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Association of American Railroads OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT ‘MECHANICAL DIVISION MANUAL OF Standard and Recommended Practice SECTION A Specifications for Materials 1941 ‘CONTENTS: ee Soeidation Na Asi, Carbon St for Car and Locomotive Tender. seo ‘Foran, Carbo al Ane aod Usa suas ‘Whe, Wrowph lOve Wa Wines, Wrought Hel Mule Wen Bote Tum apeldd, Hoe Histon Wold abd Sinan Bal andy” aan NMR Rc ore Raita W.rsea Bille Rr tntand Bette ieacy ousler Kuhl Pot Pines Sua ifr i hrs See ‘Teeter Wout Bel Wha Gist tes sta Ate Weer roman Ca ‘High Girome Sted Rivet Material and Binet for Nise Acid Task Gir Seomias High zane Toing or Nis Ad Task Ca igh Ot ied Tent Pi for Nie Aid Task Cor (Continued Next Pegs) ia Cnupe| Association of American Railroads CONTENTS—Continued ous orem, Speen No Stel Cutng. ve MD ‘Trot Bete, Digs es egret or Mars ‘Tru de Frame, Ca Sa Degn Tet Regus fe Maas Ri Penkntd aepanoA eh Sam ron ib snd ote partr~Crade Bod High Tea meso oti Ton Dei Ft terete oe etgadal Conmaries ake nal Austen Bart ae0640 High Chvowe Sal Cnn fer Valve for Ne Aid Task Gans ante coat. : meant tl i a is emer sy ‘Boyt om Hallow. Nae ‘Styl en sea ees ‘ae Wrosght on Pipe Sees Bloons and Forgap, Wow ics. manae Brak Shem oe sos Maia roe Gung. Saag ‘Whede,Cut infor Lav Toned Cae tase Union and Pipe Fitings i, Prowse hana ow-rennove MATERIALS Bowing Jour ind : oer) Bowring Jura, aed 3 ae ears ‘Bevo, Brome, fr Lenin. Mae usp ‘oon Ais Brak and Tai Ale Sian. fh meat (ast irra Hee ane eas om Ai, Gus id Onan, Wrapped wad aie. 3 meso ‘ae Cala Water, Wrapped tnd Braet. Memes on aan et Wr. “saat ‘Raber Gonda, Growl innrotina as Saar ibaa at br ma MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Apemeed Draft Gua for Pri Brie, semist Plrcnm Spoon for Approved Dra Sanat Sri Bri. Seon : ‘am “Yeowst toe 00 6 ios seats Association of American Railroads VL. Maxxrno xo Sromxe, 13. Marking—(a) Each axle shall have the manufacturer's name or brand legibly stamped on one of the black collars and the melt num- ber, the month and year when made stamped on the other. All marking shall be hot stamped unless otherwise agreed upon with the purchaser (®) Grade B axles, in addition to the above, shall be stamped as described ia Section 2 (e), and also shall be stamped “Grade B.” 14, Storing —If, as a result of the inspection and tests, more axles are accepted than the order calla for, such accepted axles in excess shall be stamped by the inspector with his own mark, and will then be piled land allowed to remain in stock at the works, subject to further orders from the Parchasing Agent. On receipt of further orders, axles once accepted will not be subject to further test. In all cases the inepec- ‘tor will keep an accurate record of the melt numbers and the number ‘of axles in each melt which are stored and will transmit this information with each report VII. Insrecriox, Accerrance axD Rigecrion. 18. Tmpection—(a) Inspection, except check analyses, shall be made at the place of manufacture and the inapector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer's ‘works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The ‘manufacturer shall afford the inspector, free of charge, all reasonable facilites to entsfy him that the material is being furnished in xceord- ance with these specifications. () The inspector shall examine cach axl turer ean remedy while the inspector to correct such defects. 16, Acceptance and Rejection—(a) All axles which fail to meet the requirements of these specifications shall be rejected. (b) Grade B axles—If the percentage of carbon in the center of the top end of the A aale (determined in accordance with Section §(b)) doesnot sexceed 0.60, that and all lower axles from the same ingot will be accepted ‘as Grade B axles eo far a this requirement is conceraed. If the carbon exceeds 0.60, the centers of the top of the lower axles will be analyzed, in turn, until one is found which does not exceed 0.60. This axle and the ones below it will then be accented as Grade B axles s0 far as ths requirement is concerned. An 1910 tthe works, he may be allowed meage Asocistion of American Railroads Axles containing more than 0.60 but not more than 0.80 per cent carbon in the center of the top end may be accepted as Grade A axles if they meet the requirements of these specifcations in ether respects, Asles which contain more than O80 pet cent of carbon in the center of the top end shall be rejected, (©)_Astes which develop injurious defects subsequent to accep- tance, at the mills or elsewhere, shall be rejected and the manufacturer notified 17, Rehearing.—Samples tested in accordance wih Section 5, which ‘represent rejected material, shall be preserved fourteen days from date of test report. In cate of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time. A= 1940 ‘Association of American Rallroads wanes ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT MECHANICAL DIVISION SPECIFICATIONS 1M-102-40 FORGINGS, CARBON STEEL, ANNEALED AND UNANNEALED ‘Avorren, 1905; Revise, 1926, 1934, 1940. 1, Seopa—(a) These specifications cover three grades of carbon steel forgings: Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3, depending on the carbon ‘content, and are intended for use as annealed or unannealed for Grades 1 and 2 forgings are generally uted for parts of minor impor- tance and these which are to be case hardewed. Grade 3 forgings are generally used for Locemotice Axles, Side Rods, Cratk Pins, Gules, ete (®) The manufacturer may, at his option, furnish annealed forgings when tnanneaked forgings are specified by the purchaser, provided they con- form to the requirements specified for unannealed forgings. (©) Unles otherwise speciied, Grades 1 and 2 forgings willbe fur- ished unannesled, and Grade 3 forgings will be furnished annealed 1. Maxurscrume 2, Procas—The steel shall be made by either or both of the fol- owing process: open hearth or electric furnace. 3. Discard —Suficent discard shall be made from each ingot to insure freedom from piping and undue segregation. 4, Reduction —The forgings may be made direct from the ingot ‘or from billets, the total reduction from ingot to forging being not less than 3 to 1, unless otherwise specified. 5. Prolosgation for Test —Unlets otherwite specifed, for test pur= ‘potes, prolongation shall be left attached to at least 20 per cent of the ‘various forgiogs in each grade in each melt in each annealing charge. A=1941 ‘Association of American Rallrosde 6 Amealing—(a) For annealing, the forgings shall be allowed to ‘become cold after forging. They shall then be uniformly reheated to the proper temperature to refine the grain (a group thus reheated being known as an annealing charge) and allowed to cool uniformly. (b)_ Material ordered to these specifications must under no circum- stances be quenched, TE, Cumcicat Paorerrrs ano Tests, 7. Chemical Comporition—The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition: Gradel Grade 2 Grade3 Carbon, per cent. 005-015 015-025 040-055 Mangatese, per cea 030-0160 Phosphorus, per cent max.. O04 “OOS 0045, Sulphur, per cent, max. .ss. 005 0.05 0.05" 8, Ladle Analyses.—An analytis of each melt o by the manufacturer to determine the percentage of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulphur and silicon, This analysis shall be made on érilh ings taken at least 4 in. beneath the surface of atest ingot taken during the pouring of the melt. The chemical composition thus determined shall be reported to the purchaser or his representative and shall con- {form to the requirements specified ia Section 7. 