Article 8 occurring abroad

· VW Uganda [2009] EWCA Civ 5 – Court of Appeal applying House of Lords cases

· ZH Tanzania [2011] UKSC 4 – Key case on best interests of the child when
considering Article 8.

Important Article 8 cases post Appendix FM and Immigration Act 2014

(1 items)

· MF (Nigeria) [2013] EWCA Civ 1192 (is there a 2-stage test in family migration

· SS (Congo) [2015] EWCA civ 387 (the great weight that must be given to the public
interest; the different tests of exceptionality or otherwise applying to different aspects of
the family migration rules.

· MM & Ors, [2017] UKSC 10S Supreme Court considering new family immigration
rules from abroad.

· Agyarko [2017] UKSC 11 – Supreme Court considering new family immigration rules

· Rhuppiah [2016] EWCA Civ 803 – Court of Appeal interprets concept of

"precariousness". Now pending before Supreme Court.

· MA (Pakistan) [2016] EWCA Civ 705 – Court of Appeal considering Immigration Act
2014 on when it is reasonable to remove settled children. Now pending before Supreme

And Some Important ECHR Article 8 cases

· Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali v UK (1985) 7 EHRR 471 (a lawful and genuine
marriage will usually be enough to constitute family life; a State has the right to control
immigration, and couples do not have a right to choose where they wish to live)

· Jeunesse v. the Netherlands - 12738/10

· Sen v. the Netherlands, Application no. 31465/96

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

WEEK 21 – Seminar 7 Deportation Law (27 items)

Required Seminar Reading: (1 items)

1. Uner v Netherlands EctHR October 2006

2. R(Kiarie) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department, R (Byndloss) v The
Secretary of State for the Home Department [2017] UKSC 42

Advanced Readings (5 items)

Hesham Ali [2016] UKSC 60 – – Important Supreme Court case on new deportation rules

Us and them?: the dangerous politics of immigration control - Bridget L. Anderson, 2015
Book | Recommended (Should Read) | Chapter 6: Uncivilised Others: Enforcement and
Forced Exit

Deportation, detention and foreign-national prisoners in England and Wales - Mary

Bosworth, 2011-08
Article | Background (Could Read)

The deportation regime: sovereignty, space, and the freedom of movement - Nicholas De
Genova, Nicholas De Genova, Nathalie Mae Peutz, 2010
Book | Background (Could Read) | (See introduction by De Genova)

When humans become migrants: study of the European Court of Human Rights with an
Inter-American counterpoint - Marie-Bénédicte Dembour, 2015
Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 6 : the Normalisation of Deportation

Further Assessment Readings (19 items)

At the extremes of exclusion: Deportation, detention and dispersal - Alice Bloch, Liza
Schuster, 2005-05
Article | Background (Could Read)

Executive measures, terrorism and national security: have the rules of the game changed?
- David Bonner, c2007
Book | Background (Could Read)

A Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut: Deportation, Detention and Dispersal in Europe - Liza

Schuster, 2005-12
Article | Background (Could Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

The social, political and historical contours of deportation - Bridget Anderson, Matthew J.
Gibney, Emanuela Paoletti, ebrary, Inc, 2013
Book | Background (Could Read) | (Introduction)

Border Control and the Limits of the Sovereign State - Mary Bosworth, 2008-06
Article | Recommended (Should Read)

Textbook on immigration and asylum law - Gina Clayton, 2016

Book | Background (Could Read) | Chapters 15 & 16

Enduring Uncertainty: Deportation, Punishment and Everyday Life - Ines Hasselberg, c2016
Book | Recommended (Should Read)

Deportation Studies: Origins, Themes and Directions - Susan Bibler Coutin, 2015-03-21
Article | Background (Could Read)

· Edwards, A., (2009), Rights of immigrants in voluntary and involuntary return

procedures in national law, Thematic Legal Study on rights of irregular immigrants in
voluntary and involuntary return procedures, Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 2009

States against migrants: deportation in Germany and the United States - Antje Ellermann,
ebrary, Inc, 2009
Book | Background (Could Read)

Asylum and the Expansion of Deportation in the United Kingdom - Matthew J. Gibney,
Article | Background (Could Read)

