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On November 03, 2023, I called customer service flight operated by Etihad Airline for reschedule my

flight tickets for my family. Throughout the conversation the representative told me I must pay $695 for
all passengers (I asked him 3 times), so I agreed to pay that price than he holds me for around 15min and
said that I must pay $930/passenger. I was so confused. Then I realized that their tickets price went up so
they do not want to give me flight reschedule in same amount, I have argued with him, but he was not
accepting and say me you can do whatever you want but we do not give to pay $930/passenger. I think I
got cheated by airline. Please help me out with my issue

I understand that you may require further information to proceed, and I am more than willing to provide
any necessary details or supporting evidence to aid in your investigation.

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