Rajyoga Meditation

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Raja Yoga is a type of meditation. Thought

of as the "royal path," it trains you to use your mind to
become self-actualized. Once it is learned with sincerity,
you may find self-control, discipline, concentration,
peace of mind and inner joy. Daily meditation can provide
you a lifetime of benefits, including reduced stress,
lessened attachment to material objects, and complete
By Swami Vivekananda,
Raja-Yoga, the path of meditation and control of
the mind, gives a scientific treatment of Yoga philosophy
describing methods of concentration, psychic development and
the liberation of the soul from bondage of the body.
Swami Vivekananda spelt out the four pathways of attaining
moksha from the worldly pleasure and attachment in his books
— Raja-yoga, Karma-yoga, Jnana-yoga and Bhakti-yoga.

His great emphasis was on 4 Yogas, namely: Bhakti, Karma,

Jnana and Raja Yoga. Each of these is ultimately related to a way
of attaining the ultimate goal of life – Mukti or Salvation. He said
that to attain salvation, meticulous and sincere practice is required,
which can come through Yoga.
The book “Raja Yoga” was one of the most popular books written
by the famous Hindu monk Swami Vivekananda based on his own
understanding, interpretation and commentaries of Patanjali's
Yoga sutras in the year of 1896.
Raja Yoga suggests the tool of meditation: slowing down the
chaos of the mind so much that, for an extended period of time,
there is only one, continuous thought. This leads to total
absorption in the nature of reality, known as Samadhi, although
often it takes a long time and dedicated practice (abhyasa).

The Eight Limbs

 Yamas – Restraints. Ahimsa: non-violence, non-injury. ...
 Niyamas – Observances. Saucha: purity (external and internal) ...
 Asanas – Steady Pose. ...
 Pranayama– Control of the Vital Energy. ...
 Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the Senses from Objects. ...
 Dharana – Concentration. ...
 Dhyana – Meditation. ...
 Samadhi – Super-Conscious State.

The term also became a modern name for the practice of yoga in
the 19th-century when Swami Vivekananda gave his interpretation
of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in his book Raja Yoga. Since then,
Rāja yoga has variously been called aṣṭāṅga yoga, royal yoga,
royal union, sahaja marg, and classical yoga.
sage Maharishi Patanjali
The origin of Raja Yoga

We do know that around 2500 years ago, a reverent

sage Maharishi Patanjali, with the help of his fellow Rishis
(scholarly monks), compiled a record – Raja Yoga Sutras, which
we now know as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. He compiled this
book to explain the purpose and the path of Raja Yoga.

What is Raja Yoga? In Sanskrit, the word raja

translates as king, chief, or royal. Thus, raja yoga is considered to
be the best path to attaining the highest state of yoga—samadhi or
enlightenment. It refers to both the highest goal of yoga and the
meditation practices used to attain this goal.

A very powerful Raja

yoga is caused if the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter are in the 10th,
11th and 1st respectively, Mercury and Mars in the 2nd and Venus
joins the Sun situated in the 4th house in which event the Full
Moon in the 10th will be aspected by Mars and be in mutual
aspectual relationship with Venus and the Sun.


Find a quiet place. When you're just starting a meditation
practice, it's best to go somewhere with minimal distractions.
Being out in nature can be tranquil, or you might find a secluded
part of your home.
 Try to find the best time of day. Early morning typically is a

good time to meditate, and you can carry the peace with you
throughout the day. It's also usually quiet at that time.
 When you first start, you may find it helpful to have some

soft music playing in the background, or listening through

 You also can search online for guided meditation tracks that

are designed to help you focus when you're new to the



Sit comfortably. Raja yoga meditation is done from a seated
position. A simple cross-legged position is fine, or you can even sit
in a chair if you need that support. Just make sure you're
comfortable and that you feel stable.
 When in cross-legged position, press your hip bones down

and reach up through the crown of your head. Your

shoulders should drop down your back with your chest
opened. Make sure your spine is neutral. Don't arch your
back or lean back or forward.
 It may help to place a folded blanket or rolled towel behind
or under you to help with your posture and make you more
 Allow yourself to notice each of your senses, like the feeling
of your feet on the floor, the sounds of your air conditioner,
or the scent of a candle in the room.


Bring your attention into the present. Raja yoga traditionally is
done with your eyes open. When you're just starting, however, you
may need to close your eyes so that you can center your mind.
 Pick a focal point to watch while you're doing yoga. That can

help you shut out any distractions that might be around you.
For instance, you might pick a flower on a shelf, or you
could light a candle and focus your eyes on the flame.
 Try to keep your eyes open at first, then close them if you're

having difficulty or get distracted too easily. However, you

might notice it's harder to shut out random thoughts or
feelings if your eyes are closed.


