The Environment Is My Responsibility

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Subject: Moral Education Book 1

Grade- 5
Unit-2: Taking Responsibility for Oneself and Others
Lesson 5- The Environment is My Responsibility

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to

• Examine the impact of human activities that lead to environmental degradation.

• Propose measures to protect the environment.

General Instructions:
✓ Study from the Moral Education worksheet for your assessments.
✓ Maintain the notebook work as instructed by your teacher.

I. Read the questions carefully and choose the correct options:

1) Which of the following activities is a significant contributor to deforestation?
a. Wind energy generation
b. Organic farming
c. Urbanization
d. Public transportation
Answer: c. Urbanization

2) Which of the following can NOT be considered as an impact of climate change?

a. Global warming
b. Melting of glaciers in the arctic region
c. Rising of sea levels
d. Maintenance of ecological balance
Answer: d. Maintenance of ecological balance

3) Assertion: The Government of UAE plays a crucial role to promote sustainable

Reason: The Government of UAE is striving to achieve a sustainable society and the goal
of net-zero emissions.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
c. A is correct but R is wrong.
d. A is wrong but R is correct.
Answer: a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
4) Which of the following factors is NOT directly responsible for marine pollution?
a. Plastic Pollution
b. Oil Spills
c. Desertification
d. Industrial Discharges
Answer: c. Desertification

5) How can we implement waste management strategies to protect the natural environment
of Earth?
a. Increase Waste Generation
b. Create awareness against Recycling Programmes
c. Discourage composting
d. Encourage research and innovation in waste management technologies
Answer: d. Encourage research and innovation in waste management technologies

6) If you were an environmentalist, which of the following initiatives would

you adopt to create sustainable environment on mother Earth?
a. Encourage peers for extensive use of plastic products
b. Avoid afforestation and emphasize on deforestation
c. Sustainable Transportation
d. Use the power of media to raise protest against paperless teaching
Answer: c. Sustainable Transportation

II. Match the key words of Column A with the descriptions of Column B:

Column A Column B
1. Natural Resources a. gases in Earth's atmosphere that trap the
Sun's heat

2. Deforestation b. extinction of species

3. Loss of biodiversity c. air and water
4. Greenhouse gases d. fertile areas become increasingly arid
5. Desertification e. permanent removal of trees to make
room for something

Answer: 1-c, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a & 5-d

III. Answer the following questions:
1) List various natural resources that are affected due to environmental pollution.
Answer: i) Water, ii) Oil, iii) Natural Gas, iv) Coal, v) Phosphorus, vi) Rare Earth elements, vii)
Nuclear Energy etc.

2) Draw a web chart to depict different types of pollution.


Air Pollution

Pollution Pollution

Types of Pollution

3) ‘Late His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s achievements to develop
sustainable environment impacts the lives of citizens and residents of modern UAE.’
Answer: Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan was deeply concerned about
environmental issues.
• He banned fishing in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in 1977.
• However, his greatest achievement was the greening of the desert of the UAE which is
considered an environmental miracle.
• Under his rule, ground water was protected, bridges were built and plants were cultivated
using environmental-friendly soil fertilisers manufactured in a purpose-built factory.
• One of his key achievements was the roadside planting scheme along with the Abu
Dhabi-Al Ain Highway.
• Establishment of several natural reserves in the UAE-The most important natural reserve
was the Sir Bani Yas Island Nature Reserve that is an important sanctuary for preserving
rare endangered species.
4) How do human activities contribute to environmental degradation?

a. Deforestation: The clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, and urbanization leads to
habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and increase the level of carbon

b. Environmental Pollution: Industrial and domestic activities release various pollutants

into the environment.

c. Climate Change: Human activities such as burning of fossil fuels, deforestation,

overpopulation, environmental poution lead to global warming and climate change
resulting in disruption of our ecosystems.

IV. Read the paragraph and answer the questions (To be done in the notebook)
Mohammed and Mark were exercising on the beach. While they were running, they saw algae
and dead fish in the water.

As they were talking about this matter, a man came along and took some photographs. Mark was
interested and said, ‘Why are you taking pictures? Are you a journalist?’
The man said that he was not a journalist, but a teacher of Moral Education. He said his name
was Ziad and that he was taking the pictures to show his class the next day.

Ziad explained that he was teaching his class about the environment. He wanted his students to
be aware of environmental issues and be prepared to take responsibility for protecting the natural

1) What might have caused the fishes to die?

Answer: The fish died due to marine pollution caused by oil spills, littering of trash, ocean
mining, contamination of water due to chemical wastes etc.

2) How can we reduce the adverse impact of human activities on environment?

Answer: i) Use products made from recycled materials.
ii) Practice energy conservation by turning off lights and appliances when not in use.
iii) Use public transportation instead of driving for short distance.
iv) Sustainable Agriculture: Support organic farming that promotes biodiversity and protects
the soil.
v) Conserve water and support measures to reduce air pollution.
vi) Support initiatives that protect forests and promote reforestation.

V. Critical Thinking Question (To be done in the notebook):

‘Media plays a commendable role in educating people about the adverse impacts of
environmental pollution.’ – Justify the given statement.
Answer: Media creates awareness among the common people about environmental protection
and conservation of natural resources through myriad ways:
❑ News Coverage
❑ Investigative journalism
❑ Documentary films
❑ Social media and online platforms
❑ Public service announcements
❑ Opinions and editorials

VI. Cross-Curricular Link-Moral Education and Art (To be done in the notebook)

a) Design a poster on the theme ‘Let’s nurture the nature so that we can have a better
b) Prepare a brief report on UAE Government’s green economy for sustainable
development. (Moral Education-English)

Reflective Log: (To be done in the notebook)

My Reflection

I learnt………………………….
I wish to learn…………………….

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