Chemical Bonding Lec 3 MSR

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Course Title: Chemistry I

Fundamental of Chemistry


M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) 1st Class First, BUET
Pursuing M.Phil. (Organic Chemistry), BUET
Former Teaching Assistant, BUET
Former Research Scholar, BUET
Lecturer (Chemistry)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Faculty of Science & Engineering
Northern University of Business and Technology, Khulna

Chemical Bonding

Chemical Bonding

A common atom contains a nucleus composed of protons and neutrons, with electrons in certain
energy levels revolving around the nucleus. In this section, the main focus will be on these
electrons. Elements are distinguishable from each other due to their "electron cloud," or the area
where electrons move around the nucleus of an atom. Because each element has a distinct electron
cloud, this determines their chemical properties as well as the extent of their reactivity (i.e. noble
gases are inert/not reactive while alkaline metals are highly reactive). In chemical bonding, only
valence electrons, electrons located in the orbitals of the outermost energy level (valence shell) of
an element, are involved.

Why Chemical Bonds Form

Chemical bonds form because they give atoms a more stable arrangement of electrons.

To understand why chemical bonds form, consider the common compound(opens in new
window) known as water, or H2O. It consists of two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom.
As you can see on the left side of the figure below, each hydrogen atom has just one electron,
which is also its sole valence electron. The oxygen atom has six valence electrons. These are the
electrons in the outer energy level of the oxygen atom.

In the water molecule on the right in the figure above, each hydrogen atom shares a pair of
electrons with the oxygen atom. By sharing electrons, each atom has electrons available to fill its
sole or outer energy level. The hydrogen atoms each have a pair of shared electrons, so their first
and only energy level is full. The oxygen atom has a total of eight valence electrons, so its outer
energy level is full. A full outer energy level is the most stable possible arrangement of electrons.
It explains why elements form chemical bonds with each other.

Lewis Theory of Chemical Bonding

• An atom can be viewed as a positively charged ‘Kernel’ (the nucleus plus the
inner electrons) and the outer shell.
• The outer shell can accommodate a maximum of eight electrons only.
• The eight electrons present in the outer shell occupy the corners of a cube which surround
the ‘Kernel’.
• The atoms have an octet configuration, i.e., 8 electrons in the outermost shell, thus
symbolising a stable configuration.

• Atoms can achieve this stable configuration by forming chemical bonds with other atoms.
This chemical bond can be formed either by gaining or losing an electron(s) (NaCl, MgCl2)
or, in some cases, due to the sharing of an electron (F2).
• Only the electrons present in the outer shell, also known as the valence electrons, take part
in the formation of chemical bonds. Gilbert Lewis used specific notations, better known as
Lewis symbols, to represent these valence electrons.
• Generally, the valency of an element is either equal to the number of dots in the
corresponding Lewis symbol or 8 minus the number of dots (or valence electrons).
Lewis symbols for lithium (1 electron), oxygen (6 electrons) and neon (8 electrons) are given

Here, the number of dots that surround the respective symbol represents the number of valence
electrons in that atom.

Octet Rule
Most elements follow the octet rule in chemical bonding, which means that an element should
have contact to eight valence electrons in a bond or exactly fill up its valence shell. Having eight
electrons total ensures that the atom is stable. This is the reason why noble gases, a valence electron
shell of 8 electrons, are chemically inert; they are already stable and tend to not need the transfer
of electrons when bonding with another atom in order to be stable. On the other hand, alkali metals
have a valance electron shell of one electron. Since they want to complete the octet rule they often
simply lose one electron. This makes them quite reactive because they can easily donate this
electron to other elements. This explains the highly reactive properties of the Group IA elements.
Some elements that are exceptions to the octet rule include Aluminum(Al), Phosphorus(P),
Sulfur(S), and Xenon(Xe).
Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He) follow the duet rule since their valence shell only allows two
electrons. There are no exceptions to the duet rule; hydrogen and helium will always hold a
maximum of two electrons.

