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Item Category Description KP Recommendations

I Support FCCA Monserrate Freight 13.000 Usage of the Monserrate

Infra. Yard - Equip portion of tracks yard trackage and
for secondary passenger fleet facilities need to be dual-
staging. use (freight/passenger)
and flexible. FCCA needs
to retain the Monserrate
facility as an important
freight support base
between Chosica and
Callao. The design of
passenger fleet staging
and storage tracks needs
to carefully ensure that
passenger usage does not
interfere with these
important freight
functions. For the start-up
service at 10 minute
headway frequencies, we
estimate the facility will
need to have room to
stage eight to nine
passenger trains each
evening to support the
next morning's first
passenger trains that
depart Desamparados
westbound for Chosica
I Support Extend 2nd main track 13.000 Connection between
Infra. approx 1KM from passenger staging track at
Desamparados to the Monserrate yard and
Monserrate Yard the Desamparados station
AS Cntl Pt A Install Absolute Signal #1 13.000
XO CROSSOVER Install dual X-over #1 (Spec: 13.300 The recommended track
#10 dual crossover with 4 configuration for this
dual control switch project features nine
machines) powered universal
crossovers. Each
universal crossover allows
the dispatcher located in
the control center to
remotely activate a switch
machine and associated
track signals necessary for
a train to move from one
main track to the other
1 STATION Desamparados 13.946
XO CROSSOVER Install dual X over #2 Spec 14.000 The recommended track
#10 dual x over with 4 dual configuration for this
control switch machines project features nine
powered universal
crossovers. Each
universal crossover allows
the dispatcher located in
the control center to
remotely activate a switch
machine and associated
track signals necessary for
a train to move from one
main track to the other
AS2 Cntl Pt A Install Absolute Signal #2 14.000
B1 Bridge Puente Balta 14.400 Prefer not to be forced to
squeeze down to ST just
outside the eastern
terminus station. Could
use next portal north of
existing FCCA ROW to
route the 2nd main.
Would need to have
public dedicate/authorize
FCCA's use of ROW under
this alternative portal
2 STATION Martinete 15.831
PN1 At Grade Placido Jimenez -UNICOM 16.497 Recommend lane
Crossing separators and fortified
physical lane barriers for
all at-grade crossings
based in Eastern Europe
trials to prevent gate
running / breakage for at-
grade signalized crossings
adjacent to station
platforms. See YouTube
Video here
XO CROSSOVER Install dual X OVER #3 16.984 The recommended track
Spec#20 dual x over with 4 configuration for this
dual control switch machines project features nine
powered universal
crossovers. Each
universal crossover allows
the dispatcher located in
the control center to
remotely activate a switch
machine and associated
track signals necessary for
a train to move from one
main track to the other
AS Cntl Pt A Install Absolute Signal #3 16.984
PN2 At Grade Riva Aguero 17.470 Recommend lane
Crossing separators and fortified
physical lane barriers for
all at-grade crossings
based in Eastern Europe
trials to prevent gate
running / breakage for at-
grade signalized crossings
adjacent to station
platforms. See YouTube
Video here
3 STATION Riva Aguero 17.613
IS Inter Signal Install Intermediate Signal #1 20.000
4 STATION La Atarjea 20.508
SO Support Install potential staging / set 22.000 Set out track for cars that
Infra. out track(s) for freight trains need to be staged due to
and/or MOW equipment detectors as well as
location to stage
maintenance of way
XO CROSSOVER Install dual X-over #4 (Spec: 22.600 The recommended track
#15 dual crossover with 4 configuration for this
dual control switch project features nine
machines) powered universal
crossovers. Each
universal crossover allows
the dispatcher located in
the control center to
remotely activate a switch
machine and associated
track signals necessary for
a train to move from one
main track to the other
AS Cntl Pt A Install Absolute Signal #4 23.000
5 STATION Mercado Santa Anita 23.103
SO Support New set out tracks on both 24.500 Set out track for cars that
Infra. mains of 500 meters need to be staged due to
detectors as well as
location to stage
maintenance of way
6 STATION Javier Prado 25.555
7 STATION Vitarte 26.679
XO CROSSOVER Install dual X-over #5 (Spec: 26.100 Each universal crossover
#15 dual crossover with 4 allows the dispatcher
dual control switch located in the control
machines) center to remotely
activate a switch machine
and associated track
signals necessary for a
train to move from one
main track to the other
AS Cntl Pt A Install Absolute Signal #5 26.720
DD Detector Install Defect Detector #1 27.100 It is recommended to
install two, two-track
detectors along this
double-track corridor at
KP 27 and KP 39.64.
These detectors would
provide three defect
detection functions for
locomotives, passenger
cars, and freight cars
transiting the corridor at
track speed