Withdraw your attention from sounds and everything that is
around you. Turn your attention to your breathing, or to your other
point of focus, such as a candle in front of you. Allow your
thoughts to pass without judgement.
 Particularly when you're just starting, your mind will probably

try to throw all kinds of things at you. As you relax, things

may come to mind that you'd forgotten throughout the day.
Simply acknowledge those thoughts and return to your
breath or point of focus.
 Observe without judging or criticizing yourself or your mind.

Don't fault or blame yourself if it takes you awhile to get

settled. Once you get settled, if another thought comes,
have patience. Acknowledge the thought and allow the
thought to pass, and then return to your breath or point of


Create a peaceful thought. As your thoughts start to flow, set an
intention for your practice. Let that thought be your awareness as
you sit in meditation. It could be related to some struggle you're
currently having, or just a general affirmation.
 For example, your thought might be "I am a peaceful soul."

Try to empty your mind to the point that this is the only
thought that exists.
 Your thought may be more directed to your personal

circumstances. For example, if you are currently undergoing

some uncertainty, such as turmoil at work, you might make
your thought something like "my well-being is not attached
to any outcome."


Continue to create and experience being peaceful. As you fall
deeper into a meditative state, your thought will bloom into a
feeling that radiates through your entire being. Your understanding
and feelings will combine to produce a profound sense of
 For example, if your original thought was "I am a peaceful

soul," you can nurture that thought by repeating things such

as "I am a peaceful soul...I am a peaceful being...Peace is
my original nature."

Carry that peace with you. When your meditation is over, try to
hold on to the inner peace you found during meditation as you go
through your day. If you feel the peace slipping away, take a few
moments if you can for a brief meditation to re-center yourself.
 Over time and with practice, you will awaken into a more

profound state of well-being. You will be able to focus and

concentrate better because you are centering and grounding
yourself through your practice.
 If you feel stressed or overwhelmed during the day, try to
find a place where you can retreat, even if only for a minute.
Take several deep breaths and focus on your breathing until
you find your inner calm.


Doing Hatha Yoga Asanas

Focus on your breath. Deep, focused breathing is the heart of
hatha yoga practice. To begin practicing correct breath, sit in a
comfortable position and begin to breathe deeply in through your
nose and out through your mouth.
 As you inhale, lift your chest and allow your belly to expand.

Think of the air filling your lungs from the bottom all the way
to the top.
 When you exhale, press your navel towards your spine and

press the air out of your lungs slowly and steadily. Think
about the air at the top of your lungs leaving first, then the
next layer, and so on. Make a whispered "ha" sound in the
back of your throat as you exhale. With practice, you can
exhale through your nose while still making this sound in
your throat.
 As you get more skilled, you can try to find a pause after
each inhalation and each exhalation, rather than rushing to
breathe. In the pause after an inhale, recognize how full of
life-giving air you are. After each exhale, feel the opening of


Get the props you need. While technically you don't need
anything to do yoga, there are a number of props and other
materials that can make it easier for you to get started in the
 You probably will want to get a yoga mat, which provides a

non-slip surface as well as giving you some padding. You

may want to get a thicker mat, such as a pilates mat or a
regular exercise mat, if you are new to the practice or if you
need more cushioning on a hard floor.
 You also may want to buy yoga blocks, which can help keep

you grounded in bends if you are not flexible enough yet to

bend all the way to the floor.
 Consider also including a couple of towels or a throw
blanket with your yoga gear as well. These can be used to
cushion your joints, particularly if you have stiff knees.


Start with basic or beginner postures. If you're just starting a
yoga practice, beginner poses can help you build a better
awareness of your body. Most beginner poses don't require
tremendous balancing or flexibility, and have longer hold times.
 Search online for good beginner poses. There are plenty of

free resources online, with photos and step-by-step

instructions, as well as instructional videos you can watch.
Here are the names of some basic poses to search for: cat,
cat-cow, downward-facing dog, puppy, child's pose, cobra,
mountain, forward bend, seated twist, and wide-legged
forward bend.
 You also can learn poses and sequences by buying a yoga

book or video designed for beginners. If you've never done

a pose before, watch the video once through before you
attempt to follow along.