Ionic Bonding
Ionic bonding is the process of not sharing electrons between two atoms. It occurs between a
nonmetal and a metal. Ionic bonding is also known as the process in which electrons are
"transferred" to one another because the two atoms have different levels of electron affinity. In the
picture below, a sodium (Na) ion and a chlorine (Cl) ion are being combined through ionic
bonding. Na+ has less electronegativity due to a large atomic radius and essentially does not want
the electron it has. This will easily allow the more electronegative chlorine atom to gain the
electron to complete its 3rd energy level. Throughout this process, the transfer of the electron
releases energy to the atmosphere.

Another example of ionic bonding is the crystal lattice structure shown above. The ions are
arranged in such a way that shows uniformity and stability; a physical characteristic in crystals and
solids. Moreover, in a concept called "the sea of electrons," it is seen that the molecular structure
of metals is composed of stabilized positive ions (cations) and "free-flowing" electrons that weave
in-between the cations. This attributes to the metal property of conductivity; the flowing electrons
allow the electric current to pass through them. In addition, this explains why strong electrolytes
are good conductors. Ionic bonds are easily broken by water because the polarity of the water
molecules shield the anions from attracting the cations. Therefore, the ionic compounds dissociate
easily in water, and the metallic properties of the compound allow the conductivity of the solution.

Covalent Bonding
Covalent bonding is the process of sharing electrons between two atoms. The bonds are typically
between a nonmetal and a nonmetal. Since their electronegativities are all within the high range,
the electrons are attracted and pulled by both atom's nuclei. In the case of two identical atoms that
are bonded to each other (also known as a nonpolar bond, explained later below), they both emit
the same force of pull on the electrons, thus there is an equal attraction between the two atoms (i.e.
oxygen gas, or O2, have an equal distribution of electron affinity. This makes covalent bonds harder
to break.

There are three types of covalent bonds: single, double, and triple bonds. A single bond is
composed of 2 bonded electrons. Naturally, a double bond has 4 electrons, and a triple bond has 6
bonded electrons. Because a triple bond will have more strength in electron affinity than a single
bond, the attraction to the positively charged nucleus is increased, meaning that the distance from
the nucleus to the electrons is less. Simply put, the more bonds or the greater the bond strength,
the shorter the bond length will be. In other words:

Bond length: triple bond < double bond < single bond

Polar Covalent Bonding

Polar covalent bonding is the process of unequal sharing of electrons. It is considered the middle
ground between ionic bonding and covalent bonding. It happens due to the differing
electronegativity values of the two atoms. Because of this, the more electronegative atom will
attract and have a stronger pulling force on the electrons. Thus, the electrons will spend more time
around this atom.

The symbols above indicate that on the fluorine side, it is slightly negative and the hydrogen side
is slightly positive.

Hydrogen Bonding

Hydrogen bonding refers to the formation of hydrogen bonds, which are a special class of
attractive intermolecular forces that arise due to the dipole-dipole interaction between a hydrogen
atom that is bonded to a highly electronegative atom and another highly electronegative atom that
lies in the vicinity of the hydrogen atom. For example, in water molecules (H2O), hydrogen is
covalently bonded to the more electronegative oxygen atom. Therefore, hydrogen bonding arises
in water molecules due to the dipole-dipole interactions between the hydrogen atom of one water
molecule and the oxygen atom of another H2O molecule.

Here, the location of the bond pair of electrons in the O-H bond is very close to the oxygen nucleus
(due to the large difference in the electronegativities of oxygen and hydrogen). Therefore, the
oxygen atom develops a partial negative charge (-δ), and the hydrogen atom develops a partial
positive charge (+δ). Now, hydrogen bonding can occur due to the electrostatic attraction between
the hydrogen atom of one water molecule (with +δ charge) and the oxygen atom of another water
molecule (with -δ charge). Thus, hydrogen bonds are a very special class of intermolecular
attractive forces that arise only in compounds featuring hydrogen atoms bonded to a highly
electronegative atom. Hydrogen bonds are mostly strong in comparison to normal dipole-dipole
and dispersion forces. However, they are weak compared to true covalent or ionic bonds.

