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Name: Student No:

Course : MBA Global
Year of Study February 2022 Cohort

Submission 05/05/23

Influence of facebook marketing to consumers in the UK about the
intentions to buy solar panels across a range of age categories and
socioeconomic statuses.

Research Topic
Solar panels have emerged as a viable renewable energy technology that might significantly cut
carbon emissions, which is in line with the UK's objective of reaching net-zero carbon emissions
by 2050. (Brader, 2023) Since consumer adoption of solar panels is still comparatively low, it's
critical to understand the factors that influence consumers' choice to use this technology. (Caird
et al., 2008) (UK Rooftop Solar Behavioural Research a Report by Basis Social, 2021)

The need to understand how social media marketing may be utilized to encourage the adoption
of solar panels will serve as the study's motivation because they have the ability to lower carbon
emissions and prevent climate change.

The study's goal is to identify social media marketing strategies for promoting solar panel
adoption among various consumer categories in the UK. It also intends to offer insights into the
elements that affect customers' attitudes and actions toward willingness for solar panels.

In this study we will use available data that is relevant to the topic and the decision will be drawn
by analysis and data representation approach. Data on consumer knowledge, attitudes, and
perceived behavioral control regarding renewable energy solar panels will be projected as part
of the study.

This study aims to analyze the impact of Facebook marketing on the intention of different age
groups to start using solar panels as a renewable energy technology.

Research Objectives:
● Finding out an evaluation of the study in existence on the influence of facebook media
marketing on consumer actions to investing new technology.

● Investigate the elements that affect people's decision to use solar power.

● To explore the impact of facebook media marketing on consumers' knowledge, attitudes,

and perceived behavioral control towards the adoption of solar panels.
● Identifying effective strategies for promoting the adoption of solar panels among different
consumer segments in the UK, based on their preferences, motivations, and
communication styles.

● To provide insightful guidance on how to create and implement facebook media

marketing to encourage and increase the active use of solar panels in UK.

Literature Review
In overcrowding urbanization and excessive energy hungry civilization is pushing to the need of
going green tech. One of the results is Growing interest in renewable energy usage like solar
panels. Solar panel adoption can assist in meeting the UK's goal of net-zero carbon emissions
by 2050 and has the potential to drastically reduce carbon emissions. (Brader, 2023) Though
the aspect is still in its infancy, very rapidly it’s going to comprehend the variables that affect
customers' decision to use this technology.

A potent tool for reaching a wide audience with product and service promotions is social media
marketing. Social media platforms are an appealing choice for promoting renewable energy
technology like solar panels because they have the possibility for targeted and individualized
marketing efforts. With a focus on various age groups and socioeconomic backgrounds in the
UK, this literature review intends to investigate the effect of social media marketing on
customers' intention to adopt solar panels.

Factors influencing consumers' intention to adopt solar panels:

Several factors can influence consumers' intention to adopt solar panels. These include
perceived benefits, barriers, and risks associated with the technology, as well as consumers'
attitudes towards environmental issues and renewable energy sources.

The role of facebook media marketing in promoting solar panels:

A viable strategy for promoting renewable energy sources like solar panels is social media
marketing. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide the opportunity for
targeted and customized marketing efforts, making them a desirable choice for spreading the
word about solar panels to various customer groups. Social media marketing initiatives, for
instance, can dramatically raise customers' knowledge and awareness of solar panels, which
has a beneficial effect on their decision to use this technology.

The impact of age and socio-economic backgrounds on consumers' intention to adopt solar

This section will find the studies that have highlighted the influence of age and socio-economic
backgrounds on consumers' intention to adopt solar panels. Similarly, the analysis or a dataset
of consumers adopting solar panels likeliness of higher socio-economic status versus those with
lower socio-economic status.

Research Methodology

Research Philosophy
This study will follow an interpretive research philosophy in order to better understand
consumers' subjective opinions and experiences with solar panel adoption, as well as the
impact of social media marketing on these consumers' attitudes and actions. The interpretive
approach is especially well suited for this research since it aims to investigate complex social
phenomena and takes into account the context and varied participant viewpoints.

Method of Data Collection

A comprehensive assessment of the current studies on social media marketing, consumer
behavior, and the widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies will serve as the main
technique of data collecting for this study. This approach will make it possible to conduct a
thorough study of the available knowledge on the subject and offer insights into the variables
that affect customers' attitudes and behaviors about the adoption of solar panels.

Sampling Strategy
The study will conduct a thorough search of academic databases like Scopus, Web of Science,
and Google Scholar. The publications' relevance, quality, and emphasis on how social media
marketing affects consumer behavior with regard to the acceptance of solar panels in the UK
will be used as the inclusion criteria.

Data Analysis Method

This study will utilize predictive analytics as the primary method of data analysis. The literature
review will be carried out methodically, and the results will be topically summarized. The
analysis will involve locating recurring themes, patterns, and trends in the literature and
integrating the most important findings into a logical framework that directs the investigation.
The literature may be thoroughly and methodically explored, which will also provide light on the
variables affecting UK consumers' views and purchasing decisions about solar panels.

Timetable of Activity
GANTT chart for placing an X in each box to represent an activity that is due to take place.

Task MAY 2023 JUNE 2023 JULY AUGUST SEPT 2023

2023 2023
Submit proposal 05/05/23

Allocated 12/05/23

Supervision 12/05/23

Literature review


Data collection



Introduction &

Complete first


Submit final draft 30/09/23

Ethical considerations.
not applicable (N/A) for this dissertation.

Question Yes No N/A

1. Does the aim and method of your research respect the x

independence of your participants?

2. Are measures in place to ensure confidentiality for x


3. Are participants clearly asked to give consent to take part x

in the research?

4. Can participants withdraw at any time if they chose? x

If you ticked NO to any of the above questions, you should indicate below how you
intend to address these ethical concerns.

Question Yes No N/A

5. Do the objectives of your research lead participants to break x

confidentiality or otherwise engage in deceit?

6. Will your respondents be in a position where they might feel x

coerced into taking part in the research?

7. Will the data be used in ways not fully explained to the x

participants or respondents?

8. Is your research at all likely to cause physical or x

psychological harm or stress to participants?

9. Is the impartiality of the research at risk of being x

compromised by dependence upon the support of a
particular sponsor or organization?

If you ticked YES to any of the above questions, you should indicate below how you intend to
address these ethical concerns.
Student Signature
I declare that the questions on section 7 have been answered correctly, and that if ethical issues
emerge in the course of my research, then I will notify my supervisor immediately.

Student Name (Print): Date:

Reference List

Brader, C. (2023, January 20). Mission zero: Independent review of net zero. House of Lords


Caird, S., Roy, R., & Herring, H. (2008, May). Improving the energy performance of UK

households: Results from surveys of consumer adoption and use of... ResearchGate;

Springer Verlag.



UK Rooftop Solar Behavioural Research A report by Basis Social. (2021).


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