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APPLICATION NOTE – Scanning Electron Microscopy

Introduction vehicle. However, the size, composition, and porosity

Researchers continually strive to develop influence the efficacy of drug release which makes the
pharmaceutical remedies with the intent of combating characterization and analysis of these morphological
different disease states, alleviating suffering, and parameters vital.
thwarting negative health effects. While different Characterizing nanoparticles
pharmaceutical formulations can be developed to target
a unique set of symptoms, they all share one
fundamental principle: improve a patient’s quality of life
by way of therapeutic effectiveness. Formulation
scientists are therefore tasked with leveraging the
properties of drugs to ensure treatments counteract a
patient’s symptoms quickly and vigorously.

Enhancing therapeutic effectiveness

At the core of therapeutic effectiveness is
bioavailability, which describes the degree to which a
compound integrates into the systemic circulation and
becomes available at the site of drug action. It is a
property related to the dosage form such as solution, Figure 1: Key advantages of using nanoparticles for drug
suspension, tablet, capsule, powder, and elixir [1]. The delivery.
bioavailability of orally ingested formulations is affected
Particle size and distribution, the level of
by aqueous solubility, drug permeability, dissolution
agglomeration, porosity, and surface morphology are
rate, first-pass metabolism, pre-systemic metabolism,
among the most important characteristics of
and susceptibility to efflux mechanisms [2].
nanoparticles that require analysis for pharmaceutical
Nanoparticles and drug delivery applications. These parameters govern, in vivo
Once administered into the body, the efficacy of distribution, toxicity, targeting abilities, and drug loading
drugs is influenced by several barriers existing between and release abilities. The agglomeration state of
the point of entry and the site of therapeutic action. The nanoparticles may influence the transport and cellular
use of nanoparticles as a drug delivery mechanism is internalization as well.
advantageous for optimizing bioavailability because Nanoparticle fabrication methods commonly
smaller particles more efficiently traverse circulatory result in broad particle size distributions, aggregated
streams with improved absorption and increased clumps, and foreign particulates. A quantitative
solubility. The versatility of nanoparticles for drug understanding of these attributes is, therefore,
delivery is the subject of investigation, especially for necessary to monitor particle fabrication methods and
optimizing bioavailability. Nanoparticles may have the ensure that the resulting combination of APIs and
active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) either chemically excipients (inactive pharmaceutical ingredients) lead to
attached, encapsulated, adsorbed, or entrapped. Figure predictable and stable dosages.
1 illustrates the advantages of nanoparticles for drug Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is an important
delivery. The substantial surface-to-volume ratios tool to characterize the size of nanoparticles. DLS is
provided by the small size of the nanoparticles are at the based on the random diffusive Brownian motion of
core of what makes nanoparticles an ideal drug delivery particles in solution wherein larger particles move slower

APPLICATION NOTE – Scanning Electron Microscopy

and scatter more light than smaller particles. The ideal tool for integrating into existing pharmaceutical
hydrodynamic size of the particles can be calculated from nanoparticle formulation workflows.
their speed. However, DLS cannot differentiate between Desktop SEM is a user-friendly and cost-effective
large particles and agglomerates of smaller particles. The solution to characterize nanoparticles. Their compact
ability to identify nanoparticle agglomeration is crucial nature means that analysis can be performed in the same
for understanding the apparent surface area of a space where the nanoparticles are fabricated thus
particular formulation as well as potential issues with cutting down lead times for generating relevant data.
uneven API distribution. Formulation scientists can use desktop SEM to detect
Mass spectrometry methods are often used to quality characteristics and potential defects on the fly,
gather chemical composition information of thus streamlining the R&D process.
nanoparticles. But these methods are rather A few examples demonstrating how desktop
rudimentary when it comes to determining the size or SEM can be used to characterize nanoparticles are
size distribution of the nanoparticle or correlating the described below. Each example highlights the various
chemical composition with a location. capabilities of Phenom desktop SEMs while emphasizing
When considering the shortcomings of these the convenience of having powerful SEM
methods, it becomes clear that a more advanced instrumentation in-house.
technique is needed to survey the size distribution,
morphology, and chemical composition of nanoparticles

SEM for characterizing nanoparticles

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), by it being
a direct visualization tool, is ideal for the characterization
and analysis of particle size and morphological
parameters. Supplementing SEM with energy-dispersive
X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) enables the identification and
quantification of the chemical composition of
nanoparticles with high spatial resolution. This capability
can be invaluable when studying the loading efficiency of Figure 2: Microparticles of polyvinylpyrrolidone imaged by a
API on nanoparticles and identifying foreign particulates. Phenom desktop SEM. The image shows agglomeration and
morphological details.
Desktop SEM
The last couple of decades have seen an increase I. Examine particle morphology: To reveal the
in the popularity of desktop SEMs over floor model SEMs. wide range of morphological details, from larger
Floor model SEMs are larger and require a specialized agglomerates to smaller features like satellites, high-
room to operate effectively, whereas the desktop SEMs resolution images with good signal-to-noise ratios are
can be set up on a standard laboratory bench. required. A Phenom XL desktop SEM equipped with a
Technological innovations have driven considerable cerium hexaboride crystal (CeB6) electron source was
improvement in the resolution of desktop SEMs to below used to image polyvinylpyrrolidone particles. The image
10 nm. Their lower purchase and operation cost, in Figure 2 reveals the morphology of the particles and
combined with their compact design, makes them an the surface features stand out.

