Script Plot F1 and F2 To Draw Acoustic Acoustic Vowel Space Chart

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# Draw one formant point as a one-Bark circle on a Bark-scale F1/F2 chart

# This script is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
# Copyright Mietta Lennes 5.11.2004

form Draw one-Bark formant circle on a Bark-scale F1/F2 formant chart

boolean Clear_Picture_window_first yes
comment Formant values (Hz):
real f1 500
real f2 1500
comment Formant chart minima and maxima (Hz):
real f1_minimum 200
real f1_maximum 1000
real f2_minimum 600
real f2_maximum 2500
sentence Vowel_label a
optionmenu Line_style 1
option Plain line
option Dashed line
optionmenu Colour 1
option Black
option Grey
option Silver
option Red
option Blue
option Green
option Cyan
option Lime
option Purple

if clear_Picture_window_first = 1
Erase all

Line width... 1
Font size... 16

call AddBarkScale f1_minimum f1_maximum f2_minimum f2_maximum 1

Line width... 3

# switch to Bark scale:

f1bark = hertzToBark (f1)
f2bark = hertzToBark (f2)

f1low = f1bark - 0.5

f1high = f1bark + 0.5
f2low = f2bark - 0.5
f2high = f2bark + 0.5

Draw ellipse... -f2high -f2low -f1high -f1low
Paint ellipse... White -f2high -f2low -f1high -f1low
Plain line
Text... -f2bark Centre -f1bark Half 'vowel_label$'


procedure AddBarkScale f1min f1max f2min f2max garnish

# This procedure adds Bark scale tick marks and lines to a

# reversed-and-inverted-axes F1/F2 formant chart (the traditional style).
# The input parameters for minima and maxima must be in Hertz.
# Remember that if you want to use Hertz scale for drawing after this
# procedure, you have to redefine the axes!!!

Draw inner box

if garnish = 1
Text top... no Bark
Text right... no Bark

f1min_Bark = hertzToBark (f1min)

f1max_Bark = hertzToBark (f1max)
f2min_Bark = hertzToBark (f2min)
f2max_Bark = hertzToBark (f2max)

Axes... -f2max_Bark -f2min_Bark -f1max_Bark -f1min_Bark

Marks top every... 1 1 no yes yes

Marks right every... 1 1 no yes yes

if garnish = 1
One mark left... -f1max_Bark no no no 'f1max:0'
One mark left... -f1min_Bark no no no 'f1min:0'
One mark bottom... -f2max_Bark no no no 'f2max:0'
One mark bottom... -f2min_Bark no no no 'f2min:0'

f1scale = floor ((f1max - f1min) / 100)

f2scale = floor ((f2max - f2min) / 100)

for x to f2scale
f2value = hertzToBark (f2min + (x * 100))
if (f2min + (x * 100) = 1000 or f2min + (x * 100) = 2000) and garnish = 1
mark = f2min + (x * 100)
mark$ = "'mark:0'"
mark$ = ""
One mark bottom... -f2value no yes no 'mark$'

for y to f1scale
f1value = hertzToBark (f1min + (y * 100))
if (f1min + (y * 100) = 500 or f1min + (y * 100) = 1000) and garnish = 1
mark = f1min + (y * 100)
mark$ = "'mark:0'"
mark$ = ""
One mark left... -f1value no yes no 'mark$'


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