9. Chock Analyses —Analyses may be made by the purchaser from 1 forging representing each melt, which shall conform to the require ‘ments specified in Section 7, Daillings for analysis may be taken from ‘the forging oF fromr a full-sized prolongation of the same, at any point midway between the center and surface, or turnings may be taken from a teat specimen. TIL Parvstcat Paorenries ano Tesrs. 10, ‘Tension Texts —(a) Grades 1 and 2 forgings shall conform to the foliowing minimum requirements as to tensile properties: ‘Tensile strength, Hb, per 00 in. + 47,900 Yield point «...» 20. tent etrength Elongation, in 2 ia, per eat. ..e. eee 20009 ae . ‘Tensile strength 2 Reduction of Area, per cent... Zen ath Not over bin] T6007] exw 13000000 yy ” Ove 8212in | 75.000 | os tenet} 150020} 7 2 — Notover in| 80000 | ote. str} 1:80:00 99 Oreegt2in| 5000 | otn- sr] 1726000] yp Osta | 5,00 | ob sen tr} 280} 5 (©) The classifcation by sizeof the forging shall be determined by the specified diameter or thickness which governs the size of the pro- ongation from which the test specimen is taken. (A) The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam or halt in the gage ofthe testing machine, or by dividers, the method being ‘optional with the purchaser and at 2 crosshead apeed of not exceeding For the determination of tensile strength, the crots- exceed 2 in, per minute, (©) Tests of annealed forgings shall be made only after the final 11, Tension Text Specimens —(a) Tension test epecimens shall be taken from a full-size prolongation of any forging. For forgings with large ends or collars the prolongation may be of the same cross section as that of the forging back of the large end or collar, Specimens may bbe taken from the forging itself with a hollow drill, if approved by the purchaser, Aqi981 Association of American Railroads (b) ‘The axis of the specimen shall be located at any point midway between the center and the surface of the forging, and shall be parallel to the axis of the forging in the direction in which the metal is most drawn out (©) Test specimes Fig. 1. shall be of the form and dimensions shown in Radivs mot less be. ‘hand N° Bale be 4 Hote -TheGage Length, Section | ete Secon ond” Filets shai! boas. ‘Shawn, bot the Ends nay beofory Shape e 20 ft the Holders of Gage length ‘insuch aay that the for Elongation (atten Factors ic, 1—Standard 2a. Gage Length Tension Test Specimen. 12, Number of Testa.—Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, teats shall be made as follows: (a) For unannealed forgings one tension test shall be made from cach melt, (b) For annealed forgings one tension test shall be made from each annealing charge. If more than one melt ia represented in an anuealing charge, one tension test shall be made from each melt. (©) If more than one class of forgings by sfze is represented in any Jot, one tension test from a forging of each class by size shall be made, ‘as specified in Sections 10 and 11, (@ If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops ‘awe it may be discarded and another substtsted. (©) If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is Jess than that specified in Section 10, and any past ofthe fracture ia more than 34 in. from the center of the gage length, as indicated by scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. 13, Retest—(a) If the results of the physical tests of any test fot do not conform to the requirements epecifed, the manufacturer may reanneal euch lot, but not more than three additional times, and retest shall be made as specified in Seetion 12. AnI981 Association of American Railroads (B) When annealed forgings are specied, if the fracture of any feasion test specimen shows over 15 per cent crystalline, a second test ‘hall be made. Ifthe fracture of the eecond specimen shows over 15 per ‘ent crystalline, the forgings represented by such specimen shall be teannesled. TV. Woerwansmir ano Fas 14, Workmanship —The forgings shall conform to the size and shape specified by the purchaser. In centering, 60 deg. centers with dlearance drilled for polots shall be used. 15, Fini The forgings shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike fnih, V. Masmaxe. 16, Marking —Identiscation marks shall be leghly stamped on ‘ach forging and on each test specimen. The porchaser shall indicate the location of such identifcation marks. VI Insrecrion ano Rigecriow. 17, Tnspection—(a) The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while the work on the costract of the pur- thaser ia being performed, to all parts of the manufacturers works which ‘eoncern the manufacture of the material ordered, The manufacturer shall aord the inspector, free of charge, all reasonable facilities and secessary assistance to satisfy him that the material is being furnished fn accordance with these specifications. Tests and inspection at the lace of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment. (b) The purchaser may make tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of the materia in his own laboratory or elsewhere, Such te shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. 18, Rejection —(a) Material represented by samples which fail to ‘conform to the requirements of these specifications will be rejected. (®) Material which, subsequent to test and inspection at the fac- tory or elsewhere and its acceptance, shows injurious defects will be re~ Jested and the manufacturer shall be notified. 19, Rehearing —Samples tested in accordance with these specific ‘ations, which represent rejected material shall be held for fourteen (14) ‘days from date of the test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the retults of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a reheari ‘vithin that time. Aisi > sade 3 gs rhe a a ii lila on ae he goer et Med heen Sper ee beg ‘Association of Americas Railroads ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT ‘MECHANICAL DIVISION SPECIFICATIONS M-103-87 ONE-WEAR WROUGHT STEEL WHEELS Apormp, 1934; Ravisen, 1935, 1996, 1937 ‘These specifications cover one-wear wrevght steel 1 @) 8 wheels. eg (©) Design seandard design for one-wear wrought sel wheel are shown in Pig’ fo there specistons, ta terre ener eer ree cae eee pee ect ate ee aay me Seen ieee uae cee eerie eet es Fee er parent argent Be Songs tt eee Sci eee eine eatin caine Ee eer ear e ee eee eee SSIS eee 11, Cuzsoat Paorsertss axo Team 5, Chemical Composition.—The steel shall conform to the following requirements a5 10 ehenteal composition Carton, 5 wo 0s per ome ‘Mangansso. 29.085 per coat ‘Phosphorus, not over 8.08 per ce Saipbur, aot over z O05 per cent fon, hotles tha O15 per ent 6. Ladle Anelyses.—An analysis of each melt of steel shall be made by the manufacturer to determine the percentage of the elements specified fn Section 5. ‘This analysis shal be made from a tet ingot taken during the An 1939 ato pouring of the melt. The chemical composition thus determined, together IRAE tc lpi rnd ae ay be Gee hal be vapor the rrchaser or his representative and hall conform tothe requirements spe Fed'in Section 3 7. Check Anslyses.