What Are the Conditions for Hydrogen Bonding?

In a molecule, when a hydrogen atom is linked to a highly electronegative atom, it attracts the
shared pair of electrons more, and so this end of the molecule becomes slightly negative while the
other end becomes slightly positive. The negative end of one molecule attracts the positive end of
the other, and as a result, a weak bond is formed between them. This bond is called the hydrogen

As a result of hydrogen bonding, a hydrogen atom links the two electronegative

atoms simultaneously, one by a covalent bond and the other by a hydrogen bond. The conditions
for hydrogen bonding are as follows:

1. The molecule must contain a highly electronegative atom linked to the hydrogen atom. The
higher the electronegativity, the more the polarization of the molecule.

2. The size of the electronegative atom should be small. The smaller the size, the greater the
electrostatic attraction.

Examples of Hydrogen Bonding

Hydrogen Bonding in Hydrogen Fluoride

Fluorine, having the highest value of electronegativity, forms the strongest hydrogen bond.

Hydrogen Bonding in Water

A water molecule contains a highly electronegative oxygen atom linked to the hydrogen atom. The
oxygen atom attracts the shared pair of electrons more, and this end of the molecule becomes
negative, whereas the hydrogen atoms become positive.

Hydrogen Bonding in Ammonia

It contains highly electronegative atom nitrogen linked to hydrogen atoms.

Hydrogen Bonding in Alcohols and Carboxylic Acid

Alcohol is a type of organic molecule which contains an -OH group. Normally, if any molecule
which contains the hydrogen atom is connected to either oxygen or nitrogen directly, then
hydrogen bonding is easily formed.

Hydrogen Bonding in Alcohols

Hydrogen Bonding in Carboxylic Acid

Valance Bond (VB) Theory

According to the valence bond theory,

Electrons in a molecule occupy atomic orbitals rather than molecular orbitals. The overlapping of
atomic orbitals results in the formation of a chemical bond and the electrons are localized in the
bond region due to overlapping.
The metal bonding is essentially covalent in origin and metallic structure involves resonance of
electron-pair bonds between each atom and its neighbors.

History of Valence Bond Theory

The Lewis approach to chemical bonding failed to shed light on the formation of chemical bonds.
Also, valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (or VSEPR theory) had limited applications (and
also failed in predicting the geometry corresponding to complex molecules).

In order to address these issues, the valence bond theory was put forth by the German physicists
Walter Heinrich Heitler and Fritz Wolfgang London. The Schrodinger wave equation was also
used to explain the formation of a covalent bond between two hydrogen atoms. The chemical
bonding of two hydrogen atoms as per the valence bond theory is illustrated below.

This theory focuses on the concepts of electronic configuration, atomic orbitals (and their
overlapping), and the hybridization of these atomic orbitals. Chemical bonds are formed from the
overlapping of atomic orbitals wherein the electrons are localized in the corresponding bond

The valence bond theory also goes on to explain the electronic structure of the molecules formed
by this overlapping of atomic orbitals. It also emphasizes that the nucleus of one atom in a molecule
is attracted to the electrons of the other atoms.

Postulates of Valence Bond Theory

The important postulates of the valence bond theory are listed below.

1. Covalent bonds are formed when two valence orbitals (half-filled) belonging to two
different atoms overlap on each other. The electron density in the area between the two
bonding atoms increases as a result of this overlapping, thereby increasing the stability of
the resulting molecule.
2. The presence of many unpaired electrons in the valence shell of an atom enables it to form
multiple bonds with other atoms. The paired electrons present in the valence shell do not
take participate in the formation of chemical bonds as per the valence bond theory.
3. Covalent chemical bonds are directional and are also parallel to the region corresponding
to the atomic orbitals that are overlapping.
4. Sigma bonds and pi bonds differ in the pattern that the atomic orbitals overlap in, i.e. pi
bonds are formed from sidewise overlapping whereas the overlapping along the axis
containing the nuclei of the two atoms leads to the formation of sigma bonds.
The formation of sigma and pi bonds is illustrated below.

