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Dr. Sebi was born in Honduras as Alfred Bowman.

Born in 1933, he was renowned for

his approach to disease that may be termed as unorthodox. He was an herbalist, naturalist,
pathologist, and biochemist. His approach to healing the human body attracted the attention of
people due to its uniqueness. Dr. Sebi’s methodology approached disease as a condition that
exacerbates in the body due to various conditions. Specifically, he claimed that diseases thrive in
an acidic environment. Therefore, it is necessary to create an alkali environment where illnesses
will have no opportunity to develop.
Dr. Sebi questioned the premise on which western medicine is based that organisms such
as bacteria and viruses are responsible for disease. In the attempt to treat illnesses from this
perspective, patients are administered substances that also harm them. These substances have
properties such as being inorganic and carcinogenic. As such, the treatment process does not
create a solution but rather it creates an environment for more disease to spread. Dr. Sebi notes
that despite several centuries of European medicine, many diseases have still not been cured.
The alternative to the European approach is an African approach that promises better
results. Instead of examining diseases in terms of pathogens such as bacteria, Dr. Sebi purports
that disease exists where the mucous membrane has been altered. Most surfaces of internal
organs are lined with mucus. When this mucosal layer is compromised, disease are manifested.
Dr. Sebi purpots that diseases only exist in an acidic environment. Therefore, it is essential to
employ compounds of natural plants that are alkaline. Dr. Sebi’s claim that his dietary
recommendations can cure diseases such as cancer and HIV landed him in legal trouble when he
was sued for practicing medicine without a license.
Dr. Sebi’s diet is vegan as it discourages the consumption of animal products. The dietary
recommendations are not focused on weight loss. However, given the great deviance from
conventional western diets, the diet may result in weight loss. The diet promotes the
consumption of a plan-based diet made up of unprocessed foods. Empirical studies have found
that those who adhered to some or all of the diet recommendations of Dr. Sebi lost more weight
than those who did not follow the diet plan. Most of the foods in the diet are low in calories.
They are also low in sugar, salt, as well as fat. Even after following this diet plan, an individual
may gain weight when they go back to conventional diets. Nevertheless, Dr. Sebi’s diet plans do
not specify the amount of calories in servings.
Dr. Sebi’s die offers various potential benefits. The diet emphasizes the consumption of
large quantities of vegetables and fruits which are high in vitamins, mineral, as well as fiber.
Diets that are rich in plants can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress which are proven to
prevent certain diseases. Some researchers have uncovered a link between a high plant diet and
lower incidence of common causes of mortality such as cancer and heart disease. More so,
processed foods are associated with increased likelihood of disease. Processed foods have been
altered to achieve some objectives such as increased shelf-life which often goes against
nutritional requirements. Fiber-rich whole grain foods have been associated with lower risk of
diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
Dr. Sebi’s dietary recommendations also come with several potential downsides. The diet
plans are highly restrictive. The plans are based on what our ancestors were used to before they
discovered fire and tools. Therefore, the diet is based on what could be obtained without much
exertion of tools and technology. This included wild plants, roots, fruits, and wild grains.
Applying such a diet to the modern individual raises issues of efficiency given it may be difficult
to obtain such foods. The diet system restricts a wide variety of foods such as beans, lentils,
animal proteins, and even some types of fruits and vegetables. The dietary system may result in
unhealthy relationships with foods that are vilified. The diet system restricts many foods that are
vital sources of protein. Protein-deficiency may therefore develop in individuals who adhere to
the dietary plans. To meet the daily recommended intakes of certain nutrients, individuals have
to eat large portions of the allowed foods.
Dr. Sebi’s dietary system has also been criticized for not following scientific principles in
drawing its conclusions. There is no established body of scientific studies to prove the claims
made he made. For instance, body regulates the acid-base balance to achieve a pH of slightly
above seven making the body slightly alkaline. It is also not well established that a diet changes
the pH of the blood or in the organs.
Dr. Sebi had a significant following of people who adhered to his dietary
recommendations. Although the diet he recommends offers certain health benefits, it raises
issues of sustainability if it does not observe scientific principles. Dr. Sebi’s approach to
medicine may be based on pseudoscience. Nevertheless, his work stirred the minds of many
stakeholders who have embarked on a quest to establish the validity and soundness of his claims.

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