—An analysis may be made by the purchaser from 4 wheel Hck of from a finahed. net selected by his representatives fom {ath melt ‘The chemical composition thus determined shall conform ta the tirerente specited in Section 5. Samples from wheel blocks shal be Uilied ow ub end ot tne block ai wny pat aniway tetwenr the eer fn outside, ‘The fished wheels may be Sampled by taking deiings dest ‘rom the lat, or from a sug corel out of the pate oo talent not to ‘air the yoeulness ofthe whee, Samples shall be ten by drling entizely ‘Rfrougi the plate or slug All drilings from any one bloc or wheel shal be thoroughly ined togehce.Drilings shal be clan and fee from sae, ol fd other frei substances, I Mara 8, Mating —The wheels shall be mated a8 to one-half tape sizes and ‘tipped in pare TV. Pamausinue Variarions 1 Diaexstons 9. Gages —The gages and tapes used shall be based on Association of Americam Railroads, Meshantcal Divison, standards 10, Permissible Variations —The wheels shall conform to the dimen- sions specited within the following permissible vations Mange (a) Heght of Flange.—The height of flange shal not be les than 1 in or tore Was 1 fr Flange uated more than vy tall tote pe ‘ead"No unfied portion tall be permed bow the raging pint. (©) Thickness of Flange—The thicleness of fange shall not vary more than Gy ins over or more than fy in, under that specie. zs (9) Radius of Throat.—The radios of the throat shall not vary more than $4 in from that specified, Rin (a), Tape Size—tThe tape size of wheels shall not be less than that spool endl nob eacody haymate the It taps, aopt that yar hnt of any order may vary § tapes under the size specified, provided ti Sverage faye suo on any one order shall not be less than the standard ie (6) Inside Diameter.—Back Face of Rim—The inside diameter of the rim et tho buck face ofthe wheel shall sot vary more than 94 in. under that specified. (O) Inside Diameter—Front Pace of Rim—The inside diameter of the rim at the front face ofthe wheel and the inside diameter at the back face shall not differ by more than 34 tn. (@) Thickness of Rim.—The thickness of rim shall be measured radially of the wheel, on the back face of the rim, from the iaside edge of the sm, ‘using the A.’A. R. Steel Wheel Gage ot amt approved equivalent. ‘The thick ‘ete of the rim that measured shall nat be fess than I)g in, except that 5 81979 Association of American Railroads per cent of the wheals in any one order may vary a8 much es, ¥4 in. under {hs Giasion. “The sim Sheknem shall nl vary sore than ¥4 ton any ()_ Front Rim Thiekness.—The rim thickness when measured radiay ona plane I in. from the front face of rim shall not vary more than J4 Inia Shy one whee. ‘The contour of th inner surface of the im sall be practically Symmesieal oa both sides of the pate () 7 facitate measurement of rim thickness, the radiue of the inside belge of the back face of rim shall rt exceed bin. A tharp corner i preferable, )_ Rotundity—The tread shall be gaged with a rotundity gage, and the opening between the tread and this gage at tny poi shall not eked () Block Marks on Tread.—Bloce marks shall not exceed ‘ui. in heh Q)_ Width of Rim.—The width of sim shall not very more then ¥% in from that spect, a “ (im), Plane of Back Face.—The wheels stall be gaged with a straight cee applied to the beck face ofthe im. "No point on fae back face shall be tore than } i. fom the eraaht edge when 9 applied Plate (©), Thickness of Plate—The plate thickness may vary, but shall not tent ta int shows gy Taf es cpetetions) Hub (), Diameter of Hub—The diameter of hub may vary, but unless otherwise specifi, the thickness of the wall of the fied bored heb shal fot be less han 1'in. at any point for all nominal bores 7 in or under, nor Tees than 134 in for all aominal bores over 7¥n,_ The thicences of the hub ‘all in any wheel call act vary more then 94 i at any two points equi Aistant from the face of hub, Hub Lepeth—The length of hub shall ot vary mere then 3 in, srom Pa spaitad™ es a (2) Projection of Hub.—Projection of hub beyond back face of itn shall not exceed that shown in Pig. of theye speciScations, Bore (Diameter of Bore.—The diameter of bore, shall not vary more ‘han iin, over, nor more than 34 ia. under that specited. When not spect fied, the rough bore shall be 3¢ in. lees in diameter than the finished bore, subject to the above Limitations: (0) Becentrcity of Bore.—-The eccentricity betweer the rough bore and the tread shall not efceed lain. 41939 Association of American Railroads Vv. Fi 11, Fiaish.—(a) Wheels shall be rough bored, The front face of the Doub shall be smooth forged of machined and shall be parallel to the plane Of the vertical reference line. ‘The back face of the hub may be furnished 15 forged, and the contour of trend and Hange as rll (©) Wheels shall aot have black spots inthe rouzh tore (c) Wheels shall be given a thorough surface examination and gaging at the place of manufacture before they. are offered for inspection. They ‘ur be fre from all defects able to develop in oF cause removal from service ‘and shall have a woekaalive nish. (@) Wheels shall ot be offered for ineptction i covered with paint, rust, oF any other tubstance fo such an extent as to hide defects, VI. Manenve 12, Matking—(a) The date (month and year), brand of mancfac- turer, manufactofers aerial number, heat, number, ahd the ideniieation. ‘mark ARR-TW shall bo logbly stamped on the back face of the rim appron tately 4 in. fom the inner Gage ofthe im The height of the characters {Ball Bot be less than 96 nor ot stamping sor i. fr cold stamping ()_ The tape size shall be plainly etenciled on the back plate in figures at less 1 ins in height VII, Tnerscriow axo Resecrion 13, Inapection—(a) The inspector representing tie purchaser shall have free ety, at all times while work on the contract ofthe purchaser is ting permed Yo a parte Of the manufctrey works which concer the rmanttachure of the wheels ordered. “The manufacturer shall ford the in Spectr, without charge, al reasonable faite to auaty him that the wheels Fe being furnished in'accordance with these specicaticns, Teste and in- spection atthe place of manulaeture shall be mate prior t shipment. (0). The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or ‘ejection of wheels in his own Inboratory or elsewhere, Ssch tess, however, [hal be mado at the expenoeof the purchaser. ()_All tests and inspestion thal be so conducted as not to interfere ‘unnecesarly withthe operation of the works, 14, Rojeedon—(a) Unless otherwise specited, any rejection tase fon tests made in ocordanee with Section 13 (b) shall be Feported within five working days from receipt of samples. (©) Wheels which show injurious defects while being finished by the ‘purchaser wil be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified. 15, Rehearing Samples tested in accordance wth Section 13 (0) bic Zepresent reeted wheels shal be preserve fr "vo. war fom the ‘hetmanufacturr may make claim fora vehensing within at times A-9 ‘Association of American Railroads [DIMENSIONS wer TOLERANCE) ONE WEAR as WROUGHT STEELWHEEL| [TOR anes ses 5x9 | FOR hare ti ui paal NETS % |AXLE |AXLE. pan a [1S [sane IBS [sane a co | 3ntt [same verre. | c [Eng [7] RereRENce d UNE [da [Sse same iz ee mn. | rr | 1 [SRF Ay | Emin. & na| Brn —| 0 | kein. aE PTs 9 |aKy [edu = | *-B%MAYBE- STAPES. : Rosy mayee-& PX MINHUB WALL | 7 MIN HUB WALL 6 Fig Aa 1938 Asociation of Ame ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT ‘MECHANICAL DIVISION SPECIFICATIONS M-104-87 NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED STEEL FORGINGS Aporre, 1929; Reviseo, 1934, 1987 1, Scope.