It can be noted that sigma bonds involve the head-to-head overlapping of atomic orbitals whereas
pi bonds involve parallel overlapping.

Number of Orbitals and Types of Hybridization

According to VBT theory, the metal atom or ion under the influence of ligands can use its (n-1)d,
ns, np, or ns, np, nd orbitals for hybridization to yield a set of equivalent orbitals of definite
geometry such as octahedral, tetrahedral, square planar and so on. These hybrid orbitals are
allowed to overlap with ligand orbitals that can donate electron pairs for bonding.

Distribution of Hybrid
Coordination Number Type of Hybridization
Orbitals in Space

4 sp3 Tetrahedral

4 dsp2 Square planar

5 sp3d Trigonal bipyramidal

6 sp3d2 Octahedral

6 d2sp3 Octahedral

Applications of Valence Bond Theory

• The maximum overlap condition which is described by the valence bond theory can explain
the formation of covalent bonds in several molecules.
• This is one of its most important applications. For example, the difference in the length and
strength of the chemical bonds in H2 and F2 molecules can be explained by the difference
in the overlapping orbitals in these molecules.
• The covalent bond in an HF molecule is formed from the overlap of the 1s orbital of the
hydrogen atom and a 2p orbital belonging to the fluorine atom, which is explained by the
valence bond theory.

Limitations of Valence Bond Theory

The shortcomings of the valence bond theory include

• Failure to explain the tetravalency exhibited by carbon.

• No insight is offered on the energies of the electrons.
• The theory assumes that electrons are localized in specific areas.
• It does not give a quantitative interpretation of the thermodynamic or kinetic stabilities of
coordination compounds.
• No distinction between weak and strong ligands.
• No explanation for the colour exhibited by coordination compounds.

Molecular Orbital Theory

The molecular orbital theory (often abbreviated to MOT) is a theory on chemical bonding
developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by F. Hund and R. S. Mulliken to describe the
structure and properties of different molecules. The valence-bond theory failed to adequately
explain how certain molecules contain two or more equivalent bonds whose bond orders lie
between that of a single bond and that of a double bond, such as the bonds in resonance-stabilized
molecules. This is where the molecular orbital theory proved to be more powerful than the valence-

bond theory (since the orbitals described by the MOT reflect the geometries of the molecules to
which it is applied).

The key features of the molecular orbital theory are listed below.

• The total number of molecular orbitals formed will always be equal to the total number of
atomic orbitals offered by the bonding species.
• There exist different types of molecular orbitals: bonding molecular orbitals, anti-bonding
molecular orbitals and non-bonding molecular orbitals. Of these, anti-bonding molecular
orbitals will always have higher energy than the parent orbitals, whereas bonding molecular
orbitals will always have lower energy than the parent orbitals.
• The electrons are filled into molecular orbitals in the increasing order of orbital energy
(from the orbital with the lowest energy to the orbital with the highest energy).
• The most effective combinations of atomic orbitals (for the formation of molecular orbitals)
occur when the combining atomic orbitals have similar energies.
In simple terms, the molecular orbital theory states that each atom tends to combine together and
form molecular orbitals. As a result of such an arrangement, electrons are found in various atomic
orbitals, and they are usually associated with different nuclei. In short, an electron in a molecule
can be present anywhere in the molecule.

One of the main impacts of the molecular orbital theory after its formulation is that it paved a new
way to understand the process of bonding. With this theory, molecular orbitals are basically
considered linear combinations of atomic orbitals. The approximations are further done using the
Hartree–Fock (HF) or the density functional theory (DFT) models to the Schrödinger equation.

Molecular orbital theory approximation of the molecular orbitals as linear combinations of atomic
orbitals can be illustrated as follows.

However, to understand the molecular orbital theory more clearly and in-depth, it is important to
understand what atomic and molecular orbitals are first.

Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)

Molecular orbitals can generally be expressed through a linear combination of atomic orbitals
(abbreviated to LCAO). These LCAOs are useful in the estimation of the formation of these
orbitals in the bonding between the atoms that make up a molecule.

