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EMG 2410 Control Engineering II

Tutorial 1

1. Figure 1 shows a spring-mass-damper system that has a mass of 1 kg, a spring of stiffness 20
N/m and a damper with a damping coefficient of 10 Ns/m. The system is subjected to a step
force of 1 N.

Figure 1: Mass-spring-damper system

(a) Determine the system transfer function relating the output x(t) and input f (t) and calculate
values for ωn and ζ. What kind of system is it?
[ X(s)
F (s) =
s2 +10s+20
, ωn = 4.47 rad/s, ζ= 1.118, Overdamped]

(b) If the system is controlled by a proportional controller, determine the values of ζ, ωn and
hence Kp that produces a rise time of tr = 1 s. Take ωn tr = 5.6439.
[Ans ζ=0.8859, ωn =5.6439 rad/s and Kp = 11.8539]
(c) What is the steady state error of the system in (b)? [ess = 1+Kp ]

2. Figure 2 shows the process reaction curve for the system in Figure 1. If the system is controlled
by a PID controller, determine the values of parameters Kp , Ti and Td of the PID controller.
[Kp ≈ 144.0165, Ti ≈ 0.1428, Td ≈ 0.0357]

Figure 2: Process reaction curve for system in Figure 1

3. The system in Figure 1 is controlled by a PD controller. Determine the values of Kp and Kd

that will produce a rise time of 0.4 s and a maximum overshoot of Mp = 10%.
[ζ=0.5912, ωn = 5.5094 rad/s, Kd =-3.48, Kp =10.34]
4. Consider a control system shown in Figure 3, in which a PID controller is used to control the

Figure 3: PID controlled system

(a) Using the Ziegler-Nichols Method (the Continuous Cycling Method), determine the values
of parameters Kp , Ti and Td of the PID controller. [Kp = 200, Ti = 0.7025, Td = 0.1756]

(b) Using the Ziegler-Nichols Method (the Process Reaction Method), determine the values of
parameters Kp , Ti and Td of the PID controller.

5. Figure 4 shows a control system in which a PID controller is used to control the system. Using
the Ziegler-Nichols Method (the Process Reaction Method), determine the values of parameters
Kp , Ti and Td of the PID controller. [Kp ≈ 12.51, Ti ≈ 1.4, Td ≈ 0.35]

Figure 4: PID controlled system

6. Consider a plant whose transfer function is given by Equation 1. Determine the critical gain
and corresponding oscillation period for the system. [Kcr = 10, Tcr = π]

Gp = (1)
(s + 1)(s2+ 2s + 2)

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