—These specifications cover normalized steel shafts, driv- ing, engine truck and trailer axle, erank pins, main and side rods, pis- ton rods, valve stems, rod straps, eccentric cranks and other hard steel forgings for locomotives and care a8 may be specified on the order by the following classe Class A-—Carhon Steel Class B—Carbon Vanadium Steel Class C—Low Carbon Nickel Steel. T. Manuracron, 2, Process—(a) The steel shall be made by either or both the fol- owing processes: open hearth or electric furnace. 3. Discard.—A sufficient discard shall be made from each ingot to insure freedom from piping and undue segregation. 4. Forging Practice—The forgings may be made direct from the ingot or {com billets, the total redvetion from ingot to forging being not Jess than three to one, unless a redaction of four to one is specified 5. Prolongation for Test—Urless otherwise apecifed, for test pur- ‘poses, prolongations shall be left sttached to atleast 20 per cent of the ‘various forgings in each class in eich melt in each normalising or tem- ‘ering charge, 6, Heat Trestment—(a) After forging, the forgings shall be al- Jowed to cool to below the critical range and shall then be subjected to a ‘heat treatment consisting of normalizing and tempering as specifed in ‘this section (b) For normalizing, the forgings shall be uniformly heated to proper temperature to refine the grain and after being held a suficient A-1938 Association of American Rallroads length of time at this temperature, shall be withdrawn from the furnace and allowed to coo! in still air to below the critical range, protected from ‘ain or snow. A group of forgings thus trested shall be known ae = “normalizing charge. (©) For tempering, after the previous treatment, the forgings shall be uniformly heated to 2 temperature below the critical range, and after being held a proper length of time at this temperature, shall be allowed to cool uniformly either in the furnace or in til si, protected from rain for snow. A group of forgings thus treated shall be known as a "temper- ing charge.” (€) It is recommended the forgings be held st least one hour per inch of diameter or maximum thickness at the following temperature range: Normalizing Tempering Classes A and B. 1550-1600 deg. F, 1150-1175 deg. F Chast C [1425-1475 deg: F. 1000-1100 deg: F. (@) Forgings shall not be quenched, under any circumstances, in any lignid medium. @ Boring, when required, shall be done before the normalising heat treatment. When so specifed, rough machining ehall be performed prior to the final tempering operation, but if not so specified, rough machining may be performed prior tor after heat treatment, atthe option ofthe manufacturer. (@) Straightening. All straightening required shall be done at a temperature not lower than 950" F, and in auch manner as to leave the surface of the forging free from unnecessary scars. IL Cumacay Paoresrres axo Tests. 7, Chemical Componition—(s) The chemical composition of the forgings determined from samples taken as described in Section 9 shall conform to the following lass B c Gdn, per cent g4o-0ss 920-039 fangaiese, percent... 185-093 Phosphor, per een, not more’@ Oo “Oo Sulphur, per tent, ot more than. aos Os Silicon per cent. O18 min, 015-038 Vanadium, per cen, al bs 2 cee 28600 (b). The steel shall not show residual alloying metal impurities in ‘excess ofthe following limits Chromium, per cent Nickel, per ‘cent. ‘3. Ladle Ansiyses.—-An analysis of each melt of steel shall be made by the manufacturer on drillings taken at least 74 in. beneath the surface of the test ingot taken during the pouring of the melt. The chemical composition thus determined shall be reported to the pur- ‘chaser, and shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 7. A1938 oe OS 015, ous 025 23 Association of American Railroads 9, Check Analyses—(a) An analysis may be made by the pur hater from a forging representing cach melt. The chemical composi tion thus determined shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 7. Drillings for analysis may be taken with a 54-in. drill from the forging or from a full-sized prolongation of the same, at any point midway between the center and surface of solid forgings, and at any point midway between the ianer and outer surface of the wall of bored forgings; or turnings may be taken from a test specimen, (b) In addition to the complete analysis specified in paragraph (a), 1 carbon determination may be made by the purchaser on deilings takes with a $6-in, drill from the center of the forging or full-sized prolongt- tion of the same, to determine by the variation in carbon the amoust fof segregation. This determination shell show the carbon content to be within 12 per cent of the amount found at any point midway between the center and surface. This requirement does not apply to bored forgings. IIL, Pavsican Provemrmes axo Trusts shall conform to the follow- sice | Tense | Yuta | Blngntionin2 | Reduction of Outase Duster ety Polat | Benes per eat || ou perch se Soert ee ete a cee ee Teves [ Not ne [Ne Nor ar ai ‘4in. maximum 98,000 | 50,000 | 2.800.000) 95, 40 ove 8 io 12 | if adits sn.00 | «a0 |2100.900] ng | 8222000} ap Over 12 to 0 i ‘Sin uasinta} 84000 | «e000 [229200]: o5 |2100000| yy 18ja mexime fears] 2 ten cans & Vader in... game | en apo |... 34 @ Becettada 3] 4008 | $0898 # a SIE ES Baas] BO | E8008 face a GLASS 6 acer ins...) 3000] 65000 Eesha oear cc] 00 | 8.00 |: A198 moines Association of American Railroads (b) ‘The classification by site of forgings shall be determined by the specified finished diameter or thickness which governs the size of the prolongation from which the test specimen is taken. (©) The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the biam or halt in the gage of the test machine, or by the dividers; the method being optional with the purchaser, and at a crosshead speed of not to exceed 54 in. per minute. ‘The tensile strength shall be determined at ‘a apeed not to exceed 134 in. per minute, (@) Tests of forgings shall be made only after final treatment. 11, Tension Test Specimens —(a) Tension test specimens shall be taken from the full-sized prolongation of any forging, or at the option of the manufacturer, from an extra forging furnished for the purpose. ‘The axis of the epecimen shall be located at any point midway between the center and surface of the solid forging or full-sized prolongat land at any point midway between the inner and outer surface of wall of bored forgings, and shall be parallel to the axis of the forging in the direction in which the metal is most drawn out. (b) Tension test specimens shall conform to dimensions Fig, 1. The ends shall be not Jength and form to ft the holders of the test machine that the load shall be axial, Radics not let ln ‘ole Tha Gogetength, Toroie Sachon ob filets choi! bear Shown bet the Ends ney etary hope 1 ‘ere the eset Phe esting Machina eageesit Insacha Ray thet the Elongation ood shal beotel ‘ofan Pochore Jeet ites bri Pio, 1~Standard 2s, Gage Length Tension Test Specimen. 