Learn about the relationship between hatha yoga and raja
yoga. Hatha yoga allows you to attain a greater connection
between your mind and body by practicing physical poses
or asanas. Understanding the relationship between the two types
can help you focus your hatha yoga practice.
 Hatha yoga originally was developed to build strength and

flexibility in the yogi's body, so that they could sit

comfortably and meditate for several hours at a time.
 If you get to the point in your Raja yoga practice that you are

meditating for extended periods of time, hatha yoga can

help you.
 Ancient swamis also believed that having a strong and

energetic body made it easier for you to attain the self-

discipline and self-control necessary to advance in raja

Adjusting Your Lifestyle


Become a vegetarian. One of the main principles of raja yoga is
non-violence. Since the consumption of meat involves the death of
an animal, yogis typically become vegetarians. The further you
advance in your practice, the more interested you may become in
giving up meat.
 Raja yoga includes eight steps toward enlightenment, the

first of which is self-control. Nonviolence is part of this first

step, which means without becoming a vegetarian you
ultimately will not achieve enlightenment. However, not
everyone wishes to progress that far with their practice.
 Keep in mind that you do not have to become a vegetarian

to meditate, or to gain benefit from a daily meditation

practice. This is a decision you must come to on your own,
in your own time.

Give away your belongings. You certainly don't have to give
away everything you own to benefit from meditation. But as you
progress in raja yoga, you probably will find that you have less and
less attachment to material possessions.
 The principle of non-accumulation of material belongings

also is included in the first step on the raja yoga path to

 The essence of this principle is to acquire only those things

that you need to live. So, for example, if you live alone, there
is no need to have a full set of dishes – you only need one
plate, one spoon, one glass, and one set of silverware.
 Non-accumulation applies to people as well. Yogis do not

hold onto others or foist their own beliefs and expectations

on others, but rather allow them the freedom to be their own
people and follow their own paths.


Practice sexual abstinence. Yogis who follow raja yoga believe
that sex should only be for procreation. If you are not procreating,
or attempting to procreate, you should abstain from sex if you want
to reach a state of enlightenment.
 This yogic principle of purity goes beyond merely sexual
abstinence, however. It also means you live a life of
complete purity, with your thoughts turned always toward

Study yoga philosophy. If you aspire to follow the raja yoga path,
it is your responsibility to understand the principles and ideas upon
which it is founded. The traditional texts can assist you on your
meditative journey.
 Key books to read include the Bhagavad Gita, the

Upanishads, and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

 Keep in mind that you don't have to believe everything in

these books, or in other yogic teachings, to benefit from a

meditative practice. Hold what you want and don't worry
about the rest, but keep your mind open. As you continue to
meditate, you might find yourself going back to those
teachings and finding something new in them.

Wear simple, modest clothing. Letting go of the idea of being
stylish or following trends is part of embracing non-attachment to
material possessions. Clothing ideally should be made of natural
fibers, to comport with the yogic principle of purity.[20]
 Light-colored clothing typically is the least distracting, and is

often favored by raja yoga practitioners.

 Avoid synthetic fabrics, since these are impure. You also

should try to avoid brightly colored clothing or clothing with

loud patterns that is designed to get attention.
 Stay away from clothing or shoes made from leather or fur,

as these require the death of an animal.


Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Ninth Chapter -Raja Guhya Raja
Vidya Yoga (Raja Yoga)
Bhagawan shri Krishna: Arjun I will teach you the ancient
knowledge which is best and easy to follow. I am there in all the
places. When I take a human form most of the people will not be
able to understand my greatness and they will neglect me.
For all the universes I am the father and mother. I am the one who
gives karma phala. I am the one whom you are supposed to know.
I will take care of the person who keep thinking of me without any

Raja yoga Bhagavad Gita

People who worship God’s (here gods means gods like sun,
Indra…. not Vishnu or Shiva) will reach gods, people who worship
pithrudevatha (forefathers in the form of gods) will reach them and
people who worship me will reach me.
I will accept things (leaf, flower, fruit, water..) from people, only if it
is given with complete devotion. Arjun what all you eat, what all
good you do, what all donation you do, what all tapasya you do,
like this offer everything to me.
Navavidha Bhakti
In this way if you do things with sanyasi buddi and offer me
everything, you will not be bound by Karma. So you will be freed
from all the bonds of Karma and you will reach me.
I will be in all the living beings. श्रीभगवानुवाचI|will not hate or love anyone. But if
a person worships me with complete devotion, he will be in me
इदं तु ते गुह्यतमं प्रवक्ष्याम्यनसूयवे |
and I will take care of him.
ज्ञानं विज्ञानसहितं यज्ज्ञात्वा मोक्ष्यसेऽशुभात् || 1||

śhrī bhagavān uvācha

idaṁ tu te guhyatamaṁ pravakṣhyāmyanasūyave
jñānaṁ vijñāna-sahitaṁ yaj jñātvā mokṣhyase

