NP C2 CD2.2 P2.2 Script

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Môn học: Grammar

Chương 2: Pronouns & Quantity

Chủ đề 2.2: Quantity

Phần 2.2

1 Let’s move to section 2.2, part 2.2.

The next part of the lesson is about the use of ‘another', 'other', 'others', 'the
other', 'the others'

1. Another doesn't refer to anything in particular.

It can mean:
2 - 'different': Come another day. (= any other day, no particular day)
- 'additional': We need another day to finish this. (= one more day, no particular

2 We can contrast some and other(s) when we talk about things in general:

Some holidays are cheap and other holidays are expensive.

We can contrast one with the other or the others when referring to particular

3 This one is mine and the other one is yours. (Or: ... the other is yours)
This one is mine and the other ones are yours. (Or: ... the others are yours)

We can use the other(s) to refer to people as well:

John went cycling and the other boy/the other boys went with him. John went
cycling and the others went with him.

The other day can mean 'a few days ago' the next day refers to the following day:

I met your father in the street the other day. (= a few days ago)
We spent our first night in Cairo and the next day we went to Alexandria.

Let’s have a look at this diagram to have a summary of how to use of ‘another',
'other', 'others', 'the other', 'the others'

Now, let’s have some practice. Fill the gaps with of ‘another', 'other', 'others',
'the other', 'the others'.

1) I met two strangers on the way to work. One of them greeted me

2) Some people like to have the windows open all the time;
............................... don't.
3) I can't see him today. I'll have to see
5 4) We spent the night in a small village and continued our journey
................................ day.
5) Bill and .................... boy are playing in the yard. Jane and ....................
girls are in the front room.
6) I can't let you have any of these plants, but you can have
1. The other 2. Others 3. another 4. The next

5. Another or the other/ the other 6. The others

Ok, we continue with the use of ‘Either’ / ‘neither'

Either and neither refer to two people, things, etc.
- When shall we meet: at 7 or at 7.30?
- I don't mind. Either time is convenient for me.
Either means 'one or the other’:

Which pot will I use? - Either (of them).

Neither means 'not one and not the other':

Which pot will I use? - Neither (of them). Use this frying pan.

any / some / another / each / either / neither / none go with of and the/my

We can say like:

any of the / some of the / another of the / each of the /either of the / neither of the
/ none of the


Instead of saying Neither lift is working, we can say: Neither of the lifts is

7 * After either, neither and none, when the reference is plural, we can use a plural
verb in everyday speech or a singular verb when we wish to sound 'correct' or


Neither of us are happy about this.

None of my friends have been invited.

Neither of us is happy about this.

None of my friends has been invited.

We can use of or one after any, another, each, either, and neither. We can say

‘any of’
‘another of’
‘each of’
‘either of’
‘neither of'


‘any one of’

‘another one of’
‘each one of’
‘either one of’
‘neither one of'

Each of these answers is right. OR Each one of these answers is right.

We don’t say:

every of the room

We say:

every room

every (single) one of the rooms

Because we must use a noun after every or we must use one of after every.

That is the end of the lesson today. I believe that you already know how to use a
9 lot of quantifiers in English. Thank you very much for your attention. Goodbye
and see you!

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