12, Micrographlc Tests—(a) A specimen representing each clase by size of each melt of each heat treatment lot, shall be taken for micro- scopic tests from the tension test specimen. These sections for micro- scopic tests shall be eut from the large undistorted portion of the text specimen in such a way as will give one face normal and one face parallel to the axis of the specimen. A-1938 Association of American Ralirosds (b) Both faces shall be polished practically free from scratches. ‘The transverse face shall be etched with 4 per cent solution of nitric acid in alcohol. The longitudinal face to be left unetched. The speci ‘men shall be examined under a magnification of 100 diameters. (©) The whole of the transverse section shall show uniform, well broken up, fine grained structure, and shall conform to the require- ‘ments illustrated in photomicrographs, Class A—Figure 1 or Figure 2: Chass B—Figure 3 or Figure 4; and Class C—Figure 5 or Figure 6. Only one irregular mesh as large a5 4 in. in diameter shall be per- mitted in a field 3 in, in diameter, as shown on the screen or photo- micrograph, (@)_ For infermation only, the longitudinal unetched face will be examined for sold non-metallic impurities and should show such purities well scatiered over the field 13, Macroscepic ‘Test—For information only, the profongation from the largest forging in each melt shall be saved normal to the axis of the forging and shall then be split longitudinally. A transverse and a longitudinal face shall be etched for macroscopic examination. 14, Number of Testa—(a) One tension and one microscopic etched test shall be made from each class by size of forging in each melt in cach heat treatment lot. For information only, one microscopic une etched and one macroscopic etched test shall be made from the largest size forging in exch melt. (B) If the test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. 15, Retesta—(@) If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is les than that specified in Section 10, and any part of the fracture ia more than % in. from the center of the gage length, a8 licated by scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing, & retest shall be allowed. (®) Ifthe reaults of the teste of any lot do not conform to the re quirements specifed, the manufacturer may retreat such lot, but not ‘more than three times, and retest shall be made as specified in Sections 10 and 12, IV, Wouncaxsnie axp Frist, 16, Workmanship.—The forgings shall conform to the sizes and shapes specified by the purchaser. When centered, 60-degree centers ‘with clearance dred for points shall be used. When forgings are drilled rom both ends, and the hole thus drilled is ost of line, the diameter of An1938 Association of American Rallroada CLASS A. NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED CARBON STEEL FORGINGS Association of American Railroads CLASS B NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED CARBON VANADIUM ‘STEEL FORGINGS. Fic, 4Maxneine Gratn StaUCTURE—AcereTABLE, A 1938 deg Association of American Railroads CLASS C NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED LOW CARBON NICKEL STEEL FORGINGS ‘Association of American Railroads the hole may be increased by boring or reaming in order to take out the offezt and secure a workmanlike finisb, but the diameter of the hhole shall not be increased more then 34 in. 17, Finish—The forgings shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike fnish. Ve Masse. 18, Marking—(a) The forgings shall have the manufacturer’ identification marks, clas of steel, melt number, forging number, ienti- feation of heat treating lot and date legibly stamped on each forging with ateel stencils at such location as shall be designated by the pur- chaser with leters and figures not leas than 34 in. high. In case it is rnecessery to move the above markings, de to machining, it may be done only after permission has been obtained from the inspector. (B) After the material has been inspected the inspector shall stamp each accepted forging with his private mark VL Insracron an Reyecrion. 19, Inspection —(a) The inspector represeiting the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while the work on the contract of the pur- chaser ie being performed, to all parts of the manufacturers works ‘which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. ‘The manufac- turer eball aford the inspector, free of charge, all reagonable facilities and necsstary assistance to satiafy him that the material is being for- hished in accordance with these specifications, ‘Testa and inspection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment. (&) The purchaser may make teste to cover the acceptance or re- jection of the material in hie own Itboratory or elsewhere. Such teats shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. 20, Rejection—(a) Material represented by samples which fai conform to the requirements of these apecifcations will be rejected, (b)_ Material which, subsequent to test and inapection atthe factory or elsemhere and its acceptance, shows injurious defects wil be rejected nd the manufacturer shall be notified. 21, Rehearing.—Samples tested in accordance with these specfica- tions, which represent rejected material, shall be held for fourteen (14) days from date of the test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the reaults of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing ‘within that time. 4-198 Association of American Railroads ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT "MECHANICAT. DIVISION SPECIFICATIONS 1M-105-34 BLOOMS, BILLETS AND SLABS FOR FORGINGS Asorzen, 1908; Revism, 1925, 1934 1, Scope—(a) These specifications cover billets of carbon steel, carbon-vanadiom steel and low-carbon-nickelstel (b) ‘The purposes for which these billets are frequently used are as Class A—Carbon steet Grade 1, for welding and case hardening. Grade 2, for case hardening when subsequently heat-treated, and for miscellaneous purposes Grade 3, for axles, shafts, connecting reds and similar forgings. Class B —Carbon-vanadium steel: Class C— Low-carbon-nickel steel: For axles, shafts, connecting rods and forgings. 2, Definition of Terma—The term “billet” is used in these specif- cations to include blooms, billets and slabs. 3, Basis of Parchase.—Billets will be purchased as semi-finished, rolled or forged material. 1. Mawuracrune 4, Process—The steel shall be made by either or both the follow- ing processes: open hearth or electric furnace. 3, Discard—A sumclent discard shall be made from each Ingot to secure freedom from piping and undue segregation. 6. Reduction from Ingot—Unless otherwise specified, the billets shall be made from ingots of at least three times the crose-sectional area of the billet A=1935 netego4 Association of American Rallroade TL, Cmmrcat Proprarres Axo Tests, 7, Chemical Comporition—The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition for class and grade SS eee ELEMENTS CONSIDERED Bhonptoras, "aa Supra per cea. ee| Silicon, per eek Gromit ma parca Nickel, per Vanadihny ain. ea 8. Ladle Analyses by the manclactaret to determine the percentages of the elements speci- fied in Section 7. This analysis shall be made from a test ingot taken uring the pouring of the melt. The chemical composition thus deter- ‘mined shall be reported to the purchaser or his representative, and shi ‘conform to the requirements apecified in Section 7. 