Exp Finals Reviewer

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EXP FINALS REVIEWER test a treatment when there How did Kazdin explain the

are insufficient subjects to decision of many clinical

Within subject designs small
conduct a large N study and researchers to end without a
when she wants to avoid the return to baseline?
What is a large n design? ethical problem of an
It would be ethically
untreated control group.
A large N design compares indefensible to cause a
the performance of groups of how about animal patient to relapse by
subjects. researcher? returning to baseline after
treatment appeared to
How does a large N design Animal researchers prefer
improve behavior.
differ from a small N design? small N designs to minimize
the acquisition and When is this most
A small N design studies one maintenance cost, training important?
or two subjects, often using time, and possible sacrifice of
variations of the ABA reversal When relapse threatens the
their animal subjects.
design (A = baseline health or safety of the
condition; B = experimental Which historical patient or others, as in in
condition; A = verify the development caused the self-injurious, and suicidal or
change in behavior). shift to large N design? homicidal behavior

Aggregate effects Sir Ronald Fisher’s (1935) What price do researchers

creation of the analysis of pay when they can’t return
Aggregate effects are the variance allowed inferential to baseline?
pooled findings from many testing of large N data.
subjects They can’t rule out the
Where have small N designs possibility that the patient’s
Why do small N research been most extensively used? clinical improvement was
challenge large N caused by an extraneous
experiments? Small N designs have been
most extensively used in
They argue that large N operant conditioning Multiple baseline design
studies ignore individual research.
subject responses to the IV In a multiple baseline design,
and instead report aggregate B. F. Skinner examined the a series of baselines and
results or trends. When continuous behavior of treatments are compared
subjects vary greatly in their individual subjects in within the same subject, and
response to the IV, this can preference to analyzing once treatments are
create the appearance of no discrete measurements from administered, they are not
difference between the separate groups of subjects. withdrawn.
Baseline This approach could also be
Why might a clinical used to evaluate the effect of
In both large and small N
psychologist use small N a treatment administered to
designs, baseline are control
designs? different individuals after
conditions that allow us to
baselines of different
A clinical psychologist could measure behavior without
lengths. A researcher can
use a small N design to the influence of the IV.
evaluate the effects of a
treatment on two or more participants succeed. For The similarity of human
behaviors or on the same example, initially, a subject sensory systems allows
behavior in different settings. might receive a reward for 30 researchers to generalize
minutes of daily exercise, from a small number of
How might this design
later, for 45 minutes, and subjects.
overcome the ethical
finally, for 60 minutes.
problem of withdrawing an When is a small N designs
effective treatment? Reinforcement for successive appropriate?
approximations of the target
In a multiple baseline design, When studying a clinical
behavior is central to athletic
an experimenter never subject (a self-injurious child)
training, behavior
withdraws treatments after or when very few subjects
modification, and
administering them. are available.
biofeedback and neuro
How do researchers analyze feedback. When would we prefer a
data from small N large N design?
Discrete trials design
A large N design would be
A discrete trials design is a
Researchers often visually desirable when we have
small N design without
inspect changes in the sufficient subjects and want
baselines used in
dependent variable across to increase generalizability.
psychophysical research.
treatment conditions. The
Instead, the impact of The generalizability of a large
independent variable’s effect
different levels of the N study depends on how we
is often apparent.
independent variable is select our sample since a
They may also use statistics averaged across 100s to seriously biased sample will
to analyze small N data. 1000s of trials. not represent the
Why is statistical analysis of How does a discrete trials
small N data controversial? design differ from a typical Why doesn’t a large N study
experiment? always have greater
Critics are concerned about
generalizability than a small
generalizing from a single A discrete trials design has
N study?
subject to a population. no baselines and administers
the levels of the independent If a large N study’s sample is
Unless 50 measurements are variable 100s to 1000s of biased, we will be unable to
taken during each baseline times to each subject. generalize its findings to a
