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Honorable Chair, Vice Chair and Esteemed Delegates!

The delegate of Oman is delighted to be part of this MUN.

Energy crisis roots to increasing global demands and cause for many problems

Oman government concerned on the consequences of the escalation in energy crisis and
appealing the international community. Everyone knows as sultanate of Oman has always been
known for its role in bringing the views upon World on sensitive political issues, so it doubled its
effort with the principles of international law to overcome this crisis. Oman has enough wealth
and energy for now but next wave of energy crisis will affect Oman severely.

Even though Oman is dependent on fossil fuels for now and makes primary profit in
fossil fuels. As an alternative Oman aims to produce through its project of HYDROM, where 1
million tons of hydrogen by 2030, 3.75 million tons by 2040, 8.5 million tons by 2050 which
will stimulate further economic development, create new jobs and preserve energy.

Thanks for the opportunity.

OMAN’s international law/principles to overcome energy crisis:
Oman has committed to reaching Net Zero Emissions in 2050, in line with the Paris
Agreement's objectives of limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels. To
lead its transition towards a green economy.

Energy transition policy in Oman?

Oman's National Energy Strategy, published in 2020, shows a more concrete plan for
energy transitions, with a target of 20% renewables in total electricity generation and
63% efficiency at gas-fired plants by 2027

How Oman going to produce hydrogen?

Oman’s hydrogen projects will use electrolysers powered by renewable electricity
to extract hydrogen from desalinated sea water.

What is HYDROM?
In 2022, the government established an independent entity, Hydrogen Oman
(HYDROM), to lead and manage its hydrogen strategy. So far, 1 500 square
kilometers of land has been put aside for development by 2030 – and up to 40
times more land has been identified for potential production in the long term. Six
projects have already been allocated land for renewable hydrogen in the
country’s first such auction process.

How Hydrom increases jobs?

Oman’s renewable hydrogen increases exports which likely to be transported

initially in the form of ammonia. While Oman already exports around 200 000
tons of ammonia a year, its ammonia export capacity would need to be 20 to 30
times higher by 2030 if it wants to become a significant international hydrogen
supplier in that timeframe, requiring significant and timely investment, especially
for storage tanks and dedicated Deepwater jetties.

Meeting Oman’s hydrogen targets will require a massive increase of renewable

power, with around 50 terawatt-hours of electricity needed to meet the 2030
target, greater than the current size of the country’s entire electricity system

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