9. Check Analyses —(a) Analyses may be made by the purchaser from at leat one billet representing each melt, which shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 7. Drillings for analysis shall be taken with 2 $in. drill, parallel to the axis of the ingot as cast, at any point midway between the center and surface of the billet. (b) For billets class A, grade 3, and classes B and C, in addition to the complete analysis specified in paragraph (a), a carbon determina- tion may be made by the purchaser from drilling taken from the center of the billet with a $4-in dri, parallel to the axis of the ingot as cast, to determin: the amount of segregation from the variation in carbon from that determined in accordance with paragraph (a). This analysis shall show the carbon to be within 12 per cent of the amount found at the midway point. TL Wouneaxsmr axe Frise, 10. Chipping—(a) Billets may be chipped to remove surface defects, provided that the depth of chipping does not exceed iin, for ach inch of dimension concerned, up to a maximum depth of 34 in, and provided that the width of the chipping is at least four times its treatest depth; except that in the case of slabs where the width is at Ax1935 Association of American Railroads least twice the thickness, the depth of chipping on the wide surfaces may exceed this allowance by $0 per cent, up toa maximum depth of 3 is. ‘The maximum depth of chipping on two parallel sides shall not ‘exceed one and one-half times the maximum allowed for one side. (b)_ Tn special cases, where itis necessary and not injurious, greater depth of chipping may be permitted by special agreement between the ‘manufacturer and the purchaser, U1, Finish —The billets shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike finish, IV. Maree. 12, Marking —(a) The melt number and manufacturer's name or mark, shall be legibly stamped on each billet 6 ia. or over in thickness, and on smaller sections when so specified. (b) For class A, grade 1 and 2, the top end of all top-cut billets 6 in. or over in thickness shall be legibly hotatamped with the leter "T" and marked with paint. (©) For class A, grade 3, and classes B and C, the top enda of the top, second, third, and following cut billets from each ingot shall be legibly hotstamped with the letters “A”, "B”, "C’, ete, to show the position ofthe billet in the ingot, and marked with paint. YV. Inspection ano Rerecr10N. 13—Inspection—(a) ‘The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while the work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturers works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. ‘The mani- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of charge, all reasonable faci. ties and necessary assistance to satisfy him that the material i being farnished in accordance with these epecifcations, Tests and inspection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment (2) The purchaser may make tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of the material in his own laboratory, or eltewhere. Such tesis shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. 14, Rejection—(a) Material represented by samples which fail 10 conform to the requirements of these specifications will be rejected, (b) Material which, subsequent to test and inspection at the fa:- tory of elsewhere and its acceptance, shows injurious defects will be rejected and the manufacturer shall be notified, 15, Rehearing.—Samples tested in accordance with these specifics- ions, which represent rejected material, shall be held for fourteen (16) days from date of the test report. In cate of dissatisfaction with the results of the test, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing ‘within that time, AA1935 Amociation of American Railroads ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT, ‘MECHANICAL DIVISION SPECIFICATIONS 1M-106-34 TIRES, STEEL, LOCOMOTIVES AND CARS Avorn, 1913; Revises, 1920, 193 1, Classes—(a) These specifications cover three cl (b) The purposes for whi as follows: Cass A, for dri 1 of ties. these classes are frequently used are ing tres for passenger locomotives Z Class B, for driving tres for freight locomotives and tires for loco motive-truck, tender-truck, trailer and car wheels, and miscellaneous Class C, for driving tres for switching locomotives. 1. Mauracroae 2. Process.—(a) The steel shall be made by either or both of the following processes: open hearth or electric furnace. () Tires, after rolling, shall be cooled slowly and protected from contact with water, snow, or drafts of cold air. TE, Cuesicat Paoverrms avo Tests. 3. Chemical Composition —The steel shall conform to the follow- ing requirements as to chemical composition: Carbo Class A... Glass ein Phosphorous, ph Silicon Chromium Nickel. ‘not over Uinot over aa A-1935 mate. ? Association of American Rallroads 4. Ladle Analyses—An analysis of each melt of steel shall be made by the manufacturer to determine the percentages of carbon, mangantse, phosphorous, sulphur, silicon, chromium and nickel, This analysis shall be made on drillings taken at feast 34-in, beneath the sur- face of test ingot taken during pouring of the melt. The chemical com- position thus determined shall be reported to the purchaser or his representative, and shall conform to the requirements specified in Sec- tion 3. 5. Check Analyses —Analyses to represent each melt may be made by the purchaser from turnings taken from a tire or from a tension test specimen, if the tension test is specified. ‘The chemical composition thus determined shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 3. IL Prvercas Paormerses avo Tests, 6, Tension Tests—If tension tests from representative bare in accordance with Section 7 are specified by the purchaser, the tensile Dropertis shown shall conform to the following minimum requirements: Class A Class B Clase C ‘Tensile strength, pounds per square inch......105 000 115,000 125,009 Elongation in 2 inches, per cent. gee: wie oe Reduction of area, per cent. eases PAO): S14 oy a2 7. Tension-Test Specimens.—(a) The tension-test specimen repre~ senting each melt shall be taken from a test ingot taken during the pour- ing of the melt, and shall have received approximately the same amount ‘of work as the ties which i represents (B) The specimens shall conform to the dimensions shown in. Fig. IL The ends shall be of a form to fit the holders of the testing imachine in such a way that the Toad shall be axial Rods rt et, Lennn mn Bo ad Ree ‘hang I Bell econ | Mate ag Lng Pics hay beat Say dette face epee wien Bo. the Testing Machine Gage Length Jinsuch aWay that the for Elongation Load shall be axial, Cer Pacha ast nema Goer Leg, rene Tee pee Aq1935 Association of American Railroads meep-20 8. Number of Tests—(a)- If specified by the purchaser, one ten- sion test ahall be made from esth melt. (#) If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops faws, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. (© If the percentage of elongation of any test specimen is Jess ‘than that specified in Section 6 and any part of the fracture is more th 45a. [rom the center of the gage length, 28 indicated by scribe scratches, ‘marked on the specimen before testing & retest shall be allowed, 9, Retosts—If the results of the tension test for any melt do not conform to the requirements of Section 6, a retest may be made on a ‘specimen cut from a tire of the tame melt furnished at the expense of the manufacturer. This retest shall give results conforming to the requirements of Section 6. TV. Marva, 10 Mating —The tres shall be grouped as to outside diameters and shipped in sets, YV. Pmuncemes Vasarions nr Dasexsions, AL Permissible Variations—Tires may be furnished with all sur- faces as rolled, and shall conform to the dimensions specified within the following permissible variations: (@) ‘Helght of Flange—The height of flange shall not be less but may be w ja, more than that specified, (8) Thickness of Flange—The thickness of fapge shall not vary ‘more than in, from that specified. (©) Radins of Throat—The radius of throat shall not vary more than Hf i, over nor more than 2 in. under that specified. (@) Width of Tice—The width of tie shall not be less, but may be & in, over that specified. () Inside Diamater—The rough inside diameter shall not be more, but may be } in. lesa than that specified. When finished inside diameter only is specified, the rough diameter shall be from te to jn lees than this diameter, (© Outside Diameter—Unless otherwite epecifed, the outside diameter when 54 in, or under shall not be lesa, but may be Y-in. more ‘than that specified; and when over $4 in. shall not vary more than Hein. under nor more than }-in. over that specified.” A-1935 Association of American Railroads (@) Sct Diametern—The tires shall be furnished in sefs and the variation in outside diameters in each set shall not exceed iin, for tires 33 in. or under in outside diameter, nor exceed in. for tires over 433 in, in ontside diameter. (i) Rotundity—Tires shall not be ou: of round more than dria for tires 33 in. or under in outside diameter, nor more than hin. for tires over 33 in outside diameter. Vi. Futsx. 12, Pinlah—The tives slall be free frum injurious defects und wall have a workmanlike finish, VIL Masxaxe, 18, Marking—The name or brand of the manufacturer, serial number, heat number, and date of manuficture, shall be legibly hot- stamped on each tire close to the inside edge where they will not be removed by the last turning. Set number shall be legibly stenciled with paint on each tire. ‘VIL. Insrecriox ano Resection, 14, Inspection —(a) The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while the work on the contract of the pur- ‘chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturers works which concern the manufacture of the material erdered. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector, free of charge, all reasonable facilities and necessary assistance to satisfy him that the material is being furnished jn accordance with these specifications. Tests and inspection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment. (b) The purchaser may make tests to cover the acceptance or rejection of the material in his own laboratery or elsewhere, Such teste shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. 15, Rojection—(a) Material represented by samples which fail to conform to the requirements of these specications will be rejected. (©) Material which, subsequent to test and inspection at the fac- tory or elsewhere and its acceptance, shows injurious defects will be rejected and the manufacturer shall be notified. 16, Reheasing—Samples tested in accordance with these specifica tions, which represent rejected material, shall be held for fourteen (1d) days from date of the test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing: within that time, A935 Acosistva of American Raioads Mags ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT MECHANICAL DIVISION SPECIFICATIONS ‘M-107-37 WHEELS, MULTIPLE WEAR WROUGHT STEEL: ‘Aporren, 1917; Ruvisso, 1926, 1934, 1995, 1936, 1957 1, (@) Seope,—These specifications cover multiple-wear wrought steel wheels (not exceeding 38 inches in diameter) for locomotives, tenders, and cars () Design Standard designs for multiple-wear wrought steel ear and tender wheels are shown in Fig. 1 of these specifications. ‘Standard de Signs for wrought stel locomotive truck wheels are shown in Fig. 2 ofthese specications I. Maxoracrom 2, Process.—The steel shall be matle by either the following proceses, cleciric furnace or open-hearth process, but either process must be in ac- ‘cordance with the best state of the art at the time of manufacture. 53, Discard.—A sufficient discard shall be made from each ingot to secure ‘seem Hag pkae Rai HOES snerREn 4, Temperatures.—During the processes of manufacture, neoessary care in the regulation of temperature gradieats shall be exercised to obtain the best physical properties to be expected from the chemical composition ‘and mechanical work and to prevent the development of faulty structure fand controlled cooled under accurate conditions of temperature control to ‘prevent injurious stresses in any part ofthe whee. TI, Camaros, Prornatzs AND Ter 5, Chemical Composition.The steel shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition: A-1939 tion of American Railroad carton 0.67 to 0.82 per cent Manganese 0.60 to 0.85 per cent Phosphorous, not over (005 per cent Sulphur, not over (0.05 per cent Silicon, not Les than oo (0.15 per cent 6 Ladle Analyses.—An analysis of eich melt of steel shall be made by the manufacturer to determine the perentage of the elements specified. in Section $, ‘This analysis shall be mace from a text ingot taken during the pouring of the melt. The chemical composition thus determined, together with such identifying records as may be desired, hall be reported to the purchase or his representative and shall confarm tothe requirements specified In Seation 5, 7. Check Analyses.—An analysis may be made by the purchaser from ‘2 whee block, oF fom a fnished whee, selected by his representatives from. ach melt. The chemical composition thus determined shall conform to the feaqirements specified in Section 5, with a permissible variation of minus 0.02 or plus 0.03 per cent in carbon content. Samples from wheel blocks Stall be deilad from the end of the block at any point midway between the: center and outside, The finshed wheels may be sample by taking drilings: direct from the plate, oF from a slug cored out ofthe plat, so taken as not to impair the usefulness of the wheel, Sanples shall be taken by drilling entirely through the plate or slag. All drilling from any one block ar wheel shall be thoroughly mixed togethor. Drilicgs shall be clean and free from ‘scale, ol, and other foreign substance, IT, Manne R Mating —(a) Wheste chall be maied oo to oncchalf tape siacs ‘and shipped in pair. (©) When so specified in the purchases order, whesls of each type ‘and rough bore diameter shipped in any one carlad lot shall be ao selected 1s to permit mating and mounting within a five-point carbon range acsond- ing to the earbon content stamped on the wheels, i e, 67-72, 68-73, 62.74 70.75, ee, the preterred group ranges being from 70-75 ta 75-80. IV, Pemanesinur Vantarioxs nx Dnsensrons 9. Gages—The gages and tapes used shall be based on Assocation ‘of American Railroads, Mechanical Division, standards 10, Permissible Variatons.—The wheds shall conform to the dimen sions specified within the following permisaibe variations Flange (@)_ Height of Flange.—The height of fange shall not be les than 1 in. ror more than 134 in. When the purchaser's order permits rolled to finish ‘wheels the height of flange shall not be less then 1 in, nor more than 196 in A199 4p of Flange.—The thickness of flange shall not be les, Dut may be 36 in, more than that speciged, When the purchaser's order permits coed to nish wheels, the thickness of flange shall not vary more than 34 in. from that specified (6). Radius of Throat.—The radius of the throat shall not vary more ‘than 34 in, from that specified, Rim (2) Tape Size.—The tape size shall not be less than 32 for 28 in, 82 for 30 in, 157 for 3 in, 183 for 34 n., 233 for 36 in., 258 for 37 in, and 283, for 38 in, wheels and shal nat exceed theve minimum tape sires by more than 14 tapes, (e). Inside Dismoter—Back Face of Rim—The inside diameter of the rim at the bec face of the wheel shall aot vary more than 9% in. under that specie’ (0) Inside Diameter—Front Face of Rim.