and treatment phase,
larger population. Also, if it is
important assumptions What are a discrete trails
poorly controlled, there will
underlying inferential tests designs benefits?
be no valid findings to
may be violated.
The large number of data generalize.
Changing criterion designs points produced by 100s to
Why doesn’t a large N study
1000s of trials provides a
In changing criterion designs, always have greater
very reliable measurement of
the criteria for reinforcement generality a small N study?
the effect of the independent
are incrementally increased variable. In contrast, a well-controlled
small N experiment
using a single subject might share at least one What is statistical
be successfully replicated characteristic in common significance?
across sufficient subjects to (like passengers on a car).
Results are statistically
generalize its results to the
A sample is a subset of the significant when the
population from which they
population that we use to difference between our
were drawn.
draw inferences about the treatment groups exceeds
Why we need statistics? population. the normal variability of
scores on the dependent
The Argument for Using What does it mean when we
Statistics conclude that our scores
probably came from same Statistical significance means
Statistics are quantitative
population? that there is a treatment
measurements of samples.
effect at an alpha level we
Through statistics we can The differences in scores
have preselected, like .01 or
quantify the phenomena we obtained from separate
observe. It provides treatment groups are not
researchers to with objective significantly greater than Alternative hypothesis
and consensual techniques what we might expect
The alternative hypothesis
for describing their results. between any samples
(H1) is the statement that
randomly drawn from this
What do statistics tell us? the scores came from
population. When
different populations the
Statistical Inference is about researchers report this
independent variable
making a statement about outcome, it means that were
significantly affected the
the population and all its was no treatment effect.
dependent variable.
samples based on what we
What is variability?
see in the data that we have. When may we reject the null
For a set of dependent hypothesis?
Descriptive statistics
variable measurements,
describe sample central We may reject the null
there is variability when the
tendency and variability. hypothesis when the
scores are different.
differences between
Inferential statistics allow us
Variability “spreads out” a treatment groups exceed the
to draw conclusions about a
sample of scores drawn from normal variability in the
parent population from a
a population. dependent variable at our
sample. In research, we do
chosen level of significance.
not outright conclude a What is null hypothesis?
statement; but rather proves What does a frequency
The null hypothesis (H0) is
a certain probability. distribution of scores
the statement that the
Define sample and scores came from the same
population population and the The frequency distribution
independent variable did not displays the number of
A population is a set of
significantly affect the individuals contributing a
people, animals, or objects
dependent variable. specific value of the
dependent variable in a
What does a frequency A non-directional hypothesis How should we support null
distribution of score reveal? predicts that the two groups hypothesis testing?
will have different values on
The values of the dependent An American Psychological
the dependent variable:
variable are indicated Association task force
For example: The recommended that
on the horizontal X-axis
experimental group and researchers include
(abscissa) and the
control estimates of effect size and
frequencies of these values
confidence intervals, in
are indicated on the vertical group will achieve different
addition to p values.
Y-axis (ordinate). You can systolic blood pressure
calculate the total number of reductions. When you calculate a p value
participants by adding the that is statistically significant,
What is a significance level
frequencies. this means that your results
and how do we select one?
are unlikely to be due to
Why does rejecting the null
The significance level (alpha) chance (are probably real).
hypothesis depend on data
is our criterion for deciding
variability? Effect size
whether to accept or reject
The decision to accept or the null hypothesis. Effect size estimates the
reject the null hypothesis strength of the association
Psychologists do not use a
depends on whether the between the independent
significance level larger than
differences we measure and dependent variable—
between treatment groups the percentage of the
are significantly greater than What is significance level variability in the dependent
the normal variability among and how do we select one? variable is due to the
people in the population. independent variable.