G 9.1: The Supreme Lord said: O Arjun, because you are not
envious of Me, I shall now impart to you this very confidential
knowledge and wisdom, upon knowing which you will be released
from the miseries of material existence.
न च मां तानि कर्माणि निबध्नन्ति धनञ्जय |
उदासीनवदासीनमसक्तं तेषु कर्मसु || 9||

na cha māṁ tāni karmāṇi nibadhnanti dhanañjaya

udāsīna-vad āsīnam asaktaṁ teṣhu karmasu
BG 9.9: O conqueror of wealth, none of these actions bind Me. I
remain like a neutral observer, ever detached from these actions.
सर्वभूतानि कौन्तेय प्रकृ तिं यान्ति मामिकाम् |
कल्पक्षये पुनस्तानि कल्पादौ विसृजाम्यहम् || 7||
प्रकृ तिं स्वामवष्टभ्य विसृजामि पुन: पुन: |
भूतग्राममिमं कृ त्स्नमवशं प्रकृ तेर्वशात् || 8||

sarva-bhūtāni kaunteya prakṛitiṁ yānti māmikām

kalpa-kṣhaye punas tāni kalpādau visṛijāmyaham
prakṛitiṁ svām avaṣhṭabhya visṛijāmi punaḥ punaḥ
bhūta-grāmam imaṁ kṛitsnam avaśhaṁ prakṛiter vaśhāt

BG 9.7-8: At the end of one kalp, all living beings merge into My
primordial material energy. At the beginning of the next creation, O
son of Kunti, I manifest them again. Presiding over My material
energy, I generate these myriad forms again and again, in
accordance with the force of their nature.

अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मांये जना:पर्युपासते |

तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् || 22||
ananyāśh chintayanto māṁ ye janāḥ paryupāsate
teṣhāṁ nityābhiyuktānāṁ yoga-kṣhemaṁ vahāmyaham

BG 9.22: There are those who always think of Me and engage in

exclusive devotion to Me. To them, whose minds are always
absorbed in Me, I provide what they lack and preserve what they
already possess

What is Raja Yoga?

Popularly known as the ‘King of all Yogas’, Raja Yoga is a type of

exercise that deals directly with the mind. There is no physical
struggling as there is no Hatha Yogic Kriyas involved in this
process. Rather, the technique entails stabilizing the mind with a
relaxed body so as to control the rippling thoughts which are
nothing but distractions in the path of self-realization. With a still
mind and restrained thought-waves one enters a thoughtless state
which is called Asamprajnata Samadhi.

Dualistic Philosophy

Raja Yoga is a dualistic philosophy that works in tandem with both

Prakriti and Purusha and this helps one to achieve the Advaitic
Realisation of Brahman. This leads the practitioner to reach the
path of Advaitic Realization of oneness when the Purusha merges
with the Highest Self defined as the Brahman of the Upanishads.

Patanjali and Yoga Sutras

As mentioned in Yajnavalkya Smriti, that Hiranyagarbha is the
original guru of Yoga Philosophy and that Sage Patanjali was the
compiler of the core Yogic doctrine, tenets and various precepts
as propagated by Hiranyagarbha. It is before one starts
understanding the works of Patanjali and Raja Yoga one needs to
get acquainted to the concept of Sutras as the Yoga Philosophy is
based on Sutras.

What is a Sutra? – A Sutra is basically a terse verse, framed in

aphoristic saying. It is embodied with hidden significance and
ancient sages have expressed their realization and philosophical
ideas in Sutras. Only a guru who is well versed in Yoga or a well
written text can help one understand the Sutras.

Basic Tenets of Raja Yoga

The well defined meaning of Sutra is a thread. Sutras are like

flowers in the string of a garland, pearls in the string of a necklace.
Following are few important tenets that form an outline of the study
of Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali.

Samadhipada – It deals with various types of Samadhis and

comprises of 51 Sutras explaining the following points –

 Major obstacles in meditation and how to overcome these

 The five Vrittis – namely pramana (accurate knowledge),
viparyaya (inaccurate knowledge), vikalpa (fantasy or
imagination), nidra (sleep), and smrti (memory) – and their
control techniques.
 The three types of Vairagya namely mridu (mild), madhyama
(moderate) and teevra (intense).
 Various techniques of entering into Samadhi and the way to
obtain peace of mind.
Sadhanapada – It comprises of 55 Sutras comprising the
following points

 Kriya Yoga that involves various breath, brain and spinal cord
 Tapas i.e. meditation and Self-Surrender to Almighty.
 The five Kleshas i.e. avidya (spiritual ignorance), asmita (I-am-
ness), raga (attraction), dvesha (aversion) and abhinivesha
(clinging to life).
 To wipe away all frustrations and afflictions that hinders one’s
spiritual progress and Samadhi.
 Difficulties in following the conducts of Yamas and Niyamas.
 Practice of various Asanas and benefits from its regular practice.
 Pratyahara i.e. withdrawal of the senses and its various
Vibhutipada – This consists of 56 Sutras.