APPLICATION NOTE – Scanning Electron Microscopy

II. Imaging non-conductive samples: Since many of

the nanoparticles used in pharmaceuticals are non-
conductive, charges tend to build up on them and reduce
the quality of images. Sputter-coating a thin layer of
platinum or gold onto the sample can help dissipate
charging and improve image quality. However, sputter
coating may introduce artifacts and can alter the surface
morphology of certain samples. Having low-vacuum and
low-kV capabilities is desirable for SEM analysis when it
comes to imaging non-conductive samples. Running an
SEM in low vacuum mode can negate the need for
sputter coating entirely due to the presence of ionized
gas that acts to neutralize surface charges.

Additionally, low-kV imaging results in less charging due

to the shallower penetration depth of incident electrons.
A Phenom Pharos desktop SEM, equipped with a field
emission gun source (FEG) enables image acquisition at
low-kV and low-vacuum conditions. Figure 3 shows an
example of images collected in a Phenom Pharos at low
kV, comparing API in nasal spray suspension before and
after spraying.
Figure 3: Images of nasal spray collected on a desktop Phenom
III. Analyze nanoparticle size distribution: Pharos under low kV and low vacuum conditions. Circled in yellow,
Nanoparticle fabrication methods tend to result in a wide the API proceeded through the spraying process without
range of diameters and by extension – a wide range of experiencing any changes to surface area/size. Each image is at a
different magnification, but the consistency in particle size can be
surface areas. As such, it is critical to ensure that batches
quickly confirmed.
of nanoparticles are consistent with each other and
remain within an acceptable range to efficiently absorb
into the systemic circulation. Both drug diffusion and interactive display of the Phenom ParticleMetric
degradation of the microsphere matrix are tightly linked software.
to average diameter, so it is essential to obtain accurate
size distribution statistics for quality control. IV. Analyze API distribution: Since APIs tend to be
portioned at the microgram scale (or even smaller), a
One module of Phenom SEM software – ParticleMetric – significant mass fraction of drug formulation consists of
automates the particle analysis process while providing excipients to produce dosage forms of a reasonable,
rich summary statistics for a wide variety of particle ingestible size. Therefore, it is critical to understand the
properties. The software analyzes thousands of particles relationship between the two components – essentially
acquired from SEM image sets and yields data tables, how they adsorb and intermingle. The images in Figure 5
histograms, and customized reports based on user convey nitrogen and phosphorous API adsorption onto
applications. Figure 4 shows an example of the live excipient materials: the left image is an SEM image, and

APPLICATION NOTE – Scanning Electron Microscopy

Figure 4: Automatic particle analysis dashboard showing summary statistics of 15 different particle properties (e.g., area, circle equivalent
diameter, perimeter, circumscribed circle diameter, convex hull perimeter, intensity mean, major axis, minor axis, etc). Acquired with a Phenom
desktop SEM.

Figure 5: An API comprised of mostly nitrogen is identified to concentrate heavily in concave areas of the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen-based
excipient. Acquired with a Phenom desktop SEM and analyzed with integrated EDS (energy dispersive spectroscopy) features.

APPLICATION NOTE – Scanning Electron Microscopy

the right image is a corresponding EDS map showing the thoroughly understood to best leverage the nanoscale
elemental distribution and confirming higher properties for targeted and therapeutic effectiveness,
concentrations of API in concave areas of the excipient. quality control, and manufacturability. Accessing
Both the image and EDS map were acquired using a properties in domains smaller than those reachable by
Phenom desktop SEM. optical light demands the use of electron microscopy.
Monitoring the right nanoparticle attributes can be time-
V. Microparticle characterization: Microspheres consuming and challenging without the aid of adept
are often used to achieve controlled release of drugs to tools.
targeted sites. A few critical factors for this application
The Phenom desktop SEMs include several features that
include the diffusion of the drug from the microparticle
make them ideal for the analysis of nanoparticles. These
and the degradation of the microspheres themselves.
include automated high-throughput image acquisition,
Figure 6 presents data from microspheres of varying
automated particle size analysis, integrated EDS with
pore densities. The density of pores observed can be
mapping, long-lifetime CeB6/FEG sources, low-kV, and
correlated with the release rate of drugs from these
low-vacuum mode, all in a compact table-top design.
spheres. The shape, size, and morphology of the spheres
affect their performance. Since sputter coating of the References
microspheres can potentially obscure the pore
[1] Allam, Ahmed. (2011). Bioavailability: A Pharmaceutical
morphology, these microspheres were imaged in low kV
Review. J Novel Drug Deliv Tech. 1.
and low vacuum conditions using a Phenom XL desktop
SEM. [2] Jia L. Nanoparticle Formulation Increases Oral
Bioavailability of Poorly Soluble Drugs: Approaches
Experimental Evidences and Theory. Curr Nanosci. 2005 Nov

[3] K.T. Savjani, A.K. Gajjar, J.K. Savjani. Drug solubility:

importance and enhancement techniques. ISRN Pharm
(2012), pp. 1-10, 10.5402/2012/195727

Nanoscience Instruments, Inc.

Figure 6: Porosity of microspheres. Phenom XL images of 480-758-5400
microspheres with different pore densities. If the surface
contains too many micropores (left image), the initial
release of active pharmaceutical agent will be too high.
Whereas when the surface is smooth (right image), drug
release will be more gradual.

The core aspect of pharmaceutical product
development is an investigation into the nanoscale
behavior of the drugs’ constituents. Physical and
chemical characteristics of the API and excipient must be


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