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Ambo University

Hachalu Hundessa Campus

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Title: Soil Mechanics-II (CEng3143) Class Year: 3rd

Assignment: 20% Admission Type: Regular

1) A square footing 2m is to be constructed in sand with c’ = 0,  ' =400 ɣ = 18kN/m2. The

thickness of the footing is 0.7m and depth of footing is 1.5m below the horizontal ground
surface. The footing is subjected to a central vertical force of 550 kN and a central
horizontal force (parallel to the sides) of 300 kN. Find the ultimate bearing capacity by
(a) Meyerhof’s and (b) Hansen’s equations. ….(4%)
2) Re-do question 1 assuming that the groundwater level is at the footing level (1.5m below
the ground surface). The saturated unit weight is 21 kN/m3. …….(4%)
3) For the frictionless wall shown in the figure below, determine: ……….(4%)
a) The active lateral earth pressure distribution with depth.
b) The passive lateral earth pressure distribution with depth.
c) The magnitude and location of the active and passive forces.

4) For the soil element shown in the figure below, determine the maximum and minimum
principal stresses. Also determine the normal and shear stress on plane AB. ……….(4%)

Ambo University
Hachalu Hundessa Campus
Department of Civil Engineering

5) A soil profile is shown in the figure below. Calculate the total and effective stresses at A,
B, C and D. The following values are given. …….(4%)

Figure. Soil profile


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