ObamaCare's Disappearing Promises

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September 30, 2011

ObamaCares Disappearing Promises

Obama Hopes You Dont Notice Hes Moving The Goal Posts On His ObamaCare Promises

Obama: I Also Have A Health Care Plan That Would Save The Average Family $2,500 On Their Premiums. (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks Of Senator Barack Obama, Indianapolis, IN, 5/3/08)
Click Here To Watch Obamas Promise To American Families


So What About That $2,500 In Savings The President Pledged? White House Deputy Chief Of Staff Nancy-Ann DeParle Insists Families Will See That Savings by 2019. Many of the changes in the Affordable Care Act are starting this year, and in succeeding years, DeParle told ABC News, and by 2019 we estimate that the average family will save around $2,000. (Jake Tapper, New Study Underlines Unfulfilled Promises Of Health Care
Bill, ABC News, 9/29/11)

This Is Quite A Change From When Obamas Advisers Said That Their Estimates Are Conservative And That The Savings Of $2,500 Would Be Achieved By The End Of Obamas First Term As President. Mr. Obamas economic policy director, Jason Furman, said the campaigns estimates were conservative and asserted that much of the savings would come quickly. We think we could get to $2,500 in savings by the end of the first term, or be very close to it, Mr. Furman said. (Kevin Sack, Health Plan From Obama Spurs Debate, The New York
Times, 7/23/08)

Despite Obamas Promise That ObamaCare Would Lower Premiums By $2,500 Per Year, Obamas Deputy Chief Of Staff Defended A 3.8 Percent Increase In Premiums For Federal Employee Health Benefits. The post goes on to point out that the average premium for the 8 million people enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits program will increase by 3.8 percent in 2012 a little more than half of the 7.3 percent increase in premiums for 2011. DeParle argues that those rates offer important insight into the premiums large employers are negotiating with insurers for the coming year." (Julian Pecquet, White House Plays
Defese On Rising Health Care Premiums, The Hills Health Watch, 9/27/11)


The Cost Of Health Insurance Skyrocketed In 2011 After Several Years Of Relatively Small Increases. (Jane M. Von Bergen, Health Insurance Costs Skyrocketing, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/27/11)
Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - www.gop.com Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

The Costs Of Family Coverage Increased A Whopping 9 Percent For Families. The Kaiser Family Foundation shows family premiums topped $15,000 a year for the first time in 2011, increasing a whopping 9% this year, three times more than the increase the year before. The study says that up to 2% of that increase is because of the health care laws provisions, such as allowing families to add grown children up to 26 years old to their policies. (Jake Tapper, New Study Underlines Unfulfilled Promises Of Health Care Bill, ABC News, 9/29/11)

The Results Mark A Sharp Departure From 2010, When The Same Survey Found Average Family Premiums Up Only 3 Percent. (Julie Appleby, Cost Of Employer Insurance Plans Surge In 2011, Kaiser Health News,

Workers Paid An Average Of $132 More For Family Coverage This Year. Although premiums rose, employers kept the percentage of the premium workers pay about the same: An average of 18 percent for single coverage and 28 percent for family plans. Still, with rising costs, workers paid more, up an average of $132 a year for family coverage. Since 1999, the dollar amount workers contribute toward premiums nationally has grown 168 percent, while their wages have grown by 50 percent, according to the survey.
(Julie Appleby, Cost Of Employer Insurance Plans Surge In 2011, Kaiser Health News, 9/27/11)

Costs Of Single Employee Coverage Grew 8 Percent According To The Survey. Family plan premiums hit $15,073 on average, while coverage for single employees grew 8 percent to $5,429, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust. (KHN is an editorially-independent program of the foundation.) (Julie Appleby, Cost Of Employer Insurance Plans Surge In 2011, Kaiser Health
News, 9/27/11)

Kaiser CEO Drew Altman: ObamaCare Accounted For 1 To 2 Percentage Of The Premium Increases In 2011. The health law enacted last year accounts for 1 to 2 percentage points of the premium increases in 2011, during a conference call with reporters today. (Jeffrey Young, Health-Benefit Costs Increase The Most In Six Years,
Surpassing $15,000, Bloomberg, 9/27/11)

One In Five Families Pay Over $18,000 In Premiums A Year. Even though the average family premium is about $15,000, coverage for one in five families tops $18,087. (Jane M. Von Bergen, Health Insurance Costs Skyrocketing, The
Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/27/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Americans Who Get Their Insurance Through The Workplace, Cost Savings Could Be As Much As $3,000 Less Per Employer Than If We Do Nothing. Now, Think About That. Thats $3,000 Your Employer Doesnt Have To Pay, Which Means Maybe She Can Afford To Give You A Raise. (President Barack Obama, Remarks By The President On Health Care Reform, Arlington, VA, 3/19/10) Click Here To Watch Obama Say That His Health Care Plan Would Save Employers $3,000. Employers' Spending On Health Coverage For Workers Spiked Abruptly This year, With The Average Cost Of A Family Plan Rising By 9 Percent, Triple The Growth Seen In 2010. (Julie Appleby, Cost Of
Employer Insurance Plans Surge In 2011, Kaiser Health News, 9/27/11)

Health Care Coverage Is Absorbing A Larger Share Of Employer Costs Causing Companies To Forego Raises For Employees And Pass Medical Costs On To Their Workers. The groups findings, based on data collected through May, show that health insurance is consuming a bigger share of employer costs, preempting pay raises and making companies pass on more medical costs to their workers, benefit
2 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - www.gop.com Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

consultants said. The premiums reported are in effect for the full year. (Jeffrey Young, Health-Benefit Costs Rise Most In Six
Years, Bloomberg, 9/27/11)

Business Costs To Purchase Health Coverage For Employees Rose The Most This Year Since 2005. The cost for businesses to buy health coverage for workers rose the most this year since 2005 and may reach $32,175 for a family in 2021, according to a survey of private and public employers. (Jeffrey Young, HealthBenefit Costs Rise Most In Six Years, Bloomberg, 9/27/11)

3 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - www.gop.com Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

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