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NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY Office of the (Works) Matigaon, Guwahati-781011 No. W/14/ER/Way Leave/Pt-IV/W-4/Land Dated: 16.07.2022 Dy.Director/LML-I Railway Board, New Delhi i Sub:-Pending way leave cases (clearances) for Jal Jeevan Mission schemes, Ref: - Railway Board’s letter no. 2022/LML-1/24/37 dated 07.07.2022. Reference above, details of pending way leave cases in connection with water supply scheme under N.F. Railway is furnished at Annexure-I. This is for Board’s kind information and necessary action please. D.A: As above. Boat (Subrata Sarkar) Chief General Engineer ‘Annex It Format for furnishing the dues from State Governments to various Railway zones for renewal of clearances (way leave cases) Payment to ‘Whether under . . |Nameof| Name of water supply be madeto| Payment due Nol State phsae} IMIS code |JIMINRDWP State] "pivays | since (years) Remarks scheme ins \Siliguri W/S Division ‘West |NFR-KIR-2021-WL-05 Bengal |(Galgalia-Adhikari) Date-2608 2021 [Sigua WIS Division yest |NERKIR-2021-W1-6 2| Res, | aneananNew - [Jatpaiguri) | is a 4 |W |NFRCKIR-21WL-97 Scheme under at ‘Bengal |(Hatighisa - Bagdogra) = Siliguri Water Under | 2s ze ons di : supply division, | process fe sok Btgun WA division See feasibility ed 4g | Nes NeRxn 2021-108 ae verification [eo |(Rangapani -Nijbari) i 1 itgun WIS Division «| ex Juric 202-109 Bengal |(Nijbari - Chatterhat) oe 1 Sigur WAS Divison «| es yreina021.W1-10 ‘Bengal |(Rrangspani Nia) 1 ) [rT omihowe [arene | mf mer | stamens wemamnoat [wm twas | 9 | Assam [YM Prove y_[ sree uM. 152653 | 2021 10) Assam JM projes NFRD No-23 JM 148676 2021 i e b |Depositicn of] ese [rif mm PMP ay [RDN | I eae Coed PIM project 1578460 202k 2) Assam | erp No2s | HM , | Aleapur - Haakand) or 102028 Hel /NFR-ID No-26 JM 550398 2021 13) Assam |(aigapar- Katabhal salam Mom | wrwaionr [wef ss | ws ave [UMoropet | Nrnapnoas | 1M 154636 16 | Assam [2M proms NrRADNew | 4M {61908 seo ail oo} 17 Asam 18| Assam ir “ “Assam, ti Rural water supply |_ 25S! Renewal Cases | en see a [ a 2 Assam ase [2021 : 81888 2021 [az Assam Ung N.P, Railway 994 Office of the Divi, Rly. Manager (Works) Lumaing, No, W72/LM/Water pipe line Xing/w-s Date:~ 15 07.2022 To CGE/MLG N.F. Railway ‘Sub: - Pending Way Schemes, Ref:- (i) Rly. Board Letter No. 2022/LML-1/24/37 dtd. 07.07.2022 (i) DRM/W/LMG’s letter No. W/72/LMiWater pipe line Xing/W-s dtd. 07.10.2021. (Cid) Reminder No. (i) DRM/W/LMO’s letter No. W/72/LMWater pipe line Xing/W-5/525 dtd. 22/25.04.2022, With reference to the above, letter No. & (iil) above wherein party has been asked to deposit Way Leave Charges, the details position of Pending Way Leave Cases (clearness) for Jal Jeevan Mission Schemes are furnished as under: 'y Leave Cases (clearness) for Jal Jeevan Mission aa (i) and DRM/W/LMG’s L/ No. (ii) SN Name | Name of | IMIS | Whether Payment to be | Payment due of Water [code | under JJM/ | made to since (year) state | supply NRDWP/ Railways in Rs, | scheme state scheme 1. [Assam |~ JJM JIM Rs.30,41,566/- | Since 07.10.2021 _| : to till date. The details of pending way leave cases for Jal Jivan Mission. [S¥]"FRID [Between | Km Way Weave GST @ 18% | Total Amount. | | ae. Station Charges | Cnc D800 | aLar HRD [777772 | Rs. 108159-00_ [Re TORGR.O0 | WS LTTE OO 2 | ID/No.21 | HKD-ALGP | 16/9-16}7 | Rs.114099.00 | Rs.20537 00 Rs.134636.00 | 3 | 1D/No.22 | HKD-ALGP | 15/6-15/4 | Rs.129367.00 | Rs.23286.00 1 Re. 152653.00 | + /N0.25 | HKD-ALGP [14/9-15/5 | Rs. 125997.00 | Rs.22679.00 | “Rs.148676.00 | 5_| ID/No.24 | ALGP-HKD | 11/4-11/2 | Rs.124747.00 | Rs 2245400) Re 147201.00 6 [1D /No.25 | HKD-ALGP | 10/6-13/6 [Rs.1337678.00 | Rs. 24078200 Rs, 1578460.00 7_| 1D /No.26 | ALGP-KTX |'6/8/-10/3 | Rs.466609.00 | Rs.83989.00 | Ra 35050800 SLID No.27 | ALGP-RTX [473-471 |e. 129367 00 | Rs.23286.00~| Rs. 182653.00 2. | 1D/No.28 | ALGP-KTX |~2/8-3/1 | Rs.114099.00 | Rs.20537.00 | Rs. 134636, 00 j40 [1D /No.29 | ALGP-KTX |~2/9-6/1_| Rs.301444.00 | Rs.70460.00 | Rs 461903 .00 Total= Rs.3041566.00 | Rs.547478,00 | Rs.3589044.00 Applicant of all the above 10 cases are: The Executive Engineer, PHE, Hailakandi Division. Ta i For Divl, Rly. Manager (Works) N.P. Railway, Lumding. TSu SN. NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY are OFFICE OF THE DIVISIONAL RLY. MANAGER (Wy NF. RAILWAY, TINSUKIA No. WI276/1/P1, IVW-4 To CGEMMLG NF. Railway Date: 15-07-2022 Sub: Pending way leave cases (clearness) for Jal Jeevan Mission schemes Ref: Raiway Boi 1ard's feller No, 2022/1 ML-124/37 dated 07-07-2021, Ww terms of the above subject under reference, the details Position regarding pending j ‘way leave cases (cleamess) for Jal Jeevan Mission schemes under Tinsukia division are fumished ‘as under as per format. Annex Format for fumishing the dues from State Goverment to various Railway Zones for renewal of [S." [Name “of | Name of water | MIS code | Whether Payment to be | Payment | ' No | the state | supply scheme under made to | due since j JUMINROWPT | Railways in | (year) . State scheme | Rs, {1 | Assam: Rs. 255799/- 2021 2_ | Assam Rs. 255799 | 2024 [3] Assam —| Arsenic Mitigation —— Rs. 255799 | 2021 4 | Assam Programme Pratik 202i 5 Assam oor (Rs. eteee- | 2021 | z Total | Rs. 2376441 oy) This is for your information please. ee, Ge" Lolalv w 5: Dnt Engers so x N. F, Railway, Tinsukia A SIRARTHRIGOVERNMENT OF INDIA recat SND {AGIATATIMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (cataSIRAILWAY BOARD) No, 20220. ML-U/24/37 New Delhi, Dt: 07/07/2022 Kocarawranes WE RK ‘All Zonal Railways. Ce ub: Pending way leave cases (clearness) for Jal Jeevan Mission schemes Please find enclosed herewith the minutes ‘of meeting which was held under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary and Mission Director (AS&MD), Jal Jeevan Mission with representatives from the Ministry of Railways and States regarding pending way leave cases (clearances) for Jal Jeevan Mission schemes on 29.6.2022 at 11 AM through VC. The Gecision taken during the discussion may be seen at point 6 of the minutes of the meeting. All Zonal Railways are advised for compliance for the same. ‘Ail Zonal Railways are also advised to share State-wise dues towards their clearance renewal charges in the format enclosed at Annexure-I ofthe minutes directly to Department Of Drinking Water and Sanitation for follow-up with States fr realizing payment to Railways Acopy of the information shared may also be sent to this office. This may be treated as MOST URGENT. DA: As above. (Shekhar Kashyap) Dy. Director/LML4 Railway Board ‘W; 011-47845517 Emall- First Floor, Room No. 12a | Shakti wie et and Sanitation if Department o! fn Mission National Jal Jeeval : at 11 AM througt eeting on 29" June 2022 gps i O al and Railway Divisions an ays, Zon Discu ymary Record of | Jeevan Mission schemes. istry of Rail fideo Conference with Ministry. shag pending way leave cases (clearances) fo i retary and Mission im ‘Additional Sect 1. A meeting was held under the Chal ee a see oon rector (AS ntatives from the Ministry of Railwé Jal Jeevan Mission with represe ella ase oa le way leave cases (clearances) for Jal Jeevan Mi mi regard 29,6.2022 at 11 AM through VC. The lst of participants is at Annex I. 2.