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CONCEPT OF SEGMENTATION Demographic segmentation might be the first thing people think of

when they hear ‘market segmentation’. This is perhaps the most

 Consumer markets are typically large and heterogeneous straightforward way of defining customer groups, but it remains
in nature in which consumers are quite different from one powerful. Demographic segmentation looks at identifiable non-
another. Even though no two consumers are exactly character traits such as:
similar to each other, there may be some commonality
between them. Such commonality parameter can be used  Age
to divide the market into relatively homogeneous groups.  Gender
This is the essence of segmentation. Once such groups are  Ethnicity
made, it is easier to put concentrated effort on specific  Income
groups. This is popularly called targeting in marketing  Level of education
terminology.  Religion
 Profession/role in a company

 Market segmentation is an increasingly important part of BASES OF MARKET SEGMENTATION

a strong marketing strategy and can make all the
difference for companies in competitive market 2. Psychographic segmentation: The why
landscapes, such as ecommerce. When up against a range
of online competitors, effective communication is the best  Psychographic segmentation is focused on your
way to differentiate your business. customers’ personalities and interests. Here we might
 Market segmentation offers an opportunity to pinpoint look at customers and define them by their:
exactly what messaging will drive your customers to  Personality traits • Hobbies • Life goals • Values • Beliefs
make a purchase • Lifestyles
 Segmentation based on the internal self of consumers is
known as psychographic segmentation
WHAT IS SEGMENTATION?  Compared to demographic segmentation, this can be a
 Segmentation is the process of dividing the market into harder set to identify. Good research is vital and, when
various homogeneous groups based on some common done well, psychographic segmentation can allow for
parameters. incredibly effective marketing that consumers will feel
speaks to them on a much more personal level.

 Consumer might have observed that companies offer

different varieties of shampoos aimed at different
segments. For example, there are shampoos for different
hair related issues (viz. dandruff, split hair, hair loss etc.)
 Car manufacturing companies offer cars for potential
customers with different income level. They generally
offer 'Hatchback' for lower-middle class and 'Sedan' for
upper class and upper-middle class.
 Such segmentation even in the service sector. You might
have observed the different kinds of hotel rooms available
for customers such as 'Deluxe', 'Luxury', 'Premier', etc.
 Utility of segmentation is based on the fact that customers BASES OF MARKET SEGMENTATION
do vary. It is possible to group or classify them based on
significant characteristics. This can also develop 3. Geographic segmentation: The where
differentiated product offers for each segment, than try to
sell one product to everybody in the market  By comparison, geographic segmentation is often one of
the easiest to identify, grouping customers with regards to
their physical location. This can be defined in any number
Segmentation not only helps in identification of customers with  Country • Region • City • Postal code
substantial similarity but also helps in profiling them and their need  For example, it is possible to group customers within a set
structure. Some of the major benefits of segmentation are: radius of a certain location – an excellent option for
marketers of live events looking to reach local audiences.
 Segmentation helps to distinguish one customer group Being aware of your customers’ location allows for all
from another within a given market. sorts of considerations when advertising to consumers. In
 It facilitates proper choice of target market. large nations like the United States, customers could be
 When there exists a clear distinction between segments, presented with options that match with local weather
the marketing manager can use the resources in an patterns. Geographical identification is an important part
efficient manner by spending optimally on high potential of seasonal segmentation, which allows businesses to
and most profitable segments. market season-appropriate products to customers.
 It provides useful insights into the value sought by each
 It helps in a better understanding of the competitive 4. Behavioral segmentation: The how
situation in each of the segments.
 It helps spot the less satisfied segments and concentrate  Behavioral segmentation is possibly the most useful of all
on them as unique opportunities. for e-commerce businesses. As with psychographic
segmentation, it requires a little data to be truly effective
– but much of this can be gathered via your website itself.
BASES MARKET SEGMENTATION Here they group customers with regards to their:
 Spending habits • Browsing habits • Interactions with the
1. Demographic segmentation: The who brand • Loyalty to brand • Previous product ratings
 Behavioral segmentation divides a population based on  Think about how to best pitch a sale to them. Have
their behavior, with respect to their purchase and usage of they already bought the product? Time to sell them that
the products. product a second time or offer something related to it.
Using data gathered about the user’s psychological and
behavioral patterns using website cookies gives more
than a one-up in figuring out how to sell a product to
TARGETING them, as you can also influence them and predict their
response better
Targeting, also known as multisegmented marketing, is a marketing
strategy that involves identifying specific personas or markets for
specific content. Companies use target marketing to learn more about
their consumers and thus create advertisements for specified groups
to maximize response.

