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สหกิจศึกษาฝึกงาน / Internship Training

Internship Training Report

Office of the Board of Investment (BOI)

Student Name: Miss Wantana Tarakachad

Student ID: 54010329
Major: International Business Communication
Department: Sripatum International College
University: Sripatum University
Student Address: 22/24 Village no.2, Bangpood, Pakkret, Nonthaburi, Thailand 11120
Telephone: (+66) 82-241-1797
Place of Internship: Office of the Board of Investment
555 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., Chatujuk, Bangkok, Thailand 10900

Duration: 5th January – 24th April 2015


The subject “IBC499 Co-Operative” represents the final subject that is taken by 4 th
students. This subject is required from every university students in order to successfully
fulfill the credit and subject recruitment proceeding to graduation. This subject required the
lasts sixteen weeks before graduation for the student to get their opportunities to place
themselves into the real working life, real work environment and gain first experiences
outside the university. The aim is to help student prepared for their real life and develop a
certain degree of awareness and confidence.
As an international four-year undergraduate student at Sripatum International College,
Sripatum University, I was given a lot of opportunity to enroll for this of the last subjects and
experience the so called “Internship” at Office of the Board of Investment (BOI) within an
working environment that provided me with valuable new insights and experiences
throughout four months (sixteen weeks). The internship period ranged from 5 th January until
24th April 2015. During the internship semester I learned various new aspects of working
environment and to appreciate old and refreshed former knowledge based on pervious work
experience as well as very new life experiences. I gained much of usable, new and valuable
knowledge for life that will be very helpful and could be utilized with future tasks and
assignments. A major benefit was a chance to experience and apply to learned theories of
many subjects of my undergraduate studies in the practical and real business, real business
owner, context and environment.
This report is intended to serve as an elaboration, explanation and summary of what I
was actually done, learned and experienced throughout the internship semester at Office of
the Board of Investment and serve to fulfill the requirements for the successful completion of
the internship course. So, I could prepare for a successful graduation for the Bachelor of Art
in International Business Communication (IBC) and the path into my future. Also explains
the personal objectives, job description, theories involved, summary, benefit that I gained and
วิธีการ / ขั้นตอนในการทาโครงงานหรือ ลักษณะงานที่ปฏิบัติ
Process and Steps in Conducting the Project

This report is intended to serve as an elaboration, explanation and summary of what

was actually done, learned and experienced throughout the internship semester at Office of
the Board of Investment to fulfill the requirements for the successful completion of the
internship course. So, I can prepare for a successful graduation for the Bachelor of
International Business Communication. The report gives an insight into businesses itself and
explains the personal objectives, job description, theories that were involved, summary,
benefit that I gained, and recommendation.

Core task, Duties and Responsibilities

 To have a proactive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve

 To be motivated and committed, approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and seizing
opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge in order to improve your personal
 To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changing requirements including
the performance of any tasks requested of you.
 To maintain high team focus by showing co-operation and support to colleagues in
the pursuit of team goals.
 To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that
of others in your workplace.

Weekly Activities Logs:

My routine always doing about of checking and searching about investment news
of each country that I got from my director and staffs. Sometimes, I have to help them
making documents by Microsoft office, thus, MS word, Excel and Powerpoint
presentation. Submit the documents to other departments as well. Furthermore, I also
have a chance to be registration of seminar about overseas investment.

Knowledge and Skills Gained:

 Communication Skill with the guests that came into seminar.

 How to communicate with other people in departments and another department.
 How to adjust myself into various situation when working outside the office.
 How to greeting guests in difference way with their level.
 How to prepared welcome the guests.
 Be punctual is very important
Theories Involved

List of students’ subject studies, which can be adapted to the work environment are
provided below:

IBC121 – Fundamental English

A study of English communication skills, such as reading, writing speaking which

mostly I have reading. I focused on read investment news on websites.

IBC223 – Advanced English

Practice reading and summarizing selected articles on different topics dealing with
economy from journals and news on websites.

IBC251 – Communication Management

A study of communication roles in complex organizations. Relationship between


IBC253 – Organization and Management

Structure and roles of organization, management techniques and controlling.

IBC258 – Macroeconomics

National income, employment, output, inflation, business cycles, saving investment,

interest rates, growth theories and government policy.