__The AS & MD thanked the Executive Director (ED) Railways and all the other officers for Participation in the meeting at short notice. Jal Jeevan Mission is a time bound programme to Provide Functional Household Tap Connection to every rural household and is to be completed y 2024. AS per the information made available by the States, the mission works require a Ramber of clearances from railways and need to be accorded in a time bound manner. He Yee to receive applications from various organizations that s eek cl Skcorded as early as possible subject to bi soe approvals are feasibility and adhy ? Dy States. Clearances are accorded at Divisional Ralway Manco hE Prescribed Procedure Processed at zonal or Ministry level. The online portal is ee oe aon —_ it for Seeking clearances under UM. it takes abo a iia fbi cee ‘Subject to, ‘compliances of requirements by ‘States like Payment ct o outs se: SAuisite charge ‘ The State-wise review was then taken up ang Are as und, tr ay Mi ir s wee Director, Jal Jeevan Mission, Uttar pr, h deta rtf 31 erg gt" cna 04 he saa oa : for eS and Payment Made for one oa (or implementing lS unable to Make bs te ot : Snverien ne @ the Payment to Rail pms ot ii Of Tamilnady re oe : 6 for ea TWA bang tl ne oa eens og Carlier accorgs Meee es ee setting tne ps Clearances, Tr ate a dues ang. 8CCOFding of clea, mauest inking rai n il Setting the clearan denna they oy esentatiy eine w) ‘Thiruvananthapuram informed that sald clearances are likely to be accorded by 7” July 2022. “The Mission Director Jal Jeevan Mission, Madhya pradesh raised concern over the Tenathy procedure of 22 steps to be followed leading to a delay of almost a year to vw) vi) 8. get the survey, preparation of estimate and raising of demand for payment by railways.there is a need for simplification of the process, He desired that railways may consider appointing State-wise nodal officer for expediting clearances. ‘The representative ‘of Odisha desired non-Jal Jeevan Mission projects also be included as part of facilitation efforts by National Jal Jeevan Mission. This was not agreed to, see satus of clearances in respect of Punjab and West Bengal was taken on record ! and railways promised to expedite the clearances. “The AS & MD NJJM requested the railways to accord priority to clearances under the mission by introducing appropriate ‘JIM tag’ in railways portal to cull them out and prioritize the same. States were requested to include the JJM tag, while applying for clearances both in the scheme name and in applicant's name. 6. i) v) vi) | After detailed discussion, the following decisions were taken: | All States were requested to apply for seeking clearances in railways online portal only. Those clearances that were sought offline earlier are also to be applied online for processing by railways— In order to avoid delay in the payment for railways to accord clearances by iplementing agencies, State Governments may consider paying it from mission funds upfront with collateral. For this a formal proposal may be sent to Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation for consideration. Railways to designate State level nodal officer for interaction with States. Subsequently ED railways has informed that Chief Engineer-General of Zonal | railways will be the nodal officer for the purpose. Railways may kindly provide the State-wise nodal officer contact details for sharing with States. \ Railways may share State-wise dues towards their clearance renewal charges in \ the enclosed format (Annex I!) so that Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation will follow-up with States for realizing payment to them Railways was requested to include the tag of ‘JIM in thelr online portal in the drop down menu for distinguishing the mission schemes for expecitious clearance. Also, whenever State Governments enter the details of schemes they need to include the ‘JM’ as prefix before the scheme and applicant's name State Governments were also requested to send their suggestions on simplifying the rallways clearance procedure in writing tothe nodal officer at DDWS. ‘The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Char and the participants: 2. Shri Pankaj Tyagi Executi 5. Shri. Yoge, & Mission pj 7. Mission j 8. Shri Senthitnathay 9. itiona| ‘Shel, AS & Mp, National Jal Jeevan Mission ‘ive Director (L&a), Ministry of 'der Shekhar, Director (LA), Ministry of Rain 4. Senior Officers from Railways from various Zones and 'ndra