Is Deportation a Form of Forced Migration?: Full Text Finder Results

Webpage | Recommended (Should Read)

The Limits of the Power of Expulsion in Public International Law - G. S. Goodwin-Gill,

Article | Background (Could Read)

Deportations & removals - Paul Gordon, Runnymede Trust, 1984

Book | Background (Could Read)

Contestations and consequences of deportability: hunger strikes and the political agency
of non-citizens - JoAnn McGregor, 2011-08
Article | Background (Could Read)

Deportation as a Process of Irreversible Transformation

Article | Background (Could Read)

Abject Cosmopolitanism: the politics of protection in the anti-deportation movement -

PETER NYERS, 2003-12
Article | Background (Could Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Deportation, non-deportability and ideas of membership

Webpage | Background (Could Read)

Deportation, Expulsion, and the International Police of Aliens - William Walters, 2002-09
Article | Background (Could Read)

Important Article 8 Deportation Cases (2 items)

ECtHR (1 items)

· Berrehab v Netherlands [1988]

· Boutlif v. Switzerland [2001]

· Uner v Netherlands [2006]

· Maslov, v Austria [2008]

UK Courts (1 items)

· Hesham Ali [2016] UKSC 60

· Maklouf [2016] UKSC 59

· MF (Nigeria) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [2013] EWCA Civ

· N (Kenya) [2004] EWCA Civ 1094

· Lee v SSHD [2011] EWCA Civ 348

· ZZ (Tanzania) v SSHD [2014] EWCA Civ 1404

· MA (Pakistan) & Ors, R (on the application of) v Upper Tribunal (Immigration and
Asylum Chamber) & Anor [2016] EWCA Civ 705

· Chege (section 117D – Article 8 – approach) [2015] UKUT 00165 (IAC)

· Chege ("is a persistent offender") [2016] UKUT 00187 (IAC)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

WEEK 22 – Seminar 7 Lecture: Recent Developments in Immigration

Law: A Critical Perspective (1 items)

Seminar – on the Assessment

In this seminar we shall discuss your plans and research for the case study essay
assessment. Bring to class any questions, plans and difficulties you are encountering as to
your essay or that you expect to encounter. In this session students will be provided with
generic advice as well as concentrated advice and direction on the specific assessments

Further Research Reading List (44 items)

(Indicative Only – You are strongly encouraged to do your own research):

UK Immigration Rules and Policy can be found at the Government's website

UK Immigration and Asylum Chamber Upper Tribunal Caselaw can be found at

Books (24 items)

Us and them?: the dangerous politics of immigration control - Bridget L. Anderson, 2013
Book | Background (Could Read)

The ethics of immigration - Joseph H. Carens, 2015

Book | Background (Could Read)

From immigration controls to welfare controls - Steve Cohen, Beth Humphries, Ed Mynott,
Book | Background (Could Read)

Exodus: how migration is changing our world - Paul Collier, 2013

Book | Background (Could Read)

Are human rights for migrants?: critical reflections on the status of irregular migrants in
Europe and the United States -
dicte Dembour, Tobias Kelly, 2011
Book | Background (Could Read)

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Migration and human rights: the United Nations Convention on Migrant Workers' Rights -
Ryszard I. Cholewinski, P. F. A. de Guchteneire, Antoine
coud, c2009
Book | Background (Could Read)

UNHCRÂ - Deportation and the liberal state: the forcible return of asylum seekers and
unlawful migrants in Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom, Matthew J. Gibney and
Randall Hansen
Document | Background (Could Read)

Deportations & removals - Paul Gordon, Runnymede Trust, 1984

Book | Background (Could Read)

Democracy and the nation state: aliens, denizens and citizens in a world of international
migration - Tomas Hammar, 1990
Book | Background (Could Read)

Citizenship and immigration in Post-War Britain: the institutional origins of a multicultural

nation - Randall Hansen, 2000
Book | Background (Could Read)

Controlling immigration: a global perspective - 2014

Book | Background (Could Read)

Discretion and deviation in the administration of immigration control - Satvinder S. Juss,

Book | Background (Could Read)