 Dharana i.e. concentrating on something with full focus on both

external and internal senses.
 Dhyana i.e. a practice to attain better perceiving capacity of
mind, body, senses and environment.
 Samyama i.e. simultaneous practice of Dharana (concentration),
Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (union) on the external
objects, internal chakras, mind, etc. to achieve all siddhis.
Kaivalyapada or lndependence – lt comprises of 34 Sutras
defining the following points –

 How a perfect yogi could easily discriminate between Prakriti and

 The one who has perfect Sattva (light, bliss, integrity), Rajas
(passion, motion) and Tamas (inertia, darkness).
 The clear concept on Dharmamegha Samadhi and how one
deals with mind and nature.
Why Raja Yoga Important for Everybody?

Raja Yoga is known as the Science of Science. As mentioned

in Hindu scriptures, Lord Krishna has quoted this form of Yoga as
‘kingly science’, kingly secret’, ‘supreme purifier’, etc.

Regular Yoga practice annihilates all the worldly pains. In Yogic

parameters, moksha (salvation) is a bird with two wings namely,
Yoga and Jnana. Jnana and Yoga are two progressive virtuous
features and both go hand in hand.

 Jnana – Knowledge based on text

 Yoga – Direct intuitive perception
Inculcating only Jnana or only Yoga is fruitless. The Yogic
knowledge of Mudras, Asanas, Neti and Dhauti without Anubhava
Jnana (knowledge based on experience) is practically of no use.
Jnana arises only when union with the Supreme-Self is achieved
through Yoga.

Who are Unconscious Raja Yogis?

Scientists and scholars who have invented steam-engines, motor-

cars, wireless, telegraphy, railways, television, gramophone,
talkies, aeroplanes, and other technologies are known as
unconscious Raja Yogis.

Great inventors in this world are born with sharp intellect and
concentration. However, there is an evident difference between
materialistic and Adhyatmic Raja Yogis. Scientists, scholars,
inventors, great technical minds on this earth achieve the following
goals –
 Vyavaharic gross intellect
 Asuddha Manas of the Upanishads
 Practical reason of Kant
 lnventors work with a Vyavaharic gross
 Kama Manas of the Theosophists
On the other hand, Raja Yogis are the ones who work in order to
achieve the following pursuits –

 Pure, subtle and intellect mind

 Purified chitta by regular practice of Yama and Niyama
Who is a Siddha Jnani?

A normal Jnani is the one who has obtained self-realization for his
own betterment. He has achieved the position of a star which
glitters during the night. Though his existence is evident he is not
much known to this world. On the contrary, a Siddha Jnani or Yogi
Jnani has a shine which is as glorious as the Sun. He is known
and revered to the whole world. Adi Shankaracharya, Lord
Buddha, Jesus Christ, etc. are perfect examples of Siddha Jnanis.
They changed the lives of millions through their teachings and
spiritual practices.


It is very essential that one receives the teaching of Yogic Sutras

under an authentic, experienced, yogic guru or practitioner to
avoid any kind of misguidance and gain correct mental and
spiritual progress.

What is Rajyoga Meditation

‘Raja’ means ruler and ‘Yoga’ refers to ‘communion’. So, Rajyoga

is a divine communion which makes us self sovereign. Meditation
comes from the Latin word- Mederi which means to heal. Rajyoga
Meditation is thus a self-healing process. By practicing it, our eyes
open to a totally new world- a world inside, activating our dormant
inner energies in the form of powers and nourishing the spiritual
awareness of the self, Supreme, time and world. Once we start
exploring this inner world, we find the root of our problems and
also the key to their solutions. We start to respond to situations,
rather than just reacting to them and begin to live in harmony.
How to Meditate ?
It is an easy and natural way of meditation without rituals or
mantras or postures and can be practised anywhere and anytime
with ‘open eyes’, which makes it a versatile and universal practice.
But sometimes getting started needs a little explanation. Here is a
simple five-step process to follow. Soon you’ll arrive at the quiet
still place with just a single stride – a single thought – and you
won’t even need to take five steps.
Where to Meditate ?
Life already feels full – filled with activities and responsibilities, so
where can we put in the activity of meditation? That’s the beauty
of Rajyoga; you can fit it in anywhere. Irrespective of the outer
space where you find yourself, you just need to take 1 step
inwards to enter a world of absolute bliss. You can visit our
centres or connect online to learn this technique and get equipped
to practise it:

o At home
o In your workplace
o While travelling
o Outside or inside
o Quiet among crowds
o Alone or in company
o World Meditation Hour
o Retreats – spaces of calm
o At our centres or retreat centres