The Schrodinger equation used to describe the electron behavior for molecular orbitals can be
written in a method similar to that for atomic orbitals.

It is an approximate method for representing molecular orbitals. It’s more of a superimposition

method where constructive interference of two atomic wave functions produces a bonding
molecular orbital, whereas destructive interference produces a non-bonding molecular orbital.

Conditions for Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals

The conditions that are required for the linear combination of atomic orbitals are as follows:

Same Energy of Combining Orbitals

The atomic orbitals combining to form molecular orbitals should have comparable energy. This
means that the 2p orbital of an atom can combine with another 2p orbital of another atom, but 1s
and 2p cannot combine together, as they have appreciable energy differences.

Same Symmetry about Molecular Axis

The combining atoms should have the same symmetry around the molecular axis for proper
combination; otherwise, the electron density will be sparse. For e.g., all the sub-orbitals of 2p have
the same energy, but still, the 2pz orbital of an atom can only combine with a 2pz orbital of another
atom but cannot combine with 2px and 2py orbital, as they have a different axis of symmetry. In
general, the z-axis is considered the molecular axis of symmetry.

Proper Overlap between Atomic Orbitals

The two atomic orbitals will combine to form a molecular orbital if the overlap is proper. The
greater the extent of overlap of orbitals, the greater will be the nuclear density between the nuclei
of the two atoms.

The condition can be understood by two simple requirements. For the formation of a proper
molecular orbital, proper energy and orientation are required. For proper energy, the two atomic
orbitals should have the same energy, and for the proper orientation, the atomic orbitals should
have proper overlap and the same molecular axis of symmetry.

What Are Molecular Orbitals?

The space in a molecule in which the probability of finding an electron is maximum can be
calculated using the molecular orbital function. Molecular orbitals are basically mathematical
functions that describe the wave nature of electrons in a given molecule.

These orbitals can be constructed via the combination of hybridized orbitals or atomic orbitals
from each atom belonging to the specific molecule. Molecular orbitals provide a great model via
the molecular orbital theory to demonstrate the bonding of molecules.

Types of Molecular Orbitals

According to the molecular orbital theory, there exist three primary types of molecular orbitals
that are formed from the linear combination of atomic orbitals. These orbitals are detailed below.

Anti Bonding Molecular Orbitals

The electron density is concentrated behind the nuclei of the two bonding atoms in anti-bonding
molecular orbitals. This results in the nuclei of the two atoms being pulled away from each other.
These kinds of orbitals weaken the bond between two atoms.

Non-Bonding Molecular Orbitals

In the case of non-bonding molecular orbitals, due to a complete lack of symmetry in the
compatibility of two bonding atomic orbitals, the molecular orbitals formed have no positive or

negative interactions with each other. These types of orbitals do not affect the bond between the
two atoms.

Formation of Molecular Orbitals

An atomic orbital is an electron wave; the waves of the two atomic orbitals may be in phase or out
of phase. Suppose ΨA and ΨB represent the amplitude of the electron wave of the atomic orbitals
of the two atoms A and B.

Case 1: When the two waves are in phase so that they add up and the amplitude of the wave is
Φ= ΨA + ΨB

Case 2: When the two waves are out of phase, the waves are subtracted from each other so that
the amplitude of the new wave is Φ ´= ΨA – ΨB

Characteristics of Bonding Molecular Orbitals

• The probability of finding the electron in the internuclear region of the bonding molecular
orbital is greater than that of combining atomic orbitals.

• The electrons present in the bonding molecular orbital result in the attraction between the
two atoms.
• The bonding molecular orbital has lower energy as a result of attraction and, hence, has
greater stability than that of the combining atomic orbitals.
• They are formed by the additive effect of the atomic orbitals so that the amplitude of the
new wave is given by Φ= ΨA + ΨB
• They are represented by σ, π, and δ.