Kumar Sing h, Director, (num). Railways Iways Divisional offices, (4 IAATAR/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA YaATATIMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS ee. (teraaS/RAILWAY BOARD) * No. 2022/LML-I/24/32 New Delhi, Dt: 17/06/2022 Ufc General Managers, wee All Zonal Railways. Sub: Pending way leave cases on Rail Bhoomi Crossing Sewa(RBCS) portal. Please find enclosed herewith a pending list of way leave permissions on Rail Bhoomi Crossing Sewa portal. It is evident from the enclosed list that a large no. of way leave permission cases are pending in Zonal Railways for more than 03 months. Instructions have been issued in past that all way leave cases should be examined expeditiously and permission, whenever feasible should be accorded within a month time. The long pending way leave cases have been viewed very seriously by CRB & CEO/Railway Board All Zonal Railways are advised to give top priority to this matter and expedite finalization of all pending cases of Way leave permission in the portal. ” This may be treated as MOST URGENT. pe DA: As above. Sart (Shekhar Kashyap) Dy. Director/LML-+ Railway Board SE EE " PPI Peer S ST] Te) e ae TR ie | A i i geet ved Applications Pending for A oN- 195 MOST URGENT REMINDER-! NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY ites efter ter Office of the General Manager (Works) Maligaon, Guwahati - 781011 No. W/214/ER/Way Leave/Pt. IV/W-4/Land Dated: 20/04/2022 Sr. DEN/C/KIR, APDJ, RNY, MLG, LMG & TSK N. F. Railway ‘Sub: Finalization of Way Leave Cases. Ref: (i) Whatapp message received from ED/L&A, Raiway Board. (ii) This Office letter of even number dated 12.04.2022. Vide letter under reference (ii), Divisions were requested to expedite and finalize the pending Way Leave cases more than 3 months by 30.04.2022 as advised by ED/LA, Railway Board. Matter being Urgent in nature, Sr. DEN/Cs are once again requested to look into the ‘matter personally and arrange to comply Board’s instruction at the earliest This office may be kept informed regarding action taken in the matter for further disposal. Bas 2NQ (ATER) arava sfiriat wpa ner wdues wr) Copy to > XEN/Land/MLG - For information. LEE B-Gffra cbupeteh no ass 9yfers/ ‘6 cs/taprrt, on ayfor/20>>, at ogi 4s pr: ior bb Cblerf% a, sult, poh [2022 Jolo tee] GINFR onl. ta NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY Office of the iger (Works) iti — 781011 General Mai Maligaon, Guw: Dated: 12/04/2022 No. W/214/ER/Way Leave/Pt. 1V/W-4/Land , MLG, LMG & TSK Sr. DEN/C/KIR, APDJ, RI N. F. Railway ‘Sub: Finalization of Way Leave Cases. received from ED/L&A, Raiway Board — Ref : Whatapp message Executive Director/L&A, Railway Board through whatsapp message dated 12.04.2022 to ‘es of N. F. Railway (copy enclosed) with PCE, has send status of pending Way Leave cas direction to finalized the Way Leave cases pending more than three months by 30.04.2022. cerefore advised to expedite and finalize Way Leave cases pending more than 3 Divisions are the months accordingly. Please treat it as MOST URGENT. DA: As above. ad HAR (GAA REN)» er areas stra - For kind information of PCE please. we Copy to: 1. Secy. to PCE/NFR/MLG - For information. 2. XEN/Land/MLG Bi] \A9 Tome o IPPON ka posopicuco/peyde208 Jou ore YoIyM see = ‘YeOWO IEPON Aq paideooe yoy seseD mae r eer er er [eee rae sear oz aie Woy] lo pe er a [at ose. oz es esr eu 0 [zz oe iz z lane lair sz zoe Bont lo sz es ise lat oa oar a see nis} 0 ear ee er los eee. laze se feos ES o es fz ez. ze [eer ze Tr zoe 35] lo rz lat is er oo ee fest was] bo te fez rs a ere er [arc 95] o 3 er or ie oat oar ar sar Mn lo os ez ie [se Jae [sez or jesct En o i | a 2 a [oe ler os Te err sz ¥an| fo bs [os Te z oer [ez sve ON fo lor ez ez [ese EE] a eZ eo lee Eee] lo eer ee az BOOST lo ca st ve eb 29] son zinc] SERED | ON] STE — wen de< | avon em< | uow ja [WON b>] "eho. foots iv] $2809 Buipuea ia pasereiBon (Caeuuing ) seseo uojesjuied envoy Av, 4 Y Office of the Shnika NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY General Mi (Works) Maligaon, Guwahati — 781011 No. W/214/ER/Way Leave/Pt. 1V/W-4/Land Dated: 01/04/2022 Sr. DEN/C/KIR N. F. Railway Sub; Delay in finalizing pending Way Leave Cases. As per PCDO of Feb’2022 submitted by Division, pending Way-Leave cases are as under: ~~) Ttem Above 180 days. Total Cases Railway Account Gas Pipe 0 0 OFC 7 6 Oil Pipe 0 0 Water Pipe 6 6 | Total 13 12 ‘These cases may please be finalized expeditiously. oe Bet avan (Gia WER) eras sftriar Ha: b-sffue Licpothet me. 424599/2022/ Yo 65 [H6|rPR, me or.04. 2082) af 04:34 frm. ow N.F. Railway Office of the Divl. Rly. Manager (Works) N.F. Railway No. W/72/Water Pipe Line/PHE-HJI/LM/W-5 Date:- 22.02.2022 To, CGE/MLG NF. Railway, Sub: Regarding Waive off Way Leave Charge for laying Water Pipeline under the Railway Land from Pathorkhola (PKB) Tiver to Railway Ch. 186/1. Ref:- (i) Deputy Commissioner/HJI’s Letter No. HJPE 22/2019 (Pt.1) 2056 dtd. 28.01.2022. (ii) PHEE/HJI/W.351(Pt.1) 2021-22/ 1505 dtd 03.08.2021 Y Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Executive Engineer /Hojai Division wherein he has sought permission from Railway Administration for lying water pipeline under the Railway Land from Pathorkhola (PKB) river to Railway Ch. 186/1 about 6000 mt. ‘Accordingly, Way Leave Charge has been vetted by the Associate Finance Department Lumding amounting to Rs. 38,98,206/- So Executive | Engineer PHE/HJI Division was requested vide this Office Letter No. W/72/Water Pipe Line/PHE-HJI/LM/W-5 dtd 11.01.2022 to deposit the said amount through Demand Draft in favor of FA & CAO, N.F. Railway, Mailgaon. Now, Dy. Commissioner, Hojai has requested to waive off the way leave charges as the pipe line is being laid under aegis of Jal Jeevan Mission under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt. of India In model SOP, no such provision exists, Hence, the case is forwarded for perusal and necessary guidelines/instructions please, DA: - As above. aA ional Engineer/C-ord N.P. Railway, Lumding momenta Hu Oly GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM gal ae OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, HOJAI i SANKARDEV NAGAR No: HIPE 22/2019(Pt-I)/ 2oyg Date: 24.01.2022, To, fr Divisional Railway Manager (Works). NEF, Railway, Lumding, Sub: Deposition of Way leave charge for laying water pipe line under the Rly land from Pathorkhola River to Rly Ch. 186/1. Ref: Letter no. PHEE/HOJ/Misc-18/2021-22/3531, dated 21 01.2022.0f the Executive Engineer. PHE. Hojai ‘Sir, In reference to the subject cited above. | have the-honour to inform that Jal Jeevan Mission under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India, is envisioned to provide safe and adequate drinking water through individual household tap connection by 2024 to all households in rural India. 3 The scheme under greater Lumding PWSS will provide Piped Water supply to 5582 rural households. You are therefore requested to kindly wave off the Way Leave charge amounting to Rs. 38.98,206.00 as charged from your end, as surplus piped water will be provided in Lumding railway colony dra on you are requested 10 allow the PHE, Hojai Division, for laying of Water Pipeline under the Railway land from Pathorkhola River to rly Ch. 186/1. | This is for favour of your kind information and necessary consideration. Yours sincerely, ee Dep Memo No. HIPE 22/2019(Pt-I)/ (A) Date :24.01.2022 Copy to :- 1. Additional Chief Secretary, PHE, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati-6 for favour of kind information. 