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Records in Family Health Nursing Practice

FHSIS - Field Health Service Information System

EO 352

Is the official recording and reporting system of the Department of Health and is used by
the NSCB (National Statistical Coordination Board) to generate the statistics

Is an essential tool in monitoring the health status of the population at different levels.

It is therefore a basis for

1. Priority setting by local governments,
2. Planning and decision making at different levels (barangay, municipality, district,
provincial and national), and
3. Monitoring and evaluating health program implementation.

Facilitates detection of unusual occurrence of diseases.

It also provides a standardized, facility-level database for more in-depth studies (DOH-
IMS, 2011).

The FHSIS is composed of recording and reporting tools.

Records are facility-based that is, records are kept in the:



The recording tools:

1. The Individual Treatment Record (ITR) is the building blocks of the FHSIS. The
record contains the date, name, address of the patient, presenting symptoms or
complaint of the patient on consultation, and the diagnosis ( if available).
2. Target Client Lists (TCLs) are second building block of the FHSIS. These service
records have the following purposes:
a. To plan and carry out patient care and service delivery since midwives and
nurses use TCLs to monitor target or eligible populations for particular health
b. To facilitate monitoring and supervision of service delivery activities.
c. To report services delivered, thus reducing the need to refer back to the ITRs
to accomplish reporting.
d. To provide a clinic-level database that can be accessed for further studies.

The following are the TCLs maintained in the RHUs and health centers:
a. TCL for Prenatal care
b. TCL for Postpartum care
c. TCL for Under 1-Year-Old children
d. TCL for Family Planning
e. TCL for Sick children
f. National Tuberculosis Program TB Register
g. National Leprosy Control Program Central Registration Form

3. The Summary Table is accomplished by the midwife. It is a 12 column table in

which columns correspond to the 12 months of the year. The record is kept at the
BHS and has two components: Health Program Accomplishment and
Morbidity Diseases.

Health Program Accomplishment – provides the midwife with a tool for

assessment of accomplishments and a ready source of reports
Morbidity Diseases – monthly summary of morbidity gives information on the
monthly trend of diseases and serves as a source for the 10 leading causes of
morbidity in the municipality/city.

4. The Monthly Consolidation Table (MCT) is accomplished by the nurse based on

the Summary Table. It serves as the source document for the Quarterly Form
and Output Table of the RHU or health center.

The reporting tools:

1. Monthly Forms are regularly prepared by the midwife and submitted to the
nurse who then uses the data to prepare the Quarterly Forms.
a. Program Report (M1) contains indicators categorized as maternal care, child
care, family planning and disease control. The midwife copies the data from
the Summary Table.
b. Morbidity Report (M2) contains list of all cases of disease by age and sex.
2. Quarterly Forms are usually prepared by the nurse. There should only be one
Quarterly Form for the municipality/city. In municipalities/cities with two or more
RHUs or health centers, consolidation is done under the direction of the
Municipal/City Health Officer, Quarterly Forms are submitted to the Provincial
Health Office.
a. Program Report (Q1) contains the 3 month total of indicators categorized as
maternal care, family planning, child care, dental health, and disease control.
b. Morbidity Report (Q2) is a 3-month consolidation of Morbidity Report (M2).
3. Annual Forms
a. A-BHS is a report by the midwife that contains demographic, environmental,
and natality data.
b. Annual Form 1 (A-1) is prepared by the nurse and is the report of the RHU
or the health center. It contains demographic and environmental data, and
data on natality and mortality of the entire year.
c. Annual Form 2 (A-2) prepared by the nurse, is the yearly morbidity report by
age and sex.
d. Annual Form 3 (A-3) also prepared by the nurse, is the yearly report of all
deaths (mortality) by age and sex.

- DOH Programs related to family health

A. Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI)
B. Integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI)
C. Early Intrapartal and Newborn Care (EEINC)
D. Newborn screening
F. Nutrition
G. MhGaP
H. Other related programs

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