Characteristics of Anti-bonding Molecular Orbitals

• The probability of finding the electron in the internuclear region decreases in the anti-
bonding molecular orbitals.
• The electrons present in the anti-bonding molecular orbital result in the repulsion between
the two atoms.
• The anti-bonding molecular orbitals have higher energy because of the repulsive forces and
lower stability.
• They are formed by the subtractive effect of the atomic orbitals. The amplitude of the new
wave is given by Φ ´= ΨA – ΨB
• They are represented by σ∗, π∗, δ∗

Why Are Antibonding Orbitals Higher in Energy?

The energy levels of bonding molecular orbitals are always lower than those of anti-bonding
molecular orbitals. This is because the electrons in the orbital are attracted by the nuclei in the case
of bonding molecular orbitals, whereas the nuclei repel each other in the case of anti-bonding
molecular orbitals.

Difference between Bonding and Antibonding Molecular Orbitals

Molecular Orbital Theory

Bonding Molecular Orbitals Anti-Bonding Molecular Orbitals

Molecular orbitals formed by the additive Molecular orbitals formed by the subtractive
effect of the atomic orbitals are called effect of atomic are called anti-bonding
bonding molecular orbitals. molecular orbitals.

The probability of finding the electrons is The probability of finding electrons is less in
more in the case of bonding molecular antibonding molecular orbitals. There is also a
orbitals. node between the anti-bonding molecular
orbital between two nuclei where the electron
density is zero.

These are formed by the combination of + These are formed by the overlap of + with – part.
and + and – with – part of the electron

The electron density in the bonding The electron density in the antibonding
molecular orbital in the internuclear molecular orbital in the internuclear region is
region is high. As a result, the nuclei are very low, so the nuclei are directly exposed to
shielded from each other and hence the each other. Therefore, the nuclei are less
repulsion is very less. shielded from each other.

The bonding molecular orbitals are The corresponding anti-bonding molecular

represented by σ, π, δ. orbitals are represented by σ∗ , π∗, δ∗.

The lowering of the energy of the bonding molecular orbital to the combining atomic orbital is
called stabilization energy, and similarly, an increase in energy of the anti-bonding molecular
orbitals is called destabilization energy.

Features of Molecular Orbital Theory

• The atomic orbitals overlap to form new orbitals called molecular orbitals. When two
atomic orbitals overlap, they lose their identity and form new orbitals called molecular
• The electrons in the molecules are filled in the new energy states called the molecular
orbitals, similar to the electrons in an atom being filled in an energy state called atomic
• The probability of finding the electronic distribution in a molecule around its group of
nuclei is given by the molecular orbital.
• The two combining atomic orbitals should possess energies of comparable value and
similar orientation. For example, 1s can combine with 1s and not with 2s.
• The number of molecular orbitals formed is equal to the number of atomic orbitals

• The shape of molecular orbitals formed depends upon the shape of the combining atomic

The••concept of hybridization is defined as the process of combining two atomic orbitals to create
a new type of hybridized orbitals. This intermixing typically results in the formation of hybrid
orbitals with completely different energies, shapes, and so on. Hybridization is primarily carried
out by atomic orbitals of the same energy level. However, both fully filled and half-filled orbitals
can participate in this process if their energies are equal. The concept of hybridization is an
extension of valence bond theory that helps us understand bond formation, bond energies, and
bond lengths.
What is Hybridization?
When two atomic orbitals combine to form a hybrid orbital in a molecule, the energy of the orbitals
of individual atoms is redistributed to give orbitals of equivalent energy. This is known as
The atomic orbitals of comparable energies are mixed together during the hybridization process,
which mostly involves the merging of two orbitals or two ‘p’ orbitals or the mixing of an ‘s’ orbital
with a ‘p’ orbital as well as an ‘s’ orbital with a ‘d’ orbital.
Hybrid orbitals are the new orbitals formed as a result of this process. More importantly, hybrid
orbitals can be used to explain atomic bonding properties and molecular geometry. Carbon, for
example, forms four single bonds in which the valence-shell s orbital combines with three valence-
shell p orbitals. This combination generates four equivalent sp3 mixtures. These will be arranged
in a tetrahedral pattern around the carbon, which is bonded to four different atoms.
Steps to determine the type of Hybridisation
To understand the type of hybridization in an atom or an ion, the following rules must be followed.
1. First, determine the total number of valence electrons contained in an atom or ion.
2. Then, count the number of lone pairs attached to that atom or ion.
3. Now, the number of orbitals required can be calculated by adding the number of duplex
or octet and the number of lone pairs of electrons.
4. It should be noted that the geometry of orbitals in atoms or ions is different when there
is no lone pair of electrons.
Features of Hybridization
• Hybridization occurs between atomic orbitals with equal energies.
• The number of hybrid orbitals formed equals the number of atomic orbitals that mix.
• It is not required for all half-filled orbitals to participate in hybridization. Even orbitals
that are completely filled but have slightly varying energy can participate.
• Hybridization occurs only during bond formation, not in a single gaseous atom.
• If the hybridization of the molecule is known, the molecule’s shape can be predicted.
• The larger lobe of the hybrid orbital is always positive, while the smaller lobe on the
opposite side is always negative.
Types of Hybridization
Hybridization can be classified as sp3, sp2, sp, sp3d, sp3d2, or sp3d3 based on the types of orbitals
involved in mixing.

