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Assignmend : Ce EROSOU : Data Commuticabice ‘ “yc a > See ge ee G4. Disco Transmission modes fos date feansmigier, gorsryissien edn a0 pofhecs sel Lass data bekwe> two of pose datcer of sysbenes Phew as Taee mon Tanmess)on meedes: L Simplex Meda- + In simplex med, clota fleur tn erly ere dLircebion por tha dondss fo the secelves . + Fhe aordes Clransnitie) Can ouly fansndt dats, & dha Ancatues con only Aoceive dat + comple of sInplox communication Lreluds telay/s/ badeooltng 4 one way fahkio transnii scion. ae 2 2. Half - Qujlex Mode ! J + Wn het, deplex Moda data carn flow in two disectton. bub nat simular coasts ay both disadten + Commonication occurs L9 alterratteg Arzections a dolce con eifher tyansmit 08 Accoiie bud nof gofb, sina) tarreously » Tao way fatto 4 walkie allies age Conuuen cnnpls 43 boy duplex Foll Duphex ° es + fall Suplex moda cllees olata 6 teansnitted and facieusd s}mulfaneouily wn bofh cLirsctior > This mode enobl cal gesdle fine, fwo- wey conocthe vubich is commer, In cernwersaffee, 4 vides confonc * Full -duplox commun coften dgfically anguiten wo seprate cormnunycation Se Ueneiea 7P4 simuttanzcsrr fransmision 4 ee @2 iby Guard bands a20 vied Fn FIMI Explain oe va 10 peq / visor nuatnplones = awed jufafececa pees pequeny channas Of Aubcaxies « iy to OM is a tecburiqus Sa oe a, ct Sond oceepi aie unier tt iF a 108 3 Ylbat ae T-finres 2 Explain T1 to T-4 1M clefadl. Po J dines of T-canig dre cus oof glee ~ cligitad ee eee Pransmigior sysbenq * ‘ are usd ten hh Louig dtstanca , A bs data A ee raat O02 Yagjows wa ig fay Tl, F2, TE EY aie Opreipic hetntben le furily cach eyeing coffenf copacity 4 Lata tale Le Tl CDS-L - Digital Signal 2) + eee eee eoxlicat prenbes of T- foil Pala gate: Ti tinw provides eda sete Meee @ Channes: bog cany 24 VElCe chante! DSO) a eae. 2 + ay 5 a Se Een Adle of 63IZIMbeT 2 cany nowlfiple T1 lines te 4 Tl hing 3. T-3.(9s-3): WES Aepraseds dubclancdal jncieoad. % A aes T2 provides Led orke ee 426 as # OBYD 2 lime 4 LCE 4). 0 28T1 Line hest — capaci; GEARS ope ty, Taney Lino | ya fhe origi tol + Data safes 74 Lines provide’ data fake. CE OMeST t Ling! 69 67-3 aa » Od bes extroncly me as dala Narsniinjen pse ye ie ys ta ste ; se Dy Ganon, i ae i Bal ’ U nN (934 lémbps @4 9; fiate betweon syhdvoneuy TIM and tata jsticaf TDM ; Abe synduonous TIM 4 stalsteal Tom aw tus - — disttuet apfscach es to ruuttiyaloxiteg clafa A Udjce © cv q common Hansnijssioy rican synchZonous T Dm- PN ia" he @ Uses fixed , equal,sjzed ttIMe «| ° All ee wea data 17 allecttked Alofs ever Jf, Aegulay TAR he i : © @nmon 75 syoduoni2zed , Cons fant Sate opfalicotion, | de frodiHonal yelce communication StolisHeal Tam+ & vasiable me alot allecated dyrrari call + hannd get Seis baad a dota awailability 3edudi-g ill2 Qlot wadte i. ~ Moxe ebticienf duilable ys busty i SAqola®, dots Aaipe tke Jn Conyauiter i Qs- ilhey sporoad Sfaccigum in aed! 2 el lat aur = aty dedmnniquen ? Discuss techniques Yard wy sprrod Opectsur7? In Q Cotymunicatier, tecduiouc ft. Sound wireless. £ wired Communi cetion SYS dopornrcls ow 12 Bandwidth” Wider bardwidty allow $3. higho, Me Tedilquas Fucluste using odvanead rratlating Achomes dike GAM 4 PSk to transmit nase data within the quailable andesite, . Gi) Signed -fo- neise Rate CSNR): Highes SMR lecdy 10 better quality signal 4 Consequently, highes dob sate; Egyok COaM an Be ah eines oe a Tutto coco, ALDPC coder are fo fread roles ty chollern eg SNR condiflens . ale 2 ea QW) Hoclettip Scheme Fhe chmiegs of Dredulafing Sdaeme slanificantly impacts data sate: ore asnyslox ochome Like @An 4 PORK can transne nose bits pes " symbel , Incaeaolag data sate but tequise higher SNR Qt Fhe achiaf Communication gna edlgcuit Subrlch ex) nefwork xoquixes trace ne phot are fey? &rptai, AVS Pho fave phow Arguised in n acfual Communi