IBC273 – Asean Culture and Business Studies

This kind of work more focus on cultures and contemporary politics which how they
relate to Asian businesses. Doing an investment has a highly risks, should make the decision

IBC274 – Office Automation

An exploration of information applied to the business office. Use of business

computer software. Applying information technology for office management.

IBC344 – Critical Reading and Writing

Focus on the readings of business topics with aim to develop skills for active
evaluation and criticism of statements and method used.

IBC376 – Introduction to International Business

An overview of international business, market entry, overseas investment,

multinational corporation, organization and control in international operations, international
humans resource management.

During my internship, I got a lot of experiences of real working. This internship gave
me a chance to acquire the proper understanding of working at office of the Board of
Investment (BOI).
In additional, the experiences that I have got cannot be compared to any workplace.
The different things and experience that I have been through during my internship has
allowed me to expand my personal knowledge and working experiences completely new and
previously unexplored. This experience allowed me to learned more about how to work in the
government sector, which kind of work that I have been working they should to get more
activeness and intent put into the work, which it can lead to accomplishment. Especially, I
learned to develop my responsibility for adapting into the real working situation.
Finally, the theory knowledge of the undergraduate studies could be applied to my
internship, so I can adapt and improve my skill and logic to be useful to reduced problems. I
truly thankful for the opportunities that this internship program have provided to me and
made me expand my skills, experiences, knowledge, facing and preparing for the real life. It
is very useful and helpful to my future career.

Benefits Gained from the Co-Operative Study

 Increase my knowledge, self-development, and more responsibilities.

 Better working performance through a better understanding of the study content
gained from practical application at the workplace.
 Successful to all the requirements for graduation credits.
 Knew about management skills.

All internship programs benefit and allow a student to apply the theoretical
knowledge of former studies to use in real environment and be ready for their future life.
Therefore, an internship program may also give you general ideas of what you might like or
dislike of the work you do or even find yourself of what you really want to do in your life.
So, it chance for you to find yourself and what you are good at.

Finally, students not to miss such an experience, interesting, and opportunities for you
to fully know yourself and prepare yourself for the upcoming chapter of your life.


First of all, I would like to thank you all the professors who provided great support,
knowledge, and assistance throughout each semester that I encountered during my studies at
Sripatum International College. Each of them provided valuable knowledge and experiences
in their subjects their own but effective ways because each of them has their own personality,
qualification, and standard. Furthermore, I would like to thanks

Dr. Khosak Achawakorn Director

Dr. Pakakorn Rakrachakarn Assitant Director
Dr. Sutthiporn Chinnapha Advisor
Ajarn Rohit Agarwal Member
Ajran Budsabawan Karasutha Member
Ajarn Boonyarat Samphanwattanchai Member
Ajarn Boonyachot Suteerawattananon Member

I would like to thank the following people for their unfailing, enthusiasm,
encouragement and to thank all those who have helped me as I worked my way through this
internship at Office of the Board of Investment. . I would have not come this far if I do not
have the support and help from this organization. I also thank those people who worked hard
to support how to do my internship report into production.

Finally, I am grateful for their careful reading and insightful suggestions, which
expanded and clarified thinking many ways. The errors in my book are my own, but the
strengths were established through their help. My text is a much more useful product because
of the comments and suggestions of the following. For all the supports and knowledge that
you all have given to me. Thank you to all professor and assistants of Sripatum International
College from the bottom of my heart.

Location of Work Place
Office of the Board of Investment
555 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road,
Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand 10900
Tel.: (+66) 2553 8111
Fax: (+66) 2553 8222

Advisor while Working on Site

Name: Mr. Audsitti Soithong

ตำแหน่ง(Position): Assistant Director of Thailand Overseas Investment Center

ชื่ออาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา (Advisors):
1. Dr. Sutthiporn Chinnapha

History of the Writer

ชื่อ – สกุล First– Last Name: Miss Wantana Tarakachad

สาขาวิชา (Major): International Business Communication
มหาวิทยาลัย (University): Sripatum International College (SIC), Sripatum University
ที่อยู่ (Address): 22/24 Village no.2 Bangpood, Pakkret, Nonthaburi, Thailand 11120
เบอร์โทรศัพท์ (Telephone): (+66) 85-241-1797

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