When to Meditate ?
Most people would like to meditate but they don’t. Why? Because,
they believe that don’t have the time to do so. So how and when
do busy people, like you, make moments to meditate? What is the
good time to meditate and for how long? The answer is: Any time
is a good time to connect with yourself, beacuse that is what
meditation is all about. We need not close our activities in order to
start meditation. But few moments of self- awareness woven in our
day- to- day activities creates more time than it takes. Schedule it:

o As the first thing in the morning

o At mealtimes
o Throughout the day – Traffic Control
o At night
o Anytime
o Play Video
Who Can Meditate ?
Anyone and everyone who wants to, can practise and benefit from
Rajyoga Meditation. This form of meditation is accessible to
people of all backgrounds. Practitioners of Rajyoga Meditation can
belong to any age group, nationality, religion, gender, profession
or social strata, and include people who:

o have spent time searching for spiritual solutions, and now

find something they did not find elsewhere.
o have achieved and gained much in their lives, and come
to wonder, “Is that all there is?”
o have experienced difficulty and challenge in their lives
and seek extra power to help them.
o have a deep desire to deepen their understanding of, and
connection with, the Divine.
o have a wish to use their own energy and good wishes to
bring peace to the world and share the sense of well-
being and contentment they have found with other souls
in the world.
Guide to Raja Yoga meditation
As discussed in ancient texts of Bharat (India), one of the four
types of yoga, and in fact the highest one of them is Raja
Yoga (pronounced as RajYog)

What is RajYoga meditation?

Raja is the Hindi word for 'King' and Yog or Yoga means a union,
a connection or a relationship. Raja Yoga is the Supreme Yoga
through which we the souls become a master (a King) of our
senses (physical organs and mind) by simply remembering our
original nature and our eternal relationship with the Supreme
Soul. There are two inter-connected steps to learn and master the
Rajyoga meditation.

1. Self-realisation - One has to practice the stage of soul

consciousness. This is a matter of self effort-making (purusharth)
as we are now have become body-conscious. We have forgotten
that we are a tiny metaphysical Soul who is operating this body
through the brain. Taking an inward journey within, we discover
our spiritual identity. When we recognise and experience the self
as a 'soul', we also emerge our original, innate virtues of peace,
purity, love, bliss, and spiritual powers. To attain a natural stage
of soul consciousness, we highly suggest to practise
"affirmations" for which we have guidelines and guided
commentaries on this Guide Letter (pdf⇗)
Tip: Watch our film: Who am I? to begin.

2. God-realisation - As we put soul consciousness into practise

and it becomes a natural stage of consciousness, we now
proceed to recognise our spiritual father who lives in the soul
world, away from this material world. He is the ocean of all virtues
and powers. We now remember him. Just as I can easily
remember the father of my body who gave me this birth, so as I
naturally remember the father of all souls. A clear knowledge of
god is needed in order for us to experience a clear connection
and to derive powers. This becomes natural as we practise with
dedication. The soul enjoys the company of its beloved father, the
supreme soul.

Practise: 'RajYoga' is a direct connection or relationship with

the Ocean of Peace, Purity, and all Powers (God, the Supreme
Soul). In RajYog, we remember (visualize) first the Self as a Soul
and then remember (visualize) the Supreme Soul, keeping in
mind his virtues (peace, purity, love, bliss, and knowledge).
Parallel to this, we experience a connection with our own innate
nature. Thus, with this meditation on God, we deeply transform
our sanskaras and experience life at its fullest. There is no
chanting or praying involved.

Process: In Raja yoga meditation, the soul experiences a

connection, or mental link, with the Supreme Soul. The process of
establishing this link begins with a journey into one’s inner world to
discover one’s own spiritual identity.

How to Meditate?
5 visually guided steps
Sister Shivani guides the true path of Raja Yog meditation

Swaman Practise Guide

➤ The process of going within, experiencing oneself as a spiritual
being or a divine soul, which is a self-luminous, divine point of
energy, and then connecting with the Father, the supreme source
of energy and virtues, empowers the self in a long-lasting way.

➤ This process of self-empowerment is entirely voluntary and

involves no element of suppression of the mind. It is in fact
freedom from all limitations of mind that we had drawn. It is also a
process of aligning one’s thoughts, feelings, words, and actions
with the soul’s original qualities of peace, purity, love, bliss, and
truth. This is the way shown by God for our Self-transformation -
from being vicious to become viceless.