cotio., do @ Setup phase @ Data transhe place © Ay fhe od adadicaled copanrvnicatlen, postr i fhe dercles 4 Aocofves ae thansper con cae eRerawaften % Loe, The nelwonrk allocates the heconaty » sevewueed 420 Po’ conroetton , Inclicling a docket channel 04 ae dlot on ‘the noha, ensuslyg thot the ea exdusively awailable ot 2 coll pte ‘lott typically trangnitted of o yee ee ee “cintult Ts s2aenved Yes enclusive Use of He communi parties One g iat ik eee clota fx Te dedicated ciacutt ensure Laks ares con oc dofa path ian tha adres 4 Zococuer (W) Teoadousn aah dt ae oun Men poods fo Lisconncef oO Sign of 5 Coa sree Ache. | aut enue <0 Ss oto! at a ALIOULCOS. ie! hedface when one p Meine teal as fat Jogk, odie Jiiait, + pecking Up tha Arsouscea 05 QS ee sth gL “ebpicl aaey wn chet ser teleed network: Aes sees Delo t they Type % nefgork js Mi pineal on al tiovisper the dofa are nof cllayed of ane fs dw 'to fla ctinw needed cae ape cicevad as Pha fin op fa hat to 4. pols Ha Assource Computer Lequit stgna Se @ meaty g A wee a a gro clestination compli Peg fans her fee of acknowtedgenj ext | clolay diss, fo lof fraser iy clus fo ipods ae aly @ clota “transpau Hime ty Di copne fi c3eal, Mar: ollay. Spbiciovey = Troe are not efficent then offer two fyb “of nojwork becouse Acyouser art odbloceted deulug tha entar cluotto of connection: du thr tHe bandutdih is divided into tired chanvols A ah a chonnel is not fully ofrGzed -¢to quallobe bandwidlr js waated t-e lowe, efficiency. G9. explain data link aye ef TEEE Sfanclaic! Avg: Dota Link’ (ayer of TEEC sfanclord is olivicled iwld Two oublayers > LLC 4 MAC 0 Logic dink contsel (LLC) : 2 Manages tayuiig , ctoldlrestuss 4 How ceutiof © Handles 20% dofecHon 4 coxtection } ° Manoger the logicol ink between olevices 2 Resolves pativork layer adolseser to MAC aollrerses © Madic access Coutgo/ (MAC). Wes wlotes Aecev> to phe jahysica) Atectinn, . 6 Useo MAC ciclolarss. tor clouice fcloufiticepion -e Contaolt pane -trdnsntssion s Acoation 4 collrsfen dotecHou - ient tog , 6 Butlers pares ton: effici de AOLMIC nod eee a ola ea (oye is 2%4 layey fxn le putoclel. O10: Exalorr ISON Protocol achifecture’’ wth auutoble clicgran ? Aust TSPN “is contids4ed 0 general purpose digital nolwock ) rot |s being capable: of highly 4 Alppexting polole Aarge ef service dike yotce, clata, text. jnago® ef TSDN olso Supports two Gyppea 3 duwitchin ofetation, Ge ckcadt awikhivg opeafion & packet Saikbieg Mba, 8° chanrols " git B- Channel (Bears channel) , D- onre) (Pata chanve|) , A-CLanw (Hybshd ehavwol) De =Chonnel B-Channel pannel nckto Pocket ) Switched oe Sees Signaling | | \033_|x-25 - | Net, begat Packet Paces contnel | kayes tayos | Link, layer a min 8 IAT pea a.021). Lie ls LAs | Phyead dayes 1630 ‘Raoic Rats Frbetpaces | : 1431 Pylmaay Rot. Interface TESIN fRetocef’ Ardhitectian L B- -chourra| R hesnel ws obton » far bai be as ve sa8qbps dafa safes. BS oe this ehguchs| BQ equized fo aly pally dlofa It y ty clota . {+ doesn't cony salad de hatin, agrals as esfabpbleg ci }wlauph 3 Se H channel gerorally 04 1920 ba ek Sate. This eed by coufsorelig high opecd dala - U4 hawk. 2. wae ce col layer’ layer: At, His puPigsh BRIOO ree chek Ab ia) al ia eet a cag ised fps yoice o4 ofhr low ol ain as Sot: two B-4awal w)|/ 2 9; donnel Usually Lowe [6- ee ga pocket Ey bawe , S26 al stig oo RAD chanred are sarv ie ae Oi, Lift 2p Dak Unk, layer At Has Bee D chasse generally URS LAPR on LAPD. A’ D channef ose fhoreiP data Unk psofocof . a> Nehwork layer, At: PL chatnel RB channel bave oliterent chHey In CeunecHon fo ciscut Fhe, ciscst dusttching 1 pocket switlare ifieme selay on ATY rotarok s G.ll: Explac, fre ¢unctens c+ oll fe layers of OSL. Moclal Aw OST Mock! have ¥ consi¢ts of F ayes. Ate layer fom bottom 4o top ase ay folows b Physical ayer: Funchont Deals ust Physical mediun & tramcmit sano binawy dala, . key @iipects = Signal excockiy , moclulafion, Connecfoss 2 Data Link faye > Functor aca Seliable data “Painsfes Over phystal lye . provide errs defection 4 COB efor Kou aaprects: Baniing addressing, pow Coudsof, erro. datectiss, 3: Nehwoxk, tayey! Responsible yo addressing , z0ultig. roquoaditc dks packets bel” diffe rotio-k leh Kor aapech\ Logica) aclclressiiag 7 Soutlig Phofecof pack! forward 4. Transport layer’ Ensure esd a t t- 10- ero) Communicattsy , PBovids xcloble dota dotivery eer64 seco, oe » flew couftof Key aspect’ Segrrenfalion | Xeaaseret]y ero, ed coud S- Segalen layer! esfoblishr, ea:L famine "ath Ses tie orliaafes a hod ed tennant Wess dopeet : Session establitiment dial Que coufeof , synclacniza}ior & Presentatory bYet! Responsible px dole trans bfis, encaypio TD compsession Ensure data }s Bamate © affdliafon, (aye, Oats bey feo Data farslafisa, Lacxyn tee, Omprenfor x — F Apblicaften layer tebmoct tn. a Van Sa Piz Disosss TCP/IP model with aul fable diag sam AST lic i Alicayisoe a SMTP a a | DNs} |, | eA Seggigu 4) | I & tl . “RanspeAt SeqP] [ter Ey | Nehwotk emp] Cremey thn) a rp RARE] (ARE. [Dale Vink roleceds clafined by neler Tgteg Phgioay le, neecaventee a! Tigi! fA 0) rae rp Gi hea Contec} fehl I/. Trtenet Profocot) is LSE URRSIOU OF OST Frroclel. If consy) / Ika fet ih obs ey ousirls of 4 Loyen unlik ep[ne W@ hisarchiel pofecol meade up of butuactive modules ,cacl, of whic provider a gpecific ea even ho module cue et necenastly futdepenclent ushowcs fe OSE Moclel opeciffies pxtich punches belong fa each o its t ets ; ; At tonspeat layes , TOP/ZP defines free pofecols sie hh Prdtoce! Ba pa prcfoce! CuDP) 4 steam coulne! fransniicsicn Pefocol (SCTE). At te ~ nobesonk yer fhe mas profocel clefinel by Tep/rp i's a Taterndworkiig Protocol CIP) Thue are abo sane ahem Aubpost dafa mover Jn fhe Application layer’ is sum up of acosien, prucufefiow 4 AP, ioalfon yy OSE Model: nan u oral, EH dah ot Gp a _ Neélvork (ayer auppork Inferretvorlleg profocelt 44 Lave Y duplonrtiog frrotecels Are Rak P, I cme 4xGup 12 A nctwork js two 08 more clevice canneeled Heseugh (o4 inks. Discuss Ho possible tyfaoo Cf Convactors- Aud Fon Conmunication fo Occus fwo clovicer nuh be yi MY BMGs fo He, Ard elie af Doe wo w ate fwo powible ty fees | cennectise ! poltd-fo-potud, 4 dattipotcd Ne Potut- to- potut! Cage a cledicafed Link bel) fuso dguiced . Fh. re ih Uuk is Reorgued for tousnti sso pelt nes es muito. Most P2P convicefyoue cya au, acfuol of Wide 07 cible fo couibreef foo cLicll afhey is pujcloware ~ Pies dink are aba pasitle 50g ler Ue eC eC cboneck oy TV H. A Aed ta i one cofablith P2P Cantrocficu- sat e pe ale Wr thes” {wo aheciftc desicyy Share a ajugle px nual pot ef eruthonnest ca pact fy of Lane is das eiter abattably oq Pouperallyy 14 deere! clevicay can We hie re din bene ibis folly abored 2D: ‘elect, ATM Qa haf are te cafegosies tof gists tn dofail gery ea go ae Aus, Cakegone of Foi are a - follous — een ays Pioad és rl ope ‘mee Query 5 doit be a olodicefeo/ to ot do every Ofer Ice fox oa le nsdn thor fue is Gr) COMM ecfion oF “ae n ONT be (n-1) gobysicol bok ocala lanka it connection vCon CaN wh pe. olafa vr ‘ebnivafeg hattic problon docetd, 14 Is sebuah ve df alo fiuk 1) urusble, ik doesnt Inco niet ie cnfise systeny Triad, Phore ty acuanhege of psivacy physical bee claR'er aie ihe a) getteg access ; ‘ Fhe rawr clisacluanfage f Mesh ase Ae bate 45 fhe anwunf of cable an cabling 4 fla no of Flo ports Sequised ries, every devlce Cobneeled. fo Cumy afler Aovice luspallleg 4 ecannreefion ate tific!” a Secor. dhoer bulk of witheg Cau bo quate, fla, cwarlobl: apoce 4 the Loideare seqeule po fhis Conuecf{ou cay be expensjue So hae Has thas is Lincited Cas y Ni feltphene Legfotal offtce Carat each Zegjeua) off ed fone each, offen 4 docu} ty Ag few t

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