2. Executi Engineer, PHE, Hojai Division for necessary information / Deputy Commissioner. Hojai SNA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) 2010/CE-UMISC/NH/4.PUlIL Dated 07.06.2011 The Chief Administrative Officer (Cone), South Eastern Railway, 11, Garden Reach, Kolkata-700043 Sub: Charges applicable in case of ROB/RUB of new Railway lines crossing National Highway (NH) under NHAI jurisdiction, Ref: (i) NHAI Policy Matter (Tech.71/2010) Gi) Railway Board’s letter No, 98/CE-IMise. (14) BRO/OL.11.10, (ii) CAO/C/SER Letter no. PD/W/ROB/I dated 24.05.2011 (iv) CAO/C/ECOR letter no, CE/Con/III/BBS/RB/ROB/RUB dt 22.02.2011 Railway has approached NHAI to withdraw NHAI Policy Circular No. Tech.71 / 2010 dated 04,01. In this regard, NHAI have informed that charges are in reciprocal manner, ive. as being charged by Railway to NHAI, With respect to maintenance charges on Railway Bridge, they have clarified that in terms of Para-12 of the Policy, Railway should maintain their Railway Bridge across NH or their own, for which only 3.125% cost of civil works required for maintenance of Railway Bridge shall be payable by Railways. In view of the fact that charges are on reciprocal basis, Railway should do needful for obtaining approval of ROB/RUB across NH under NHAI in accordance with NHAI Policy Matter (Tech.71/2010) and clarificetion issued vide NHAI letter no. NHAVCGM-ROBIRIy Board/2010 (pt.) dated 29.04.2011 (¢opy enclosed). This disposes of the letter of CAO/C SER & ECOR on this subject. DA: As above. g (A.K. Gupta) 7/6] 201] Additional Member Civil Engineering Copy for similar action by; | (i) The Chief Administrative Officer , Cone., All Zonal Railways (ii) The Principal Chief Engineers, All Zonal Railways raro07as074200 , pov ns rete ata corant gfe Gr iran 911125083807 (ree afters ste urxmr serra} com sean 703 1 218 2468 | 2869 National Highways Authority of India (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways) B54 6, eee, re, af fet 110.075 5.86 Sector 10, vara New Del-110075. aril 19, 2011 NONHALCGM-ROBRIy Board 2010 Apri The Chairman Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Rail Bhawan, New Deth ‘Sub: ‘Charges applicable for constuction of ROB/RUB of new Railway lines while crossing National Highway under NHAL ex With reference 1 Railways letter No.2010;CE-UMi MHA Policy Circular No.Tech 712010 audouoi ny Construction of ROBS/RUBS by Railwa, to NHAL. The Railway Circular dtd.04.01.11 by the MoRT&H Policy Circular dtd.04.01.11: isc /NEUS pt-IIIdtd.05.04,11 in reference to issued regarding. grant of permission for © Railways have Railway bridges, due to safety of There is no need for Me etnzatidn resources and technical capability 1 will notte appropriate to permit any of vay passengers and goods, F Ministry of ‘0 construct & maintain her organization to do the same plc 0 mention ¢ charges o ROBRUB works in ew ofan, of vtous approvals eued in snseee ats rick Theme ‘been done with due discussion with the NHAL However, befor iss NHAI's ene be ats natertaen ee oe ENA as 2 Theparenise ep othe Rly foresaid observations area I under * poet We Lee Fain (WLEMROBRUD wane aerate hme eon ale i ona i abe ‘SamTy Ut construction supervision engaging ¢¢ constructiog 2 ‘consultant at the 2 pitino nites, ested gost @3.123 pay Well within their able by th Preropative to ch Ralvay cary out the ROUT, Work On their oy hice tae enn 5 oT We ata th oe oe aN towards engagis construction Oar Supervision consishan asf bed rhe "rata i tant (Ref, Para-l? of the Feet th Dteooen. Atnenan +16) and in doing so, NHAL ig ae anagement OF the eed 10 indemnity iness Principles 17% she iii, Within the mandate of the Govt, to NHAI under NHAI Act [Sub-sections 16(4) & 16 (i). to regulate and control the plying of vehicles on the highways vested in, or entrusted to, it for proper management thereof, NHAI can advise the Central Govt. on matters related to highways. As such, in NHAI Policy Circular No, 71/2010 dtd.04.01.11, nothing beyond the mandate for development, maintenance and management to regulate and control (smooth & safe movement of traffic in fulfillment of the commitment towards BOT concessionaire, if any) ‘iv. The rates to be levied for WLF/Easement rights on NH land and processing fee has been proposed on reciprocal basis being levied as per extant norms of the Railways. 