Purpose of RajYoga

Through this easy RajYoga or meditation, we Souls experience

true Peace, Purity, Love and Happiness and receive Powers from
the Almighty. The main purpose that God teaches us this RajYog
in this time called the Confluence Age (Sangam Yug), is that
through remembrance of (Supreme Soul), we Souls are purified
from all our past sins of past births. We are taking birth when we
enter a body, and when we leave the body, it is called death (of
the body, not of the Soul). The soul is eternal. There is a beautiful
relationship of us with God, as our Father (who creates us),
Teacher (gives us knowledge of entire creation) and Guide
(liberates from sorrow and takes us back Home). Learn RajYoga
and experience it yourself, what is experienced by millions of
Souls today. Om Shanti (I am a Peaceful Soul)

Method of RajYoga

RajYoga means- to recognise and experience your-self as a Soul

(a tiny point of divine light), and in this soul-conscious stage,
remember the supreme soul (our spiritual father). This is just as
how you remember your physical father or mother, who gave you
birth. You remember them naturally. Just as that, when we are in
a 'soul-conscious' stage, we can remember the Supreme soul
naturally. Hence becoming "Soul-conscious" is the first step to
He is the supreme soul, whom we have been calling as God,
Bhagwan, Ishwar, Allah, and so on. We have been calling him for
many many births. Now he has come, to give us the true
knowledge, to purify us, and take us back to the 'soul world', from
where we all souls come in this physical (corporeal) world to play
our roles.

God says: "The world cycle is at its end. Now I have come to
take you all children back to our sweet home. For that, first,
become pure. Remove the 5 vices (lust, anger, greed, ego,
attachment). These 5 vices have given you sorrow. Now awaken
your original virtues of purity, peace, love, bliss, and knowledge.
As you become more and more aware of the self, as a SOUL, you
will experience my presence, just above your head. My sweet
children, my love for you is eternal. I have come to free you from
sorrow and establish the world of Golden age, which you still
remember as 'heaven'. Those who will follow my directions will
definitely earn the fortune of many many births."

What is Raja Yoga meditation of Brahma Kumaris?

Raja Yoga meditation is a form of meditation that is accessible to

people of all backgrounds. It is a meditation without rituals or
mantras and can be practised anywhere at any time. Raja Yoga
meditation is practised with 'open eyes', which makes this method
of meditation versatile, simple and easy to practice.

Pratyahara - Withdrawal of the senses from external

objects. Dharana - Concentration. Dhyana - Meditation. Samadhi -
Comple They are: Power to Accommodate, Power of Tolerate,
Power to pack up, Power to Face, Power to Discriminate, Power to
Judge, Power to Co-operate & Power to Withdraw. te Realisation

What are the 8 powers of RajYoga?
What is the concept of Raja Yoga?
Raja Yoga is a study of the human mind, becoming aware of its
habitual tendencies, and ultimately transcending identification with
the body-mind-intellect complex through meditation to rest in the
vast ocean of consciousness, which comprises it all.

The most powerful Raja yoga is produced when, free from the
adverse influences of the trika – lords, the lords of the 9th and the
10th or the lords of the 4th and the 5th conjoin in an auspicious
sign and bhava.

Benefits of Raja Yoga:

 Gain freedom from Anxiety and Stress. ...
 Improve Personal Relationships. ...
 Create a Sense of Well-Being. ...
 Enhance Memory and Concentration. ...
 The mind becomes more clear and focused. ...
 Overcome Negative Habits. ...
 Improve Quality of Sleep.
The eight steps of Raja Yoga provide systematic instruction
to attain inner peace, clarity, self-control and Realisation.

1. Yama - Self-Control. ...

2. Niyama - Discipline. ...
3. Asana - Physical Exercises and.
4. Pranayama - Breath Exercises. ...
5. Pratyahara - Withdrawal of the Senses. ...
6. Dharana - Concentration. ...
7. Dhyana - Meditation.

The chief practice of Raja Yoga is meditation. Compiled by

Patanjali Maharishi, Raja Yoga is also known as Ashtanga Yoga
because its practices can be divided into eight limbs, each limb
developed to bring the body and thought energy under control.

The 7 Original Virtues (qualities) of the Soul

Essence: The Soul has seven innate qualities inherited from

the Supreme soul (God). They are Purity, Peace, Love, Joy, Bliss,
Powers, and Knowledge. Let us explore the said virtues and bring
them in our every-day life.

Tip: You may also listen to Audio version or download/print PDF

1. Purity

Purity is the first virtue and the mother of Peace and Happiness.
The meaning of purity however, is not celibacy alone. In fact, its
accurate meaning is to have purity in our mind, words, and
actions. We generally consider the holiness as that of the body.
But a person is said holy only if his thoughts are also pure.
Thoughts are infact the immediate creation of our mind; and our
mind is a reflection of who we are.

So if thoughts are pure, the words we speak will also be right. The
subject of being holy (with the physical body) is called
Brahmacharya. The subject of being holy in mind, word, and body
is the first step towards spirituality. The soul is a point source of
conscious light; and here we are leaning its seven innate

Practice: I am a pure soul. My every thought is pure. I have well-

wishes for all souls of the world. My every word is elevated and
uplifting. There is no trace of negativity in my thoughts.

