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THE BATMAN (600 pts) (Timeless – Wild West)

ST 14 (40 pts)
DX 16 (120 pts)
IQ 14 (+6 to recover from surprise/mental stun; 80 pts)
HT 14 (+2 to rolls, +7 to recover from crippling injury/recover lost HP. heals 2 HP/success; 40 pts)

HP 18 (8 pts)
WILL 15 (+3 vs. fright/intimidate; 5 pts)
PER 16 (10 pts)
FP 15 (recover at 2x normal rate, lose at ½ rate; 3 pts)

BLOCK: 13 (Cloak)
PARRY: 13 (Cloak), 15 unarmed (½ penalty to parry 2/turn, +3 to retreating parry)

BASIC LIFT: 39 lbs

BASIC SPEED: 7.75 (5 pts)
DAMAGE: 1d+2 thrust, 3d swing, 2d-1 crushing with boots (½ penalty to rapid strike)


Allies (1; Alfred- 25% cost ally appears constantly; 4 pts)
Allies (1; the Bat-pod- 25% cost minion appears constantly; 6 pts)
Broken Chinese (2 pts)
Combat Reflexes (15 pts)
Contact (Gordon at skill 19, unreliable; 2 pts)
Cultural Familiarity (Chinese; 1 pt)
Eidetic Memory (5 pts)
Enhanced Defenses (+2 bare hands, +1 dodge; 25 pts)
Fearlessness (2 pts)
Gizmos (1/game session; 5 pts)
Independent Income (trust fund; 1 pt)
Luck (1/hour; 15 pts)
Night Vision 5 (5 pts)
Patron (Wayne Enterprises, provides equipment, secret; 15 pts)
Penetrating Voice (1 pt)
Signature Gear (bat cave; computer, hidden access/exits, laboratory, unusual location, uninterrupted
power supply; 6 pts)
Smooth Operator (+1 reaction from con artists, politicians, salesmen; 15 pts)
Trained by a Master (30 pts)
Very Fit (15 pts)
Very Rapid Healing (15 pts)
Wealth (multimillionaire 2; 100 pts)


Enemies (Gotham City Police appears as a hunter quite often; -40 pts)
It’s All My Fault (includes higher purpose [save Gotham; 5], guilt complex [-5], sense of duty [everyone, -
10], selfless [-5], vow [never kill; -5], workaholic [-5]; -25 pts)
Reputation (worthless playboy/dangerous vigilante; -2 to everyone; -10 pts)
Secret Identity (imprisonment if caught, high status; -30 pts)
Stubborn (-5 pts)

SKILLS/TL6 TL8 (102 100 pts)

Acting 14 (+1 talent; 2 pts)
Aerobatics 15 (1 pt)
Area Knowledge 14 (Gotham; 1 pt)
Axe Broadsword 15 (1 pt)
Carousing 13 (+1 talent; 1 pt)
Climbing 16 (2 pts)
Cloak 16 (2 pts)
Detective! 14 (+1 talent to detect lies, savoir faire [police]; 24 pts)
Driving 16 (automobile; 2 pts)
Driving 15 (motorcycle; 1 pt)
Escape 15 (2 pts)
Explosives 13 (1 pt)
First Aid 14 (1 pt)
Fist! 16 (24 pts)
Gun 16 (pistol; 1 pt)
Hypnotism 14 (4 pts)
Intimidation 16 (+1 talent, +1 to surprise when yelling or roaring; 4 pts)
Invisibility Art 16 (8 pts)
Karate 18 (from Fist!; 8 pts)
Lifting 14 (2 pts)
Pickpocket 14 (1 pt)
Pilot 15 (Glider; 1 pt)
Stealth 16 (2 pts)
Streetwise 14 (from Detective!; +1 talent; 1 pt)
Tactics 13 (ground; 2 pts)
Thrown Weapons 16 (axe, shuriken; 2 pts 1 pt)

Disarming 19 (2 pts)
Scaling 14 (2 pts)

Armored Body Suit (body, limbs; 12/4, 6 lbs, LC 3, Notes [1,2,3])
Heavy Cloak (DB 2, Weight 5, DR/HP 1/5, cape works as a Para-glider, Notes [1])
Bladed Leather Gauntlets
 cut: sw-1
 imp: thr
 reach: C
 receives Karate bonuses
 hands; DR 8/2
 fires 3 one use knife attacks at STR10 each

Utility Harness
 cut: sw +3
 reach: 2
 can be thrown
 Acc 1
 range: x1.5/x2.5
 3 weight
 Rof 1
Grapple Gun (2.5 lbs, x5/7 range, 300 lb weight allowance, uses pistol to hit)
Portable Tool Kit (explosives TL5)
Batarang x10 (1d-1 cut, Acc 1, .1 weight, Rof 1, Shots x10)

Personality: sense of duty (+2 if sense of duty is known), smooth operator (+1), stubborn (-1), workaholic
(initially a +1, becomes a -1/-2 later)
Status: Rank 3 (+3)
Reputation: worthless playboy/dangerous vigilante (-2) to everybody all the time

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