A significance level of .05
The greater the normal means that a pattern of How should we support null
variability in the population, results is so unlikely that it hypothesis testing?
the larger the difference could have occurred by
A confidence interval is a
between groups required to chance fewer than 5 times
range of values above and
reject the null hypothesis. out of 100.
below a sample mean that is
Contrast directional and What are type 1 and type 2 likely to contain the
non-directional hypothesis errors? population mean (usually
95% or 99% of the time).
A directional hypothesis A Type 1 error (a) is rejecting
predicts the “direction” of the null hypothesis when it is What is critical region?
the difference between two correct. The experimenter
A critical region is a region of
groups on the dependent determines the risk of a Type
the distribution of a test
variable. 1 error by selecting the alpha
statistic sufficiently extreme
For example: The to reject the null hypothesis.
experimental group will A Type 2 error (b) is
For example, if our criterion
lower their systolic blood accepting the null hypothesis
is the .05 level, the critical
pressure more than the when it is false.
region consists of the most
control group.
extreme 5% of the  What is the level of an absolute zero. This scale
distribution. measurement of the allows us to state that 2
dependent variable meters are twice as long as 1
To reject the null hypothesis,
 Are the subjects meter.
the test statistic would have
to fall within the shaded Example: distance in meters
critical region. Summarize the properties of or time in seconds.
the four levels of
What are the one tailed and How does the level of
two tailed test? measurement affect the test
A nominal scale assigns tines we sue?
A one-tailed test has a
to two or more distinct
critical region at one tail of Nonparametric tests use
categories that can be
the distribution. We use a nominal or ordinal data.
named using a shared
one-tailed test with a
feature, but does not Parametric tests require
directional hypothesis.
quantify items. interval or ratio data.
A two-tailed test has two
Example: you can sort When should we use the chi
critical regions, found at
pictures into attractive and square test?
opposite ends of the
unattractive categories.
distribution. We use a two- When the data are nominal
tailed test with a non- An ordinal scale measures and the groups are
directional hypothesis. the magnitude of the DV independent, which means
using ranks. This scale allows the experimenter assigns
What is the function of
us to make statements about different subjects to them.
inferential statistics?
contestants’ relative speed.
What does it reveal?
Inferential statistics allow us
Example: marathon
to predict the behavior of a The chi square test
contestants are assigned to
population from a sample. determines whether the
places from first place to last
frequency of sample
Examples of inferential place.
responses represents the
statistics are the t test and F
An interval scale measures frequencies we would expect
the magnitude of the DV in the population.
Analyzing results using equal intervals
Explain the meaning of the
between values with no
The parameters of data obtained (C2 obt) and critical
absolute zero point.
analysis values, and cramer’s
Example: Fahrenheit or coefficient delta?
 How many
Centigrade temperatures,
independent The c2 obt is the actual
and Sarnoff and Zimbardo’s
variables are there? frequency of responses.
0-100 scale.
 How many treatment
The critical value is the
conditions are there? A ratio scale measures the
minimum value required to
 Is the experiment magnitude of the DV using
reject the null hypothesis.
run between or equal intervals between
within subjects? values and
Cramer’s coefficient Φ is When may we reject the null When do we use an analysis
analogous to r2 and indexes hypothesis? of variance?
the degree of association
We reject the null hypothesis We use an analysis of
between priming and the
when tobt > tcrit. For 9 df, if variance when data are
number of incorrect
tobt > 2.262, we would reject interval or ratio level and
the null hypothesis. there is at least one
If our sample included every independent variable with
Calculate an effect size for a
member of the population, three or more levels.
t test for independent
we would have the maximum
groups. What are within-groups
possible degrees of freedom
variability and between-
and would know the exact First, we calculate the t
groups variability?
population values of the statistic (2.47) and then we
mean and variance. enter it into the following Within-groups variability is
formula: the degree to which the
How do we decide whether
scores of subjects in the
to accept or reject the null
same treatment group differ
from each other.
If x2 obt > x2 critical, reject
Within-groups variability
the null hypothesis.
consists of error due to
How does sample size affect individual differences and
the t-test? extraneous variables.