Targeting means selecting one or more identified segments and

concentrating on those segments rather than the whole market.


1. Demographic Targeting. These targets are based on age,

gender, ethnicity, race, income, education, religion, economic
status and more, and are extremely commonly used in all types of TARGET STRATEGIES
marketing. Using demographics is a tried and true marketing
technique, a foundation for target marketing. By combining
different segments, say age and gender, specific consumers can be 1. Single Segment Concentration-focusing on one segment.
targeted for specific products in a myriad of ways, from ads to
product placement and more. Example: Company decides to focus on adult ladies, that is, 25 to 35
age and cosmetics

2. Selective Specialization-which means the focus is on two or

 Knowing demographics also helps push sales if a certain three segments which are apparently not related with each other; or
product is not performing as well as wanted. If a product is you are looking.
selling great in the 25 to 40 male demographic, but isn’t in the
25 to 40 female demographic, ads specifically targeted at those Example:cosmetics, apparel, and shoes
women can be created to boost sales. Conversely, if a product
is for women aged 25 to 40, the ads will focus on just women 3. Product Specialization
25 to 40. An example of this is birth control commercials,
which are often shown during shows popular with women in  One product satisfying all the different markets
that age range, so as to reach the target audience.  Catering to all the needs of one particular group, that is, the
ladies, that is, teens, adults, elders, and so on and so forth.
2. Geographic targeting. This targeting is based on a certain Example: Having cosmetics for all the categories( teens, adults
location and can be as broad as a country or region, or as specific ladies and elderly ladies).
as a city or neighborhood. Also known as geo-targeting or geo-
filtering, gathering geographic information (such as city, state, IP  Providing the cosmetic needs of all the categories of consumers
address) and then targeting consumers within certain locations has is about specialization by product.
proven to be a very effective marketing strategy, as it results in 4.Market Specialization
ads being sent to exactly the right people in the right place.
Here the company takes up a particular market segment for supplying
 An example of this would be sending ads out for a all relevant products to the target group.
local-to-the-consumer car dealership vs ads for the
brand in general. The general ad may entice interest,  Looking up to the needs and wants of one total market in
but a local ad will have a greater chance of resulting in different stages;
a sale.
 Geographic targeting also uses the information on Example:
where the consumer goes on a regular basis or has been
to in the past to create interest and habit profiles, which Target segment are the adult ladies at the elite class.
can be very valuable in choosing what group the
consumer belongs in. On a more practical level,  The company can implement market specialization strategy by
knowing the consumer’s geographic location ensures producing or selling all luxury products like Gucci, Prada,
they are within the area of the product or service you Pierre Cardin, Dolce & Gabbana—they have got lot of product
are offering. lines and they are all looking at the elite class, both male and
3. Psychological and behavioral targeting.

 This targeting uses personality traits, previous

purchases, favorite places, shopping habits, “Likes” on 5.Full Market Coverage
Facebook or Twitter, opinions, etc. Knowing the
consumer’s personality can greatly enhance the  The full market coverage could be different offers for each of
efficacy of a marketing campaign. these different segments or it is the same offer for the total
 Are they introverted or extroverted? market. Even though you are supplying cosmetics to each of
 Are they an impulse buyer or someone who makes these different segments, like teens and adults and elder ladies,
thought out decisions? but they are different. The cosmetics offering to the teen
females is not the same cosmetics that you are offering to adult

 probably the brands are different,

 probably the pricings are different,
 probably the packaging is different,
 probably the sizes are different, so on and so forth

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