sp Hybridization
It occurs when one s and one p orbital in an atom’s main shell combine to form two new equivalent
orbitals. The newly formed orbitals are known as sp hybridized orbitals. It produces linear
molecules at a 180° angle. It entails combining one’s orbital and one ‘p’ orbital of equal energy to
produce a new hybrid orbital known as an sp hybridized orbital.
• It’s also known as diagonal hybridization.
• Each sp hybridized orbital contains the same amount of s and p characters.
• All beryllium compounds, such as BeF2, BeH2, and BeCl2, are examples.

sp2 Hybridization
It occurs when one s and two p orbitals of the same atom’s shell combine to form three equivalent
orbitals. The newly formed orbitals are known as sp2 hybrid orbitals. It’s also known as trigonal
hybridization. It entails combining one’s orbital with two ‘p’ orbitals of equal energy to create a
new hybrid orbital known as sp2. A trigonal symmetry mixture of s and p orbitals is kept at 120
degrees. All three hybrid orbitals remain in the same plane and form a 120° angle with one another.
• Each hybrid orbital formed has a 33.33 % and a 66.66 % ‘p’ character.
• The molecules with a triangular planar shape have a central atom that is linked to three
other atoms and is sp2 hybridized. Boron compounds are examples.

sp3 Hybridization
When one ‘s’ orbital and three ‘p’ orbitals from the same shell of an atom combine to form four
new equivalent orbitals, the hybridization is known as tetrahedral hybridization or sp3. The newly
formed orbitals are known as sp3 hybrid orbitals. These are pointed at the four corners of a regular
tetrahedron and form a 109°28′ angle with one another.
• The sp3 hybrid orbitals form a 109.28-degree angle.
• Each hybrid orbital has a 25% s character and a 75% p character.
• Ethane and methane are two examples.

sp3d Hybridization
The mixing of 1s orbitals, 3p orbitals, and 1d orbitals results in 5 sp3d hybridized orbitals of equal
energy. Their geometry is trigonal bipyramidal. The combination of s, p, and d orbitals results in
trigonal bipyramidal symmetry. The equatorial orbitals are three hybrid orbitals that are oriented
at a 120° angle to each other and lie in the horizontal plane.
• The remaining two orbitals, known as axial orbitals, are in the vertical plane at 90
degrees plane of the equatorial orbitals.
• Hybridization in Phosphorus Pentachloride, for example (PCl5).

sp3d2 Hybridization
When 1s, 3p, and 2d orbitals combine to form 6 identical sp3d2 hybrid orbitals, the hybridization
is called sp3d2 Hybridization. These seven orbitals point to the corners of an octahedron. They are
inclined at a 90-degree angle to one another.

sp3d3 Hybridization
It has 1s, 3p, and 3d orbitals, which combine to form 7 identical sp3d3 hybrid orbitals. These seven
orbitals point to the corners of a pentagonal bipyramidal. e.g. IF6.


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