Bus310 - All MTA 1

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

environmental scanning is the firm ability to scan its enviroment to predict changes and detect changes that are there

enviromental monitoring is the analysis of the firms external Environment to track the environmental changes in trends activities and events

Economics of scale is the firm ability to collect and interpret information from its competitors
product differentiation
capital requirements
Access to distribution channels
switching costs

Tangable resources are easy to identify such as physical assets, financial assets, organizational assets
intangable rescources are usually hard to imitate like human resources, innovation resources and reputation resources.

Chapter 3

e-teams are teams that work in different location and complete tasks through electronic communication.
1- geographically seperated.
2-communicate throgh email.


cost leadership pitfalls :

1- too much focus on 1 or few value-chain activities
2- stratgy is easily imitated
3- increase in cost of inputs
4- lack of variety on differentiation
5- reduced flexibility

differentiation strategy pitfalls :

1- uniqueness that is not valuable.
2- too much differentiation.
3- too high of a price for premium.
4- differentiation might be different for buyers.
5- differentiation easily imetated.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

Balanced Score:
is a method of evaluating the firms
performance to measure from
customer , innovation, financial and
internal and learning
Intened strategy:
which organizations decision is
based on analysis only. it rarely
survives in this form and most
organizations start like this.

Relized Startgy:
which an organization decisions
are based on analysis and
external enviroment changes,
and its the strategy that the
organisation usually follow.
Example: AOU changed its
strategy when Covid-19 hit.

Chapter 1
Chapter 1

Chapter 3

1- buyer quality can
affect the product.
2-one supplier sell to
multiple markets.
3-only few firms in
Chapter 1
the industry.
4-theres no
5-products have
differentiation and
switching costs.
Chapter 2

Electronic teams are teams that
accomplish tasks together
communicating electronic


Advantages of cost leadership
strategy: B
1-Protects the firms from its Advantages of differentiation
competitors. strategy:
2-Protects the firm from powerful 1-Creates higher entry barriers due
buyers. to customer loyality.
3-Provides substantial entry 2-increase margines to cope with
barriers due to economics of scale. supplier power.
4-Provides flexibility to cope with 3-Reduce power of buyers.
demand. 4-Establish customer loyality.
5-Puts the firm in a favourable
position from other sub products.
Chapter 3
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

MTA-2022-2023 fall



Chapter 2
MTA | 2022-2023 spring

Chapter 1

1. .



BUS310-MTA- Spring 2022-2023.

Chapter 1



MTA-2022-2023 fall
Chapter 2

Chapter 2 3


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