2. Peace
'Peace is a garland of your neck' - God father Shiv baba
(Source: Murli)
Every human being today is urging for peace in life. But from
where do we get peace? In actuality, peace is the natural stage of
us souls. Think this, what if you have no burden, no question and
no wasteful thought going in your mind. There is this stillness and
in this stillness, everything is clear. This is peace. This is the
natural stage of soul and for it to happen with our mind, we need
to guide our thoughts towards the right direction. We cannot
supress the mind not to think. It is the very purpose of our mind, to
create thoughts. Hence, we only guide our thoughts to be positive.
This is a training of the mind, which is a part of Raja Yoga or
Practice: I am a peaceful soul. Peace is in my original nature. I
am sending out vibrations of peace, which are reaching all souls...
calming, and comforting them.
3. Love

'God is an ocean love', it is said.Love is a natural feeling of a soul.

If you ask 10 people the same question 'What is Love' then you
must expect unique answers. Since for everyone the definition of
this feeling of love is different. Yet I tell you this, the most innate
love of ours is when we realise an eternal spiritual love with the
supreme soul (as our father) and with all souls (as brothers). Here
on earth, we love someone or something that appeals to us, isn't
it? When we forget this body and religions, casts and colours of
this body and consider the self and everyone as a point of light
(soul), then we see that all are both equal and unique.
When self-realisation is achieved, we realise that we are
connected with every other living being, and the world, infact is
One Big Family, then love will naturally flow.
Practice: I the soul is a child of the supreme soul. I am full of love,
for all my brothers and sisters. I experience comfort in God's love
and the same love I am spreading to the world.
Joy is a momentous feeling of freedom and attainment.
Happiness depends on attainments (what we have achieved or
earn). Many people feels joy on material achievements like wealth,
fame, good family, respects, etc. Yet, the real joy of more of
spiritual attainment. If one has peace and love in his life, it will be
said that he is happy as well. Of course, as happiness is nothing
but a natural feeling when there is peace and loving relationships
in our life, isn't it? Also, there is a deeper joy - a joy of existence.
Just because you exist. Think about this. Joy is

Practice: I am a joyful soul. Whatever I do, I do it with joy. It has

become my natural state of living. My every karma reflects my
inner happiness.

5. Bliss

Bliss is the superior stage of happiness (joy).

It is beyond any worldly feeling of happiness and sorrow. Bliss
simply means to become 'free' from the experiences of the 5
senses of the body. This freedom from worldly and bodily matters
is the source of this utmost joyous experience.
Such stage was of ours, when we were in the Golden age. Soul
experiences bliss, in the company of its spiritual father, the
supreme soul. This can be experienced right in this world, living in
this body, through the practice of Raja Yoga.

Practice: I the soul is detached from this body... detached from

the physical senses, I am flying up the sky.. I see this beautiful
globe (earth) from space... I am in the company of my most loving
spiritual father Shiv baba... I am free, loved, protected,
empowered, and sustained by God himself.

6. Powers

These are soul's spiritual powers, which we use in many situations

of life. Soul has these eight innate powers within whether in
merged or in emerged form: Power to Accommodate, Tolerate, to
pack up, to Face, to Discriminate, to Judge, to Co-operate &
Power to Withdraw. When these powers are in emerged form, they
are being used. And when in merged form, they are not used.
Yoga (RajYog) is the process by which these powers are emerged
and experienced. Learn more on 8 Powers of Soul page.
7. Knowledge

True knowledge is the source of all virtues. It means knowing

the creation and its almighty creator.

The source of spiritual knowledge is only one: the ocean of

knowledge, the supreme soul. This knowledge is the very source
of all attainments and the method to emerge our above said
original virtues.

Knowing the truth about our existence (Who am I?) - the creator
and its creation, i.e., God and the World cycle is called spiritual
knowledge. Who will speak the truth about the creation?

Surely the creator himself will, as no one else then he knows. The
source of spiritual knowledge is Murli. The more the soul is filled
with the knowledge, the more viceless (pure) and powerful it

We all are such pure, peaceful, joyful, loving, and powerful souls,
children of the Supreme soul (Shiv baba). This divine experience
of the self is just one realisation away!
Raja Yoga Meditation

The series of classes in this course will facilitate your inward

journey in an efficient and effective way. Learn about:
consciousness and self-realisation. connection and relationship
with God. the Law of Karma.
The series of classes in this course will facilitate your inward
journey in an efficient and effective way. Learn about:
consciousness and self-realisation. connection and relationship
with God. the Law of Karma.

Raja Yoga meditation is practised with 'open eyes', which makes

this method of meditation versatile, Raja Yoga meditation is a form
of meditation that is accessible to people of all backgrounds. It is a
meditation without rituals or mantras and can be practised
anywhere at any time simple and easy to practice.


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