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Enhancing the design of the mobile application (look and feel) Internal Factors (or the Four


• Organization and people: The structure and culture of the organization, as well as the skills and
capabilities of the team working on the project, can impact the success of the project. Effective
leadership, communication, and collaboration within the team are essential for the project to
progress smoothly.

• Information and technology: The systems and technologies used to develop and maintain the
mobile application can affect the project by impacting the efficiency and effectiveness of the
team. Ensuring that the team has access to the necessary tools and resources is crucial for the
project to succeed.

• Value streams and processes: The processes and workflows used to develop and deliver the
mobile application can have a significant impact on the project. Ensuring that these processes
are well-defined, efficient, and aligned with business objectives is key to the success of the

• Partners and suppliers: The relationships and dependencies with external partners and
suppliers can impact the project by affecting the availability of resources or the timing of
delivery. It's important to manage these relationships effectively to ensure that the project is
not disrupted.

External Factors:

1. Political: Political instability or changes in government policies could affect the project by
creating uncertainty or disrupting the business environment.

2. Economic: Economic conditions such as recession or fluctuating exchange rates could impact the
project by affecting the budget or resources available for the project.

3. Social: Social trends and cultural factors could influence the project by shaping user preferences
or behaviors.

4. Technological: Technological advancements or changes in technology could impact the project

by requiring updates or new approaches to the design of the mobile application.

5. Legal: Legal requirements or regulations related to the design and use of mobile applications
could affect the project by requiring compliance or imposing certain limitations.

6. Environmental: Environmental concerns or regulations related to the mobile application could

impact the project by requiring certain sustainability measures or eco-friendly design

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