The sample size determines Between-groups variability is

the degrees of freedom What is a t test for matched the degree to which the
groups? scores of different treatment
There is a different t
groups differ from one
distribution for each value of A t test for matched groups
another or the grand mean.
degrees of freedom. either assigns the same
subjects to both conditions Between-groups variability
How does t distribution or matches subjects and then consists of error due to
change as sample size
randomly assigns them to individual differences and
either condition. extraneous variables and
The t distribution approaches treatment effects.
A t test for matched groups
a normal curve as sample
may use fewer subjects and What does it mean when an
size increases.
achieve greater control over F ratio is statistically
What does robustness individual differences than a significant?
mean? t test for independent
Across all group means,
The t test provides a valid there is a significant
test of the hypothesis when This makes a t test for difference due to the
assumptions like normal matched groups potentially independent variable.
distribution of population more powerful.
values are slightly to
moderately violated.
We compare the relative The maximum number of An internally valid
sizes of the components of comparisons = p – 1, where p experiment is free of
ANOVA by computing a ratio is the number of treatment confounding.
between them groups.
What is a manipulation
What is the advantage of a check?
priori test over a post hoc
A manipulation check
evaluates how well the
A priori tests are more experimenter manipulated
powerful than post hoc tests; the experimental situation.
but you may perform fewer a
A manipulation check
priori tests.
determines whether subjects
Effect size followed directions and were
When is post hoc test appropriately affected by our
appropriate? Effect size measured by η2 is
the proportion of the
When an overall ANOVA is variability in the dependent What did Orne (1969) mean
significant and you have variable that can be by a pact of ignorance?
made no specific predictions, accounted for by the
you may perform Subjects expect their data to
independent variable.
be discarded if they guess
post hoc tests on all pairs of η2 indexes the strength of the experimental hypothesis,
treatment groups. This is a the relationship between the and don’t volunteer this
test done after the overall independent and dependent information to the
analysis indicates a variables. experimenter.
significant difference.
Note: Debrief, to counter
How many comparisons may this, subjects need to believe
we perform? that you really need to
You may perform all possible believe that you really want a
pairwise comparisons truthful answer.
without increasing the risk of Experimenters don’t want to
Type 1 error. Drawing conclusions, the test additional subjects and
When may we use a prior search for the elusive may take subject reports at
test? bottom line face value instead of
requesting additional
We may use a priori tests to What is internal validity? information.
test predictions of An experiment is internally
differences between groups, Note: when you interpret,
valid when the effects on the always be open to other
such as between two groups dependent variable are due
or between one group and potential explanation for
to the independent variable. your findings.
the others.
Which mistakes could Generalizing across subjects We cannot be sure of the
produce this threat to is critical to the external reliability or validity of our
internal validity? validity and usefulness of procedures.
experimental findings.
Selecting the wrong What is research
statistical test Using a t-test Which problems prevent us significance?
to analyze ordinal data. from generalizing across
A study achieves research
Improperly using a statistical significance when its findings
test Calculating multiple t- The samples used in clarify or extend knowledge
tests. psychological research are gained from previous studies
often biased and may not and raise implications for
Drawing the wrong
represent the larger broader theoretical issues.
conclusions from the test
Reporting p = .07 as a trend. When should we question
The samples may not always novel findings?
Statistical Conclusion
represent even college
Validity – the validity of We should question novel
sophomores since we heavily
drawing conclusions about a findings when they
depend on volunteers.
treatment effect from the contradict prior findings that
statistical results that were Note: volunteers can be have been successfully
obtained. quite different from non- replicated.
External Validity The burden of proof is on the
Explain generalizing from experimenter who claims
An experiment is externally
procedures to concepts novel findings to explain this
valid when its findings can be
extended to other situations Experimental variables like
and populations. anger may have multiple Why do we want to
operational definitions. generalize beyond the
What two requirements
must an externally valid When we generalize from
study satisfy? our experimental results, we We want to generalize
move from discussing our beyond the laboratory to
1. The experiment must be
specific operational increase the external validity
internally valid.
definition of anger to of our findings.
2. The experimental findings discussing the concept of
What is the problem in
can be replicated. anger itself.
extending laboratory
What does it mean to Why is this a problem in findings?
generalize across subject? research?
Since extraneous variables
why is this important?
It is dangerous to generalize are uncontrolled in real
The findings can be extended from a single world setting and operate in
to a larger group than our complex combinations, they
experiment’s operational
sample. can modify the influence of
definition of anger.
our individual variables.
What is the trade-off of data to increase external What is the advantage of
between laboratory and validity. multiverse design?
field experiments?
Combining the results of Multivariate designs allow us
The trade-off is between the experiments with different to study the effect of an
laboratory’s more precise subjects and methodologies independent variable on
control of extraneous increases the generality and combinations of dependent
variables and the field external validity of our variables.
experiment’s greater realism findings.
These designs better
and external validity.
How is this logic shared by simulate the complexity of
What did Hanson (1980) find meta-analysis? the real world than
about the agreement univariate designs and
Meta-analysis uses statistical
between laboratory and provide more detailed
analysis to combine and
field studies? information.
quantify data from many
Hanson (1980) found that comparable experiments to How are multivariate
more laboratory than field calculate an average effect experiments analyzed?
studies reported a positive size.
We analyze multivariate
correlation between
How does aggregation experiments with a
reported attitudes and
establish external validity? multivariate analysis of
variance (MANOVA).
Aggregation establishes
When can we extend results
external validity by How should researchers
from an experiment to
combining the results of handle a non-significant
everyday life?
experiments performed outcome?
We can’t confirm external using different subjects,
Accept the outcome, don’t
validity until additional stimuli and/or situations,
reframe your result as
studies are completed in field trials or occasions, and
“almost significant.”
settings. measures.
Examine the experimental
Researchers can increase and What is a multivariate
procedures for design flaws.
verify the external validity of design?
laboratory findings using If the design appears sound,
A multivariate design studies
aggregation, multivariate decide whether the
multiple DVs.
designs, nonreactive hypothesis was reasonable.
measurements, field For example, a study of
experiments, and naturalistic How should we handle the
repetitive strain places a
observation. possibility of faulty
computer keyboard at
different distances from the
What is aggregation? What
subject IV) and measures the Check for possible causes of
is its logic?
effect on three different a non-significant
Aggregation is the grouping muscle groups (3 DVs).
together and averaging outcome like:
1. confounding

2. extraneous variables that

increase within- subject’s

3. weak manipulation of the


4. inconsistent or flawed

5. ceiling and floor effects

6. insufficient power

How should we handle the

possibility of a faulty

If previous studies supported

the hypothesis and ours did
not, look for differences in
experimental design or

If there was no previous

support and our design and
execution were good, we
may have to revise or discard
our hypothesis.



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