Deportation nation: outsiders in American history - Dan Kanstroom, 2010

Book | Background (Could Read)

Free movement, social security and gender in the EU - Vicki Paskalia, 2007
Book | Background (Could Read)

The Routledge Handbook on Crime and International Migration - Sharon Pickering, Julie
Ham, 2014
Book | Background (Could Read)

Losing control?: sovereignty in an age of globalization - Saskia Sassen, 1996

Book | Background (Could Read)

The privatisation of immigration control through carrier sanctions: the role of private
transport companies in Dutch and British immigration control - Sophie Scholten, 2015
Book | Background (Could Read)

The coherence of EU Free Movement law: constitutional responsibility and the court of
justice - Niamh Nic Shuibhne, 2013
Book | Background (Could Read)

Race, gender and the body in British immigration control: subject to examination - Evan

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

Smith, Marinella Marmo, 2014

Book | Background (Could Read)

Immigration under New Labour - Will Somerville, 2007

Book | Background (Could Read)

The migration debate - Sarah Spencer, 2011

Book | Background (Could Read)

British immigration policy since 1939: the making of multi-racial Britain - Ian R. G. Spencer,
Book | Background (Could Read)

The price of rights: regulating international labor migration - Martin Ruhs, 2013
Book | Background (Could Read)

Labour migration in hard times: reforming labour market regulation? - Institute of

Employment Rights, Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn trust, 2013
Book | Background (Could Read)

Articles/Reports (19 items)

Migration, immigration controls and the fashioning of precarious workers - B. Anderson,
Article | Background (Could Read)

Immigration and the access to social housing in the UK

Article | Background (Could Read)

· Blinder, S Non-EU Labour Migration to the UK, Briefing, The Migration Observatory,
The University of Oxford, 09/01/2015

Deportation, detention and foreign-national prisoners in England and Wales - Mary

Bosworth, 2011-08
Article | Background (Could Read)

The Rule of Law and the Right to Stay: The Moral Claims of Undocumented Migrants - A.
Ellermann, 2014-09-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

Precarious Migrant Status and Precarious Employment: The Paradox of International Rights
for Migrant Workers - Fudge, J., 2012
Article | Background (Could Read)

Migrants at work: immigration and vulnerability in labour law - 2014

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

| Background (Could Read) | Migrants, Unfree Labour, and The Legal Construction
of Domestic Servitude: Migrant Domestic Workers in the UK

The Public and the Politics of Immigration Controls - Chris Gilligan, 2015-07-29
Article | Background (Could Read)

The Limits of the Power of Expulsion in Public International Law - G. S. Goodwin-Gill,

Article | Background (Could Read)

Struggles against subjection. Implications of criminalization of migration for migrants’

everyday lives in Europe - Agnieszka Kubal, 2014-9
Article | Background (Could Read)

On the effects and implications of UK Border Agency involvement in higher education -

Matt Jenkins, 2014-09
Article | Background (Could Read)

Immigration Law Beyond Borders: Externalizing and Internalizing Border Controls in an Era
of Securitization - Cecilia Menjívar, 2014-11-03
Article | Background (Could Read)

Another Brick in the Wall: Carrier Sanctions and the Privatization of Immigration Control -
T. Rodenhauser, 2014-06-01
Article | Background (Could Read)

· Ruhs, M and Vargas-Silva, C The Labour Market Effects of Immigration, Briefing, The
Migration Observatory, The University of Oxford 22/05/2015,

Migrants at work: immigration and vulnerability in labour law - 2014

Book | Background (Could Read) | Employer Checks of Immigration Status and
Employment Law

Open Trade, Closed Borders: Immigration in the Era of Globalization

Article | Background (Could Read)

· The Migration Observatory, Immigration Offences: Trends in Legislation and Criminal

and Civil Enforcement

11/03/23 Immigration, Asylum & Refugee Law | University of Kent

· Verschueren, H (2015) Free movement of EU citizens: including for the poor?

Maastricht journal of European and comparative law, 2015, Vol.22(1), pp.10-34

Watchful Citizens: Immigration Control, Surveillance and Societal Participation - J. P. Walsh,

Article | Background (Could Read)


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