3. In view of above, there is no. need to get reviewed/rectify the NHAI's Policy Circular No.71/2010 dtd.04.01.11 by the MoRT&H, being within the delegated mandate of NHAI. 4. This issues with the approval of the Chairman, NHAI. Encl, NHAI's Policy Circular No. 71/2010 dts.04.01.11 Higa, 6 hi} Chief General Manager (ROB) Tel: 011-25093308 | Fax: 011-25074100 (Exon 2435) Exnail: ssnahar@nhai ore Copy to: \/ The Executive Director, Civit Engg. (BES)Il, Min. of Railseays (Railway Board), Room No, 140A, Rail Bhawan, ‘New Dethi. Fax no. 011-23383660 (mail ~ | Siete arsfy aspamt oiferrcor ee eee ttian, Nt SPs, re vey te pnd sere) con an National Highways Authority of India iM Road Transport and Highways) SETS treo. ree, at feo ore S Owarka, New Deihi-110075 January 4, 201) POLICY MATER — Technica (7172010) (Orn ute ROOD aN NNT a0 Seb: Grant ' Permission for constructio §, ROBs RUBS by Raitways and S Flyover/tnder pass-Foot cree pridge/canal crossing proposed by State Govt, Agencies ~Policy Guidelines thereof, 1m of ted 3 These policy guidelines witl be effective from the date of issue of this eter, 4 ‘This issues with the. concurrence of Finance Div. of NHA\. eg caf - wee ¢ hief General Manager (ROR) i» Law wero ‘COMs. h Hi fa Copy for formation 'St0 Chairman Copy x Executiy, . Ve Director, New Dethj CW Eng (B&s), No, 11041/218/2007. dn January 4, 2011 (Decision taken on ROB Division File No NHALCGM-ROB Ry Board/2010) Sub: Grant of Permission for construction of i. ROBs/ RUBs by Railways and ii, Flyover/Under pass/Foot over bridge/eanal crossing proposed by State Govt. Agencies across National Highways - Policy Guidelines thereof | POLICY MATER ~ Technical (71/2010) The Poli regarding grant of Petmission for the construction of either KOB/RUB, by Railways OR Flyovers/underpasses/canal crossing etc. proposed by State/Central Govt. Agencies/Public sectors ‘across existing National Highways-Toll Roads or otherwise (hereinafter called the “way leave facilities’ or “crossing structures”) needs to be laid down by NHAl, so as to have uniform approach for processing ‘of such requests received from time to time involving NH Land. During the operation and maintenance ‘of a given NH Link (Toll road of otherwise) the need for such requests may arise due to following circumstances: (2) Provision of a new corridor requiring ROB/RUB across the existing NH (b) Provision of new State Road link crossing the existing NH Link; c) Remodeling of State lrtigation/ water supply System involving constructica af » crossing across the existing NH Link; (6) Severance caused due to provision of a new bypass agencies, Ring road alignment by State Govt (©) For any other public cause (s) conceming to State Govt. agencies / Riys ‘Communication / Public sector, Ministry of The following policy guidelines as laid down to be followed for granting of permission for such WLE or CS: 1. The concerned project CGM shall insure at the time of preparation of DPR’ FSR for capacity augmentation of NH ject bY the Technical Consultants engaged bythe NELA! necessary Crossings (ROB/RUB/ Flyover/canal crossing ete) are ping in view the safety of cluded in the scope of work lic lat large during post-constisetion phase The Scope of such *Crossings' are generally considered as part of the upgradation projest and therefore cost of the same is borne by NHAI 2. Since Railway authorities are separptely allocated 124% of Cess Revenue out of CRF towards Railway safety works which primarily is utilized by Railways for the replacement of existing Railway Level X-ings all possible efforts therefore shall be made for inclusion in the Railway programme of such replacement of existing Railway Level X-ings which fall on the align int finalized during Page

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