—The inside diameter of the rim at the front face ofthe wheel shall not exceed that atthe back face ofthe ‘wheel and shall not vary under this dimension by more than 34 ia. (e) Thickness of Rim.—The thickness of the rim shall be mensured radially of the wheel, on the back face ofthe rim, from the inside edge of the Fim, using the A, A. R. Steel Whetl Gage or an approved equivalent. The thickness of the rim thus meseured shall not be less than 2}4 in. ores specified in the purchaser's order and shall not vary more than 44 ia. oa any two radii fin any one wheel. (i) Front Rim Thickness. —The rim thickness when measured radially fon plane I in. ftom the front face of rim shall aot vary more thaa ¥4 in. on ‘any two radi in any one wheel, The contour ofthe waderside of the rim shall, be practically symmetrical on both sides ofthe plate. (To facilitate the measwrement of rim thickness, the radius of the inside edge of back face of rim shall not exceed }4 in, A sharp corner is pref- exible. ) Rotundity—When rolled to finish wheels are permitted by the purchaser's order, they shall be gaged with a rotundity gage. When so gaged the opening between gage and tread of rolled to Gnish wheels must not exceed, hin. st any point, See Fig. 3. (0) Block Marks on Tread.—When rolled to finish wheels are per- mitted by the purchaser's order, the height of block marks on suck wheels shall not exceed sia. (@), Width of Ri. —The width of rim shall not vary more thea 34 ia, from that specified, (Go). Plane of Back Face.—The whesls shall be gaged with « straight ‘edge applied to the back face of tke rim, No point on the back face more than 14 in, from the inside edge ofthe ri shall be more than yy in. from the straight edge when so applied. an19 mages ‘Association of American Railroads Plate (@)_ Thickness of Plate.—The plate thickness may vary, but shall not De less than 3 in. atthe rim fillets and 1 in at the hub filets, Bub (0) Diameter of Hiub.—The diameter of hub may vary, but the thick- ness of tho wall ofthe finished bored hub ahall nat be less than 1} in. at any point. Whoa the outer surface of the hub is not machined, the thickness of the hub wall in any wheel shall ot vary more than 34 in, at any twa points ‘equidistant from the face of the hub, When the outer surface of hub is ma ‘hined, the thickness ofthe hub wall ia any wheel shall not vary more than Win. st any two points equidistant from the face ofthe hub. (©) Length of Hub.—The length of hub shall not vary more than 36 in from that speciid. (q)_Deprescion of Hub—Tor car and tener wheel and) wheels of similar design, with journal box located at front fate of hub, the depresion of the hub shall be meatured with reference tothe vertical reference line a= shown in Fig. 1 of these specifications. (2) Projection of Hub.—For locomotive truck wheels, electric truck wheels, and whesls of similar design with journal box loeated at back face ‘of hub, the wheels may be farnished with the back face of the hub smooth ‘machined to the exact specified dimension for the projection of the hub be yond the back face ofthe rim, or there shall bo laf on the bace face af he hut ‘Rot more than 3 in. nor less than 34 in. stock for finishing hy the prchaser See Fig. 2 of these specifications Bore (@) Diameter of Bore.—The diameter of rough bore shall not vary more than 34 in. ever nor more than 14 in. under the dimensions specified, ‘When nat specified, the rough bore shall be 34 in less in diameter than the Sinihed bore, subject to the above limitations. (0) Recentriity of Bore.—The eccentricity between the rough bore and the tread shall not exoced jin V. Pease TL. Finish —(a) Wheels shall be rough bored and the faces of hubs ‘machined. ‘The contour of tread and flange, nies otherwise specified, shall bbeas shown in Fig. 1of these specifications and shall be machined an finished smooth without excessive tool chatter, unless rolled to fnish wheels are per- mitted in the purchaser's erder. When the purchaser’ order permits rolled to finith wheels the manufacturer may, at hie option, furnish machined wheels which shall conform to the permissible variations in dimensions for rolled to finish mess, ‘ 1939 +r foSuer Io tye0x98 uoung won +a 65 spyoaTF¥y Uwoyz0UyY Jo UOTAvTOCESy UOFETATG TeOTUBYOON tAxeqax008 sSupumosg 0° 09, x05 0q Pinoys suoygTernbex *seuTa TTe qv eg0F qdex eng yooq ou3 PuO ZOPUTa JuoT-os00T ou UE PE fconsst ov Atienaue posyoand oq Aum oues qnq ‘soled ox oveu3 105 sxopxo Suppuezs deo you op om, spoqoosye suoT309g snot soxopuy puu ‘xepuy Texoue ‘o¥ud 01979 Jo wysTAe! uy soled postaor osoyy *svof youe Jo WAST YoU Ponsey oxy eoTgoesd Peptemioooy pus pxEpuE;S JO sFug 03 soSed JwoT-ss00T TeuOTzTPPe PUT posTAcH @oTgON ‘Assocation of American Railroeds (©) Wheels shall not have back spots in the roveh bore. (©). Wheels shall be given thorough surface examination and gaging tat the place of manufacture before they are offered for inspection. They must ‘be frec from all defects liable to develop in, of cause removal from service and thall have & workoan-ike finish, (a) Wheels shall not be offered for inspection if covered with paint, rus or any other substance'to much an extent as to hide defect, Vi. Manxina 12, Markiog—(a) The date (month and year), brand of manufacturer, manufacturers serial nomber, heat nomber, carbon content designation, ‘unless otherwise specified inthe purchaser's order, and the identification mark. -AAR-MW shal be legibly amped on the back fae of the rim approximately 14 jn. from the inner edge of the rim. ‘The height of characters shall not be ‘ess than 94 in. for hot stamping nor }4in, fr cold stamping. See Fig. 4. (b) The tape siz shll be plainly stencil on the back plate in figures at east 1 ia, in eight, VII, Insescriow axo Resncrion 13, Ingpection—(@) The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all pats of the manufacturer's works which concern the manufacture of the wheels ordered. The manufactorer thall aford the in- sspector, without charge all reasonable facilities and necesary gages to eatisty him that the wheels are being furnished in accordance with these specifica. tions, Teste and inspection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment. () The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of wheels in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests, however, -shall be made atthe expense of the purchase. (©) All teats and insoection shall be 40 conducted as not to interfere ‘unneceszarily withthe operation ofthe works. 14, Rejection —(a) Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based ‘on teste rade in accordance with Section 13 (b) ehall be reported within five working days from therecept of samples. (®)_Wheels which show injurious defects while being Snished by the purchaser will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified 15, Rehearing Samples tested in accordance with Section 13 (b) which represent rejected wheels shall be preserved for two mesks from the ate ofthe test report. lo care of dissatisfaction with the rerlte ofthe test, the manufacturer may male claim fora rehearing within tht time. An 1939 meager Association of American Railroads MULTIPLE WEAR [DMENSONS woToLcena WROUGHT STEELWHEEL | [FOR] FOR 418 | Gy sx9 On| Siex10| G2 | AXLE] AXLE He 1m Sane en same 2 Et] sare (| Same ir [724 | 35e% FINISH WHEELS, 2K MINHUB WALL 1% Fig.1 A199

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