Unit 2 Lop 10 GS Practice Vocabulary

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1. Listen and read.
Mike: What are you going to do this weekend, Nam?
Nam: I’m going to attend the first meeting of my school’s Go Green Club.
Mike: Really? Can you tell me about the club, please?
Nam: Well, it was set up by the Youth Union in my school. Its aim is to improve our
environment and encourage people to adopt a greener lifestyle.
Mike: Sounds interesting. What’s the first thing you are going to do?
Nam: We’re going to clean up the school right after the ceremony.
Mike: Do you have any other planned events?
Nam: Not yet, but I think we’ll organise more activities to raise local people’s awareness of
environmental issues.
Mike: I’m keen to reduce my carbon footprint, but I don’t know what to do. Can I join the
Nam: Sure. The club welcomes all students in the area. I hope we’ll be able to do a lot to
protect our environment.
Mike: Great. Can you please give me the time and place of the club meeting?
Nam: OK. I’ll text them to you. See you then.
3. Match the verbs or phrasal verbs in A with suitable nouns or noun phrases in B.
(Nối các động từ hoặc cụm động từ trong cột A với danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ phù hợp trong
cột B.)
1. raise a. a club
2. reduce b. a greener lifestyle
3. clean up c. awareness
4. adopt d. your carbon footprint
5. set up e. the school

1. raise one’s awareness OF S.T:

2. reduce your carbon footprint
3. clean up the school
4. adopt a greener lifestyle
5. set up a club

The environment (Môi trường)
1. Match the words and phrases to their meanings.
(Nối các từ và cụm từ với nghĩa của chúng.)
1. household a. the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the activities
appliances NS of a person or an organization 3. carbon footprint N
2. energy N b. rubbish lying in an open or public place 4. litter N garbage
3. carbon footprint N c. causing no harm to the environment 5. eco-friendly ADJ
4. litter N d. devices, such as fridges or TVs, used in people’s homes 1.
household appliances NS
5. eco-friendly ADJ e. power used for driving machines, providing heat and light, etc.
2. energy N

1. household appliances NS 2. energy N 3. carbon footprint N

4. litter N 5. eco-friendly ADJ

2. Complete the sentences using the words and phrases in 1.

(Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng các từ và cụm từ ở bài 1.)
1. ___adj_ eco-friendly _____ car models always attract great attention at exhibitions.
2. Remember to turn off your __ household appliances __ when they are not used.
3. Small changes in your daily habits can help reduce the _ carbon footprint_ your produce.
4. One of the most important sources of ___ energy ______ is the sun.
5. Students are reminded to pick up ____ litter _____ that they see on the ground.

More and more people adopt a green lifestyle. It is a choice we make to change to a greener and
more sustainable lifestyle. There are many things you can do to become an eco-friendly person. Here are some of
Turning off your appliances when they are not in use
This is one of the easiest ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. It also helps reduce energy bills and
prevent any dangerous situations such as a fire or an explosion.
Buying products that are grown using more natural organic methods
This helps reduce the use of harmful chemicals in food. Organic food is better for us because it is safer and healthier. It
also tastes better.
Cutting down on plastic use
This really helps the environment because it takes many years for plastic waste to break down into small pieces. Bring
a reusable bag when you go shopping, and your own refillable bottle instead of buying bottled water.
Recycling as much as possible
This prevents pollution because it reduces the need to collect new raw materials and protects natural resources such as
water and trees. So don't throw away your used household items, but sort and recycle them.

3. Circle the correct meanings of the highlighted words and phrases in the text.
(Khoanh chọn nghĩa đúng của các từ và cụm từ được làm nổi bật trong bài đọc trên.)
1. sustainable (bền vững, phát triển lâu dài)
a. causing little or no damage to the environment (gây hại ít hoặc không gây thiệt hại cho môi
b. bringing no benefits to the environment (không mang lại lợi ích cho môi trường)
2. organic (hữu cơ)
a. without the use of animal organs (không sử dụng nội tạng động vật)
b. without the use of chemicals (không sử dụng hóa chất)
3. cutting down on (cắt giảm)
a. reducing (giảm bớt)
b. reusing (tái sử dụng)
4. natural resources (tài nguyên thiên nhiên)
a. materials supporting life (vật liệu hỗ trợ cuộc sống)
b. materials harmful to life (vật liệu có hại cho cuộc sống)

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