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Chapter II

Review of Related Literature


International Related Studies

Local Related Literature

Conceptual Framework

Type of Smartphone

Smartphone Attention
Usage Span

Individual Age

Definition of Terms

Attention Span. This refers to the duration during which students can maintain focus

on a single task without being distracted. This will be measured using a standardized

attention span test.

Senior High School Students. This refers to the Grade 11 and 12 students of Dulag

National High School, who serve as the respondents for this study.

Smartphone Usage. This refers to the amount of time that students use their

smartphones for different purposes on a typical day. It will be assessed through a

survey where students report their usage time.

Less than 4 hours, 4-6 hours, and 6 and above hours a day. These are the

categories of smartphone usage based on the amount of time that students spend using

their smartphones on a typical day.

Research Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the attention span of the students who

use their smartphone for less than 4 hours, 4-6 hours, and 6 and above hours a day.


1. Smartphone usage and cognitive functions: A study by Hadar et al. (2017)

found that excessive smartphone usage can lead to significant changes in the brain's

frontal lobe, which is responsible for attention and memory tasks.

2. Impact on academic performance: A study by Samaha and Hawi (2016) found

that students who use their smartphones extensively tend to have lower academic

performance, potentially due to a decreased attention span.

3. Smartphone usage and attentional control: A study by Stothart et al. (2015)

suggested that even the mere presence of a smartphone can negatively affect

attentional control and cognitive abilities.

4. Smartphone addiction and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A

study by Demirci et al. (2015) found a positive correlation between smartphone

addiction and self-reported symptoms of ADHD.

5. Smartphone usage and attentional blink: A study by Matusz et al. (2015) found

that heavy smartphone users are more likely to experience attentional blink, a

phenomenon where an individual becomes temporarily blind to subsequent stimuli after

recognizing an initial stimulus.


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