IS Inter Signal Install Intermediate Signal #2 28.700
PN3 At Grade Las Torres (vital to Grade- 28.871 Los Torres needs to be
Crossing Separate Las Torres Crossing) grade separated due to
high vehicle traffic levels
and fact that it crosses the
FCCA Right of Way two
times in very close
8 STATION Las Torres 29.022
I Support New Freight Yard 29.400 FCCA’s freight yard and
Infra. support facilities would be
relocated to a new 10 HA
facility that would be
constructed along a
branch line approximately
3 KM north of Santa Clara
(KP 29.4). New FCCA
facilities would be
installed at this location
including classification
tracks, a locomotive
maintenance facility, a
freight car maintenance
facility, FCCA’s operations
building and control
center, and a building to
maintain and stage FCCA’s
maintenance of way and
engineering equipment
I Support Install Siding Extensions to 30.400 These staging tracks along
Infra. Accommodate Freight Block the main are imporant for
Assembly/Switching FCCA to be able to set-out,
block, stage, and pick up
freight cars close to the
mainline, instead of
having to go all the way to
the new 10 HA freight
yard that will be
constructed along a
branch line approximately
3 KM north of Santa Clara
(KP 29.4).
PN4 At Grade Santa Clara 30.493 Recommend lane
Crossing separators and fortified
physical lane barriers for
all at-grade crossings
based in Eastern Europe
trials to prevent gate
running / breakage for at-
grade signalized crossings
adjacent to station
platforms. See YouTube
Video here
9 Station Santa Clara 30.593
XO CROSS OVER Install Dual X-over #6 (Spec: 30.700 Each universal crossover
#15 dual crossover with 4 allows the dispatcher
dual control switch located in the control
machines) center to remotely
activate a switch machine
and associated track
signals necessary for a
train to move from one
main track to the other
AS Cntl Pt A Install Absolute Signal #6 30.700
IS Inter Signal Install Intermediate Signal #3 32.600
10 Station Huaycan 35.797
XO CROSSOVER Install dual X-over #7 (Spec: 35.800 Each universal crossover
#15 dual crossover with 4 allows the dispatcher
dual control switch located in the control
machines) center to remotely
activate a switch machine
and associated track
signals necessary for a
train to move from one
main track to the other
AS Cntl Pt A Install Absolute Signal #7 35.800
SO Support New set out tracks on both 36.700 Set out track for cars that
Infra. mains of 500 meters need to be staged due to
detectors as well as
location to stage
maintenance of way
PN5 At Grade Nana 38.204 Recommend lane
Crossing separators and fortified
physical lane barriers for
all at-grade crossings
based in Eastern Europe
trials to prevent gate
running / breakage for at-
grade signalized crossings
adjacent to station
platforms. See YouTube
Video here
11 Station Nana 38.304
IS Inter Signal Install Intermediate Signal #4 39.500
DD Detector Install Defect Detector #2 24.573 It is recommended to
install two, two-track
detectors along this
double-track corridor at
KP 27 and KP 39.64.
These detectors would
provide three defect
detection functions for
locomotives, passenger
cars, and freight cars
transiting the corridor at
track speed
SO Support New set out tracks on both 42.100 Set out track for cars that
Infra. mains of 500 meters need to be staged due to
detectors as well as
location to stage
maintenance of way
PN6 At Grade Moron 42.118 Recommend lane
Crossing separators and fortified
physical lane barriers for
all at-grade crossings
based in Eastern Europe
trials to prevent gate
running / breakage for at-
grade signalized crossings
adjacent to station
platforms. See YouTube
Video here
XO CROSSOVER Dual X over #8 (Spec: #15 43.500 Each universal crossover
dual controlled x over with 4 allows the dispatcher
dual control switch located in the control
machines) center to remotely
activate a switch machine
and associated track
signals necessary for a
train to move from one
main track to the other
AS Cntl Pt A Install Absolute Signal #8 43.500
12 Station Chaclacayo 43.683
13 Station La Cantuta 45.344
IS Inter Signal Install Intermediate Signal #5 46.000
IS Inter Signal Install Intermediate Signal #6 49.300
SO Support New set out tracks on both 50.400 Set out track for cars that
Infra. mains of 500 meters need to be staged due to
detectors as well as
location to stage
maintenance of way
B2 Bridge Puente Caracol 51.960
XO CROSSOVER Install dual control X Over #9 52.200
(Spec #15 dual controlled x
over witrh 4 dual control
switch machines)
AS Cntl Pt A Install Absolute Signal #9 52.300
14 Station Chosica 52.478
I Support Convert Existing FCCA 52.478 Convert the majority of
Infra. Chosica yard and operating Chosica facility into the
base to Passenger Facility primary passenger fleet
support base. A
passenger fleet
maintenance facility
would be constructed, as
well as holding tracks
capable of staging 20 +
passenger trains, a
washing facility, an
operating crew building,
and required support of
other maintenance

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